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Hi Greg. I'd like to ask for some career advice.
1. I would love to write for animation. Besides writing as much as possible, what steps should I take that would make me a better writer for this art form?
2. I love animation, but cannot draw nearly good enough for any type of decent storyboarding. Is this something I need to fix in order to write for animation? I'm good at describing what I want to see, but I'm worried not being talented at drawing will hurt my chances.
3. I'm curious on your stance in terms of writing CAMERA ANGLES and TYPES OF SHOTS in the script. Traditionally, I've been taught to leave that to the director as much as possible. How do you tackles this when you write?
4. In action sequences, how detailed do you go? Do you give a general description for the director or an actual play-by-play. For example, is it more: "they trade punches, parrying each other until Clara gets an opening and hits Harry across the face." OR "Clara goes for the uppercut, but Harry leans back and dodges, then attempts to sweep her legs. Clara jumps over the kick, then grabs his shoulders, and head butts her opponent. She makes up for the previous miss with a fist to the face." (Just came up with that, so obviously not the best examples but hopefully that suffices).
4. What should I do to get hired on a show? I know that connections are key, but as someone who has no connections, what's the best thing for me to do? I have a spec of another show and a pilot for an original series. I'd love to be a writer's assistant, but that also comes about through connections. I have occasionally messaged a creator on social media and asked if there was any opportunities on their show, but I know that's hardly a good method to pursue a career. Any guidance on this aspect would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for taking the time to answer these fan questions.
1. Sebastian, I'm going to refer you to the ASK GREG Archives on "Writing" and "Writing Tips" and "Biz, The". No offense, but I've answered this basic question so many times, it's kinda pointless for me to right it up again.
2. I can't draw stick figures well.
3. When I began in animation, we used to do much more directing in our scripts, as opposed to live action scripts, where you are advised to stick to Master Shots. Nowadays, we limit that calling of shots and angles, etc., to specific needs, e.g. we need a close-up on that light switch being turned off or a wide shot to reveal who is in the room or a tight close-up on a character's lips turning up into a cruel smile, etc.
4. I go for the specifics, because it expands page count. And page count equates to time. And if you're script is too long, you'll have to cut. So we try to get an accurate sense of time in the script, even if the board artists chose to choreograph the fight a bit differently.
5. Pre-pandemic, my first question would have been, "Where do you live?" And if your answer was anywhere other than Los Angeles, my second question would have been "When are you moving to Los Angeles?" Now, all the old rules are out the window, at least for the time being. I'm not sure what to recommend. Some of the advice in the archives should still be helpful. Otherwise, we're all just going to have to wait and see what happens, post-pandemic - assuming we ever get post-pandemic.
In "Princes All" when Batman quits the Justice League with a few fellow members, Wonder Woman yells out "Bruce, please!" to the entire room.
1. Does this mean that everyone present (Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Captain Marvel, Red Tornado, Doctor Fate, Plastic Man, Black Lightning, Zatanna, Rocket, Aquaman (Kaldur), Hardware, Katana, Batwoman, Steel, and Miss Martian) was already aware of Batman's secret identity? Or are several Leaguers now just aware of Batman's first name?
1. They were all aware.
1. How did you decide on Wyynde for Kaldur's romantic interest? Were you set on it being a former Atlantean purist?
2. I'm curious as to when Kaldur first started to realize when he was attracted to more than just women. Do you picture him struggling with it or was he very open minded about himself from the beginning?
3. When you were writing season 1 and 2, was there a storyline or character you wanted to showcase Kaldur's sexuality with, but couldn't?
4. How did Wyynde and Kaldur meet? Who asked who out? If you're planning on showing this at some point then I get the #NoSpoilers
1. Brandon and I discussed it, and Wyynde seemed like the right choice.
1a. That was one factor, but not the only one.
2. Brandon and Khary and I have had many discussions about this. We think, generally, that Atlantis is way more open-minded than the surface world. But as for Kaldur's story (and mindset) specifically... NO SPOILERS.
