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jazz writes...

you said Collector of Worlds is a alien android what is an alien android is it a robot that was created by aliens

Greg responds...

It is an android created on an alien world.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Mcgurn writes...

Did Garfield Logan and Queen Perdita start spend most their free time together after they meet at wally's funeral or after Garfield begin living again with his stepfather ?

Greg responds...

I don't know about "most of their free time". They've both been very busy throughout, and they're dating long distance (on two different continents), though with the benefit of resources like money, private planes, zeta-tubes, etc.

But their relationship started at the funeral, not after Gar moved to Brentwood.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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DK writes...

As a writer and creative, you've been responsible for some of my most cherished childhood and adulthood favorites. Given your experience, I wanted to know what one's approach would be when they come up with a story that they could see manifesting as an animated series? Do you flesh the whole story out as if writing a novel, or do you try and create episodes on paper and tell the whole story; is the process entirely different altogether? I would love your insight on this sensei. Thank You

Greg responds...

Are we talking about selling or producing? They're two very different processes.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

How powerful is Zatanna?

Greg responds...

Pretty powerful.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Andrew writes...

Were you involved with the creation of The Spectacular Spider-Man intro, and if so what involvement?

Greg responds...

That was mostly Vic Cook and Phil Weinstein, as I recall. Plus The Tender Box, who wrote and produced the show's theme song. But I did have input.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey greg I got one question for spectacular spiderman.

This is something I've always wondered in every version of Venom.

Why did the symbiote covered Peter's face like a "normal mask", but then started to show the scary teeth and the jaw when he became bonded with Eddy?

Thank you, Greg!

Greg responds...

Each relationship was symbiotic. Take from that what you will.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey Greg another question for Young Justice.

This time for Superboy. In the show, he is usually shown as being "the tank" of the team. That is he is the member that can take the most damage and has the most physical strenght.

But, thinking about how Liutenant Marvel and Sargent Marvel were parts of the team of screen, I got some questions.

1.- Considering they, presumably, had their full SHAZAM powers, compared to Superboy who was missing his half kryptonian powers, Were Mary and Freddy stronger compared to Conner?

Billy is roughly Superman's equal as Captain Marvel, while Superboy has been shown as being weaker to Superman. Was the power difference between Mary and freddy compared to Conner just as big?

2.- If so, how did Conner feel about both of them being stronger than he was?

3.- Did he feel insecure about other teenage heroes being "better" or similar to him on his role as the team? or did he didn't mind like how he was ok with Billy?

Thank you greg!

Greg responds...

1. Well, you have no idea how strong their "SHAZAM" powers were.

1a. Captain Marvel was roughly Superman's equal in Season One only.

1b. No spoilers.

2. I don't do hypotheticals.

3. I'll leave that to your interpretation for now.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey greg! I got to questions regarding young justice.

1.-First, how was Superman able to to have a biological son with Lois Lane. I mean, wasn't it established Kryptonian DNA was very incompatible with Human DNA?

I mean it in how Superboy wasn't able to donate blood to Beast Boy, and Megan had to do it instead.

Or how Lex Luthor had a lot of trouble deciphering Kryptonian DNA to the point match became an insane clone of Superman and Superboy himself doesn't have Kryptonian power just because he is half human.

2.-Second, do you have a power limit for members of the team?

I mean it mostly for storytelling purposes. For example( not asking the spoiler if these two would be part of the team)

But say, hypothetically a teenage Jessica Cruz (green lantern) or Supergirl (full-blooded Kryptonian).

In theory, Supergirl would be far more powerful than Superboy, and you've also mentioned how you lanterns might solve some plots too easily if they were around.

In team year 1, for example, Ivo mentioned how the sidekicks were mostly weaker than their mentors.

Again NOT ASKING about the spoiler if you would put them in team (for all We know Kara might not even care about joining the team). I'm just wondering if having too powerful characters compared to other members of the team would ruin the chances of certain team hero being on it.

thank you Greg!

Greg responds...

1. When was that established?

1a. Lots of people with different blood types have kids.

1b. That seems to prove the opposite of your point.

2. Not necessarily.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey Greg just wondering if you noticed how Keith David mirrored Puck's role n gargoyles.

In Star vs the forces of evil, Keith plays Glossarick who is basically a magic mentor. In one episode he took a baby magical princess called Meteora in a magical adventure to teach her magic while her mother wasn't aware.

This reminded me of Puck doing the exact same thing with Puck and Alex Xanatos.

Just wanted you to know Goliath now went full circle and played Pucks' role. Cool, isn't it?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Deanna writes...

In response to your response to Millie about a gathering, you said you tried some cons. Did you try Florida Supercon? Jonathon Frakes is already supposed to be there, and I know Marina Sirtis comes every other year or so. It's not until July so you still have some time, and the showrunner - who recently sold but I think is staying on for a year or two as an advisor or something - is usually up for cool things. He also still runs the Louisville Supercon and Raleigh Galaxycon, and still owns those I think, so even if you can't get it done for Florida. I bet you'd have good luck with him somehow. (Spoken as a vendor who's done many of his shows, they're very well run and he tries to pack as much fun in as possible.)

Greg responds...

I'm guessing your referring to celebrating Gargoyles 25th Anniversary, and we missed that, I'm afraid. Generally, in any case, I need to get invited to a convention. I don't really have the bandwidth to pitch myself to cons. And of course, the pandemic changed the whole paradigm.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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