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Mike writes...

If you had a chance to do another season of Gargoyles (and hopefully you will for Disney+ at some point), but Disney stipulated you had to keep season 3 in continuity, would you still return?

Greg responds...

Yep. I'd find work arounds.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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JERNEJ writes...

So let's say Gargoyles is brought into live action. What does them changing into stone look like? Is it like a magical fading effect or would it look like a bodily reaction that produces stone around them? I know it's a weird question I just think about these things.

Greg responds...

I assume it would look like a biological transformation.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Jonathan writes...

When is the soonest we can expect new information about Young Justice Season 4 (such as release date!)?

Greg responds...

I posted some new information on our progress today and here on ASK GREG. As for when info on the release date will be revealed, I don't know. Not up to me.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Taha writes...

Are speedsters able to time travel without time machines in the Young Justice Universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Dreamer writes...

Megan's character development is very complicated. why do not we know her story? why is she unreliable for 3 seasons?

Greg responds...

I guess it depends on what you mean. I agree she's complicated, but that isn't a bad thing in my mind. I wouldn't call her unreliable at all, though.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Jose writes...

If Gargoyles returns will it continue where it left off?

Greg responds...

Don't know. Depends on so many - extremely hypothetical - factors.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Baru Drake writes...

I was wondering... is the Phoenix (entity) a child of Oberon? Or, is it something else completely different? Coz' I don't see how this ridiculously overpowered bird could be a mere "third race"

Having the power to cross between the past and the future, this creature is literally one of the most powerful beings in the Gargoyle universe, considering that it can easily travel back and forth to either the beginning or the end of time. It can literally just send anyone to the big bang if it wanted to.

Greg responds...

Definitely powerful. Otherwise, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Todd Jensen writes...

Something I recently saw at the Phoenix Public Library reminded me of the fears you'd mentioned that "Gargoyles" would be perceived as a "Batman: TAS" imitation. I spotted a few copies (four in all - someone on the library staff must have had fond memories of the series) of the "Gargoyles Season Two Volume Two" DVD there, and noted that the blurb on the back called the gargoyles "Gotham's guardians". Well, Gotham *is* an old nickname for New York (going back to Washington Irving), and there's the alliterative appeal, but it still makes it look as if somebody confused the gargs with a different nocturnal crime-fighter.

Greg responds...

Eh. Maybe. Or maybe, as you said, people were looking for something alliterative.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Alex writes...

Hey Greg,

Does Zatanna have any other family members besides her father? I know in the middle of Season 1, Batman offered to take her in, implying that she literally had no where else to go.

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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B writes...

Does Halo’s chant to use her violet aura have any meaning? Is it and the ‘tongue of the old gods’ considered magic?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C. Clarke

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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jonny modlin writes...

I would like Gargoyles to be released on Blu-Ray. I am interested in seeing Gargoyles released on Blu-Ray.

Greg responds...

So am I.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the Young Justice animated universe, is Slade Wilson a human, or is he actually a metahuman?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Jim writes...

Would you ever like to write for Power Rangers?

Greg responds...

Ironically, I'm not categorically opposed. But that's a very big hypothetical. No one's ever asked me.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Sam writes...

1. For YJ S3, was the voice recording typically done with the voice actors in the same room, or individually?
2. Has the voice recording process (whether in groups or individually) changed from season to season?

Greg responds...

1. Mostly in group sessions.

2. Not until the pandemic briefly interrupted our recording process on Season Four, at which point we shifted massively to recording everyone individually, sometimes from their various homes, with all of us listening in over Zoom.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Todd Jensen writes...

I also recently read the "Oral History of Gargoyles" online, and enjoyed it. My favorite part was when you mentioned how "Gargoyles" was initially inspired by "Adventures of the Gummi Bears", only instead of "cute, cuddly multi-colored bears" it would have "cute, cuddly multi-colored gargoyles". I know you were talking about the original comedy development take on the gargoyles, but I laughed aloud at the "cute, cuddly" part - they're definitely not the adjectives I'd use for describing Goliath. "Majestic", yes, "awe-inspiring", yes, but not "cute" or "cuddly".

Greg responds...

Goliath wasn't in the comedy development so... cute and cuddly wasn't a job requirement for him.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Todd Jensen writes...

I thought you might like to know that I recently found a small book on gargoyles at the library (part of a series of books on mythical monsters), which included a few paragraphs on "Gargoyles". It gave a summary of the series (if a bit inaccurate, I regret to say - it made it sound as if the gargoyles' turning to stone during the day was part of the Magus's curse and stopped happening when they awakened in the modern world) - and also mentioned the Gatherings; it even included Station 8's comment room in the "Internet sites" section in the "Further Reading" at the back.

It also included much information about architectural gargoyles, including the mention that "true gargoyles" (that is, waterspouts designed to look like gargoyles) keep rainwater off the buildings they're mounted on, and even the non-waterspout gargoyles serve a similar function (the rain bouncing off them). So even real-world architectural gargoyles protect - if in a different way than the ones in the series.

The book was written by a Hayley Mitchell Haugen, and was published in 2007.

Greg responds...

Very cool. Thanks.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Artemis writes...

What happened to Artemis when Wally die?

Greg responds...

Lots. Did you watch Season Three?

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Hulkie10 writes...

Good morning / afternoon / evening Greg Weisman, this is the first time I have done this and first I would like to tell you that I have been following this series for a long time and that I greatly admire your work with Brandon Vietti, the production team and the scriptwriters, seriously Thank you very much for this series. Well here are my questions:
1) I think this was already announced but I am not sure: Will the 4th season of Young Justice leave more or less at the end of 2020?
2) What is your favorite couple of the 3 seasons of Young Justice?

Greg responds...

1. "leave"? I'm not sure what you mean.

2. I don't have one favorite.

But thanks for your kind words!