3. Not particularly. We were playing the long game with Kaldur. He was in love with Tula. He and Raquel dated briefly between Seasons One and Two. But it would take time for Kaldur and Wyynde to find each other as a couple.
4. Well, they met at the Conservatory of Sorcery. They were classmates there before Kaldur became Aqualad. As for the details of how they became a couple... again, no spoilers.
i know it doesnt matter but where was garfield during 3x20
I'll leave that to your imagination for now. Otherwise, no spoilers.
Hello, Greg.
I want to ask how old is Joan Garrick? You had previously said that she was 88 at the end of Season 1. However, recently at SDCC, you said she was 98, when she died.
If I said that at SDCC, I misspoke. Joan died at age 95 or 96 - that is, she would have been 96 by the end of Team Year Eight, had she survived that long. I haven't set the actual day and month of her birth.
R.I.P. Joan Williams Garrick.
How old is Courtney Whitmore?
At the end of Team Year Nine, Courtney is 16.
Mr. Weisman,
In "Quiet Conversations," we see the Source Wall for the first time in the Young Justice universe. Considering what happened to it in "Dark Knights: Metal," how can it still remain intact on the show?
We're a different (DC Universe-16) continuity.
In the Young Justice Episode "Coldhearted," Vandal Savage claimed to have a "Reckoning" with the Flash. Since this was said as part of Count Vertigo's plan to distract Wally, Has Savage ever actually fought the Flash before?
Blown away by this episode, Greg! Great job!
1. How old is Cullen Row?
2. How old is Unnamed-Meta-Teen-A41?
3. How old is Gabrielle Dau's mother?
4. How old is Gabrielle Dau's cousin?
1. Cullen is 13.
2. Delphis is 19.
3. Madia Daou is 35.
4. Samad Daou is 20.
Hey! So what was that spell Zatanna used to transport Klarion to the Tower of Fate? As in, the non-reversed form of the words? I couldn't catch it.
"Rehtaf, ediug ym yenruoj hguorht Sâetaf Yloh Hkna!"
How old is Lia Briggs?
At the end of Team Year Eight, Lia is 16.
After Season 2 was over, you confirmed that the designations 27 and 28 were assigned shortly after the season came to a close. We know that there are well over 28 Leaguers by the time we pick up with Season 3, so...
1. Are the characters you intended to give those designations to in 2013 the ones who did end up getting them when you revisited the series canon for Season 3?
If so, 2. Were you always planning for Kaldur to join the Justice League shortly after Season 2 concluded?
1. Yep.
2. Yep.
Hello Greg!
I wanted to ask a couple questions!
1) Why did Zatanna choose Artemis as the person to go with her to see her father?
2) How long has Zatanna been in her magician career and weill we ever see it on screen?
Thank you!
1. They're close friends.
2. Since before her dad became Doctor Fate.
2a. No spoilers.
this isn't a question but in nightmare monkeys when gar ask the monkey god why he sound like wally he should of said im no therapist but if i have to guess you never head me talk and you mind came up with a person that you close to
That's as good an interpretation as any.
Hello again Mr. Weisman! I now have a question about Hunter/Robyn Canmore if You Don't Mind!
While Robyn is out with the Redemption Squad, What Exactly Is Her Known Public Statis?
Do the Authorities Think She's Out on Parole?
Do they Think she Escaped and skipped the Country?
Or Do They and the Public Think that Robyn's Still in Jail?
No spoilers.
Hi, Greg. Hope youâre well.
Because of some of the issues surrounding the Captain Marvel name, we know that Billy Batsonâs alter ego has had to be credited as Shazam in the later seasons, despite being Captain Marvel on Earth-16. Do these name issues affect your ability to be able to use Lieutenant and Sergeant Marvel on Young Justice? Do you purposely stray from the Marvel family so as not to upset pre-established canon?
