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A fan from Portland writes...

Hey Mr. Greg! I am a huge fan of Young Justice, and I love the show to bits, but I have a weird question: how do Martian Bioships work?
Like, are they living organisms that have a symbiotic connection with Martians? Are they living at all? Are they another Martian lifeform? Are they technology? Living technology? Is it like a Mother Box? I am so curious because the Bioship is such a cool, yet peculiar thing. Anyway, thank you for listening!

Greg responds...

They are living creatures. Saying anything more would be a spoiler.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Anonymous writes...


Do you think if you would have a chance to revive the show Gargoyles.

Would you have the show with it's new seasons stream on Disney+?

A lot of revived shows are streamed on platforms like Neflix or Hulu.

Greg responds...

It is, of course, NOT my decision to make. I would assume that any revival of a Disney show would go to Disney+. But again - NOT UP TO ME.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Rose writes...

Hi Greg,

I searched the archives a little and I did not see this answered specifically...(if I’m wrong please link me)

When in the tv series did Goliath realize he had feelings for Elisa? I know he was always gradually falling for her (unbeknownst to him for not) since he first met her...but what do you think?

I always imagined it was well before he realized the physical connection in the mirror...maybe by deadly force when he realized he might lose her and lost his mind about Dracon.

Thanks for this amazing show and for your answer!

Greg responds...

I don't think he realized he had romantic feelings for her until "The Mirror".

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Dad writes...

1. How old is Ryan Choi?

Greg responds...

We haven't laid eyes on him yet, so NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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NickS writes...


I want to say that I'm a big fan of the shows you've made from Gargoyles to Young Justice and I'd like to ask a few questions.

1. Are Plastic Man, Hardware and Batwoman part of Batman's team? Batwoman obviously and I think Plastic Man is due to his history with Batman.

1A. Why would Hardware be on Batman's team? Does he have history with Batman in the comics as well because I don't know him much.

2. What's Metamorpho's designation for Batman's team.

3. If I were to ask about the character designs for this season, should I ask you or Phil?

4. What was Troia like when she was part of the Team?

5. Did she ever wear stealth tech?

Greg responds...

1. I assume, given the date of your post, you mean as of mid-season of Outsiders. In which case, the answer is yes to all three.

1A. No spoilers.

2. I don't give out designation numbers here.

3. Depends on the question, I guess.

4. No spoilers.

5. Ever? Probably. I haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Anna writes...

Hi! I have some questions about Bart Allen:
1: Does Bart have any trauma regarding his past?
2: Is the personality we see him have all the time his real personality?
3: Does Bart ever feel uncomfortable about becoming KF the way he did?

Thank you!

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

2. "ALL the time"?

3. He said he did. I'd take his word for it.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Kay writes...

Hi, Greg. Hope you're having a good day.

In "Unknown Factors" we see Wyynde and Aquaman go to Granny's house to rescue Nightwing and Black Lightning.

1. Since Atlantis is clearly not near Hollywood, did they use a zeta-tube (perhaps the one seen to get Dolphin to Poseidonis) to get to the U.S.?
1a. Did Wyynde receive an A designation for this (A-43)?
2. Bonus: Do Mera and Artur have A designations since they had to get to Central City somehow for Iris's playdate?

Greg responds...

I am having a good day, so far. Thanks.

1. Yes.

1a. Wyynde did receive an A-Designation. No spoilers for the A-#.

2. They do.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Nick writes...

1. When did Arrowette join the Team?
2. When did Spoiler join the Team?
3. When did Thirteen join the Team?
4. When did Stephanie Brown become Spoiler?
5. When did Traci Thurston become Thirteen?

Greg responds...

1. Arrowette joined the Team in Team Year Seven.

2. Spoiler joined the Team in Team Year Eight.

3. Thirteen joined the Team in Team Year Eight.

4. Stephanie Brown debuted as Spoiler in Team Year Seven.

5. Traci Thurston debuted as Thirteen in Team Year Eight.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Nick writes...

1. When did Ted Kord join the Justice League?
2. When did Jefferson Pierce join the Justice League?
3. When did Guy Gardner join the Justice League?
4. When did Zatanna Zatara join the Justice League?
5. When did Raquel Ervin join the Justice League?

Greg responds...

1. Blue Beetle joined the Justice League in Team Year Two.

2. Black Lightning joined the Justice League in Team Year Two.

3. Green Lantern joined the Justice League in Team Year Two.

4. Zatanna joined the Justice League in Team Year Five.

5. Rocket joined the Justice League in Team Year Five.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Nick writes...

Hi, Greg! Outstanding episode today. Can't wait till next week! Hope Season 4 is going well.

1. How old is Evelyn Fox?

Greg responds...


1. Evelyn Fox is 31.

2. Young Justice: Phantoms is going very well, thanks for asking. We have 15 episodes in the can. Seven more in post. The last four are all being animated by Studio Mir. Pre-production is completely done.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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