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Saarai-kaar writes...

Hello there,

I know you likely get flooded with questions/pleas for a continuation for many of your works, and with the return of Young Justice, that seems to have stricken wishful thinking to many, myself included. The DC Animated Universe (DCAU) had similar scenarios in which storylines were continued via comics in otherwise discontinued mediums, but I digress.

Onto the question: do you believe there's even the faintest possibility that any of your works could be continued via comics, novels, or anything at all?

Greg responds...

I do believe that's possible. I've been constantly trying to make it possible for decades now.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Hafiz writes...

How old is Donna Troy?

Greg responds...

If you mean Troia, that's been asked and answered.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Nick writes...

1. How old is Victor Stone/Cyborg?
2. How old is Silas Stone?
3. How old is Cassandra Savage?
4. How old is Orphan?
5. How old is Kalibak?

Greg responds...

At the end of Team Year Eight...

1. Victor Stone is 18.

2. Silas Stone is 49.

3. Cassandra Savage is 16.

4. Orphan is 15.

5. Kalibak is biologically 24.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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YJ Fan writes...

I watched YJ episode 9 of season 3 and towards the end of the episode the light refers to nightwing by his real name. I understand that many of the other heroes don't take the same precaution to hiding their identity but the batkids are so secretive and Batman treasures his identity so they take extra precaution when maintaining it. Does this mean they also know Batman's identity? If they know the identities of nightwing and some of the other heroes why don't they expose them to the media and other people??? BTW I am so glad its back.

Greg responds...

The Light pretty much knows everyone's secret identity (though there are many exceptions). But Ra's knew Batman's identity.

What advantage is it to the Light to expose these heroes' identities to the media?

Knowledge is power. Shared knowledge reduces their power.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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K writes...

Vandal Savage was Marduk?! I think most of us in the audience assumed that Tula's presence as a Non-Player Character (NPC) in YJ: Legacy meant that her death would be part of the story line, but the fact! That her conclusion! That she had to sacrifice her life because MARDUK! THE IMMORTAL! VANDAL MARDUK IMMORTAL DEMIGOD SAVAGE! "sacrificed" his so-called "life!" is just... exquisitely painful. I hate it, but only because I love it. Way to reward the obsessives who must have every single piece of the story. Mostly I feel bad for Garth and Kaldur and the rest of the Aquapeople.

(Speaking of, thank you for Home Fires confirming that Mera and Orin's son is still alive. I have wondered about that on and on off ever since Downtime aired.)

As for questions:

1. How old was Olympia Savage when she was killed?
2. Did Olympia inherit the metagene?
3. Will we ever know who, exactly, read the part with the bear? (I'm kidding. I think.)

Greg responds...

1. She would have been 83 by the end of Team Year Eight. So she was either 82 or 83 when she died.

2. No spoilers.

3. ;)

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Some Guy writes...

1. How long has Katana been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?
2. How long has Steel been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?

Greg responds...

1. About six months.

2. Same.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Some Guy writes...

1. How long has Aquaman (Kaldur’ahm) been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?
2. How long has Batwoman been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?
3. How long has Fire been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?
4. How long has Hardware been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?
5. How long has Ice been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?

Greg responds...

1. About six months.

2. Same.

3. Same.

4. Same.

5. Same.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Ben Tseng writes...

Long-time fan of Young Justice here and beyond thrilled with Season 3 (although I'm bracing myself for the end-of-season after how you guys ended Season 2). Wanted to ask a quick question -- as someone who's last name is Tseng and who's also Taiwanese, I couldn't help but notice that you've used Taipei/Taiwan as a location and even had the last name Tseng as the UN Secretary General (however ineffectual because of the machinations of the Light...). Have you spent any time in Taiwan / know Taiwanese people (or people with last name Tseng)?

Keep up the amazing work! Thanks!

Greg responds...

I have not spent any time in Taiwan. Long, long ago, I did go to grammar school with a kid named Tseng in Encino, California. But I believe the name actually came from the comics.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

While Halo's powers allow her to recover from fatal injuries more than a few viewers find it disturbing that she is specifically and repeatedly subject to getting injured or killed in gruesome ways in spite of her powers, especially as a young Muslim teenage girl (Violence against PoC be it on the news or in fiction tends to be taken less seriously than violence against white people). Had the writing team considered the implications of this when writing the action scenes Halo is involved in?

