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Shivang Parikh writes...

Was Baron Bedlam born into the royal family of Markovia

Greg responds...

No. He was a noble, not a royal. His sister married into the Royal Family.

Response recorded on January 07, 2022

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Shill writes...

When did the Outsiders mission seen in 403 took place?

Greg responds...

February 24th, Team Year Ten

Response recorded on January 07, 2022

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May writes...

Despite a multitude of differences, I've always seen M'gann as sort of a parallel to Starfire from the Teen Titans TV series, in terms of being an alien and overall personality.

Hynden Walch voiced both Starfire and her sister Blackfire in that show. Was choosing Hynden to voice Em'ree a purposeful choice because of that? Her voice seemed to match more how she did Blackfire than Starfire. Or was it all merely a coincidence?

Greg responds...

I believe it went down like this:

We needed to cast Elasti-Girl for "Nightmare Monkeys". As that episode included "Doom Patrol Go!" as a tribute to "Teen Titans Go!" we decided to use the TTG voice cast for the DPG characters, paralleling each as much as possible.


Greg Cipes = Beast Boy = Beast Boy
Tara Strong = Raven = Negative Woman
Khary Payton = Cyborg = Robotman
Scott Menville = Robin = Chief
Hynden Walch = Starfire = Elasti-Girl

Since Hynden was now the official voice of Elasti-Girl, that meant she was now also the official voice of Rita Farr, who became Elasti-Girl, as well as the official voice of Rita Lee, the character that Rita Farr played on "Hello, Megan!"

And since Em'ree was ultimately going to take on the image of Rita Lee, Hynden was the only choice to play Em'ree.

Of course, the fact that Hynden is amazing didn't hurt.

Make sense?

Response recorded on January 07, 2022

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Verdragon writes...

Two Mars-Earth communications satellite questions.
1. When was it first brought on-line?
2. I noticed that the satellite at least looks like it has Bioship-esque textures, was it in any way related to the Bioships or is that just a Martian design sensibility?

Greg responds...

1. During Team Year Nine.

2. That's a good question. I'm not sure.

Response recorded on January 07, 2022

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NoOneSpecial writes...

Maybe this is a strange question, but from a production point of view, are you only allowed to use existing characters from the DC comics or you be able to create an original character for the YJ? I get that their could be a lot of factors in this and alternatives, e.g, like using a relative minor or unheard of character over a more mainstream one. But would you say you have enough creative freedom to create a purely original character for your show that has no DC counterpart that you are adapting? And not just being original, but also having an unmistakable presence in the series, equivalent to one of the mainstream heroes like Nightwing or Artemis. Is a lot of emphasis, from an executive pov, to keep focus on the heroes that are most recognisable to the audience, throughout any of the 4 seasons of YJ? I can think of couple of examples of this occurring in other shows such as Harley Quinn who was created for the Batman TAS, or X-23 who was created for X-Men Evolution. Of course those are two examples of characters that were such a huge hit that they became part of the comics. Now I'm not asking about anything that could be potentially upcoming, I'm just curious if creating original characters is something you could do if you so choose.

Greg responds...

We have created original characters for YJ. Tommy & Tuppence Terror, for example. Frankly, we view Kaldur'ahm as a pretty damn original character, as well. He has antecedents and inspirations from the comics, but no one like him existed before Brandon, Phil and I created him. And he certainly has prominence in our series. And a version of him then became part of DC Comics' continuity. Not as popular as Harley, of course. But we think of him as a significant addition to the canon.

Our preference, however, is to use existing characters on the show whenever possible. We just think it's more fun for the viewer that way. Sometimes the more obscure, the better, like Penny Randolph. Other times, we're bringing in heavy hitters like Cyborg.

In any case, no one has set any restrictions on us, one way or another.

Response recorded on January 07, 2022

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1.J’ann’s family disowned her for marrying a white Martian with the exception of J’onn. What is J’onn relationship like with the rest of his family then? Do they disown him as well for keeping in contact with his sister? Or are they proud to be related to the Martian Manhunter?
2.Is J’onn really highly regarded on Mars? Most of his heroic exploits are on Earth. I’m guessing maybe he could have done some heroism on Mars too, but one might argue he has more loyalty to the Earth than Mars itself given that he lives there and risk his life for the Earth. For other heroes Wonder Woman and Aquaman I can understand because their respective homes are still a part of the Earth. But what makes J’onn such a hero to the Martian people?
3.Was J’onn an official manhunter before he arrived on Earth or is a kind of honorary title he has?
4.Megan said that Bio-Ship was originally meant for J’onn. How did J’onn travel to and from Mars prior to Season 1? Did he have another Bio-ship that he used for travel?
5.Were Megan and her siblings all born roughly at the same time? If not, how many times can Martian couples reproduce. What would be the average number of children a Martian couple can produce?