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Before what happened to jason todd, where Donna troy and jason todd really close friends?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Roman writes...

Mr. Weisman,

One thing that has bugged me for years is the situation between Xanatos and the Mutates, particularly in the case of Derek Maza/Talon. Neither Xanatos nor Sevarius ever faced any major repercussions for what they did in ruining the lives of so many good people. Particularly, David never got any comeuppance for experimenting on Elisa’s brother and using him as a means to exercise control over her. And Sevarius never seems to suffer an overwhelmingly devastating defeat, or get his just desserts. In the Bad Guys SLG comics continuation, Sevarius’ manipulations drives a woman, Tasha, to suicide and he just gets away with that. And while it’s amazing that Talon and Maggie were able to find some measure of happiness, and are starting a family together (as Dr. Sato confirmed Maggie was pregnant), it feels like justice hasn’t really been served. One the one hand, in real life bad guys with money do get away with evil deeds all too often and in Gargoyles it makes for compelling, multilayered storytelling to have villains get away with it, but on the other hand it leaves a desire in the viewer to see some balancing of the scales. It’s satisfying to see characters reap what they sow. My question is: do David Xanatos and Sevarius ever get their comeuppance for the Mutates situation? We saw in the show that Xanatos gets a comeuppance for Thailog, but does he get one for Talon? Does Sevarius get what he deserves for what he did to Tasha? I’m a huge Gargoyles fan. It was the first show I watched as a kid and it’s still my favorite show today twenty years later. I look forward to rewatching it again when it launches on Disney+, and I’m hoping, like many other fans, for a continuation on the platform; just like YJ has been continued on DC Universe. You must get this a lot, but thank you for creating a show that is an essential part of my childhood. I also enjoy Spectacular Spider-Man and YJ (can’t wait till season 4), but they got nothing on Gargoyles.

Greg responds...

Justice has indeed never been served. Whether it will or not in the future is a spoiler, and I've been spoiler-opposed for years now.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Stephan Bowen writes...

Let me start out by saying that I have enjoyed your work on Young Justice and Spectacular Spider-man and anything that I have seen of your work. But my question may be a bit long and/or complicated (probably). So I have watched Spectacular Spider-man for as long as I can remember and enjoy it for what it is, but the way it ended has always made me want more. I have thoroughly looked at the guidelines for the question I am about to ask and couldn't find anything, but I would like permission to make a comic series (if I do) of Spectacular Spider-man. I wouldn't want money for it as for me it would be a hobby, if I were to make it I wouldn't want to harm the fame and attraction that it has gotten in recent years. From what I have heard you say in your Spectacular spider-casts and your interviews that I can source back to you, I have written down in notes and will try to follow as best as I could (at least in a stort standpoint). I'm not trying to disrespect you in any way, in fact it is quite the opposite actually. In essence if there were a season 3 and however far along I am in this (if I go through with it) I wouldn't expect you to (no other way to word this) be inspired by me (I guess) let alone read any of the comic(s). But I would love an answer, if you feel uncomfortable answering here you can email me (stephan.bowen13@gmail.com); in no way is this an endorsement, but I am young (19 yrs old) and am known to make decisions based on an idea

Greg responds...

What you're describing sounds like fanfiction to me. And I'm all for you doing that. And I don't imagine Marvel or Sony would object as long as you're not making any money off it. But I'd never be able to look at it for legal liability issues. In essence, it's none of my business.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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A Fan writes...

Hi Greg,
Since it's cancelation, you've shared a lot about what was planned for Spectacular Spider-Man. I was doing a rewatch of the series the other day and finally noticed Flash's sister during the hospital scene. I'm curious as to whether there was going to be some grand overarching narrative with her in later seasons, or if she was just in the scene to serve as window dressing?

Greg responds...

We had plans for EVERYONE.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Drew writes...

Hello, I have a "Goliath Chronicles" question. I know you're not fond of them, but this has been bugging me for quite a while now.
Why did the higher ups at Disney feel the need to just fire everyone who had been working on the show up to that point when it went Network? I can understand they needed you guys to tone it down because Network shows have tighter constraints than Syndication, but I don't see what they had to gain by ditching a preexisting crew and then having to go to the trouble of hiring a whole new one.
Were you ever given so much as an excuse for that by them?

Greg responds...

That's not really how it happened. The crew was already laid off because no one knew we were going to continue after Season Two.

Then both Frank Paur and Michael Reaves announced that they were leaving to go to Dreamworks.

I was offered the opportunity to work on what became Goliath Chronicles, but they wanted me to take a demotion from Producer to Story Editor. They gave me an impossible schedule, and they told me that Pre-Production was moving (for largely budgetary reasons) from Walt Disney Television Animation to DIC. They were, I think, so sure that I was going to pass on that offer, that they hired my replacement before I had time to give my answer. So I passed.

Later, the show wound up being pre-produced at Nelvana rather than DIC, but it still felt like a step down.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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anonymous writes...

Do you think there is more hope of Spectacular Spiderman coming back after Tom Holland saved Spiderman in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He convinced Disney and Sony to negotiate over the rights for a 2nd time after Spiderman was temporarily off of the Marvel Cinematic Universe after the 1st negotiation. I think Spectacular Spiderman can come back if you help Disney, Marvel, and Sony negotiate over Spiderman TV rights again. If they see the success of the series you've worked in like Young Justice maybe through a portfolio or something, they could give it another shot. Tom Holland showed me that rights issues can be solved if we take action though that might've been because of the big bucks of the movies. Times are different now, maybe if you can help propose those companies to make a deal over the TV rights, they can accept it because it can be financially better for both companies to run something like that. Times are different with revivals nowadays like with Young Justice, companies care a lot about money so maybe you and other people can convince that it will financially benefit both companies. I really believe one day, the series will be revived.

Greg responds...

I don't help with negotiations. EVER. That's way above my paygrade.