The word "Marvel" is currently off-limits to us. This definitely threw us for a loop in Season Three, but we think we've since come up with a rationalization for Cap's name change. So whatever plans we have/had may proceed.
I always admired YJ for its diversity and was very excited to see a character like Halo, someone who's close to my ethnic background, represented.
But I have been utterly disappointed. More than that, I'm disgusted.
The way you guys have graphically killed her several times on screen is appalling. Yes, I realize she comes back, but to see a WOC go through such violent trauma again and again is damaging to audiences - particularly those who are like her. It is a common trope to violently traumatize and kill women and POC in comics and I thought YJ would be above that. Apparently not.
And then to find out that the actual Arab girl has really been dead since episode 1 and she's nothing but an empty husk for the motherbox...so she's not actual representation at all. She's not a real person.
I was one of the fans who rallied for YJ to return for years and now I will never support this show again. This honestly broke my heart a little.
Glad you got to feel progressive for using a woman in a hijab. I'm sure you're patting yourself on the back for it and won't actually care how people of that background feel.
I'm truly sorry that the character doesn't work for you.
I wish you'd continue to give us a chance throughout the end of Season Three and into Season Four. By July 24th, 2019, Halo's story was far from over. We probably did overdo it on the violent deaths. But the long-term plan was to show a girl (of color) who went from being a victim to a hero. I think we ultimately succeeded in that, but if it didn't/doesn't work for you, I understand.
As for Gabrielle being dead... well, that was built into the character Halo that we adapted.
But again, her story isn't over. And her hijab wasn't an arbitrary or cynical choice. In fact, the only thing in your post that seems unfair to me is your presumption that we were patting ourselves on the back in some cynical manner. We do care. We may fail. But that doesn't mean we're not trying. We've been working with the Muslim Public Affairs Council on Halo's character and others. They seem pretty happy with where we're taking the character long term. Maybe we didn't get there fast enough for you. But, again, I'd love for you to give us and Halo a second chance.
In young justice outsiders episode 19 it is said that beast boy is a emancipation minor . Why did his stepdad Steve Dayton let Garfield become a emancipation minor ?
Gar sued to become an emancipated minor. We don't know whether or not Dayton fought him on this, but if he did, he clearly lost the case.
Greg, what are Traci Thruston/Thirteen powers do they only cause bad luck or does she have greater mystical abilities?
I think what you see on the show speaks for itself.
By the time that you see this question, season 4 will probably have concluded, but I'll take my chances. I love Young Justice - thank you so much for this amazing show!
I have a few questions about "Elder Wisdom", which has just been released on DC Universe:
1) Is Troia an Amazon by birth or is she from man's world? She bears a strong resemblance to Wonder Woman and she referenced Hippolyta ("Mother") so I'm guessing that the former is true, but I wonder if you could confirm this now that she has had a prominent appearance in Young Justice, please.
2a) Does Troia have the alias Donna Troy in Young Justice?
2b) Has she *ever* had this alias on Earth-16? Troia is quite an unusual name so I wonder whether it stems directly from the name Donna Troy somehow, even on Earth-16.
3) We've only ever seen Garth in one outfit, even when he was Tempest in the Young Justice: Legacy game. Likewise, we've only seen one look for Troia at this stage, but is it also her costume from her time as a member of the Team?
4) I hope it's all right if I ask this question as well, please: do you still have plans to include Mary Bromfield in Young Justice? I know that you've said that you wanted to introduce both her and Troia in season 2, so that's why I'm asking about Mary even though this is a spoiler request. I hope that Mary will still get her due, whether it's in the final stretch of season 3 or in season 4. Hoping for some Marvel/Shazam Family love at some point in Young Justice.
Thank you so much for reading my submission! :)
Well, Season Four hasn't dropped as of this writing, though we do have fourteen episodes in the can, seven more in post-production and five being animated overseas, with all pre-production complete.
