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Kevin writes...

Hello, hope you are doing well congratulations on Young Justice Outsiders and hopefully by the time you get this it will be renewed for a fourth season. My question has to due with the Gargoyles version of Arthur and cast. I was wondering what the ages of Gwenyvere Lancelot, Morgause, Morgana and Nimue were. I understand if you don't want to do the math for the exact dates for them but if Arthur was eighteen, what would the other's age range be compared to him? I tried to look it up myself but the myths so convoluted I could not make heads or tails of it.

Greg responds...

It took a whole other year from when you posted this question for us to be picked up for a Season Four.

Anyway, the Gargoyles Universe Arthur Pendragon was born in 485. Every other character that you named amounts to a spoiler.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Matthew B writes...

Hi Greg,

I'm an Arthurian lit fanatic and had a couple of questions. Dame Ragnal is implicitly Peredur's mother (her story is one of my all time favorites, BTW). In your world is Ragnal human? Her loathley appearance could be a curse, or she could be a child of Oberon or even a gargoyle based on her appearance in the old story.

In the story of Sir Gawain, his son is named Sir Gyngalyn. I'm curious why you gave him the name Peredur instead. Are these two names for the same character?

I am also curious what other Arthurian characters might exist (though that may be a spoiler). I'd be very interested to see what you'd do with Galahad, Lancelot, or Morgan LeFey.

Greg responds...

In my reading, particularly in Roger Lancelyn Green, it's strongly implied that Ragnal is the mother of Percival.

Beyond that, all the rest of your questions are Spoiler requests. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Nathan Scott writes...

Hay greg big fan of your work I was wondering if you could explain to me why you used a mouthlay format for young justice and spectacular spider man.

Greg responds...

I'm assuming "mouthlay" is a typo, but I can't quite figure out what it's replacing. The closest I can come up with is "monthly," but I don't understand what "monthly format" might mean. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Mahir writes...

Hi, Greg! I'm so glad YJ is coming back for a Season 3 (Outsiders) I'm just wondering one thing, as of S2, are the Injustice League active (or still a thing) as no mention of them were in Season 2?

Greg responds...

Not as a regular thing.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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EndBringer99 writes...

What is Black Beetle's real name?

Greg responds...

Edith Lynne Portafiro.

Serioualy, though, what makes you think the Reach have names?

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Stinkbutt writes...

Are you a fan of digimon if so I have a question for you if a human falls in love with a digimon and the two get married do you think they will adopt a child

Greg responds...

Never seen the show.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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YoungJustice4evs writes...

Why are Nightwings eyes so dark in Young Justice Outsiders? I literally thought they were black at first...doesnt fit continuity with his eyes being lighter when he was shown w/o a mask as robin in the first season. Just wondering bc I think thats what threw me off when I first saw him in the trailer for he looked a little wierd to me

Greg responds...

I don't understand. Nightwing's eyes are solid white inside his mask.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman,

Just saw the trailer for Young Justice: Outsiders and I thought it was awesome. However, is it just my imagination, or does it appear like the artwork style for the new season seem to somewhat resemble the artwork style from the films of the DC Animated Movie Universe more closely in comparison to the previous two seasons of Young Justice...?

Greg responds...

It might have. Character Designer and Outsider's Art Director Phil Bourassa worked on both.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Without naming names, are there any aromantic characters in Young Justice? I'm not sure if you're familiar with the spectrum, but I've heard that at least one character in your past show was confirmed asexual, so I thought this was probably okay to ask. I've always been cool with it as a romance-heavy show, but it'd be nice to think that one or two of the YJ characters might be exceptions and single because of orientation. Love your show regardless, and can't wait to see some of what you've cooked up in the trailer tomorrow!!

Greg responds...

At first I thought you had written "aromatic" and I thought: RUDE!

But, no, "aromantic". The answer has to be No Spoilers, I'm afraid. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

We know Elisa is a detective, but what section? I know there’s homicides, narcotics, cyber crime, cold cases, sexual cases, domestic and even organize crimes,etc. But in which department Elisa belongs?

Greg responds...

Hm. I thought of her as a precinct detective, handling whatever cases happened within her precinct, like the detectives of Barney Miller and Hill Street Blues. I might need to someday do some research on how the NYPD operates (or operated in the mid-nineties). If every detective specializes then it seems she's in organized crime.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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