(I don't even handle my own negotiations, frankly. My agent does that.)

And by the way, plenty of people have seen my successes on one show or another - and felt very, very free to ignore them. I am FAR from having the kind of clout that you're implying I have.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! Sorry if English is bad, I'm not fluent!

Well, my question is about magic. Why is Jace Beleren so hypocritical? Why can he forgive Vraska so quickly, but not Liliana?

By God, even the slightest contact with Liliana makes him cry about how she deceived and betrayed him. Ah, but it doesn't matter that Vraska did the same thing, after all, he's in love! So cute, isn't it ?!

Oh, please! Very hypocritical! All his crying would be easily silenced if Liliana said she really loved him, but how proud is she to do that? Well, a lot! And that's why Jace is this troubled man!

I can't take it anymore, please arrange things between them in the next books! How can Jace judge Liliana so much when he forgives Vraska? How can he judge her so much when he agrees with this gigantic lie at the end of the Sparks War? Please make him put himself in Liliana's shoes for a moment!

Greg responds...

Hm. Well, Jace's feelings for Liliana are extremely complicated, which is something you'll see in both of my War of the Sparks books, but especially the second one. I think it does pay to keep in mind that from Jace's point of view, Liliana seemed to be slaughtering sentients by the hundreds.

But it seems there won't be any third book from me. I was told I was done after the second one.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Wei writes...

Thank you for your time and all the great series over the years.

Like other Spider-Man fans I feel it's unfortunate that it's unlikely for Spectacular Spider-Man to return due to legalities (would love to be proven wrong though).

However would you be willing to helm a new animated Spider-Man series for Marvel?

Greg responds...

In theory.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Chet Tharpe writes...

In young justice outsiders episode NIGHTMARRE MONKEYS Why did EMT Casey Brinke not recognize Garfield Logan from the events of young justice comic TORCH SONGS part 2 ?

Greg responds...

Who said she didn't?

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Phil writes...

I absolutely loved season 3 of Young Justice and can't wait for more! Thank you for all the work you've done!

If Vandal Savage was born/empowered in the Gargoyles Universe, who would he recruit to join The Light?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination - and to the Convergence Gargoyles-Spectacular Spider-Man-Young Justice Radio Plays we've done, which you can find on YouTube.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg Weisman! I was rewatching Spectacular Spider-Man, great show, and I was rewatching Intervention specifically. One thing that caught my eyes was the manager, Sullivan Edwards I believe, and I tried looking for a comic book or movie counterpart for him since in Amazing Fantasy #15 the manager is called Maxwell Shiffman. I found a Mr. Sullivan from Spider-Man 1, and a famous promoter in real life named Edward Sullivan, was the manager based on the SM1 character as a homage to the latter? Thanks!

Greg responds...

The name was an homage to Ed Sullivan, the newspaper and television personality.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

I got a question about Lex Luthor, with the "fake news" thing he said it's obvious you guys wanted to throw jabs at Donald Trump, which is cool and all, but I'm a little worried this means you will downgrade Lex Luthor.

I mean I liked how he was this menacing villain in season 1 and 2, and even inherited the Xanatos "revenge is a sucker's game" thing.

But I remember In a panel you did with Marina Sirtis you said that you hoped your villains were smarter than Donald Trump

And now... he is acting like him in many ways. The "sad" commment, the social media obsessiom, the "fake news thing", being less competent this season.

So my question is, are you going to keep him as this incredibly intelligent mastermind? or is he going to be downdraded to a discount Donald Trump?

Greg responds...

I'm loathe to admit it, but some of what the Orange Crush did was fairly smart when it came to manipulating the public - or at least his base. That's the piece we gave Luthor. But I still believe Lex is much smarter than our former Disaster-in-Chief - plus he has better hair.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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chad writes...

How did Psimon know queen Perdita and GARFIELD will be at the festival so that Psimon would choose use his power to make people think he was Queen Perdita's evil uncle Vertigo in young justice outsiders episode ILLUSION OF CONTROL ?

Greg responds...

One has to assume it was announced or leaked somewhere. The comings and goings of celebrities is of interest to many.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Aprotny writes...

I saw a message on the archives in regards to cloning and sexuality. As an identical twin, I know me and my sister do not have the same sexuality despite having the same DNA. I know there's also nature vs. nurture. Would you consider cloning to be similar to the shared DNA of twins in the YJ universe? If so, would it be possible for one of the Roys (like Jim or original Roy) to have an attraction to a guy or, say, a genomorph without a gender, in contrast to Will's clear attraction to women. I am not asking if that is the case, but rather if it is possible.

On another note, I am an avid Young Justice fan who loves your show and is looking forward to Season Four. I hope Starfire or Raven or Supergirl or other characters that are popular but have yet to show will show up!

One last question, do you ever look at the YJ fanfiction archives? Either out of curiosity or for inspiration? Just curious if you or Brandon ever peek at those!

Thanks and love your show!

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't know enough about the science to be sure. But I suppose I could do more research. So the short answer is: "It's possible?"

2. We don't take requests. We can't take suggestions.

3. Never. It's legally dangerous for me to read fanfiction covering anything I work on professionally. The same is true for Brandon.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

Did Black Lightning write that speech down first, or was it off the top of his head?

Greg responds...

Top of his head. But I think these were issues he'd been giving a lot of thought to over the past few days.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Nick writes...

Hi Greg! Hope production is going smoothly.

My question concerns a moment from "Triptych," where we see Orphan slice 'Jervis Tetch' in half, who is then revealed to be Clayface. Arrowette responds to these actions with: "Did you know Tetch was really Clayface, or did you just not care?"

I was intrigued by this for a couple of reasons, given the fact that I'm a huge fan of Cass Cain. This scene brought two major elements of her character to mind.

