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Fangirl writes...

1. Do Artemis and Zatanna still have girls night out? Do they go out with Megan and/or the other girls in the team by the time of YJ Invasion?

2. Did they (Artemis and Zatanna) saw Greta ever again?

Greg responds...

1. Yes and yes.

2. No spoilers one way or another.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Does bumblebee know clark kent is superman by the time of young justice invasion ?

Greg responds...

I dunno off the top of my head.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old were Artemis and Wally when they had sex with each other for the first time?

2. Did Artemis lose her virginity to Wally a d did Wally lose it to Artemis?

Greg responds...

1. Not gonna reveal that here.

2. I have revealed this at a Blue Mug convention, but I don't want to put it in writing here. Rather tell the story some day in some way.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jared. L Powell writes...

What has it been like to work on so many different show that so many people remember fondly?
What was your favorite show to work on out of all of them?

Greg responds...

1. It's very cool, honestly. Though, if I'm being even more honest, I do wish that I'd been able to make more of fewer series than so many different series.

2. Choosing between my "children" is not something I tend to do. Ultimately, I truly enjoyed working on Gargoyles, WITCH, The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice as a writer-producer. And although it was never "my" show, the writing team on Shimmer & Shine were such great people, that I truly loved working with them on it.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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KarrinBlue writes...

Hi Greg, I was looking back through the material released from SDCC last year (or, from 2017 - who knows if this'll make it through the queue before 2019!) and I noticed that, while the male characters in the promo images have a wide variety of body types and face structures, but the female characters still have the exact same hourglass figure, and pretty similar faces - small pointed chin, upturned nose, clearly wearing makeup. I really think you should be working on having female designs that are as varied as your male ones - if you put Wonder Girl and Arrowette in identical hoodies with their hair hidden, I'm not sure anyone would be able to tell which was which. Why not have female heroes who are built like real-life Olympic weightlifters, with bigger, broader bodies?

I still enjoy the show very much, but looking at what's out so far - I think that you can do better.

Greg responds...

We've started doing that. Halo, for example, has a much more pear-shaped figure, though I'll admit the animators were inconsistent about portraying her that way. But we are trying, I promise.

Having said that, I don't agree with your specific example. Wonder Girl has a more muscular body type than Arrowette. It's subtle, I suppose. But no more subtle than the differences between Nightwing and Kaldur.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Todd Jensen writes...

I just finished reading "The Spiral Path" today, and enjoyed it. One of my favorite elements was your narrating the scenes told from the point of view of the gnoll, ogre, etc. characters through their speech patterns; I think it added some variety to the story. I also enjoyed the humor in it (to me, one of the funniest lines was Valdread's "We stole a significant amount of cheese."). I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.

I noticed a couple of Shakespeare allusions (at least, I thought they were Shakespeare allusions) such as the echo of the St. Crispin's Day oration in Throgg's backstory).

Greg responds...

Hey, Todd, I'm so glad you enjoyed The Spiral Path. I really enjoyed writing it. And "We stole a significant amount of cheese." was one of my favorite lines, as well. And the St. Crispin's Day thing was also intentional.

Unfortunately, I was told my services would no longer be required for the next book in the series. This was a huge disappointment to me, of course. It was never really explained to me why they went with someone else. But they did. So you can read the next book in the series, but I can't bring myself to, I'm afraid.

Oh, well...

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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A Fan writes...

Just wanted to preface this with how much I enjoy your work and admiration to the comic world! I sincerely love everything you do. That being said..
Are you underwhelmed, whelmed, or overwhelmed for the new season of Young Justice? :)

Greg responds...

At this stage, none of the above. I assume - back in 2018 - you were talking about Outsiders. I'm thrilled with how it turned out and generally thrilled with fan response to it.

As for the coming Phantoms, we're in the home stretch finishing it up. Put episode 414 in the can last night. So I'm not overwhelmed with work. But I'm very excited about it dropping and seeing what the fans think of it.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jillian writes...

Hi Greg! These are a bit of odd questions, but, I figured they might be fun for you to answer:

1. Does the average speedster need a lot more alcohol to get drunk than a normal human would?

2. What college majors are Conner, M'gann, Dick, and/or Karen going for?

3. Even though I doubt you could actually show it on-screen or in the tie-in comic, do things like the Pokémon franchise, the McDonald's restaurant chain, and Marvel Comics exist on Earth-16?

4. Does the United States (or any other given country) have a department dedicated to superhero/supervillain clean-up on Earth-16? Do some insurance plans cover a certain Man of Steel's heat vision accidently frying a chunk of your car, or a stray Green Arrow's arrow littering the facade of a building?

