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So with the sad passing of the wonderful character actor, Miguel Ferrer, I would imagine that the character of Vandal Savage will be recast, but just curious how much, if any interaction do you ever have with the myriad voice actors on your shows? Do you have any noteworthy Ferrer anecdotes to share? Just curious, Im gonna miss that guy being a regular fixture in american media
I won't comment on what we are or are not doing with Vandal in Season Three.
And I'm afraid I don't have any anecdotes of Miguel, though I can recall (imperfectly) a few anecdotes that he told.
What I will say is that Miguel was always a complete pleasure to work with on both The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice. He was SO good and a lot of fun.
There are other people, including our voice director Jamie Thomason, who knew Miguel much better than I did. But he is missed.
We know that White Martians are discriminated against in Martian society. Do Red Martians face similar discrimination?
No. They are the Royal Caste.
There's a red gargoyle on the opening credits of the show that looks kinda like Brooklyn. Although I won't asume anything (my headcanons will remain headcanons forever) I was wondering if there's something interesting you can tell us about said gargoyle :)
It's been a while. So... no. Sorry. Not off the top of my head.
Hi Greg
I'm curious to know, have you ever seen Epic Rap Battles of History and are you familiar with any of the battles? There are a lot of good Shakespeare and superhero battles that I'd think you would love. I'm also a contributing user of the ERB Wiki and we are an active and striving community of nerds who have noting else to do.
Thanks for you time and being the best.
I'm not familiar.
Hi Greg, I was reading up on Disney's Atlantis and it was said that Mike Mignola had been approached by Disney before about doing a Hellboy animated series, but declined. It was implied that the idea to do the Hellboy series evolved into Gargoyles. I was curious how much of this was true? Thanks!
I have no knowledge of Disney approaching Mike about Hellboy. I know Mike helped develop Atlantis.
But Hellboy and Gargoyles have zero connection. ZERO. We began developing Gargoyles in 1991, two years before Hellboy first appeared. I later became a fan of both the Hellboy comics and the movies, but that was long after Gargoyles was in the works and fully developed.
Hi Greg,
From what I understand, a lot of people tend to forget that what makes a character strong (metaphorically-speaking) is how he or she deals with his or her problems. Most seem to think that "strong" in the metaphorical sense means that they are tough and flawless, when in reality it is the exact opposite.
What do you think? Am I off course or am I on the right path?
I definitely think you're correct.
Hi Greg,
I can't honestly predict when you'll get around to answering this, but it is something that I would like your opinion on. From what I've been informed, a lot of science fiction stories, including that of the anime variety, tend to be rather lacking in optimism, revolving the sense that the future of mankind is either compromised or in jeopardy.
One guy whose show I watch pointed it out, and after doing some reading and viewing myself, I have to say, he's not far off. Interestingly, he set up a graph of sorts, placing science fiction stories according to how rosy each one views the future.
On one end is Star Trek, the optimist; war is abolished, sentient races work together, and the only conflict that pops up is by unknown forces that are encountered through exploration.
On the other end is the Sigourney Weaver "Alien" movies, the pessimist; mankind barely made it out into space, and only by the virtue of corrupt businesses and unethical private military contractors, and where a killer alien attack would be a welcomed reprieve from the daily drudgery under the company's thumb.
In between these two is every science fiction story ever made, with the ones that are smack dab in the middle presenting us with worlds that are too fantastical for the pessimist, but too fraught with danger for the optimist. In other words, not too light and not too dark; middle-ground.
Do you know of any science fiction movies, books, comic books, and/or TV shows that would qualify for the middle ground?
Star Wars? Starship Troopers? Blade Runner? Pacific Rim? You've defined a pretty wide middle, so almost ANYTHING fits in it.
hi Greg i was just wondering were you making gargoyles for kids or did you just have to appeal it to them to and were aiming for older
Our primary target was dictated to us as "BOYS 6-11". But our intent was always to reach a much wider audience. We had to hit that center target, and we did. But we intentionally created a series that would work for kids as young as four. For girls and women. For tweens, teens, college students and adults.
In Summit, was Miss Martian keeping a psychic link with the Team while she was disguised as Deathstroke?