Greg responds...

Clearly, we did not.

We thought of her like Wolverine, healing from impossible things. But we also wanted to show her journey of strength from victim to hero.

Best laid plans, and all.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

If Vandal Savage was the father of Nabu, then why has Nabu not mentioned this relationship to anyone? Also, has Nabu ever encountered Vandal Savage again at any point between his death and the present day?

Greg responds...

1. How do you know he hasn't?

2. Inevitably, yes.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In known history, Genghis Khan began the seeds if his empire due to his family connections via his father's clan. Given Vandal Savage of course didnt have a mongol chief as his dad, how did he start the start of his empire?

Greg responds...

He might have had a mongol chief as his adoptive father/blood-brother.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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The_Jezio writes...

Hi Greg,

Thank you for your work and Gargoyles, it gave a mature 13-year old kid a great show to watch and escape with when his world around him was falling apart.

I wanted to ask you about Goliath and his character ARC. he's such a complex character who spends so much time in grief and, carrying burdens from his past balancing good and evil, broken hearts and forbidden romances, an evolution of "Clan" and family.

Season three opened all of these new possibilities with new clans popping up all over the world after Avalon, and so my Question is, What would it take for Goliath to get his happy ending? Was there ever a plan to really wrap up Gargoyles, because the universe really is so deep and expansive everyone could have gotten 10 episodes plus about their own struggles and triumphs.

I even got to read Brooklyn's Comic Arc from "Clan Building" by Greg Weisman, and had even more love for what could have been! Thank you for answering if you get the chance!

Greg responds...

I think you're referring to Season Two having "opened all of these new possibilities with new clans popping up all over the world".

There is no plan to wrap Gargoyles forever. I don't do final endings. But that doesn't mean I don't have an end to Goliath's story in mind. But revealing whether it's a happy ending or not, would a spoiler.

Glad you liked the show and the companion comic!

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Swiftleaf writes...

Sorry if this was asked, but is it fair to assume that many, MANY children died as a result of Klarion's spell in misplaced? It's been years since I've watched the episode, but I don't recall any reaction to a tragedy of such scope being depicted.

Greg responds...

I imagine some did die. I guess it depends on how you define "many, MANY". But ANY children dying constitutes a tragedy.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jordan Wade writes...

1. Why did Vandal Savage invited Ocean Master to the Light what did Ocean Master have to bring to the table?

2. Why did Ocean Master agreed to joining the Light?

3. Was Ocean Master friends with any members of the Light?

4. On Earth-16 did Ocean Master had any racism towards Surface Dwellers?

Greg responds...

1. The potential of ruling 3/4ths of the globe.

2. He was a like-minded soul, who looked forward to the Light helping him to achieve his goal.

3. Sure.

4. Latent, maybe. That wasn't a big issue for our version. Even his Purist pretentions were only that.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Laura writes...

Dear Greg,
You are really amazing!! I love how you have all made this! Sorry for my bad English, because I come from the Netherlands and english is not my mother launguage. Sorry.
I have a lot of questions. My first question is: How was your first day working here?

Thank you for your time!!

Your sincerly,

Greg responds...

Working... where?

I'm sorry. I know English isn't your first language - though you're doing better than I would do at ANY other language, but I don't know which series you're referring to. Or whether you're talking about ASK GREG.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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MarylandSwimmer writes...

Just wondering, is the Owings Mills in young justice 3x09 the same from Owings Mills, MD?

Greg responds...

The Earth-16 version, yes.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg, first--I hope you don't get tired of hearing this--but I just wanted to say I love your work: Gargoyles, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Young Justice, they're all awesome!

If it's alright, I had a few questions about the Sword of Beowulf from the YJ episode "Secrets" which kind of tie into each other.

