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RESPONSES 2001-4 (April)

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matt writes...

so garg beasts reach adulthood by age 2, and live about as long as regular gargoyles? so, can they mate more often than regular gargoyles? i hope so cuz that could really save them from extinction given there are so few garg beasts left...

Greg responds...

Yes. Probably.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

Coldstone is reanimated gargoyle in stone form, right? thats why he is gray and not blue as Othello is. if this is so, why is Coldstone's hair white and not gray stone?

Greg responds...

Good question. Artistic license. Or it's a VERY LIGHT GRAY. Or the science blasted it white Or...

Well, you get the idea. Take your pick.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

One amusing little historical note about Canmore, which I must confess spooks me a little. In actual history, two of his sons, both of whom became Kings of Scotland after him, were named Alexander and David. In the context of "Gargoyles", I must confess that I find that a bit on the creepy side.

Greg responds...

You and me both, buster.

One of the many freaky little things leaking into our reality from the Gargoyles Universe.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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The ONe writes...

1) Why didn't Anansi use his magical arts against Angela, Goliath, and the others? Why did he choose to only use melee attacks instead of such powerful and simple attacks such as the weird sister's magickal bolts or Oberon's sleep spell to ensure victory?

2) Why did Anansi even need hunters? And especially mortal hunters for that matter. Couldn't he have magically created a source of his own food and why make his form a giant spider that couldn't support itself?

Greg responds...

Perhaps what you're getting at is that Anansi isn't that bright. But I think we were true to the Trickster tradition. Anansi is a bit lazy. A bit interested in using people for his amusement. It defines who he is and how he acts.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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durax writes...

Who gave Oberon and Titania their twin mirrors? They were a wedding gift correct?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

Who is Nought?

Greg responds...

Who isn't?

(Something kinda familiar about this one, eh?)

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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DrFaust writes...

Hi, Greg. In the latest batch of answers, Matt asked how Titania will feel when Renard dies, and you answered, "very sad." What I'd like to know is would it be considered unusual among the fay for one of them to feel so at the death of a mortal?

Thanks a bunch, Greg. I think we've all a great thing going with this open forum.

Greg responds...

You're welcome, Doc.

As to your question, I wouldn't say it's unusual. But it's not common either.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Did the Weird Sisters give immortality to any other mortals?

Greg responds...

Other than who?

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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The One writes...

1) Does Titania truly love Oberon or is he more of a pawn that she uses while she rules through him? What initially attracted the two together?

2) What are Titania's feelings toward's Halcyon Renard's illness? Obviously, it would have been in her power to cure the disease or indirectly use it to create some scientific cure. Why hasn't she tried to heal Renard?

3) What are Halcyon Renard's feelings towards Titania/Anastasia? Is he bitter, angry? How does he feel about the fact that Titania shall stay young, beautiful, and alive forever while he is condemned to rot before his death?

Greg responds...

1) She loves him. And he is very attractive to her. He has power and unpredictability. A certain nobility. Intense loyalty. Command. He's probably great in bed too, frankly.

We've tended to see him from a certain point of view. Not hers.

2. It's neither that simple or that easy. I reject your premise. But she still cares for him, if that's what you want to know.

3. I think he misses her terribly. I don't think he quite has his head around the entire Titania thing. But I also think to him, even before he knew about Titania, Anastasia always seemed young and beautiful. And on some level, that was a comfort. He's not looking to bring the whole world down with him. Let alone those he cares for.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1) Can the any of the fae or the fae collectively create a world as in a planet? In the myths and legends the fae were often the creators of all life and the earth.

Greg responds...

Seems beyond their range, frankly.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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