Greg responds...

1. A family isn't a monolith. He has different relationships with different members of the family.

2. Television.

3. He was a M'hontrr.

4. Initially, J'onn was accidentally zeta'd to Earth, and he was trapped there for years. How he first got back to M'arzz is a spoiler, as are any details associated with his travels prior to him departing M'arzz with Bio-Ship (and the stowaway M'gann).

5. They were not all born at the same time. Our thinking is that the M'orzz family is of a typical size.

Response recorded on January 06, 2022

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1. A Yellow Martian permanently alters their skin color when they become a Priest/Priestess. How is this done? Is this some kind of special ceremony or process when becoming a Priest or is this someone Martians can do naturally if they wanted?
2. Do Yellow Martians still face prejudice if they were once White Martians? Do Yellow Martians in general have a similar status to Green or Red Martians?
3. Did B’arzz have any prejudice toward White Martians prior to becoming Green Beetle?
4. Do Martians have a form of currency?
5. Murder is supposedly hard to get away with on Mars since everyone is telepathic. But M’comm was able to shield his thoughts from Megan when she interrogated him. Not to mention he was plotting to kill as well. And as we find out in the end, it as S’yraa who killed the king. If M’comm and S’yraa don’t share their thoughts openly or if they simply lie, then it seems murder would be easy to get away with on Mars.

Greg responds...

1. There's a ceremony. Which is not to say a Martian couldn't turn yellow if she, he or they wanted. But turning yellow doesn't make one Y'ellonn, anymore than Miss Martian turning green made her G'arrunn.

2. All Y'ellonn are treated equally, independent of their caste of origin. They are a separate caste, held (generally) in high esteem. Probably below B'lahdenn, but above G'arrunn. But they are supposed to remain apolitical.

3. He was relatively enlightened. But it's hard to be raised in a racist society and come out with NO prejudices. One has to WORK to overcome that indoctrination, I've found.

4. Uh... probably. Haven't thought about it, honestly.

5. It's easy to sense a lie. To push through and get to the truth - when it's being hidden - is more difficult (for all involved). But it's not impossible. If one has a suspect, a psychic interrogation tends to reveal the truth. (M'hontrrs aren't as reticent as M'gann was.) S'yraa got away with hiding her crime for so long because she was never a suspect - until she was.

Response recorded on January 06, 2022

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June writes...

I love how all the Martian characters have different designs. At least all main and secondary Martians. B'arzz looks entirely different from R’ess E’dda. A lot of aliens in other shows all look the same. Was this a purposeful decision? Who's was it, if so?

Greg responds...

Most of the Martians are based off the same single design, with differences of skin color and costuming and size, etc. This was done intentionally to show how - as an outsider - one can easily be blind to subtle differences in the "other" tribe, when in fact every individual is unique.

Response recorded on January 06, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Alan Tudyk only voiced on episode of season 3? Did he become unavailable because he’s becoming more high profile?

Were Troy Baker and Nolan North together in the studio for season 4? They broke off their partnership on YouTube. Are they still friendly?

Greg responds...

1. Green Arrow only appeared with a speaking role in one episode in Season Three.

2. They were definitely in the studio together pre-pandemic. They seemed friendly to me.

Response recorded on January 06, 2022

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Crossoverparinglover writes...

I was curious if you ever broke down in what galaxies various planets are. DC's done that a few times: For example Thanagar Daxom and Tamaran are in the Milky Way while Krypton is in the Andromeda Galaxy. Is that the case in YJ as well?

IF that's too spoilery, think you can give some non-spoiler labels to join Earth and Mars in stellar geography. I'm always fond when creators do that.

Greg responds...

1. No. Everything we've done is in the Milky Way Galaxy. A galaxy is VAST. Since we tried to ground our show (as much as possible) in reality, the idea of going beyond our galaxy seemed, well... less real.

2. I honestly don't know what you're asking for here.

Response recorded on January 06, 2022

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