5. Are November 5th and/or 6th mourned (due to the separate adult and children worlds, where you've confirmed lots and lots of people died) on the same level as September 11th, or December 7th?

Hope you liked these! Have an amazing day/night!

Greg responds...

1. I would think so.

2. Karen is studying under Ray Palmer. So that's um... Physics? Megan double-majored in Psychology and Education. Dick majored in... um... International Relations (maybe). Conner, in Engineering, I think. Having said all that, I won't be bound by any of it. Story in execution will always trump questions at Ask Greg

3. Sure.

4a. Probably.

4b. Probably.

5. Probably.

Pretty fun! Thanks!

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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John writes...

You've answered this type of questions about heroes and their public status, so now I'm asking about some villains and their own public status.

1. Were Mister Freeze and Killer Frost public villains by the time of their appearance in "Independence Day"? I figured Captain Cold and Icicle, Jr. were, due to the dialogue throughout those scenes, with Flash and Speedy saying their names in the middle of the confrontation.
2. Before her arrest in Taipei in front of an audience and Cat Grant, was Cheshire a public villain?
3. What about other members of the League of Shadows, like Black Spider, the Hook, and Professor Ojo? (Before there eventual defeat and arrests, that is.)
4. Did villains like Black Manta and Ocean-Master make the news on the surface world, or were they only known in Atlantis?
5. And, last but not least, were any members of the Injustice League not already known by the general public for their villainy before coming out as the Injustice League all across the world?

Thanks in advance for answering, even if they wind up becoming Spoiler Requests (sorry for wasting your time if they do, though!). I'm so excited for Season Three! :)

Greg responds...

1. Public enough, apparently.

2. I wouldn't think so.

3. Most are not publicly known, though the authorities might be aware of them.

4. Largely the latter, I would think.

5. All were publicly known. Having unknowns would defeat the purpose, from the Light's point of view.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Clifton J. writes...

This is a question about the Weird Sisters.

Do the Weird Sisters do everything together? And depending on the answer to that question, how would that affect their romantic life, if they have one anyway? I assume they would as Oberon and Titania have romantic lives, and I've seen an answer from you on here before saying Owen/Puck has one, even if it hasn't been shown.

Greg responds...

I wouldn't deny them a romantic life/lives.

But I prefer to not answer this at this time. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Clifton J. writes...

Two, related, questions about Gargoyle biology...kind of:

1. I'm just wondering, does alcohol affect gargoyles the same way it does humans? I mean, can they actually get drunk and hungover?
2. If they can get drunk or hungover, would they need to drink more than humans? Or do their bodies process it differently so that they would actually need to drink less?

Greg responds...

1. Drunk, yes. Hungover, no. Stone sleep would fix that.

2. Depends on their weight, just like humans. It would take a lot to get Goliath drunk, I would think.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Grimalkin writes...

1. Between 1020 and 1032, what was Macbeth's job or title? He wasn't expected to become either King of Scotland or High Steward of Moray, so what was he doing (or being trained to do) during that time?

1b. Who did he directly answer to? Who had direct control/power over him? Gillecomgain, Duncan, Maol Chalvim...?

2. What was Macbeth's in-universe relationship with his cousin Thorfinn like?

3. You've said, when asked about his religion, that Mac's omnireligious currently. Do his beliefs lean towards any religion in particular? Like Christianity, Buddhism, etc? If so, which one?

4. Does Macbeth know the details about Gruoch's death? How she died, when, etc?

Thank you. :)

Greg responds...

1. Thane.

1b. Whomever was king at the time.

2. No spoilers.

3. Probably still Christianity, with Pagan overtones.

4. Yes.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Morgan Benty writes...

Dear Mr.Weisman and I am a big fan of your work. The reason for this message is because I was wondering if given the chance if you would ever want to write a screenplay for a feature film.

Greg responds...

I've written multiple screenplays. All but one have not been bought or produced.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

There have been many superhero stories about killing vs. not killing. (My personal favorite is Geoff John's Black Reign in JSA.) On the one side are heroes like Batman who say that taking a life is never justified even if the result would be good. On the other side are heroes like Wonder Woman who say sometimes the consequences of not killing would be so catastrophically bad that taking a life is sometimes necessary. Taking this further, you have anti-heroes like classic Wolverine who feels that anybody who uses lethal force against him should expect the same in return.

You touched upon the question as to whether the ends justifies the means in M'Gann's character arc in Invasion. But CN and other traditional media are usually very very leery about even saying the words "die" or "kill" in a cartoon directed at a young audience. Certainly, you could not have done a story like Black Reign while YJ was on CN. I mean... you COULD have but it probably would have been dumb because you could not have addressed the issue of murder in an open and honest manner.

