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Steve Hockensmith writes...

When did David Reid become Magog?
When did Magog join the Justice League?
What was Robin doing with Batman in Insecurity?
How does Klarion know the four sorcerers in his "old band"?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year Six.

2. Team Year Seven.

3. No spoilers.

4. Recorder Club.

Response recorded on February 15, 2022

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Todd writes...

1. How rich is Oliver Queen after losing his fortune on Earth 16? He’s got to have a lot of money to maintain a number of equipment stashes in Star City (and abroad), as well as to pay for his and presumably Arsenals and Arrowettes arrows and other weapons.

2. Does Ollie still drive that hybrid car from the Green Arrow short?
2a. Is it the same car that we saw Artemis driving in Tale of Two Sisters?

3. What is Ollie and Dinahs relationship like right now?

Greg responds...

1. He's not at all rich. I'd put him in the lower middle class, if such a thing exists anymore. He makes a decent living, and has some legacy property from when he was rich. He doesn't have to pay for Arsenal's weaponry. Arsenal's trust fund does that. I'm not even sure he pays for Arrowette's arrows. But maybe. Haven't thought about it.

2. Not confirming or denying that the hybrid car is in YJ continuity.

2a. No.

3. Strong, overall. They have bumps. But they generally get past them.

Response recorded on February 14, 2022

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Mark writes...


In the Gargoyles meets Spectacular Spider-Man meets Young Justice Radio Play, Artemis refers to leaving Roy to watch Lian and JW. You once remarked about accidentally including a spoiler in the play, and I assumed the existence of JW was that spoiler, but now we're past season three and into season four with no sign of a JW.

1) Was JW the spoiler you had mentioned?
2) Did your plans regarding JW change by the time the show was back in production?
3) If your plans did change, could you tell us about JW and the original plan?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Just the timing a bit.

3. Nothing's changed.

Response recorded on February 14, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Is Traci Zatanna`s first protégé?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 11, 2022

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Ash writes...

Hi Greg, I'm not anticipating a lot of Wonder focus this season given the arc structure, so thought this would be the best batch to try for now in a way that shouldn't spoil anything upcoming by the time things get answered.

1) You’ve said that Amazons don’t age while they’re on Themyscira before, https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=17241 would this apply to non-Amazon women who live there as well?

2) You have given a chronological and biological age for Troia, but only an unspecified (but presumably chronological) age for Diana as of S1 and for Devastation. I was curious if you would give biological ages for Diana and Devastation for the two.

3) You have stated that a part of the reason for the Amazons enhanced abilities (in general, not for the Special Ones), is partly due to the Purple Healing Ray. I was curious if it was technological or mystical in nature?

4) Themyscira is represented as an entity by the UN - but we also see that Atlantis which we know to be composed of several kingdoms/city states and described as a continent is represented as an (apparently) single seat. I was wondering if Themyscira; as represented by the UN, composed of additional islands or settles, and if so if the protection from aging extends to these islands.

Two of those sort of push the limit of being one question, so I'll refrain from asking a fifth. I find the differences that exist within Earth-16s portrayal of its entities (even those not in focus) to be fascinating and was just hoping for a few additional details that I don't think would constitute a spoiler so much as logistics. Thankyou very much for a beautiful world beyond the show.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. At the start of Team Year Ten, Diana is biologically 39 (more or less).

2a. At the start of Team Year, Devastation is biologically 28 (more or less).

3. Have I? Well, in any case, No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

So, just because we're not likely to get to something this season, doesn't mean the questions aren't still spoiler requests.

Response recorded on February 11, 2022

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Paul writes...

When (in terms of which Team Year) did Cissie King-Jones debut as Arrowette?

Greg responds...

Team Year Seven.

Response recorded on February 10, 2022

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Betty writes...

So if Helga is German:1.How long has she been living in Markovia?
2.Why did she come to Markovia?

Greg responds...

1. Some years.

2. Opportunity.

Response recorded on February 10, 2022

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Lidley writes...

Is YJ's version of Mist based on Nash Nimbus? If not, could you tell us her civilian identity? And going off "Tale of Two Sisters", is she a member of the Team now?

Greg responds...

Mist's real name is Andrea "Andie" Murphy, and, yes, she's now a member of the Team.

Response recorded on February 09, 2022

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Hazel writes...

1. Did Wendy Harris and Marvin White ever clue into the fact that the public hero Superboy was their old classmate?

2. As someone who absolutely adored Kelly Stables' work in W.I.T.C.H., I'm very happy that you roped her in to voice Cissie. Thanks.

3. I noticed that you gave Orphan a Z-designation, but not a B-designation. Was she even a formal member of the team when Season 3 started?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. I was very happy, too! Kelly is always great!

3. Nope.

Response recorded on February 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

We know Barbara was in love Dick since se was 13 or maybe even before lol.
But when did Dick feel in love with Barbara?
I mean probably not in season 1 since he only had eyes for Zatanna at that time.
And not in season 2 neither since he barely had any interaction with Barbara in that season.
So I guess it was during the 2 years time skip between season 2 and season 3.
Am I right ?

Greg responds...

We didn't show you much downtime for either Barbara or Dick in Season Two. (I mean you literally didn't get to see Dick out of his Nightwing costume at all, right?) So I wouldn't take too much for granted.

Beyond that, the obvious answer to your question is... NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on February 09, 2022

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