First, the fact that Cass' whole backstory comes from the fact that she was raised to be a weapon in service of the League of Assasins. She wasn't taught to speak or read, just to kill. But when she took her first life, the terror in the man's eyes drove her away from her father David Cain, and eventually into the arms of Batman and her new family. But her dark past meant that Cass would NEVER take another life, and atoned for it every day as Batgirl and later Black Bat (and Orphan, in the new continuity). Because of this, I wondered as to why Arrowette would question Cass' lack of concern for Tetch's life.

But that brings to mind the second thing I thought of. As 'the One who is All,' Cass was raised to read people's actions through microexpressions and such. This means she could've easily recognized that Tetch wasn't who he appeared to be, if these comic book elements of her backstory were canon to Earth-16.

I don't want to ask anything that's too specifically spoilery, so I'll ask only this: when attempting to dig down to the core elements of Orphan's character, were these main values present in your minds, or were you going for a radically different interpretation of the character?

Thanks for your time! Hope to see more of Orphan in Season 4.

Greg responds...

1. You have to consider Arrowette's dialogue from HER point of view, not Orphan's.

2. I'm never going for a RADICALLY different interpretation of any character. We tried to get to the core elements of who Orphan was, just as with any other character. Anything beyond that does seem spoilery.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Ashwin writes...

how stoked are you that Gargoyles is going to be on Disney+?

Greg responds...

Very. Very, very stoked. Extremely stoked.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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ButterChicken writes...

Hi Greg Weisman,
First of all I love Young Justice, it's what made me get into animation in the first place. I have a question about one thing. Since that the show is taking some real life views, it made me wonder, did the 9/11 attacks occur in 2001?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. Prior to the modern-day incarnation, how were previous members of Vandal Savage's Light usually chosen?

2. Because Vandal Savage is immortal, could it be assumed that he knows certain truths in human history that no one else even knows about?

Greg responds...

1. <shrug> I guess the answer is NO SPOILERS.

2. <shrug> He certainly thinks he does.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

During Vandal Savage's time as Genghis Khan, what were the names of his two meta-human sons and what ultimately happened to them?

Greg responds...

1. Jochi and Tolui were the sons that appeared on screen.

2. You can do your own research.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to Vandal Savage in the Young Justice animated universe:

1. In the time before the meteor arrived on Earth, was he part of a clan or tribe, or did he live his entire life alone.

2. Did he ever called the cave bear who attacked him by name? If so, what was the cave bear's name? Ursus?

3. How and when did he ultimately decided to permanently go by the name Vandal Savage?

4. Did he ever attempted to solve the mystery of the meteor's origins?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. We just call it the Cave Bear.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the Young Justice animated universe, is Steel's secret identity John Henry Irons?

Greg responds...

Yep. I seem to recall Silas calling him John Henry on screen, right?

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Bluebird722 writes...

Hi Greg! Once again, thanks for the amazing show that is Young Justice. I wanted to ask a few more questions about the show I adore.

1. How old are Traya, Anissa, and Jennifer?
2. Was there any debate between the writers, producers, and actors over how to pronounce Lian? (I know some people including myself pronounced it as LeeAnn, and sometimes say that)
3. If it was Cadmus policy to delete the source material, how come they kept Roy alive and frozen instead?
4. How did Mal and Karen discover Conner's and Megan's real identities, or is that something we might see later?
5. What's your response and feeling when people come up to you and say that the show (or even Gargoyles) helped them during a difficult time, maybe even saved them from suicide?


Greg responds...

1. By the end of Team Year Eight...

Traya Smith is 11;

Anissa Pierce is 5;

Jennifer Pierce is 3.

2. I pretty much set it as Lee-AHN from the beginning and Brandon, Jamie and the actors followed my lead.

3. The Light thought they might have a use for him later.

4. Yeah, no spoilers.

5. On the one hand, I'm glad we were of use, but it's sad that we were necessary in that way.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Noah writes...

Two questions about Season 3

1. Do any of the rescued meta-teens in True Heroes, Influence, Early Warning and Into the Breach have names?

2. If they do, can you identify which specific metas they were

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

1. How exactly was Lady Shiva able to decapitate Orm?

2. Was DeLamb's usefulness as a pawn for the Light a major reason he wasn't already executed for regicide and high treason?

3. Where's La'gaan been and is he invited to the wedding?

Greg responds...

1. With a sword.

2. By whom?

3. What wedding?

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Wells writes...

1. Given that Terra betraying the team is a well-known trope, were you determined to have Terra turn away from Deathsttroke in the ends, or were there other ideas where she still went dar?
2. Were you ever tempted to have Terra actually kill Beast Boy like Deathstroke told her to?
3. In your mind, did Brion take Terra's place in your version of the Judas Contract story.

Greg responds...

1. Behind the scenes, I suppose lots of things may have been considered, but it was a long time ago, and we pretty much had the basic storyline in mind more-or-less from the start.

2. I don't think we ever considered killing Beast Boy then and there.

3. I'm not so in love with the necessity to viewing things in such a one-to-one schematic way. We weren't really doing much of an adaptation of Judas Contract. Not very many elements from that particular storyline were particularly present. We were doing an adaptation of a character, i.e. Terra, who happened to be introduced in that memorable New Teen Titans arc. But saying that Geo-Force took Terra's place is both accurate on one level and dead wrong on another. All depends how you define your terms, I suppose.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Kroft writes...

Why did Halo not heal beast boy's broken arm after the mission seen in episode young justice outsiders nevermore was over ?

Greg responds...

Halo has not quite learned to heal other people yet from physical injuries.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Nick writes...

Hi, Greg! Hope production on Season 4 is going well.

Throughout Season 3, we get only one glimpse of Ray Palmer/Atom, standing on the Flash’s shoulder in the big group shot in “Nevermore.” He’s in costume and seems to still be operating as a member of the League. Yet, Kaldur’s line in “Princes All” indicated that all Earth-based League members were present “either in person or via hologram” at the Watchtower meeting. But unless he was at the subatomic level, Ray Palmer was nowhere to be seen.
1. Can we take this as confirmation that Atom was operating as a space-based Leaguer for most of Young Justice: Outsiders?