So, the question is...

Are the standards of the DC streaming service permissive enough for you to address this issue in season 3 or future seasons? Or, would this kind of subject matter still be prohibited?

I hope you don't think I'm fishing for spoilers because I'm not. I just want to find out what kind of themes and subject matter would be acceptable for your new venue.

Greg responds...

We don't seem to have the same kind of limitations on Seasons Three and Four that we had on Seasons One and Two.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Chronos Typhoon writes...

Hey Greg,
Which animation studio(s) will be providing the animation services for Young Justice S3? Will MOI and Lotto provide the services this time around again?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure MOI and Lotto exist in the same way that they did back during Seasons One and Two.

Animation for Season Three was largely split between eMation and DR Movie, with Studio Mir doing a couple episodes.

Season Four is being entirely animated by Studio Mir.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

It seems to me that you have become more forthcoming about answering questions about the team's sex lives. For example, I believe you confirmed that Wally and Artemis were sexually active. It seems to me that you would never have answered such a question while YJ was on Cartoon Network. Is this new openness because of the change in broadcasters? Will the DC streaming service have less stringent guidelines about depicting sex and sexuality? Or, do you not agree with the premise of my question.

Greg responds...

I think by now you've seen that we did have more freedom in Season Three than we had in the past.

And to be clear, I think I was saying that Wally and Artemis were sexually active in college with each other in a committed relationship. Before that... I'm not confirming or denying anything.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Sally writes...

Why did Artemis in 2010 not find out her fellow student Dick was robin when both dick and robin have the same voice ?

Greg responds...

This is just a why doesn't anyone recognize anyone who has a secret identity. To some degree, you just have to suspend your disbelief and buy into the convention of the genre.

Or not.

But I can't help you.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the young justice universe is Miss Martian strong enough to lift and carry a six foot tall 20 year old human man with one hand ?

Greg responds...

What does the age of the man have to do with anything?

You're giving me height but not WEIGHT, which seems like the key point.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Varayev writes...

Was Megan Morse a cheerleader in collage like she was as a student of happy harbor high school ?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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A fan writes...

Hi Mr Greg, so glad to have this chance to ask you a question, and then some.

First, forgive me for my bad English, it's not my first language.

I just wanted to ask, from my understanding of coming from an Asian country, we really don't use terms like freshmen, sophomore, etc. And from my viewpoint (for highschool), 9th grade is freshmen, 10th grade is sophomore, 11th is junior. and 12th is senior (please correct me if I'm wrong). So in the first season, if all the members of the team and a few others had gone to normal high school in the U.S., would this list be correct? :
Freshmen : Robin (Dick), Barbara
Sophomore : Zatanna
Junior : Kid Flash, Artemis
Senior : Aqualad, Miss Martian, Superboy, Rocket

Thanks for your reply :) (if u do)

Greg responds...

During Season One:

Dick, Barbara and Zatanna were Freshmen.
Wally, Artemis and Raquel were Sophomores.
Megan and Conner were Juniors.
Kaldur and Roy were out of school.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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KarrinBlue writes...

So, one of the complaints I've seen come up in discussions about Young Justice is that the villains are too well-prepared for any contingency, beyond what anyone could plan for, and it's hard to root for heroes when they can't make any progress against the villains' plans. And then I realized - well, why are we trusting a bunch of career liars and manipulators to actual say when something's caused them trouble? They'd do everything in their power to make it look like they're in control, always one step ahead, but looking at the actual evidence, we get a different story entirely.

Take Bereft - Superboy escapes capture, the League gets a heads-up that someone in Bialya is messing around with zeta-beams, Sphere is lost, and the Light's top telepath is soundly beaten, and yet none of that matters, because the delivery system was successfully tested... But who ever said the delivery system needed to be tested? It's a boom tube, which the New Gods have been using for centuries, tech that's as tried-and-true to them as anything, and there doesn't seem to be any reason to expect boom tubes to not work if they're being sent to Earth. Saying that it doesn't matter if they lost Sphere because the delivery system works is like saying it doesn't matter if someone breaks into your house and steals your new laptop, because you now know that the postal service that delivered it works fine. But no one in the Light would ever say something like that - they've all been spreading around a reputation of being masterminds, with goals and strategies as inevitable as the tides, so saying anything that would hint at doubt would never happen!

