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Raziel writes...

I’ve been watching Gargoyles on Disney plus, (third run through) and I saw that the Eyrie building isn’t too far off from the Chrysler building. The placement seems to change depending on the scene. From what I can tell it’s by the 70s or 80s, east side, where would the real life location be?

Greg responds...

As I recall, the Eyrie Building is on Central Park South.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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B writes...

Unlike the majority of fans whom I've seen talking about it, I'm assuming that the more controversial parts of "War of the Spark: Forsaken", such as erasing Chandra and Nissa's romantic relationship and putting Vraska back where she started as a character, were decision made by Wizards of the Coast and not by you. Given familiarity with your past work, it would be out of character, and fans often forget how you're beholden to the directives of the company that hires you to write the book. Any official confirmation of this would be welcome.

Greg responds...

I've signed an NDA that prevents me from confirming much beyond what I wrote here: https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=1231. That statement was carefully worded, as it had to be vetted and approved by both Wizards of the Coast and Del Rey Books.

But I think it should go without saying that all END RESULTS had to be approved by Wizards of the Coast before being published.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

How long have Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon been together on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

No spoilers. But it also depends what you mean. You might look at our companion comics for hints.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Emily The Disney Fan writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman, here are 2 separate questions for Gargoyles I have for you if you don't mind!

1. I'm guessing Xanatos had the PACK's Show Produced before the Gargoyles Woke up, but do you know How Long Exactly Xanatos had been putting the PACK Together as Both TV Stars AND as his Mercenaries? a Year? 2 Years? Or More or Less?

2. Is there a Particular reason why there was Never a Real Christmas Episode of Gargoyles, Or was it simply because you just didn't come up with one?

Greg responds...

1. At least a year or two. It was a separate project.

2. It wasn't a priority. We had some ideas, but they never quite raised up to being the top ideas in our arsenal at that time.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Charles Beale writes...

As a live action film producer/director, I’ve often thought some ideas might be created as an animated series. What guidance would you give to someone looking to branch into animation? Assume I have no existing relationships.

Greg responds...

Your best bet is to go through your agent, who should be able to get you meetings with animation execs.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Todd Jensen writes...

Rewatched "City of Stone" today (all four episodes). A few things that stood out to me this time.

Continuing the "gargoyles being called beasts" thread: the granary guards in Part One call Demona's clan "filthy beasts". Gillecomgain doesn't use the term "beast" for Demona, but does call her a creature and a monster.

(By contrast, the "breastplate gargoyle" comments about their old home, after Demona and her clan have to abandon it following Duncan's attack, "The hunting there was good" - probably one of the few occasions where gargoyles are talking about being the hunters rather than the hunted.)

Demona's clan uses nets twice in this multi-parter - once against the granary guards in Part One, once against Canmore's army in Part Four. The nets being in Parts One and Four gave a nice sense of "bookends".

A detail that I can't believe I missed before: Demona was bearing the Hunter's mask at her belt, as if a trophy, after the battle with Duncan. (The young Canmore grabs it from her during his attack upon her.)

Demona calls Bronx "my pet"; I looked up your remarks on gargoyle beasts in the archives and found that gargoyles don't see gargoyle beasts as pets, but as equals. Maybe another sign that Demona thinks far more like a human than she'd admit (or than it would be safe to tell her)?

I like the touch of the various new kings (like Macbeth and Lulach) being hailed as "High King of Scotland" - the "high king" part conveys all the more a sense of Scotland as a collection of recently-united chiefdoms (which it would have been at the time in actual history).

Greg responds...

We tried to get a feeling for the actual history into the piece.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Todd Jensen writes...

I finished reading "War of the Spark: Forsaken" today.

While "Magic: the Gathering" is still a "foreign country" to me, I rather liked this book. I got a few big surprises out of it (such as the revelation about Mistress Blaise near the end), and was also amused to note the "lettered plans" gag (evocative of "Eye of the Beholder") and another use of the "Reason not the need" line from "King Lear". Plus a battle with gargoyles in a room filled with clockwork (even if it probably wasn't a clock tower). But the part that most stood out to me was the book opening with an Epilogue and ending with a Prologue. It felt almost as if it was living backwards, like T. H. White's Merlyn.

I became particularly fond of "Rat", whom I understand was your creation instead of a pre-existing figure.

Greg responds...

Glad you liked it. The idea was for it to work for folks who had no background in Magic: the Gathering. And I'm particularly fond of Rat, as well. Or, you know, VERY FOND of Rat.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Todd Jensen writes...

Rewatched "Vows" today. A few new things that came to me.

I was hesitant about mentioning this, in case it comes across as an idea, but - from the way Goliath addressed Demona as "my angel of the night" at Prince Malcolm's wedding, I wondered if this was the first time he'd called her that.

When Xanatos referred to his getting the old coin that was the foundation of his fortune as "ancient history", I thought, "well, medieval history, to be precise".

I wonder how Prince Malcolm and his court must have perceived the Norman Ambassador's departure - he rides off just before the wedding, not staying to see Princess Elena, whom he'd escorted to the castle, wedded (even though he'd presumably be the closest thing to a representative of her father there). At least it doesn't appear to have caused a diplomatic incident between Scotland and Normandy.

The Archmage addresses Demona as "you stupid beast", continuing the pattern of unfriendly humans using such terms for gargoyles, that I've been paying close attention to this time around.

Brooklyn is the one most vocal about going to Goliath's rescue at the end; I wonder if Demona's involvement and his feelings about her had a lot to do about that.

I still think it's a pity that the original ending got onto the DVD; I hope that the Disney + version uses the corrected ending. (That's the main thing I miss from my old "Gargoyles" tapes.)

Greg responds...

<sigh> That damn ending...

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Alix writes...

Where did Demona get her Tiara from? Did someone give it to her or did she steal it?

Greg responds...

Really good question.

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Google Translator writes...

Dear Greg,

I don't know if this site covers my question, but I have no other way to maybe get in touch with you, so ...

I just read War of the Spark: Forsaken, I don't know what to say. Many aspects pleased me, others made me think "what ?!"

I think overall I can say I liked it. Well, my question is: will you write more books from Magic: The Gathering?

The ending of this last one was very open, there is still a lot to happen and I think you should bring this ending.

Besides, you have all my support to make Liliana and Jace happen.

Greg responds...

There were plans for me to continue on with the quartet of Kaya, Teyo, Rat and Liliana. But MtG's plans changed, so it isn't happening - which was a big bummer for me. But whatchagonnado? Ain't my property, and I knew that going in.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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