Greg responds...

Season Four is going very well, thanks for asking. We have sixteen episodes in the can, six more in post-production, and four still being animated.

1. I don't know about "most" of the season, but certainly he was in space during that meeting in "Princes All".

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Danny writes...

Since you say you've always planned on including Dracula in the future, does that mean vampires exist in the "Gargoyles" universe?

Also, what is your opinion on there being gargoyles in the Carpathian mountains? Seems like that's a place they could roost and live safely.

Greg responds...

1. In some shape or form, yes.

2. There are none there as of 1997. But as for the past or "future"... no spoilers.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Derek writes...

Am I missing anyone or adding someone incorrectly? So far Sevarius has the DNA of the following?

Goliath, Brooklyn, Angela, Broadway, Bronx, Lexington, Eliza, Hudson, Yama, Robyn Canmore, Dingo, Talon, Maggie, Fang, Claw, Wolf, Demona, Nessie, Deiliah (Mix)?

Greg responds...

It's been a while since I saw the episodes. I guess he has Delilah, but then if you're including her, he'd also have Thailog, Burbank, Hollywood, Brentwood and Malibu. I guess he probably has Maggie, Fang, Claw and Wolf. But then I imagine he has Erin, Benny, Thug and Tasha, too.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Shelby writes...

This post is about Tim and Cassie in season 3
1.What was their relationship like?
2.What kind of boyfriend was Tim?
3.Are Tim and Cassie virgins? If not, when was their first time?
4.Have they slept with each other?

Greg responds...

1. At what point?

2. Not quite communicative enough, clearly.

3. I'm not going into that here. I'd rather leave that to your interpretation.

4. Ditto.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Lucas writes...

On a scale from 1 to 10, how estranged is Icicle Jr. from his father these days? To be honest, bad as he is, I can't see an old school villain like Senior being in ANY way accepting the idea of metahuman-child trafficking. And the fact that his own kid is engaged in that kind of business... well, everyone has to have standards, no?

Greg responds...

I don't think we've shown enough of Icicle Sr. for you to know how he'd respond to Junior's latest job description. But as for your question, I'm not big on codifying such things, plus no spoilers. Until we show it, I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Emma writes...

what did count vertigo think of fact Perdita was dating Garfield Logan ?

Greg responds...

I'm sure he was thrilled.

<sarcasm detector beeps loudly>

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Pal writes...

in episode nevermore why was more important to the team to give terra a choose than saving beast boy's life ?

Greg responds...

They still would have saved Beast Boy's life.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Ali writes...

Why did Brion pardon Jace?

As far as we know Baazovi's powers only allow him to guide people towards their darker impulses, considering the severity of the crimes Jace committed, wouldn't the psychic influences rather stop him from forgiving her.

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your interpretation. But, in case your wondering, I stand behind our decision to have Brion do that.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Godzilla Buddies writes...

What are the names of the members of the Bumblebees cheerleaders?

Greg responds...

Well, there's Wendy Harris, Karen Beecher and Megan Morse. The rest, assuming they have names, would be spoilers to reveal.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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SPIDER FAN 3.4.5 writes...

Hello there Mr. Greg, may i ask sorry to be rude, but why did Lex Luthor didn't kill Superboy after he betrayed him ?!

Greg responds...

Vengeance, as they say, is a sucker's game. One can't often make much use of a corpse. But a living hero can potentially be manipulated to one's own end.

Also... DID Superboy betray Luthor?

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Luke writes...

I'm not going to lie, it was heartbreaking what happened with Brion, and honestly I'm scared and depressed about thinking what will happen to him... so all I want to know: is there still hope? Hope for Brion? Hope for him to realize he's being used, like his sister was? Hope for him to FULLY realize that he had, and hopefully deep down has, with his family, friends, and Violet were always greater than whatever vengeance and the trappings of royalty can provide?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Considering the first letter of each episode title in Season 3 of Young Justice spells out "Prepare the Anti-Life Equation," why was it decided to have it dealt with by episode 24; as opposed to having it last until episode 26?

Greg responds...

We felt we had two BIG plotlines to service and resolve this season. It made storytelling sense to put them in the order we did. Our story wouldn't have worked the other way around.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Why is it that Hal Jordan appear to have aged so much in "Young Justice: Outsiders"?

Greg responds...

Lots of folks commented on that, and honestly we hadn't thought it was THAT big a change. His temples went a bit gray, as our adult heroes are starting to get up there into their late thirties and early forties. (That's happened to me, too.) Otherwise, what makes him look so old to you?

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

With DC Comics having announced a "Tales from the Dark Multiverse" mini-series this past July, have you ever considered contacting them to see if you could pitch in a "Young Justice" one-shot story that would be set in a world that exist in the Dark Multiverse?

Greg responds...

I have not pitched that specifically. But I've been pitching doing more YJ companion comics non-stop since the book was cancelled.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Bluebird722 writes...

Hi, Greg!

First of all, I had just finished season 3 of Young Justice, and it was so overwhelming. It was very bittersweet, but so satisfying to see my favorite show again (and of course, congratulations on season 4! So excited for that!).

I wanted to ask a few questions related to season 3:

1. What was the hardest episode for you to write, and why?
2. I was also excited to see Geranium City and see what happened to the genomorphs! Missed those little guys!
2a. In what state is it located in, and why that state in particular?
2b. Do Jim and Amanda live in Geranium City, or do they have their own homes out of town but visit when they can?
3. I love all three seasons, but if you could change one thing and one thing only in each season, what would it be?
4. Was there ever a scene or storyline you wanted for seasons 1 or 2 that had to be pushed back into 3?
5. Which new character introduced in season 3 were you most excited about, and which one do you relate most to?
6. Thank you again for all the great work and effort you put into this show! Not only do I love the storytelling, but I love that you include characters that otherwise wouldn't have appeared in other adaptations!