1. Did Beowulf forge the sword or did he find it?
2. Whose arm makes up the scabbard of the sword? I assume Grendel but I want to be sure.
3. The moral implications of using an arm for a scabbard are a little... iffy. Was the Beowulf of the Young Justice pure "good" of heart?
4. Was the "purity of heart" requirement based on whether the sword believed someone was pure of heart or if the person wielding it considered themselves pure of heart? Like, as a hypothetical, could a person who deluded themselves into thinking they're a purely good person, despite doing objectively evil deeds, still use the sword's power?

Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

First off: THANKS!

1. The legend isn't clear on that point.

2. Potentially.

3. The legend says he was "pure of heart" only.

4. Well, given what happened with Harm, I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

How does Jefferson get along with John Stewart after the divorce from Lynn?

Greg responds...

Pretty well.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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luke writes...

i have a question for you how durable are Atlantean besides the deep blue sea

Greg responds...

I don't understand the question, but they're quite durable.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Nick writes...

How old is Lois Lane?
How old is Jon Kent?
How old is Red Tornado’s daughter?
Is Red Tornado’s daughter Traya Sutton?
How old is Lady Shiva?

Greg responds...

Red Tornado's daughter is Traya Smith.

As of the END of TEAM YEAR EIGHT...

Lady Shiva is 37.

Lois Lane is 36.

Traya Smith is 11.

Jonny Kent is 1.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Nick writes...

Great episodes this week!

How old is Livewire?
How old is Mist?
How old is Shade?
How old is Mad Hatter?
How old is Simon Stagg?

Greg responds...

As of the END of TEAM YEAR SEVEN...

Livewire is 15.

Mist is 13.

Shade is biologically 48.

Mad Hatter is 59.

Simon Stagg is 63.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Seeing Lady Shiva on "Young Justice: Outsiders," is her real name spelled out as Sandra Woosan OR Sandra Wu-San?

Greg responds...

Sandra Wu-San.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

So Deathstroke, Ultra-Humanite, and Lady Shiva are officially members of the Light, but what are there designation numbers?

Greg responds...

Lady Shiva is their enforcer, taking Sportsmaster and Deathstroke's place. She's not a member of the Light.

The Light doesn't use designations the way the League and the Team do.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Since two years have passed between Seasons Two and Three of Young Justice, what happened to Wally's parents?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I just watched Young Justice Outsiders episode 4 and was wondering if the scene with Superboy & Brion fixing that bike was inspired by the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig?

Greg responds...

To a degree, yes. Maybe influenced is a better word than inspired?

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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B writes...

We now know that Troia is Troia's given name, per the UN, as you pointed out on your Twitter. Given that you once referred to her as "the Earth-16 Donna Troy" (in an answer where you said ""But the short answer is that the Earth-16 Donna Troy was TROIA. Never Wonder Girl""), is Donna Troy an alias she has used in civilian life (like Wonder Woman's Diana Prince during WWII), or did you just mean she is the Earth-16 equivalent of Donna Troy?

Greg responds...

I meant the latter. Doesn't preclude the former, though that would be a spoiler.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Spitfire writes...

I bought a DCU membership soley for YJ, but since there's a number of shows available on the platform I decided to start watching Batman Beyond too (i'm 3 episodes in, but so far so good)

(1) Do you have a favorite episode/moment that you liked from Batman Beyond?

(2) Thoughts on Terry McGinnis?

Greg responds...

1. I only ever watched the pilot. And that was when it first came out.

2. I'm just not that familiar with the character.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Daniel writes...

Why couldn't Coyote 1.0 (not the head separately, but the robot as a whole) fly?

Greg responds...

Wasn't built for it.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Lea1997 writes...

Can you please give a full description of Superman and Superboy's relationship with the Kent family in Young Justice.

Greg responds...

I could. But I won't. I'd rather show than tell.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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B writes...

In https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=22687, where Mo asked "I just rewatched spectacular spiderman and I feel there were a few bits inspired by the Rami trilogy, is that true?" and you said "Since I don't know what the Rami trilogy is, I'm gonna say no.", they must have been referring to the original trilogy of Spider-Man films starring Tobey Maguire and directed by Sam Raimi. The Raimi trilogy.

Greg responds...

