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Merlin's Beard writes...

What was Demona's goal in City of Stone? Was a massive killing spree the goal?

Greg responds...

Certainly that was part of it.

Response recorded on September 05, 2017

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Campbell writes...

A while ago I asked a question about the origins of Nashville's name. Recently I was browsing the archives and discovered my question was nowhere to be found. I was just wondering if that was because my assumption was correct?
I'm not going to repeat the question because for whatever reason you or others don't want it on the site...but I just wanted to say that it was in no way intended as a story idea. I based it on evidence already in play (ie. Your statement that his name was not related to the city & the t-shirt he wore in his first appearance).

Greg responds...

I don't recall seeing your question. Though my memory is truly awful, so that might be the reason. The other reason might be that our moderators thought it read like an idea and deleted it before it got to me.

In any case, no spoilers.

Response recorded on September 05, 2017

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Green Lantern's Nightlight writes...

When you freelance for a show, you're only writing select episodes, and only focusing on those episodes, where as a staff writer and producer would think about it in a larger sense that would fit the entire season/series (if it had some overall arc).

Has any series you have freelanced got you interested in the series outside of the episode(s) you have written for (or maybe you had been asked to take part in a larger role, but couldn't do it at that moment)? For example, you only got to write one episode of TMNT (2012), but is there anything would've liked to have done more of? As in a character's development, story arc, etc.

Greg responds...

There have been a handful of series that I was just freelancing on, where I got hooked and might have liked to do more, and/or did talk out larger arcs with the story editor. THE BATMAN, Season One, and BIG GUY & RUSTY come to mind.

Response recorded on September 05, 2017

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Ricci Jacinto writes...

Will you ever consider teaching a writing class? If so, teach it on MasterClass! (https://www.masterclass.com) I would love to be a writer half as good as you! You could make Family Guy good!

Greg responds...

Ignoring the non-sequitor attack on Family Guy...

I have taught classes in Writing for Television Animation in the past. I don't think I have the time now. And the internet largely scares me.

Response recorded on September 05, 2017

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