1. No spoilers.
2. As of Season Three she isn't using the name Donna Troy. No spoilers as to whether she ever did.
3. No spoilers.
4. It's not a spoiler to say that we still want to include her when it makes sense to.
You've always said that when adapting a character you like to make sure you stick to their core identity and values. What about Halo is sticking to her core character, since the Earth-16 version isn't really like the comics version.
To our thinking, our Halo is just like the comic version in every significant way. What seems different to you, beyond the obvious of her being Quraci and the fact that we exchanged her Gabrielle Doe/Daou and Violet Harper names?
Hey Greg,
Not really a question, just wanted to congratulate you and Brandon on getting SEASON 4 of YOUNG JUSTICE green-lighted. The show keeps going from strength to strength!
Thanks, Algae. Gratitude backatcha.
Was there always some kind of attraction between Will and Artemis? Or is the attraction between them from seeing their lost partners in the other?
I'll leave that to each fan's interpretation.
Not so much a question, but a congratulations on Young Justice Season 4. Season 3 is, so far, absolutely fantastic. I can't wait for Season 4
Thanks. Hopefully, you patiently finished Season Three first. ;)
I'm confused, it the future world of Bart's was erased, how come he, from that world, still exists? Shouldn't he have disappeared too if it was changed? Because his new future self now exists in the one he created. Or is he living on borrowed time and eventually his meddling with time will catch up to him? I'm just so confused about his whole time situation.
2. And if nothing happens, and he somehow survives to see himself born, how is that going to work? Is he going to die right upon conception, or upon birth? Or screw up and prevent his birth? This is just so bizzare.
Chronoton radiation made him immune to the changes. Eventually, a new Bart will/should be born. But our Bart might live to see that - live and HOPE that this new Bart never becomes him. But if you're asking whether they can co-exist, they can.
Yo Greg, did Will and Jade officially divorce between season 2 and season 3 of YJ? If this is too spoilerific, you can probably ignore this question.
I honestly don't think they bothered, but I reserve the right to change my mind (or have Brandon change it for me).
What do you think of Peter Parker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
I generally like him quite a bit.
I wanted to include this on the Young Justice Wiki but somebody is threatening me not to. Are Bart Allen and Eduardo Jr. Dating in "Illusion of Control?"
I'm not allowed to say. I can say that Ed is gay and is dating someone.
Hello Greg, Besides the Joker, what villain in the young justice universe is currently the most sadistic and "pure evil" hearted?
That's a judgement call, and is often situational. I'll leave it for you to interpret the answer to this question for yourself.
In Young Justice, does The Light have a specific policy that if its members (even its board members) get caught or exposed, then they will be given up or will not be offered any sort of protection by the organization from the fallout of their own exposure?
I ask because it really does seem to be the trend, given the evidence presented. Ocean Master was caught, disgraced, and imprisoned, and The Light did little for him but quickly select his replacement and send Lady Shiva to murder him when he attempted to take revenge upon those who exposed him. Black Manta was caught, disgraced (even more), and imprisoned, and again The Light did nothing to help or extract him.
I guess there truly is no honor among thieves, huh?
Largely, yes. But "honor" is not at issue, if everyone is aware in advance of the repercussions.
Hey Greg. Let me just say I am a huge fan of Young Justice. I just want to ask you, you know that alien bird Beast Boy Shape shifts into, from the Planet Rann? Have you given that creature a name? Plus is it possible that Beast Boy can Shape shift into a Ma'alefa'ak?