Or, let's look at Downtime and Misplaced. To hear the Light talk about it, getting the entire Starro organism is about the same as getting the sample from the lab, in terms of their plans, so Aqualad didn't really hurt their plans all that much. But looking at it long-term - one member of the Team, on his day off, forced the Light to adjust their plans from 'acquire a nearly endless supply of Starro-samples in one night while no Justice Leaguers are able to interfere, then begin combining it with the Fog, then spend the time until Red Arrow's induction fine-tuning the Starro-tech' to 'wait and plan for months, carry out a massive ritual that draws the attention of every superhero in the world, and in the process bring back the only mystic being that can match Klarion and lose 4 of the Light's top mystic muscle to him, all to acquire a tiny fraction of the original biomass.' Even if in the end they still got the Starro-sample, they still had to go to a lot more trouble and pay a higher price for it.

The Light is a threat, yes, but they're not omnipotent or omniscient, much as they'd like to convince their minions, their enemies, and we the audience otherwise. And I really can't wait to see S3, where they finally have to deal with a Team that can plan and scheme as well as they can.

Greg responds...

Well, I never thought they were omnipotent or omniscient. They're all flawed individuals. But they play a good game, don't you think?

Hope you liked Season Three, and hope that you tune in for Season Four, as well.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Paw writes...

Who give beast boy a hair cut in young justice universe ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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ANDRE writes...

Who got Garfield that hello megan poster in his room at mount justice ?

Greg responds...

Maybe from his mom.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Cohn writes...

Has miss martian shape shifting into any of characters from the from the show hello megan other megan morse since she been watching it on mars and on earth and if so which characters other than megan morse did m'gann shape shifting into ?

Greg responds...

I'm not making you a list. Let your imagination run free.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Why was beast Boy not with Miss Martian to say goodbye to martian manhunter when he and other LEAGURES went to the planet Rimbor for what they did when they were under the light's mind control ?

Greg responds...


Although he thinks of M'gann as his sister, I don't necessarily think that he viewed J'onn as his uncle back then. Intellectually, maybe. But not deeply.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg:) Is there a high chance of a new Young Justice game? I could see a Young Justice game being released on the Nintendo Switch.

Greg responds...

I'm unaware of any development of such. Or any interest.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Adlan Varayev writes...

Can the Young Justice Beast Boy change into a whale ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jeff Bell writes...

Does the young justice invasion hero Wonder Girl have a longer lifespan a normal human because her father is a god ?

Greg responds...

No way to know yet. She's aging normally, so far.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Gon writes...

Does beast boy have super human strength in his human-monkey form or his green human form or in both of those forms in the universe of young justice ?

Greg responds...

Not particularly.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jack Carpenter writes...

After "Performance," did Robin inform Batman that Jack Haly had deduced his ID?

Greg responds...

Haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Khaltmaagiin writes...

What is the longest living Martian animal and how many years does it live ?

Greg responds...

I dunno.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Bream writes...

How come Beast BOY did not figure out clack kent and superman were are the same person with the same face and voice ?

Greg responds...

How come Perry White didn't?

I'll refer you to the 1978 SUPERMAN motion picture, starring Christopher Reeve. Before that film, I always just had to suspend disbelief to buy that people didn't realize that Clark and Superman were the same person. But after seeing that movie, I no longer had any problem buying it.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Sally writes...

Why did the justice league not tell USA government about the group known as THE LIGHT By 2011 ?

Greg responds...

Well, the League works with the U.N., not the U.S., but what makes you think they didn't?

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Strathairm writes...

Why did Tim Drake not have a problem with the idea of dating Cassie when he knows her dad is a god ?

Greg responds...

Why would he?

I swear I JUST answered this exact question in the exact same way.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Fenneth writes...

Why and when did MARIE Logan learn of Miss MARTIAN's white martian form ? What was Marie Logan's opinion of Miss MARTIAN WHITE Martian form ?

Greg responds...

Not confirming or denying the premise of this question.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Lillard writes...

Why did Miss Martian trust Marie Logan and GARFIELD Logan with her real name as M'gann ?

Greg responds...

Given everything that happened the day they met, that was hardly a big secret.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Carlos writes...

How soon after Garfield started to shape shifting into animals did he start to shape shift into the human-monkey form he is in during young justice invasion ?

Greg responds...

Again, I'm not inclined to tell stories here - or circumvent the telling of stories by spoiling things here.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Vilensky writes...

THIS are Sergeant and Lieutenant Marvel questions What year did they leave the team ? Why did they leave the team ? How did the two Marvels get their powers ? How did they join the team ? Why did they join the team ?

Greg responds...

All stories I'd like to tell some day.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

How did the young justice Megan Morse{M'GANN} get money to pay for her shopping ?

Greg responds...

At what stage of the series?

