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Anonymous writes...

How exactly did Jeff put together everything so quickly just by seeing batman's team talking in the same room? Especially the stuff with the Outsiders...really didn't seem believable tbh, just seemed like a way to force the plot ahead.

Greg responds...

I simply disagree, but I acknowledge that your mileage may vary. Jeff's a smart guy, and he'd been gathering clues for some times. Him putting it together then and there worked for us, and seemed to work for a number of people. In any case, as I've stated here many times before, you're not going to convince me that I don't like my show. I like it. I think it works - OR WE WOULDN'T HAVE DONE IT THAT WAY.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In Antisocial Pathologies, Tim is on screen and literally never says a single world - not even when people are talking directly to him...why? Why even have him if you're not going to use him at all.

Greg responds...

We did use him. We may not have used him in a way you liked, but we used him.

The truth is we have economic realities, and actors cost money. We felt Tim would be there, as his brother was in mortal danger. And we felt that we could get away with him not talking. And I think we largely succeeded, but you don't have to agree. To be clear, that's not fun for us. I'd much rather be able to have him speak. But we couldn't afford it.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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6f5 writes...

How old are Brainwave and Fury?

Greg responds...

Brainwave isn't in our show. At least not yet.

By the END of Team Year Eight, Fury is 15.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg

Hello! I'm keeping my name anonymous because I don't like exposing it on a public forum like this. I hope you understand.

Anyway, onto the question!

Greg, I know you personally don't have any ill intent, but why won't you listen to your LGBT+ or Muslim fans when they tell you how you handled Halo? You seem like such a decent guy outside of that, but for some reason this particular area is a blind spot of yours.

I may not be Muslim, but surely the massive outcry from Muslim fans when you had Halo publicly denounce her Muslimhood while still having her wear a religiously significant garb specific to Muslims must have meant SOMETHING to you?

I'm an out and proud member of the LGBT+ community (at least online), so seeing you dismiss all the people you hurt and refuse to actually, GENUINELY apologize for it (no, I don't count "sorry you're so offended" as an apology, that's just condescending), and to see you continue on the path that you now KNOW hurts us as if the characters you control are somehow out of your hands...that hurts, Greg. That hurts more than you can POSSIBLY imagine. I was so excited for Young Justice season 3. I was so excited hearing that you'd have an explicitly nonbinary character in the show. And then you did what you did. You really hurt your fans in the LGBT+ community, Greg.

Greg responds...

I'm categorically not claiming that the destinies of these characters are completely out of my hands. But...

1. We can't make changes to already made episodes in response to recently aired episodes. It's just not possible for me to, for example, change episodes 319-326 as a result of what fans say about 318. So even if I agreed with the response, it's too late to make that kind of change, which many people seemed - at the time - to be demanding. And I readily admit that in hindsight I got defensive about that. We HAVE listened, however, and it did affect how we handled things in Season Four.

2. Whether you like it or not, I simply do NOT have complete control over these characters. I do not own these characters. It is ABSOLUTELY TRUE that even in 2021, TPTB have not given Brandon and myself a completely free hand with every single LGBTQ+ character on these issues. Things are a lot better than they were in 2010. A lot better. But we still do not have 100% autonomy. We just flat-out don't. Certain things we had planned for Season Three were rejected by TPTB at a relatively late date, and I do believe those choices hurt the overall balance of the series on these issues.

3. I don't know where you heard that we'd explicitly have a nonbinary character on the show in advance of Halo's reveal. Not from me. I can't - or won't - be held responsible for rumors. Now, of course, Halo stated she's nonbinary in one of our episodes, but we viewed that statement as the first step in her journey, and we'd appreciate some patience. You are, of course, not obligated to be patient with us. Maybe we've already lost your trust. And that's understandable. And I am sorry for that. But trust would sure be appreciated if you can manage to suspend your opinion for a while longer.

4. We've been working with MPAC (the Muslim Public Affairs Council), GLAAD and OUT on these plotlines. They are aware of our long term plans for Halo and have been extremely supportive. This suggests to me that the response you speak of isn't monolithic. So I'll admit it has been hard for me to apologize for things, which I believe, in the long term, will be appreciated by the Muslim and LGBTQ+ communities. Now, I may be wrong about that, but I'm trying to be honest here. I believe in what we're doing, and our advisors do, as well. In the end, we may indeed get it wrong, but we are trying really hard to get it right. And contrary to what seems to be everyone's assumption, we are not and have never been operating in a vacuum, assuming that we knew best and that we didn't need to listen to the LGBTQ+ community. We are listening, we have been listening, and we will continue to listen. What we've found is that opinions clearly vary within that community. It's admittedly hard to please everyone, but believe it or not, we are actually trying.

5. It sincerely makes me feel awful that I've "hurt my fans in the LGBT+ community". I AM truly sorry about that. But I know for a fact that I didn't hurt ALL my fans in that community. Because I've talked to a bunch of them. Not on Twitter or on ASK GREG but in real life. Some of them weren't thrilled with what we've aired up to this point. Some of them were just fine with what we did. And most (in both categories) have - once told where we were going - been actually pretty happy with it all. Now, you don't have the advantage of that inside information and most of our fans don't either. But please don't think I don't care, that we don't care. The YJ crew and I care very, very much. And I definitely apologize for being condescending and defensive in the past. That's not me at my best. I can only ask for forgiveness.

6. I've always tried to be an ally. I have very good reasons to try to be an ally, (a) because it's the right thing to do, and (b) because many, many, many people I love and hold close to my heart are a part of the LGBTQ+ community.

So I AM sorry for past mistakes. But if you give us a little more rope, I don't think we'll hang ourselves. I believe our good intentions will not only amount to good intentions. I think they'll prove out. And if I'm wrong about that, I will truly endeavor to apologize again.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

How did you go about developing a voice for Ultra-Humanite?

Greg responds...

I went down to my lowest register and roughed it up. Then we used technology to deepen it further and to futz it, so that it sounded like it was coming out of an electronic voice box.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Nick writes...

Wow, Greg! Things are really starting to heat up with today's episode. Two more weeks!

1. How old is Trajectory?

Greg responds...

1. As of the end of Team Year Nine, Trajectory is 15 (assuming she survives that long).

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Any chance of Cary Bates on Young Justice?

Greg responds...

Maybe. Cary and I are still good friends and talk every few months. (We live in different cities.)

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Fans pointed out some errors that I will correct here:

By the end of Team Year Zero:

Henry Fyff is 14.

Tatsu Yamashiro is 21.

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Molly writes...

Hi Greg!

I've been wondering something for a while. In the comics, Kaldur mentions that Calvin Durham is his step father. But in Young Justice Legacy, he seems shocked to find out from Aquaman that Calvin Durham isn't his real father. Was this a mistake, or was the plan to infiltrate Black Manta's team already in the works for Kaldur, and he felt he had to sell it?

Thanks for being awesome!

Greg responds...

You're going to have to help me pin your question down a bit more. As I recall, in Legacy, Kaldur learns that Cal is his adoptive-father (not stepfather, I can't imagine him ever referring to Cal as his stepfather). When in the comics does he use that term?

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Why is it that none of the League or Batman Inc. have ever referred to Darkseid by name? Having had a little contact with New Genesis and Apokolips, would not Batman and the League know by now who's pulling the strings?

Greg responds...

Pulling the strings on what?

And are you sure they haven't referred to Darkseid by name? I feel like they have.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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