Thank you again for a wonderful season!

Greg responds...

1. Script-writing on YJ is relatively easy, as we work off detailed outlines. And writing up the outline is fairly simple, as we're working off an extremely detailed breakdown on index cards. So the question becomes what was the most difficult episode to break on the cards. And it's been so long, I honestly don't recall. But I'd guess episodes 424 and 426 were among the hardest. And I didn't personally write the scripts to either.

2. We were excited to show you!

2a. No spoilers.

2b. They live there.

3. I try not to think that way.

4. Yes.

5. It was nice finally seeing Darkseid, but honestly, I was pretty pumped for a whole bunch of characters, including Halo, Forager, Geo-Force, Cyborg and Terra.

6. Thank you for your kind words! And for watching!

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Ravioli writes...

How did Ed teleport into the X-pit?

In YJI, he said that he could only teleport along his line of sight.

So when we saw him teleport with Wendy in YJO from a sealed room to outside the building, I thought he had just improved his powers in such a way that he could teleport to a place he can visualize, even if he can't see the place at the time of teleporting.

However, there was no way he could visualize the X-pit. He's never seen anything like it, never experienced it before, and I highly doubt Jeff, Dick or Kaldur described to him what it was like in detail before the Outsiders went off on their mission.

The best explanation I could come up with was that maybe he visualized his team members as his destination, but I don't really know, so.

Thanks in advanced!

Greg responds...

Even in Season Two, we showed Ed teach himself to teleport out of his line of sight.

By Season Three, El Dorado can just do it. And he was teleporting down into the studio warehouse below, which sent him to the X-Pit, just as it sent Kid Flash, Vic, Beetle, etc., there.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice Outsiders was incredible, but I'm a little unsure on something. Are Tim and Cassie broken up? I was very excited to see where this relationship would go, but it seems like their relationship has ended. Is season 3 the end of Robin and Wonder Girl?

Greg responds...

It sure looks that way... but until you know, feel free to dream. Because my only answer is NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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DoubleZero225 writes...

So, while browsing the Young Justice Wiki (aware it's not the official, of course). I noticed on Superman's page, it doesn't show Lois or Jonathan (Kent?) under relatives or such. And Jonathan's page is just written "Jonathan", not Kent or lane. And Clark isn't listed as his father.

I was wondering if you'd be interested in answering the question, in which I'm sure he is the father, but we'd like confirmation.

(Not so sure if this is a spoiler request or anything but just delete if it is)

Greg responds...

Well, I don't control the YJ Wiki, though I'll admit I use it as a handy reference OFTEN.

Anyway, yes, Clark and Lois are the parents of Jonathan Samuel Kent. That really wasn't meant to be a mystery. Just a reveal.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg!
Where is Ed supposed to be from? He sounds mexican (his dad too) but I thought his family was from Argentina

Greg responds...

I think they are both from Argentina.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Dorian writes...

Hi Greg I just discovered gargoyles and I think it’s one of the best animated shows I’ve ever seen and I wanted to ask do you think thailog can have some redemption arc of some sorts or is he just plain evil

Greg responds...

No spoilers. But I'm glad you like him - and the show!

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. How long has Barbara Gordon been Oracle prior to the events of Season 3?

2. Does the fact that Barbara becomes Oracle ultimately confirms that some version of "The Killing Joke" DID happen in the YJ universe? If so, how did her teammates reacted when it was revealed that Barbara would never walk again? Did they blame themselves for what happened? Did they wanted to get revenge on the Joker for his role in what happened to Barbara?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. It confirms nothing at all.

2a-c. No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the season 3 finale, Black Lightning said, "The hero gets lost fighting the good fight and becomes the very thing he or she is fighting against." We all saw how that happened with Geo-Force's case, but what exact circumstances caused it to happen in the cases of Vandal Savage, Ra's al Ghul, and Black Adam?

Greg responds...

No spoilers. (And I'm sure Vandal, Ra's and Adam might not even agree with Jeff's assessment.)

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Is there a limit to Vandal Savage's healing factor? If he were to be decapitated, would he be truly dead? Would he truly die if he were reduced to ashes or if he were to be blasted by Darkseid's Omega Beams?

Greg responds...

Damn good questions. I'd lean toward there being a limit. But I don't want to nail things down here.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. Just so I can understand correctly, the Light was actually named around the second millennium BCE, but it was NOT until his conversation with Ra's al Ghul around 2006 to 2007 that Vandal Savage founded the modern day incarnation of the Light?

2. Between the second millennium BCE and the 21st Century AD, what kind of threats throughout history prompted the Light to appear?

3. When the modern day members of the Light were brought into the group, did they ever asked Vandal Savage, "What's in it for me?" I mean, did each member wanted something in exchange for joining the group; perhaps to fulfill their own individual goals that were separate from the Light's main goal?

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

2. No spoilers.

3. They were likeminded individuals. They all had goals. Their goals fit. But there was no quid-pro-quo, if that's what you mean.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. In the comics, Vandal Savage's original name was Vandar Adg. Does this also hold true in the YJ universe and would that mean he eventually renamed himself Vandal Savage at a later point in his life?

2. In the New 52 continuity, it is mentioned that Vandal Savage was born in what would be eventually become the Perigord Noir region of France. Does this also hold true in the YJ universe?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. I don't think so. But I'd have to do research.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Godzilla Buddies writes...

Do some of Shazam's enemies other than Black Adam exist in the Young Justice universe?

Greg responds...

We've already mentioned Ibac and Sabbac in the series, back in Season One, I believe.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Wanda writes...