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Manheim writes...

Why did Garfield become a member of the team when he did ?

Greg responds...

Why did anyone?

He wanted to.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Takato writes...

What year did Malcolm begin working for the team ? How Malcolm did find out the team ?

Greg responds...

That's a story I'd like to tell some day.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Sally writes...

Does Mal Duncan know nighwing's name is dick by the time of the first episode of young justice invasion episode Happy new year ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Kyle writes...

Hey, I'm a big fan of your shows and I was wondering how in-depth you get with certain things regarding timelines, especially in Young Justice. So:

1. For fictional cities - Metropolis, Gotham, etc. - do you have a general outline of the city's history planned out? Or would you only come up/research that kind of stuff if the story needed it? Do you use the same way of thinking when dealing with fictional countries, like Bialya or Qurac?

2. How do you come up with the ages of certain characters? For example, was there a specific reason you and the others working on the show decided to have Dick be 13 in Season One, while Miss Martian and Superboy (who, in the comics, are usually younger, around Tim's age) are 16? (Not that I'm complaining! I really like the change up, and it definitely works for the show, I'm just curious about what made you want Dick to be the youngest on the Team at that point.) Did it just feel right? Or did you base it off Bruce's age? Or vice-versa? (Sorry if this is confusing you. Basically, which elements dictate what the age of a character should be?)

3. For characters like Wonder Woman, Ra's al Ghul, Vandal Savage, Klarion, etc., I know you keep relative track of how long they've been alive, but do you also keep track of what age they are biologically? Rather than chronologically?

4. Are there any real-life incidents that didn't happen on Earth-16? I know you said that 9/11, the World Wars, etc. have happened, but was there any big time incident that didn't? For example: the Titanic, or the Columbine Shooting, or the 2011 Japan earthquake.

5. Not really a question, just me thanking you for you and the Young Justice crew for all your hard work! And thank you personally for keeping up with and adding more of your guys' amazing ideas to your timeline, because, honestly, in my opinion, timelines - especially deciphering them with every little bit of info - is really fun for me.

Greg responds...

1a. No.

1b. Exactly.

1c. Yep.

The only exception is Star City, where I have a little more background info, because I developed my thinking on Star City based on a number of proposals for never-made comic book series that I pitched to DC in the mid 1980s, including the almost-made BLACK CANARY mini-series, a STAR CITY proposal, and a proposal for a new SUPERGIRL character unrelated to Kara Zor-El (during a period when John Byrne didn't want a Kryptonian Supergirl but DC wanted to maintain the trademark name - before Byrne solved the problem himself by creating the Matrix-Supergirl).

2. It mostly just felt right for the show we were developing. A young Dick with the most experience was an important element to the character and the character dynamics of our first season. Generally, I try to make each new character as young as I think I can get away with, given the needs of character and story. This is because we know that, unlike a typical comic book, we're going to let every character move/age through time, so the younger they are when they start, the younger they get to stay (relatively) as our seasons progress.

3. Yes.

4. As far as I know, everything real world also happened on Earth-16. EXCEPT for the 2019-2020-2021 COVID pandemic. Because it began too late for us to incorporate it into Season Four, in my head, the COVID-19 pandemic started exactly one year later on Earth-16 than it did here on Earth-Prime.

5. Thanks for your kind words. We do try our best!

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Fuhram writes...

IN 2010 when M'gann came to earth did she plan to live the rest of her life on earth ?

Greg responds...

To the extent she was planning anything, yes.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Hunschofsky writes...

Did Garfield have any friends his on age after his mom was murder by queen be before he live at mount justice ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Stirewalt writes...

What Megan Morse do for fun during summer vacation
in 2011 ?

Greg responds...

Fun stuff.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Tidgwell Tieman writes...

WHAT kind of documents were made for Garfield when he begin living at mount justice ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Asta writes...

Why did Beast Boy not have a picture on Miss Martian on the wall of his mount justice bedroom ?

Greg responds...

You only saw three walls.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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fido writes...

Don't you find it amazing that the show which aired in the mid 90's produced a character, who was only in 4 episodes mind you, the Puck... so important and so popular that he has made such an impact on the fan culture... that over 20 years later people are still making new fan art and fics about him on a daily basis. When you created him did you think he would gain such a following?

Greg responds...

I don't know if I thought that about him specifically, but it became clear once Brent Spiner recorded the voice that we had something special there.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Cassi Henry writes...

How did Garfield learn kid flash's name was wally west ? When did Garfield learn kid flash's name was wally before or after Garfield begin living at the cave ?

Greg responds...

I don't know exactly.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Brad writes...