Oh, I get it. In that case, the answer is definitely yes. Sorry I misunderstood.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Haley writes...

Hi Greg. Thanks for all the work you, Brandon, Phil, and many others put into making a third season of Young Justice. I've been very impressed and can't wait for more episodes!

Q: We see that M'Gann faced oppression as a white Martian by greens, but since they're all shapeshifters, is it possible for them to change form so that they resemble a green Martian, or would other Martians see through that?

Thank you!

Greg responds...

As we established back in Season One, since Martians are all psychic, changing shape doesn't fool them.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In young justice after the events of ''Secrets'' did Artemis and Zatanna Each get a Counseling session with Black canary to help clear their minds of the stress brought by Harm and his actions to Greta?

Greg responds...

I think Dinah checked in regularly with all the kids.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Pablo Torres writes...

Hey, Greig, first, big fan of the show, the comic and the game. I love this universe and it always fill me with joy when it expands. And I love that we finally got season 3.
Now my question is about Traci Thurston aka Thirteen
1) How old is she?
2) I know she’s based on Traci 13, but is she also based on Jinx from Teen Titans as well, given she has magical bad luck
3) Is she dating Blue Beetle, or will she start dating Blue in the series? (I loved their relationship in the comics, before the New 52, and I know in Rebirth she was made into an LGBT character, but I always prefer Traci with Jaime)

Greg responds...

1. At the END of TEAM YEAR NINE, Traci is 17.

2. I'm not that familiar with Jinx. So that wasn't in my head. Maybe it was in Brandon's.

3. They're dating throughout Season Three, which doesn't meant she isn't LGBTQ+.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Tyler writes...

Hey Greg!
I had a few questions regarding Bette Kane and the Kane family:

1. Is Martha Wayne's maiden name is still Kane in this universe?

2. Would Bette be from the same Kane family as Martha, or is that all just a big coincidence?

3. If #2 is a yes, does that mean that Bette has a cousin named Kate somewhere out there in Gotham?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. They're related.

3. They're related.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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ReyMonoArdilla writes...

Since we just saw that Traci 13's magic appears to be based on bad luck, I had a few questions about it (and tangentially about Earth-16 magic).

1. Since there are Lords of Order and Lords of Chaos on Earth-16, is magic separated into opposing forces of Chaos Magic and Order magic (like the Light and Dark sides of the Force, or positive and negative electrical charges) or is magic simply a neutral energy that can be used freely for either chaotic or orderly purposes?

2. If Earth-16 magic comes in separate Order and Chaos flavours, is Traci's bad luck magic a type of Chaos Magic?

3. If the previous answer is true, how does Doctor Fate--being a Lord of Order--feel about being allied with a user of Chaos Magic?

Greg responds...

1. I lean toward the latter.

2. See 1.

3. See 2.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Carlo from Italy writes...

Hi Greg.
I have a question about Young Justice universe: "Queen Bee" is only a title or is the birth name of the character?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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DD writes...

So was that definitely Damian Wayne we saw in the Rescue Op episode of Young Justice?

Greg responds...

No spoilers. But figure there have to be hundreds of babies on Infinity Island, right? So it could be anyone. ;)

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Phil writes...

Alright first off I'm a huge fan. Have been since Gargoyles (though I didn't know it at the time). Congrats on season 3 and I hope to see more of your work in the future, be it Young Justice or anything else.

As for the questions:

1. Is Statics identity public? I never see him wear a mask
2. Are Superboy's shirts lighter now due to multiple washings or was that just an aesthetic choice?
3. Did Kaldur always know he would be Aquaman someday?
4. Which episode of season 3 is your favorite?

Thanks a bunch!

Greg responds...

1. You never see Superman wear a mask either.

2. The former.

3. Wasn't a guarantee, but that was always King Orin's plan.

4. Oh. That's hard. I like all of 'em. But I guess I'd go with either "Nightmare Monkeys" or "Overwhelmed."

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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luke writes...

it probably doesn't it matter but in young justice s3 e3 garfield was in paris with queen perita my question is does perita know about the team because gar had to use a zeta beam to get to paris

Greg responds...