I had a random question based on a question I saw about the Goliath/Demona/Angela parentage issue in "Sanctuary."
I just thought of this theory that maybe part of the reason why Goliath was resistant to telling Angela about Demona was because he was hurt over the end of his relationship with her, and having seen how she changed. So, he may, at least somewhere in his mind, have wanted to forget about her.
Do you think that may have been the case, not just his "Gargoyle Way" position?
If that works for you, I'm not going to object.
Are there any independent mechanisms that you have, or know, where you'd be able to put out new "Gargoyles" material without depending on publishers?
I can't put out anything related to Gargoyles. I don't own it.
Why did Megan cut her hair
She didn't cut it; she morphed it.
Did Miss Martian visit Garfield after his mom was killed by Queen Bee before he started living at mount justice ?
Am I wrong to get a ominous feeling over Artemis choosing to wear a villians costume over her hero's gear?
You feel what you feel. I can't dictate that. Otherwise, no spoilers.
in image did black canary have to say that to Megan l think she made it worse
Have to say what? Made what worse?
Hey gang,
Here's my schedule for Grand Rapids Comic-Con this weekend:
187 Monroe Avenue NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
*02:00pm - 05:30pm - I'll be at Booth 017 . All signatures and selfies are free, but I will - as usual - be selling all sorts of fun stuff. I'm bringing 40 animation and radio play scripts from the many shows I've worked on (including - but not limited to - Gargoyles, WITCH, Kim Possible, Young Justice, Young Justice Invasion, Spectacular Spider-Man, Star Wars Rebels, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers Prime, Ben Ten, Transformers Rescue-Bots, Shimmer & Shine, Men in Black, Starship Troopers, Team Atlantis, etc). I'm also selling Christopher Jones art prints for Gargoyles, Young Justice and Rain of the Ghosts. I'm selling my three published novels: Rain of the Ghosts, Spirits of Ash and Foam, and World of Warcraft: Traveler. And I'm selling the Rain of the Ghosts Audio-Play. The novels are ten dollars each. Everything else is $20 each. Cash only. Artist Mara Cordova will also be at my booth, helping out and selling her wonderful stuff too.
*06:00pm - 07:00pm - Television Production and Its Challenges. Monroe Rooms A-D w/Brandon Vietti . "Two of the most prominent television producers in animation today whose work includes "Gargoyles", "The Batman", and "Young Justice" will discuss the roles and challenges of their career as well as upcoming projects.
*07:15pm - 08:00pm - Booth 017. Signing & selling.
*10:00am - 12:45pm - Booth 017. Signing & selling.
*02:00pm - 03:00pm - The Science of Shipping. Grand Gallery E-F w/Comfort & Adam, Thom Zahler. ""Shipping" is when a fan imagines possible romantic relationships between two characters in a story. Shipping is big, but why do we do it? Join husband and wife comic creators Comfort and Adam and special guests Greg Weisman and Thom Zahler as we talk about all the reasons we love our ships; from biological drivers to emotional and intellectual hooks, from the vast history of literary fiction to the present day. But that's not all! In the second half, panelists and audience will be creating a new couple that Comfort and Adam will draw live!"
*03:30pm - 04:30pm - Transferring Comics To The Screen and Vice Versa. Grand Gallery E-F w/Christopher Jones, Jason Spisak, Brandon Vietti. "Directors, producers, comic artists and voice actors discuss the challenges of taking a comic book and transferring it to a television show or movie and the expectations that fans have in this delicate and complicated process."
*04:45pm - 07:00pm - Booth 017. Signing & selling.
*07:30pm - VIP PARTY - Atrium Ballroom.
Stop by and say hello. (If we've met before, please reintroduce yourself. I'm horrible with names AND faces, but I mean well.)
Can you elaborate on how Bumble Bee's tech suit works? Are the wings made of hard light or nanotechnology?
For now, I'll leave that to your interpretation. But for the most part, she's making use (with additions) to Atom's tech. And it's Bumblebee. One word.
Hey greg I got some questions about your villains
In the past you have mnetioned that your villains don't kill even heroes because they don't want to waste resources. Say Xanatos ultimately benfitted much more from having the gargoyles alive, as they eventually saved his son from Oberon.