When M'gann begin attending Happy Harbor School as Megan Morse what did the information on her say where she was born at and when she was born and were did the information say were she lived at and who was her legal guardian in the school records ?

Greg responds...

It said everything it needed to say to convince school officials that she was just a normal teenage girl.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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tercio writes...

Hi Mister Greg. In the universe of Gargoyles there is or there was a clan of gargoyles in Spain?

Greg responds...

Ever? Yes, probably. But not in the modern era.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Angela writes...

Hey Mr. Greg,
I was wondering if you have any news on Gargoyles. I know that a comic cinestory was supposed to come out but was cancelled. Are you disappointed or sad because of that?

Greg responds...

I have mixed feelings. I did a lot of (unpaid) work on that, so it's a bit annoying that it was for nothing. But I didn't think it was a great idea in the first place. I wasn't sure how many people - even hardcore fans - would want it.

I wish I had more news to report, but I don't. But #KeepBingingGargoyles on Disney+.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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ScavengerOne writes...

Hello Greg,
Regarding Young Justice:
1-Who gets to name the episodes? You, Brandon or the script writer?
2-Is it a team effort?
3-What's the general process? And what exceptions have been made?

Greg responds...

1. It's a mix of the three of us.

2. Yes.

3. It's changed over the years. It used to be more me pushing for one-word titles unless someone had a really good idea that superseded that. During Season Three, because we knew what letter had to start each title, and because we had arcs within the series that each - in theory - had their own title scheme, it was more about the three of us, i.e. myself, Brandon and the writer of the individual script, coming up with the best title of any length that (a) had resonance for the episode, (b) began with the correct letter of the alphabet, and (c) fit the title scheme for the individual three or four episode arc that the episode was part of.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Atti290 writes...

Regarding martians, i see in this unniverse martians are alive and well... i'm curious what are their numbers, thousands? millions? billions?

Greg responds...

Uh... I'm not really sure. I'd guess... Millions?

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jaden writes...

I know Paula kicked Sportsmaster out of the house, but are they divorced? If not, how come?

Greg responds...

I'd say by now they are.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I remember reading your response to a Gargoyles question about Tom's, Katherine's, and Magus's ages. You said that in 994, the Magus was 28, Katharine was 18, and Tom was 8. Katherine was a full ten years older than Tom was, so when did they start developing feelings for each other and when did they begin a relationship? Obviously, the flashback was shown that Tom was a full grown adult by the time he entered a romantic relationship with Katherine. Did they ever feel bothered by the huge age gap between them? Was their relationship ever met with disapproval because of it, even if Tom was an adult? I know it was a different period back then, so marriages between couples with age gaps were pretty common.

I'm surprised that depicting a relationship with two people with a ten-year age gap was approved by the network back then. I fully support Katherine and Tom's relationship, though! :D They were both adults when they got into their relationship, so there's nothing wrong with it, even though other people may not agree.

Greg responds...

They didn't become romantic until he was full grown. It did trouble them, Katharine especially, but ultimately they got past any concerns. I'm not sure who was there to disapprove. The Magus didn't feel he had the right to disapprove, and the young gargoyles already regarded them as parental figures.

And we had no network to tell us no. We were syndicated in Season Two.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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J.M.A writes...

Hi :) It's 2018 and I still find myself in love with your animated show: Gargoyles (seasons 1 through 3) I always find myself re-watching the shows or trying to find amazing artwork of them. The show has made such a huge influence on my own art/ story writing. I wanted to thank you personally for (in my opinion) an extraordinary piece from my childhood.

Here is my question: Do you ever plan to bring back Gargoyles?

I know these kinds of questions were asked before by other fans, but they were all asked years ago and were nearly reaching the year 2020, so I was wondering if your answers/replies have changed.

I'm hoping you haven't forgotten/ let go of the show. There is so much potential left and so many unanswered questions that could be answered in the show. Personally, I feel we need a show like Gargoyles again compared to all these awful shows that kids/teens watch. Your show had such dynamics and important messaging that most cartoon T.V. shows. Plus in this day and age, I would love to see how Gargoyles could be animated (and the art remain consistant.) If you aren't bringing them back, thank you anyway for making them in the first place, and the DVD's will just have to do haha. Thank you for your time. ^U^

Greg responds...

Nothing has changed in terms of my desire to come back to the property. I'm trying to get people to #KeepBingingGargoyles on Disney+, which I believe is the surest way to get Disney to bring it back, because - of course - it's not up to me.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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JOAT writes...

