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Tyler1 writes...

What do you think about Rumor (real name Mario) from the eleventh episode of the fourth season of The Batman (TV Series 2004â€"2008) called Rumors, like his skill's, the cool tech he used and his actions/everything he did?

Greg responds...

I don't remember him. Not sure if I even saw that episode.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Molly writes...

So I was thinking about Dick growing up, and a thought came to me. How hard to Bruce and Alfred try for Dick to get a "normal" childhood? Now obviously, it isn't really normal as no normal 9 year old grow up doing what Dick did, but did they try when he wasn't being Robin (and, assuming he became Nightwing still as a teen, Nightwing) for him to experience just... being a kid?

Greg responds...

They tried!

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Geri writes...


Sorry, I asked a question but forgot to put a link to the ramble it refers to and thought you might have trouble finding it. My question refers to this ramble where you discuss the idea that Gargoyles might have originally not used language and communicated psychically instead, an extension of how they didn't used to have names.


I thought it was fascinating and I was wondering whether you've given it any more thought since then. Thanks.

Greg responds...

Thanks for the link. Yeah, the ideas still interest me. Something to explore someday, maybe.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Geri writes...

Dear Greg,

I'm a big fan of yours. I have a question, but first I just wanted to express my gratitude. I recently lost my grandfather. It was the first time someone close to me passed away, so it was especially difficult. It prompted me to reread Rain of the Ghosts and I found it very comforting during a difficult time. I thought your portrayal of the grieving process was very vivid and true to life, and I appreciate that you didn't just rush through it the way other works of fiction often do. I'd give anything for my grandfather to be in a bracelet so I could talk to him every night like Papa Bastian. I hope I get to read the rest of the books in the series and hear the audioplay version of the second book someday, but until then I'll happily support the other projects you're working on, especially Young Justice: Outsiders.

As for my question, a while ago I saw this ramble all the way from 2004 about whether Gargoyles might have communicated psychically rather than through words. I was really fascinated by it at the time and it spurred me to think about the nature and limitations of language. I even did some study of the philosophy of language when I got to college partly because of seeing that ramble. I was wondering, have you given that idea any more thought? For example, is it any closer or farther away from something you'd consider bringing into the text if you ever get a chance to make more Gargoyles stories? Thanks!

Greg responds...

Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad Rain and Bastian could help you through a difficult time.

As for your question, I haven't really pursued that idea. I'm leaning more toward instinct than telepathy. But I also haven't had a need to explore it further. So we'll see.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, Will Outsiders eventually be released on Blu-ray?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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King_Joey writes...

It has been said that the meta-gene is "opportunistic, taking advantage of whatever is present in the host's system." If that's the case then my question is:

1. Are Halo's powers a result of Gabrielle's meta-gene activating as the Mother Box's "soul" energy was passing through her body? Making her a meta-human with Mother Box related light based powers.

2. Or is she really a human-mother box hybrid?

I ask because mother/father boxes have been destroyed on screen before and there was no "soul" that left and reanimated a dead body.

3. Is it just that a dead body wasn't close enough to the destroyed mother/father box?

This isn't a question but I just realized that if the answer to 1. is yes than the answer to 2. could still be yes.
I just want to know.

Greg responds...

1. Nope. Gabrielle had no meta-gene.

2. Yep.

2a. You sure about that? In any case, normally, the "soul" returns to Metron.

3. By now, you know that Motherbox actively tried to heal Gabrielle.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Why in the world would Mantis be interested in books??? He just doesn't strike me as a deep reader.

Greg responds...

Did we say he was interested in books? I honestly don't remember that. What was the context?

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Does Brion receive some sort of allowance from Markovia while he is exile?

Greg responds...

He has his own money.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Alpha 3 writes...

Hello! You most definately get this alot but i am a huge fan, and this question is of a personal nature, although not too personal i think.

You see there is someone close to me who keeps trying to "shame" me because i like to watch cartoons, such as Young Justice/Ducktales/Star vs the forces of evil
Just to name a few. As well as animated movies, this person believes that animation is solely for little kids, and i shouldnt be watching any of them just because im a young adult.

I have tried to get this person to watch some, you know give it a chance and all that, i tried getting him to watch the Gargoyles dvd i bought! but he is hellbent on not doing so. So my question is, how do i explain to this person that not every animated show and movie isnt just for kids?

I know getting him to do a complete 180 on this subject is just wishful thinking lol but i'm mostly asking just to maybe tell him a more indepth response, especially if it comes from someone who works in the industry.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure how to convince your "someone." But if you're a young adult, I think it's fair to say, "I disagree with you strongly. Animation is a medium. It is not by definition for kids or adults. It all depends on the content. And even if some of the stuff I watch IS for kids, how does that affect you in any way? Please respect that I know what I like and watch what I like."

Or something like that.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jarrod writes...

Good Day Greg! (Or whatever time of day it is when you get to this.)

Firstly, thank you for everything you and the entire YJ team did to help create and amazing season 3. Its been highly anticipated and it has not let us down in any way.

My question is about how much freedom you have in character portray, now that you are not answering to CN S&P? Without giving away spoilers, we have already seen a few instances of blood and language that could not have aired on CN. Are you able to openly show relationships between LGBT+ characters now? You have told us that there are certainly some LGBT+ characters on YJ, and we have seen them, but do you have the ability to portray those characters' romance? I am not asking who and when we will see them, but just if you are allowed to now?

Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. For the most part (i.e. with one exception), we had complete freedom.

2. We do, for the most part, and we did in the second half of Season Three. And we will expand on that in Season Four.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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