In the young justice universe Why is the team call a covert unit out of the spotlight when in fact the sidekicks are seen working togather with out the justice leagers with the them on missions is seen by people save they save and by bystanders and these people tell others the justice league let there sidekicks work togather there as a team on missions ? this about the team before outsiders were form .

Greg responds...

Sorry, I'm trying, but having a bit of trouble following you here.

You're asking, I think, how the Team remained covert before the Outsiders became public, even though some people saw them here and there.

And if that's the question, the short answer is, they aren't holding press conferences. People may spot them, but then the Team vanishes into the night. And although some of the Team are famous proteges, most are full-time covert heroes, including Nightwing, Superboy (until episode 326), Miss Martian, Tigress, etc.

Dick was a public hero as Robin, but when he switched to Nightwing, he let Jason take over the Robin role, and he went covert as Nightwing. And he's never come out publicly in this new heroic identity.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I have 3 Young Justice Related questions for you 1. In Artemis's limbo Fantasy in Overwhelmed what university did she and Mr west both teach at? 2. In the limbo fantasy did Wally and Artemis both wear Glasses (Like oracle or Dr Jace) when teaching? 3. I'm not going to ask who the Waitress with the Leagon Rig at the end of nevermore as but was she Wearing glasses (like Oricle) even though her face was not shown?

Greg responds...

1. They were still living in their Palo Alto apartment, so I imagine that she imagined it was Stanford.

2. Not that I'm aware of. But it didn't come up.

3. No spoilers.

I wear glasses, though. So does Brandon.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Tom writes...

Would brion or halo been been able to save beast boy from being killed by terra if terra choose not to liston to artemis in young justice outsiders episode nevermore ?

Greg responds...

That's a fair question, which I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Molly writes...

Hello again, I have a very minor question

You had mentioned in response to previous questions that many of the fictional languages have a basis is another language. I know we only ever heard one word of it, but do you have a base language you used for Thanagarian? If so, what is it?

Greg responds...

Nope. It's really more of a Brandon question, since he wrote that episode, and there has been no need as yet to expand it beyond that one word.

However, we did give the three Thanagarians a (VERY) vague Russian accent.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I made a mistake in a previous posting; here is the correct one below:

Thank you very much for a wonderful Season 3 of Young Justice; you've even managed to tease us with a Legion of Superheroes ring from whom I presume to be Saturn Girl. Depending on the length of the next time-skip for Season 4, I had initially wanted to tell you which DC Comics characters that I wish to see, but then I decided to hold off on that because I suspect you might probably say that there would be no absolute certainty in regards to who might appear and because you had mentioned that Season 4 will focus on a smaller group of characters. However, with the possible introduction of Earth-16's version of the Legion of Superheroes, I personally hope this move will somehow lead to their own spin-off series; because I'd personally like to see your own unique twist(s) on that superhero team of the future.

Greg responds...

That's very kind. Thank you. I'm not saying that wouldn't be fun. But we don't have a pick-up for Season Five as of yet, nor has there been any talk of spin-offs. Right now, we're just focused on finishing off Season Four.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Is "Batman Incorporated" (or "Batman, Inc.") now considered an official name for Batman's team in the YJ universe since Batman acknowledges the team name in the season 3 finale?

Greg responds...


It had no official name, ever. But since Jeff kept calling it Batman, Inc., Bats relented to referring to it as that, so Jeff would know what Bats was talking about. Now that it's gone, the question is, shall we say, moot.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Finn Hamre-Myers writes...

In Young Justice: Outsiders, was one of the reasons you brought back Jason Spisak as Forager so you could do the Wally West scenes easier or at all?

Greg responds...

Nope. We can always do Wally West scenes, and Jason's always willing to come back to play Wally. But we love Jason, and Brandon and I both liked the idea of making him a regular again by casting him as Forager. And, my God, did he nail Forager or what? Love that Bug!!

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Aside from Trajectory, what are the codenames for the other two members of Infinity, Inc.?

Greg responds...

Fury and Everyman. But I won't reveal which is which.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Is Trajectory's real name Eliza Harmon in "Young Justice: Outsiders"?

Greg responds...

No spoilers. (But, yes.)

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the "Young Justice" universe, is Bonnie King-Jones the name of Arrowette's mother? Also, why has she not yet appeared on the show?

Greg responds...

1. Well, her name is Bonnie. Since we haven't yet seen her, I don't want to make a decision now as to whether she's hyphenated (King-Jones) or stuck with her maiden name (King). But it's clear, she hasn't fully switched over to Jones.

2. We haven't had the space for her yet, unfortunately. As you must know, we've barely had space for Cissie up to this point.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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6f5e4d writes...

A certain pointy-haired witch boy got trapped in Fate's Tower, yet he could still communicate with the Light. Did he break out of the tower with or without help, or was a bargain made to get him out?

Greg responds...

He wasn't so much "trapped" in the Tower as LOST in it, having trouble finding the "exit". He found his way out eventually.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

After the events of Season 2 of "Young Justice," what exactly happened to the Brain?

Greg responds...

Well, you know Mallah was in Belle Reve...

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

With Zviad Baazovi's induction into the Light, will his designation be L-11?

Greg responds...

The L-Designations are very unofficial. Used for credit and publicity purposes, but never established "in universe".

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

How does "Young Justice" moving to DC Universe actually allow you to have the characters use profanity?! I mean, in "Nevermore," I heard Deathstroke say "dammit" and I heard Black Lightning say "crap"! I remember one time watching a Season 3 episode of Avengers Assemble, and I could've sworn I heard Red Hulk say "crap" and that was a Disney XD cartoon show.

Greg responds...

Um... there was a presumption of a slightly different (though overlapping) audience central target on DC Universe as opposed to Cartoon Network.

I can't speak to or for what goes on over at Disney XD.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Why is it that the "Young Justice" version of the Anti-Life Equation works differently compared other depictions seen in comics and other media?