But say, wouldn't the light from Young Justice eventually want them heroes dead?
When they finally achieve their goals, the heroes will only stand in their way wouldn't they? I can understand Klarion wanting the heroes around to cause some chaos. But say Queen Bee would eventually want to rule her country without any hero alive possibly meddling with her dictatorship or even overthrow her , right?
Second I have a question about Klarion. Most characters are weaker on earth 16 than other versions. But Klarion had the opposite as he is a lot stronger as a lord of chaos. Why did you decide to make him much more powerful?
Thank you Greg
1. Why would they want them dead? Haven't they proven useful. I'm not saying they'd shy away from killing one or two, if necessary. (Cf. Ted Kord or Tula.) But if they had killed either Barry, Bart or Wally prior to the end of Season Two, then who or what would have saved the Earth?
2. He felt all chaosy to us. And we needed Doctor Fate to have some substantial competition.
First off congrats on Season 3. Just piecing together what we can from the timeskip betweeen S1 and 2 before having another thrown in, thought I'd ask about a few logistical pieces.
1) Can the Zeta Network support people with the same active designation in the same authorisation tier, ie. it can have Blue Beetle 22 for Ted Kord, Blue Beetle B22 for Jaime, but would multiple Kid Flashes or Robins with a B designation cause issues (if they were not deceased, causing them to be inactive designations presumably)
2) You have given the designations for the members of the Team, giving an order for when members may have joined. Would you give the year that they joined for those missing?
B01-B09: Team Year Zero
B10-Tempest: ?
B11: Aquagirl: ?
B12: Troia: ?
B13: Robin/Jason: ?
B14: Lt. Marvel: ?
B15: Sgt. Marvel: ?
B16: Batgirl: ?
B17: Bumblebee: ?
B18: Lagoon Boy: ?
B19: Beast Boy: ?
B20-B22: Team Year Five
B23-26: Team Year Six
3) Do certain members of the Team have falsified public records such as birth certificates? Specifically I would imagine Megan Morse, Connor Kent, Bart Allen, the Roys and perhaps Donna Troy would require them to attend school, marry and become legal guardians.
1. If I'm understanding your question correctly, then no. There are multiple Green Lanterns within the no-prefix-letter designation. And it gives the computer no problem.
2. No.
3. I'm not commenting on "Donna Troy." I've never confirmed or denied that "Donna Troy" exists. Troia exists. That's all you know.
3a. Megan, Conner (with an e) and Bart must have public records to go with their secret identities. I suppose you could say they're falsified.
3b. Clone Roy has been using the original Roy's paperwork. Whether that changes now that Original Roy is back, I'm not saying.
I loved, the Green Arrow, showcase short you wrote but was wondering two things 1.Ware, was Dinah Lance (Black Canary)flying home from? 2. I remember that Oliver had glasses on (not shades)in the beginning of the short. In your mind was Dinah Lance, also wearing glasses (again not shades) on both her flight and when she arrived at the airport before getting into costume to help green arrow?
1. I don't recall. Does it matter?
2. I don't recall glasses on Oliver, but it's been awhile. If they were there, it wasn't something I asked for in the script. And I don't see any reason to put glasses on either Oliver or Dinah.
Hi Greg,
I'm a longtime fan of everything W.I.T.C.H., so I appreciate you taking the time to answer questions about the animated series all these years later. It helps keep the series and its magic alive even after it (unfortunately) ended.
My question is in regards to the Matt-Shagon twist (which is still to this day one of my favorite adaptational changes and TV plots overall). I really enjoyed how Matt developed as a character in the second season, and, of course, this storyline played a huge role in his characterization.
I realize that it's been years and the exact reason might not be clear anymore, but I figured I'd ask: what made you decide to pursue this storyline with Matt? So many interesting developments came out of this twist, and by the end of the season I felt there were even more potentials that could be explored, had the series continued. I've just always been curious about how this idea came up.
Thanks so much!
It's all very vague now, but as I recall, there seemed to be some mystery over who Shagon really was in the comics, mystery that never was revealed nor paid off. So I slotted Matt into that role, to make the mystery pay off and to give Will the maximum amount of turbulence.