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Kimberly writes...

Why does tim drake not have a problem with dating his teammate wonder girl knowing she has super powers and tim drake does not ?

Greg responds...

Why would he?

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Arbiter writes...

Does Lucas Carr know beast boy's real name is Garfield Logan ? Does Lucas Carr know Marie Logan was the mother of Garfield Logan ?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Joe Turner writes...

Why did Miss Martian morph her hair in season 2?

Greg responds...

She wanted to.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Ameera writes...

Will the Young Justice theme song for season 3 have any words? Also, how many episodes have already been recorded for Young Justice season 3??

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. 26.

3. 26 have also been fully recorded for Season Four. We have thirteen episodes in the can, seven more in post-production. The last six are being animated by Studio Mir now. Pre-production is virtually complete, except for a little bit of color on the last episode.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Francesca writes...

Is Beast Boy's mount justice bedroom in young justice invasion the same bedroom Miss Martian has in young justice if so why did Miss Martian give Beast Boy her old bedroom to him when he was living at mount justice ?

Greg responds...

No, it's not. She still has her room.

Someone else JUST asked me less than a month ago. Folks, one of the reason the queue is so long is because you're not following the guidelines and checking to see if a question was asked already before posting it again.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Bykowicz writes...

What was M'gann's age when she first started watching earth tv shows on mars sent to mars by martian manhunter ?

Greg responds...

Pretty young. I first started in utero.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Walid Bruckheimer writes...

How did Miss Martian learn Marie Logan was dead ?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Emma writes...

Who got that poster the red dinosaur for Garfield he had on the wall in his room in mount justice and when did he get it ?

Greg responds...

Which poster?

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Don Wolff writes...

Did Garfield Logan attend a church after his mom died before he lived at the cave since he is a Christian ?

Greg responds...

I don't think so. He seems pretty secular to me.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Carlqvist writes...

Did Miss Martian start having that shorter hair style she has in young justice invasion before or after Garfield started living at the mount justice cave ?

Greg responds...

Haven't locked that down.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Diahann writes...

How tall can Miss Martian make herself using her shapeshifting power?

Greg responds...

Very. Changing her volume is fairly easy. She cannot change her mass.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Inouye writes...

What was Marie Logan's height in episode Image ?

Greg responds...

I don't know. I don't know anyone's height. I just have a notion of how tall they are relative to each other.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Genie Francis writes...

Has Garfield been to visit his mother's grave since megan morse became his legal guardian ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Monique writes...

By the time of the events of young justice invasion how does beast boy get a haircut ?

Greg responds...

Haven't thought about it. Maybe M'gann does it.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Ona Judge writes...

What did Queen Bee think would happen to Garfield after she killed his mom ?

Greg responds...

I doubt she cared.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Joel writes...

How did Malcolm find out that Karen was bumblebee ?

Greg responds...

I haven't thought about it. He may have known from the beginning.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the Haly's circus YJ episode, was parasite working independently? Would his stolen heat vision and flight go away when superboy used up the shield he had been wearing? And did robin get in trouble for the mission, or did batman not find out.

Greg responds...

1. As he stated, he was working with Intergang.

2. All of Parasite's stolen powers fade away eventually.

3. Batman found out. You can judge how much trouble Robin got in by measuring Batman's reactions to the rest of the Team's missions.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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O'keefe writes...

Why did not m'gann try to avenge marie logan's death in 2011 ?

Greg responds...

Who says she didn't?

Anyway, you can't just attack a Head of State. Won't go over well.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Hi, Greg. I hope you are well. This is a follow up to an earlier question about what not to say while working in the entertainment business.

Would you say that it is best not to publicize your political opinions while working in the entertainment business - especially if they go against the mainstream? Would you suffer some kind of retribution if higher-ups don't like what you have to say?

Let me give you two examples. They are my examples, everyone. I am not saying Greg even has an opinion on either of these issues. Let's say you disagree with Israel's treatment of the Palestinians and say so on an online forum - not as an employee of Warner Bros. but as a private citizen. Or, let's say you think corporations have too much power over the U.S. government and that corporate donations to political campaigns ought to be banned.

Would publicly expressing such opinions be a career ending move? Should you limit such discussions to friends and family?

Greg responds...

I'm not too shy about expressing my political opinion. I'm a liberal Democrat and that's hardly a secret. And, GENERALLY, I work in a liberal industry, so there aren't a ton of repercussions professionally.

On the other hand, I try not to be obnoxious about it. And "politic" about when I bring things up. There are appropriate and inappropriate times. Again, most of this is about common sense and being polite.

On the third hand, I'm not that interested in using my position to make online political statements. I AM interested in using my fiction to make those statements: hopefully with some finesse, if not subtlety.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Kupchan writes...

What was Garfield's opinion about mount justice when he first arrive at cave ? Did Garfield ask why he was being aloud to live at the cave when he first arrive at the cave ?

Greg responds...

1. I'm guessing he was pretty impressed.

2. He knew why.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Georgann writes...

After episode IMAGE did M'gann tell her uncle about meting Garfield and his mother witch was the woman miss martian base her human form on ?

Greg responds...

Eventually. But he also had more awareness of her situation prior to that.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Stewart writes...

What is the lifespan of members of Halkman and halkwoman race ?

Greg responds...

Right now, I'm assuming that the Thanagarian lifespan is more or less the same as a human's.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Taha writes...

Would you be interested in working on the upcoming Carmen Sandiego series if you were approached? (And you weren't already busy with the new Young Justice season?)

Greg responds...

Potentially. But I honestly don't know anything about Carmen Sandiego, so it's not a natural fit. But I do consider myself a quick study.

Response recorded on June 30, 2021

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Graham T. writes...

Topic: Gargoyle Biology

Question 1: Given the Gargoyles' wings are like bat or bird wings, nor noticeably have a smaller pair of hands, could there possibly have been a Gargate species that existed with two sets of arms, instead of a pair of arms and a pair of wings?

Question 2: Given the immense diversity between Gargoyle appearances, including the Loch Ness clan being semi-amphibious, do Gargoyles have a high genetic mutation rate or a special genetic adaptivity depending on the environment?

Greg responds...

1. Well, I suppose. Interestingly, an older design for Lexington gave him two sets of true arms, including two sets of hands, with his wings largely unchanged, i.e. that middle set of arms that you can see in the center of his wings were still there, but they were more firmly developed and had actual hands at the end.

2. Maybe? I'd have to consult with some of our fan-biologists on the possibility. But keep in mind, Gargates are a VERY old species. They've had tons of time to evolve. Way longer than humans have had. The miracle is that they have maintained as much cultural, um, "integrity," as they have.

Response recorded on June 30, 2021

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Graham T. writes...

Topic: Phoenix Gate and time travel to the future

In regards to Gargoyles 2198, we know the Phoenix Gate cannot allow someone to change the past as it is part of the history, but how would the Phoenix Gate and time travel work if someone from the present were to go to the future?

During planning, were there problems with figuring out how Brooklyn's presence in 2198 would relate to his "historical self" (either "disappeared" when the Gate took him; the "historical Brooklyn" never time-travelled), or did you always have it in mind that time-travel to the future from the present was also immutable - Brooklyn factus erit iam illud (Brooklyn already shall have done that)?

P.S. I apologize in advance if my Latin is off.

Greg responds...

1. Knowing no more about what happens next than one would being someone from the present IN the present, it's more of a non-issue. If someone from even FURTHER in the future showed up, then the M.I.A. scenario is in play.

2. If I'm understanding you right, the latter. Again, a non-issue, as I knew he was time-dancing, and one of his stops would be 2198.

Response recorded on June 30, 2021

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