I have looked everywhere and can not find the answer... I've learned a few from this site and two more elsewhere, but is there a complete list of "placeholder" or "script" names for the unnamed gargoyles in the show? If not, how can I research this better in order to make one? I would love to know all of Demona's clan, the rest of the Ishimura Clan, etc. Thank you for your time and bless you for making this show. Once a fan, always a fan! #stillgargoyles

Greg responds...

For Demona's clan: https://gargwiki.net/Demona%27s_Clan

I don't think I do have placeholder or script names for the unnamed members of the Ishimura Clan.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Selleck writes...

Did Megan Morse take Garfield to a Halloween party or tricking or treating on Halloween after he begin living with her at mount justice ?

Greg responds...

Okay, seriously. This is getting silly. You're free to imagine their lives at this stage, but I'm not going to provide minute detail on everything they might have done during this period.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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ScavengerOne writes...

Hello Greg, I love the show more than any other TV show in the last 30 years! I wanted to ask since we have an uncertainty in the DC wiki discussion boards about Black Manta's nationality. Some users claim that Black Manta is American and all of his crew members as well. We know that it was established in New Earth continuity that he was from Baltimore and his name was David. What is the case for Earth-16?

Greg responds...

He's American. But I'm not confirming or denying his exact place of birth or name at this time.

His crew is exclusively Black, but not necessarily exclusively American.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Katharine writes...

Hello Greg,
I would like to ask a question regarding W.I.T.C.H. as well to thank you for the wonderful job you have done with the second season. It seems to me the series is sadly overlooked & hardly remember and seen for the clever, clever thing it is. I know it has been really very long and it's perfectly alright if you simply no longer remember.
At the end of the second season Nerissa is revealed to be trapped within the jewel while the others suceed in escaping their prison.

Was there ever a plan should the series continue for her to realise that what she sees is mere illusion or was it your intention she be trapped for good?

Did you intend to continue her story?

Do you think she would be likely to wake from her dream or rather secretly prefer the fallacious bliss of her own illusion ?

Again, thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

I didn't have any immediate plans to extract her. And the comic gave me plenty of fodder to go on without her, as I vaguely recall. But it's tough to keep a good villain down, so - knowing me - I might have gotten back to her eventually. Maybe. But it's all very hypothetical.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Owen writes...

Did Noor Harjavti know who Marie Logan was ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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lorienne writes...

This below was my question and response from you 17 years ago! I been patiently waiting for more on Puck and nothing.. ofcoarse I read "Puck of Pooks Hill" and "The Ballads of Robin Goodfellow, and "Sisters Grim", and any literature with him in it. I have even been to Pucks castle in Dubin, Ireland. What else about the Pucks history can you share with me?

Question received on Sun, April 08, 2001 06:53:00 PM
lorienne writes...

Hey, I've read a while back somewhere that you said that you were going to have puck play his flute to temporarily put oberon in some kind of trance. and also that you were going to name him goodfellow instead of puck. also that ransom was going to be an episode with puck and other tricksters. (that idead would of totally rocked) anyways where i am getting at is puck is my ablosute favorite character. my friends and family actually wanted to get me help cause i have printouts of him all over my house. it worries them :P i was wondering if you had any ohter plans for him, or if like there were other ideas such as the flute thing that you guys were going to use. just brainstorming maybe that wasn't actually in the show. i'm just trying to dig up as much information as i can about him. thanks for taking the time to read this.
Greg responds...

Yes, I had other plans. (Though maybe it's NOT such a good idea to feed your obsession.) Have you read Rudyard Kipling's Puck of Pook Hill?

Greg responds...

Now, it's been over twenty years. (Sorry.) But I'm afraid I don't have anything to add. Any new story material would be a Spoiler. Beyond that, I'm sure you can (and probably have) research Puck as well as I can or could.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In young justice does Artemis own and where a baseball cap like her big sister jade does?

Greg responds...

Sometimes, I suppose. It's not a regular style choice for her.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Emily the Disney Fan writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman! I know you sort'a answered this Question before, but it's just for some more clarification if you don't mind

Why Exactly Does Margot Yale simply want the Gargoyles Locked up rather than Killed on sight?

Is it Because she thinks that Immediate Extermination of them is Not Necessary? Or is it for a Somewhat Selfish reason like If the Gargoyles are all dead there'll be No "Creatures" to Study or for her to make a Case against?

Greg responds...

She's not a killer?

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hello again, and good day.

1.) That was indeed during the New 52, though it was late into that era, in 2015, when Duke and the "We Are Robin" crew came into the picture in prominence. Of note, Duke 'was' a Robin, albeit somewhat unorthodoxically so (though as generally proud of being as any of the '4' Robins) and for a relatively brief period during that time frame about a year before Rebirth.