Greg responds...

Um... because they were other depictions in other media?

We took a careful look at what Jack Kirby created and did our best to adapt it to our series. I assume other depictions in other media did the same.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the Young Justice animated universe, who and what exactly were the Promethean Gods?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Nick writes...

Just wow. Wow, wow, wow. Today was THE day. I am so blown away by what you and Brandon were able to do with the season finale, and the season as a whole. Coming back to such a beloved show comes with a lot of pressure, and I just want you guys to know that I am incredibly grateful for what you have achieved with Young Justice: Outsiders. Getting a chance to return to the world of Young Justice after so many years was a dream come true for the audience.

An eternal thank you to you, Brandon, as well as the entire cast and crew for breathing new life into the show. And you are gonna do it again! I am sure with as long as the queue is, there is a chance Season 4 will already be here by the time you read this. If that is the case, rest assured, I am praying for Season 5!

You guys have created the best ever adaptation of DC Comics, as far as I am concerned. I am so glad that I have gotten to see more of Earth-16, which is something I never thought would happen. Good luck with Season 4 or 5 or whatever project you are working on when you read this. You are a true visionary, Greg, and I am so happy that you’ve gotten to tell more stories set in this world.

P.S. Sorry about all the age questions.

Greg responds...

Well, I did manage to get to this before Season Four came out, at least.

Thank you so much for the support and kind words. Believe me, Brandon and I and the entire YJ Cast and Crew (across two seasons now) were thrilled we've had the chance to come back to this property.

And nothing to apologize for. Age questions happen. ;)

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Overplanner writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I had a question about the roster of the Team and Justice League after the events of “Nevermore.”
1. Batman says they’re folding Batman, Inc back into the League/Team. Does this mean Metamorpho and Orphan have joined the League and Team, respectively?
1a. Is Metamorpho’s designation 37?
1b. Is Orphan’s designation B36?

Greg responds...

1. Presumably.

1a. I generally don't reveal designations here at ASK GREG.

1b. Ditto.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Fisher writes...

Granny states that non-meta humans die from the effects of the Ghost Dimension. We saw several humans effected by this at the Orphanage in "Terminus". My questions are:

1. Did Halo's rainbow aura heal the non-metas from the ghost dimension and are no longer going to die from exposure?
2. If Halo did heal The Team and the Justice League, did she then heal Jaime since he was a non-meta exposed?
3. Since Helga Jace was exposed in "Antisocial Pathologies" and has not been around Halo since, does that mean she is still dying of the anti-life equation?

Greg responds...

1. There aren't necessarily lingering effects unless exposure was prolonged, as it was with Dick. But Halo sped up the recovery process.

2. Maybe. But again, his exposure was relatively minimal.

3. No. Again, that was a brief exposure, relatively.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Chris DeRose writes...

Hey Greg. First off you are one of my favorite writers ever. Everything you’ve written and produced has been golden.

Anyway my question is since Proud Family, Lizzie McGuire, are getting revived on Disney Plus is it possible or at the very least a chance it could happen to Gargoyles, and would jump right on?

Greg responds...

It's possible. And I'd love to do more. But it's Disney's call, not mine.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Because of the events of "Young Justice: Legacy," Tula's death was ultimately the reason why Kaldur, Garth, Wally, and Artemis left the Team before the events of "Young Justice: Invasion"?

Greg responds...

I can't tell if that's really a question or a statement. It certainly was a major reason why Kaldur went undercover and why Garth left the Team, and it clearly influenced Wally and Artemis.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In "Satisfaction," how was it possible that Mercy did not suffer any other injuries after Roy set off that explosive? I mean, considering it was attached to Mercy's arm, you'd think a point-blank explosion would've done far more damage than what was depicted and she would've either been bleeding or have facial burns or something.

Greg responds...

She was bleeding, as I recall. I guess we could've gone further with it. But we felt like we went far enough, and you don't know what the recovery time was.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Jacob Williams and sherry Williams writes...

hello Mr Wiseman me and my sister are big fans of your work
we have 2 quest
1.is wonder bat a possible ship u would ever considering useing ? my brother says this stupid to ask but I got still got to ask
2.what ever happen to Captian marvel sidekicks Mary and Freddie Freeman?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure what you're referring to, but we have a few standard rules: (1) We don't take requests. (2) We can't take suggestions.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Jacob Williams writes...

hello Mr Wiseman big fan of your work
Especially Gargoyles and Young Justice
I have one questions
1. are Victor stone and arsenal from young justice cyborgs

Greg responds...

1. By definition, yes.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Nick writes...

We know that Bruce Wayne is the legal guardian of Dick and Tim in Young Justice, but I wondering if this applies to the E-16 versions of his other kids.
- Was Bruce Wayne the legal guardian of Jason Todd?
- Is Bruce Wayne the legal guardian of Cassandra Cain?

Greg responds...

Do we know that Bruce is the legal guardian of Tim in YJ? I'm not saying he's not, but I don't ever remember revealing that, so I'm not saying he is, either. And if I won't confirm Tim, I'm obviously not going to confirm Jason or Orphan.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In what years did the original members of the Light joined after Vandal Savage founded the group's name?

Greg responds...

I'm not quite sure what you're asking. The name "The Light" goes back to Marduk's time. If you mean when did they join the modern incarnation, they all joined in the same year Vandal and Ra's founded it, which was the year the Justice League went public.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

If M'comm M'orzz looks down on Green Martians, does that also includes his own mother and his Green Martian siblings?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

So, just how did Guy get into the League when Hal and John were so adamantly opposed to it?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Nick writes...

1. When did Pamela Isley become Poison Ivy?
2. When did Victor Freeze become Mister Freeze?
3. When did Jervis Tetch become the Mad Hatter?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year Negative Four.

2. Team Year Negative Seven.

3. Team Year Negative One.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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