1. We call it a Rannian lizard-bird.
2. By now, you've seen that he can.
First, I wanted to say, thank you for bringing Bart Allen into Young Justice! He's one of few characters I relate to with his impulsiveness, over affection (this gets me into so many misunderstood situations, it's not funny), protectiveness, who tries to be a good, loyal friend to those he cares for. And, originally who had no interest in what is suppose to be common for Teenagers, cause he had no hormones. As an asexual/aromantic, I always felt so out of place because of my lack of interest in such things. I felt so wrong at the time back then. My friends tried to correct me thinking that I was shy, or haven't found the right person. They'd force me into relationships despite my protest and uncomfortable feelings. My over affection to friends would also land me on the rumor mill of dating, which was a bit annoying. I can't begin to tell you how much it meant to see a character similar to yourself, that just might understand what you are going through. It really meant a lot to me when I discovered the Impulse comics. So, just thank you ever so much for adapting him! I love watching him on the show, and reliving what made me fall in love for the character again, even if not exactly the same. He's one of my all time favorites from the DC comics.
2. Does Bart still have his hyper-accelerated metabolism/hyper-aging problem he got upon being born with Barry's speed from the comics? This problem made him appear as 12, when he was really just two years old. Finding a cure for it was one of the reasons he went back in time, if I'm remembering right.
3. I'm not sure how to phrase this one. What would Professor Zoom look like in the Young Justice art style? Curious if he's have red/black eyes like the movies or be more like Flash tv style. And was he once considered to make an appearance in the past 2 seasons? I don't want spoilers for new episodes, hate that, but curious about the past ones. Figured last episodes are safe to ask about.
4. Is it ok if I keep interpreting Bart as asexual/aromatic like me? I know about the shipping madness the fans have for the series, which doesn't help my feelings on being the oddball out, but I also know how fans are when others don't share their view (and I've experienced some hate for my sexuality in the past by fellow fans for portraying a character as such despite canon). I know it's ridiculous to ask, but is it ok? I just feel better making sure.
1. I'm glad you like Bart. We do too.
2. No. We chose not to adapt that into our version.
3. We haven't designed him, and I'm hesitant to guess at how our designers would've approached him, had we chosen to include him - which we never considered for past seasons. And I'm not much interested in hypotheticals.
4. It is okay for anyone to interpret anything in the show however they chose, of course. But I can't promise that every interpretation that fans come up with will survive future content.
Another great episode.
1. How old is Antonia âBig Wordsâ Rodriguez
2. How old is Tommi Thompson?
3. How old is Gabi Gabrielli?
4. How old is Thomas Thompson?
5. How old is Patrick MacGuire?
At the END of Team Year Eight...
1. Antonia "Big Words" Rodriguez is 15.
2. Tommi TOMPKINS is 17.
3. GABY Gabrielli is 16.
4. Thomas TOMPKINS is 52.
5. Patrick MAGUIRE is 45.
Is Young Justice still part of the core DC Multiverse? Grant Morrison released an entirely different comic in 2015 set in Earth 16 called âThe Just,â with no relation to the show. Are there two Earth-16s now?
You'd have to ask DC. They told us Earth-16 was ours, free and clear, so as a result we built our version of the DC Universe around that. Turns out 16 wasn't free and clear. But it was/is way too late for us to change things now. So, yeah, maybe there are two Earth-16s. But it's not for me to say.
What would have happened had Wolf challenged Coyote to take off his "battle armor" before he would have fought him in "Leader of the Pack"?
I dunno. I'm not too interested in hypotheticals.
... Did Demona ever know that Broadway shot Elisa accidentally?
Not that I know of.
In young justice outsiders episode 14 was the even of stealing woman's purse by a man stage by granny goodness against Garfield and if so what did granny goodness expect to happen Garfield because of it ?
I don't think so. But that's an interesting thought.
Is Markovia a former socialist state?
Episode 15 seems to imply so but it doesn't make much sense considering they still have a monarchy, which none of the former socialists states in real life Europe have, Unless it was a situation similar to the U.S. and Cuba (for example) with attempted assassinations on the royals, interference to boost communist support and other affairs.
Yes. For a time, during the Cold War.
Hi Greg I watched Season 2 of Gargoyles recently and I am left thinking about one character at the end of Hunter's Moon. I'm hoping you can help me with.