2.) If you find time in your busy schedule, even if just for research (though I would hope for pleasure), I do recommend the "Endgame", "We Are Robin", "Robin War", and "Superheavy" series of books that features the character, among others things and events. Good reads all around.

As always, thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure you're referring to some previous exchange, but it's been so long - my bad - I don't recall what we were talking about. Basically, I know (and generally like) Duke as The Signal, post ReBirth.

2. I'm way behind on all my DC Comics reading, just trying to keep up.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Catherine writes...

Well, this is more of a thank you for Young Justice, I am SUPER stoked it's coming back, it is a really amazing program and helped me through some tough times when I was a teen, and I remember thinking, "things might be bad, but at least I don't have to save the world as well". And now, I'm enlisting into the US Army as a combat engineer and am thrilled to be starting a new chapter in my life. The excitement of Young Justice will definitely motivate me through Basic. And thanks again for this show.

Greg responds...

Wow. Thank YOU for your service! Glad we could be part of your life!

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Ohtani writes...

What did Megan Morse do for Garfield on his first birthday since Megan Morse became his legal guardian ?

Greg responds...

She celebrated it with him.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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won writes...

this isnt really a question but. im still blown away that after so long, y'all were finally able to make a season 3 of yj!!! the fact that you and brandon made a world full of characters we all got so sucked into, are still invested in and excited for almost a decade later is amazing. i cant wait to see where outsiders takes us. best wishes to you, brandon and the rest of the cast and crew moving forward!

Greg responds...

Thanks!! By now, hopefully, you've seen Young Justice: Outsiders, and are looking forward to Young Justice: Phantoms (i.e. YJS4), which is coming soon.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Dakota writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman. I just wanna say that I loved spectacular spiderman, gargoyles (as a very young kid) and young justice. Spectacular and young justice have become my favorite cartoons of all time! You sir are awesome and so are your shows

Greg responds...

Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm thrilled you like our stuff!

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I'm a massive fan of yours and I was wondering if there would ever be a possibility of you bringing back the tv series W.I.T.C.H? So many people adored the show and would love if it was brought back to TV.I know you were a producer and it seems like a very long shot, but there is actually a petition with nearly 3000 supporters that are willing to do anything we can to help bring back the show. The show had and still has so many supporters of it and if you could do anything to bring us a third season we would be eternally grateful to you please respond!

Greg responds...

There's nothing I can do, I'm afraid. I'd be happy to produce more episodes, but that's really up to Disney, not me.

Is W.I.T.C.H. available on Disney+? If it is, that's a way for the fans to try to get the show back. Petitions are nice and all, but have little effect these days. But by subscribing to Disney+ and voting with your wallet by rewatching a series over and over again, the chances of success are greater.

In essence, that's what brought YJ back.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Do you still consider the original five living team members to be leads in YJ season 3?

Greg responds...

Generally, across the season.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Aleksandrov writes...

How did the young justice universe Garfield discover he had the power to change into animals ? Has Garfield visited a zoo sine begin living with miss martian at cave ?

Greg responds...

1. There's probably a story attached to that.

2. Sure.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi. This is not a question. This is a comment about the literally hundreds of posts about Miss Martian and especially Beast Boy on this site. I understand that I am not the owner or moderator of this site, so I understand, Greg, if you feel the need to tell me off for my presumption.

There is one person posting these questions under hundreds of different pseudonyms. Yes, it is one person. I refuse to believe that the Garfield Logan fan club has descended upon this site. To make matters worse, the vast majority of these questions are variations on one, two, or three different themes. How did the team react to learning Miss Martians would outlive them? When did Garfield start living at Mount Justice?

To the poster of these questions: this is incredibly annoying. It's great you are such a huge fan of Young Justice and of the Beast Boy and Miss Martian relationship. As a fan, I understand what it is like to become preoccupied and even obsessed with some aspect of a show that may not be important to the main story. I also get the impression English is not your first language, but there is no country on Earth that this is not considered rude and inconsiderate behavior! Maybe you should try writing some fan-fiction as an outlet for your particular enthusiasm. You could write a series of vignettes of every single character in the Young Justice universe reacting to the news that M'Gann will outlive him or her.

Now I know I'm going to get a Weisman lambasting. Yes, I know it is not my place to write this letter. I know I have no right to elevate myself as a spokesperson for all the fans that frequent this site, and knowing that I did it anyways. Let the snark commence!

Greg responds...

No snark.

I did notice the similar themed questions, including actual repeated questions. And, without a doubt, it's annoying. But since I'm three years late answering, I'm not feeling too judgmental.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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