Not for that reason.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

After eight years, Zatara appeared to look terrible; whether it is his age catching up to him or the strain of wearing the Helmet of Nabu for such a long time appears to be unclear. As such, why has Nabu not yet found a successor to wear the helmet? How long must Zatanna go through the grief of only seeing her father briefly before quickly losing him again every year?

Greg responds...

I wouldn't say he looks terrible. He just looks like he's aged dramatically.

But to answer your question: NO SPOILERS!

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Can you reveal who A08, A09, and A14 are?

Greg responds...

Yes, I could.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Fabian Martinez writes...

Hi Greg. So I've been trying to Google this to find the answer but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I haven't read the comics so I don't know if it's in there or if you have answered it in here but why does Miss Martian have this new form in S3?

Greg responds...

It's the form she chose. I'll leave the why to your interpretation. (Personally, I think the answer is obvious, but your mileage may vary.)

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Gordhan Rajani writes...

Does the public know, that Garfield used to be Beast Boy, before he went on to become an actor? I doubt there's that many Metas with green skin and shapeshifting, and I like to think, that someone must've noticed the similarities.

Greg responds...

Who ever saw him?

I mean, a few people certainly did on Team missions. But the Team's covert. Beast Boy wasn't a public hero until he stepped up to form the Outsiders.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Thomas writes...

As I assume you are avoiding real countries in show, what R.l Countries in the YJverse restrict J.L access to a prohibitive level?

Greg responds...

I guess it depends on how you define "prohibitive". But in any case, I'm not going to pull out a list of countries and go through them all to create a list for you. But some obvious ones include Russia and China, North Korea and United Rhelasia, Greater Bialya and Santa Prisca, etc.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Reed writes...

Given that the character is known for his intelligence, is there a guarantee that we will be seeing at least more consistent examples of Virgil's overall smarts and intelligence on YJ this season?



Greg responds...

I'm not sure I'm understanding the links. I'm not familiar with reddit, or how it works.

But I think we show Virgil as intelligent. Not all-knowing, but intelligent. I'll leave it to your interpretation to decide if we got it right.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

The fight between Savage and Captain Marvel and the other Leaguers still bothers me. I just don't see how he could beat a Superman-level character plus two other leaguers.
Savage has not usually been depicted as having that level of physical might. I know, I know, your universe, your rules.

Then, something occurred to me. You have implied in the past that season 2 Captain Marvel is not as fast as season 1 Captain Marvel. Why would that be? In Jerry Ordway's Power of Shazam, the power of Shazam is split between Billy, Mary, and Freddy.

1) Is it fair to say season 2 Captain Marvel is only 1/3 as powerful as season 1 Captain Marvel?:)

2) Could season 1 Captain Marvel have defeated Vandal Savage one-on-one?

3) If the power of Shazam is shared between Captain, Lieutenant, and Sargent Marvel, is it only split between them when more than one of them is using it? Or, is the power divided all of time regardless as to whether multiple Marvels are transformed?

Greg responds...

1. It's fair to say that. Whether it's true or not is a spoiler.

2. Captain Marvel could defeat Vandal one-on-one in either season. Vandal could defeat Captain Marvel in either season. It all depends on circumstances.

3. See above.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

Is the Markovian language based on any real languages, like Atlantean is based on ancient Greek?

Greg responds...

It's based on Latvian.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Chris writes...

Okay, Kaldur is B27 and Steel is B36; so what are the designations for Batwoman, Hardware, Ice and Katana?

Greg responds...

My policy is not to pre-reveal designations before the show (or the comic) reveals them. I made an exception at the end of Season Two, because we didn't have a serious hope of a Season Three back then.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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JOE writes...

What did miss martian's family on mars think of m'gann sibling relationship with Garfield when they meet Garfield when he and m'gann and conner went to mars in 2016 ? Did m'gann's family eccept Garfield as family ?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Chris writes...

During the UN Meta-Human Summit, Troia mentioned that Bialya was trying to pass off "wanted criminals" as their local heroes. Anyone we know; Psimon? Mammoth? Shimmer? Devastation?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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