Low and behold Demona wants to kill the humans again. This time with a biological planetwide human killing virus and protect the Gargoyles from the virus with some sort of gargoyle magic statue.
There's two problems I saw with the plan.
One Demona herself is human in the day which means when the sun rises the virus would likely kill her. Which means she'll die every couple minutes while the sun is up due to her immortality.
Two even if her being a gargoyle at night protects her from the virus. It will do nothing to protect MacBeth who will die by her hand and as a result kill her for good with him wouldn't it?
As I was watching the episodes I thought they were problems with the plan until the very end where Demona once again flies off alone.
Is it really a problem with the plan, did she have everything covered, or did the destruction of her relationship with Angela break Demona to a point that she didn't care as long as she made a 'better' world for her race?
In her mind, she had all the bases covered. But with Demona, if there's an element of self-destruction inherent to her plans, that should come as no surprise.
How long has John Economos been the warden of Belle Reve?
Since Warden Strange was fired (in absentia) for freeing every single one of his prisoners.
Is Queen Bee from Young Justice a metahuman? Or did she get her powers artificially by augmenting herself?
No spoilers.
1. How old is Thirteen?
2. How old is Lena Luthor?
3. How old is Lashina?
4. How old is Colonel Olga Ilyich?
5. How old is Holocaust?
At the end of Team Year Eight...
1. Thirteen is 16.
2. Lena is 34.
3. Lashina is biologically 15.
4. Olga is 45.
5. Holocaust is 19.
Fantastic episodes today! Can't wait to see the rest of 3B.
1. How old is Captain Boomerang?
2. How old is Dmitri Pushkin?
3. How old is Windfall?
4. How old is Big Barda?
5. How old is Hro Talak?
As of the end of Team Year Eight:
1. Captain Boomerang is 41.
2. Dmitri Pushkin is 34.
3. Wendy Jones is 13.
4. Big Barda is biologically 16.
5. Hro Talak is 52.
Is there a part of the Eyrie Building that could serve as a rookery for the Manhattan Clan?
Hello again Mr.Weisman! I'd just like to Say I'm one of the Lucky few Fans Who've just managed to Get the Graphic Novel Version of the Gargoyles: BAD GUYS series! And I LOVE IT! and Here are Some questions I Do Have for it if you Don't Mind!
1) I Don't Know if you Answered this Already, But Is there was reason why the 3rd issue was Drawn by a different Artist than the one who drew the Rest of the other Comics?
2)Since Dr. Sevarius works for Thailog Now at Nightstone Unlimited, Is it Possible That Thailog was IN or aware of Sevarius's Plan to turn everyonein Times Square on New Years Into mutants?
1. Deadlines.
2. Anything's possible.
In Young Justice what is Lex Luthor motivations why did he decided to engage in illegal actives and does he sees himself as an hero?
Most versions of Lex just have him being greedy and power hungry what sets your versions of Lex from the others?
1. He sees himself above the laws of man, as he sees himself as superior.
1a. Of course.
2. I think our version is more charming than most, I suppose. Otherwise, I'll leave it to the audience to interpret.
Hi, these are just a few questions
1) Is Aquaman a full Atlantean or is he half Atlantean half human like in the comics (human father, Atlantean mother)
2) Is Orm his full brother or his half brother?
1. No spoilers.
2. No spoilers.
Why didn't Tim Curry return as G. Gordon?
Unfortunately, Tim, who'd suffered a stroke, wasn't able to voice him, at least not at the time we needed the work done for Season Three.
Is Blue Devil an official member of the Justice League and if so what is his designation?
By Season Three, yes.
And I don't reveal designations here.
1). Who were the 2 meta humans in the episode âAway Missionâ with Maâalefaâak?
2). Who was the meta human in the episode âEvolutionâ that Kalibak used as a bomb?
1. Blister and Giant.
2. He wasn't named, even in the script.
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