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So, have you ever wanted to read the old `90s Marvel Gargoyles comics?
Ever wanted to read the old SLG run of 12 canon Gargoyles comics?
Ever wanted to read the old SLG run of our 6-issue canon Gargoyles: Bad Guys spin-off comics series?
Or, maybe, you've read them but don't want to pull individual issues or fragile old trades out of their bags?
This is your chance to have another chance at these stories!
These issues have long been out of print.
The Marvel stuff was never collected, and had some amazing creators on it, including some of Amanda Conner's earliest work.
Some of the SLG stuff (both Gargoyles and Bad Guys, all written by me and all of it canon to the television series and the current run of Dynamite Gargoyles comics) was never released as individual issues.
All of it is hard to find, and can cost thousands on ebay.
Now, Dynamite is offering a three-volume set (which can be purchased individually or together) collecting the Marvel Gargoyles run, the SLG Gargoyles run, and the SLG Gargoyles: Bad Guys run. You can get them in paperback trades, hardcovers or DELUXE hardcovers. And there are a bunch of other cool rewards to choose from, as well.
Check out the Kickstarter here:
Watch the video, and I'll tell you more about it all!
But remember, we NEED this Kickstarter to fund, cuz without it, it may be our last chance to republish these titles. So help us SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
Greg Weisman
You like Ghost Rider, right? since they have the ability to amplify and boost anything they ride on, what kinda things would you ever want to see one ride? I kinda like the idea of Johnny or another Rider Riding, and therefore Boosting, either The Hulk, or the Helicarrior...
Um... how about a motorcycle? Is that too radical?
Hey Greg,
I hope all is well~ <3
I just finished The Spectacular Spider man and I can't sleep anymore, my heart aches because of how the show was left off, especially when I enjoyed it so much. It just fills me with negative emotions every time I look at one of Disneys Spiderman cartoon shows knowing well enough that it won't ever be as good as Spectacular Spiderman. I know I won't get any closure no matter what I do. But I do have questions.
My few questions are:
1) How much of Spectacular Spiderman did you write after the end of season 2?
2) Were any of season 3 of Spectacular Spiderman episodes animated?
3) Will you ever work on another Spiderman animated series? Or any other marvel super hero cartoon show?
I just want to add that the way Spectacular Spiderman was created, it was amazing. The character development, the fight scenes, the drama, and of course, the theme song. They were all just perfect. I enjoyed the series greatly but anxiety kept getting stronger every time an episode ended.
Thank you so much for The Spectacular Spiderman, it was great~ <3
1. None. We had plans. But we wrote no scripts. Did no real work.
2. There were no Season Three episodes.
3a. I'd love to, but it's not up to me.
3b. Ditto.
Thanks for your kind words.
I remember reading your mini run with The Amazing Spider-man.
Would you be open to doing a one off comic. I'd love to see you do something with Superman and Batman in the comics, like a fun one off. Like Max Landis does
"mini run"? I wrote half of one issue. That's VERY mini.
I'd love to do more comics work for the big two. I haven't been invited.