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Oberon and Titania

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matt writes...

its funny that Oberon says the children must live among mortals, but not interfere with them because that really isn't possible, you can't observe or live among any people without changing them, its a scientific law. there are many examples of this in the real world, and many other examples in the Gargoyles Universe... obviously Oberon has to expect some Fae/Mortal interaction, and hence interference... Xanatos/Puck, Renaud/Titania, Wierd Sisters/D and M, etc. etc.

Greg responds...

I think Oberon would think you are nit-picking. Everyone understood the gist of what he had procalimed. Don't actively use your magic to alter the course of human events.

Response recorded on May 30, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

What is Anastasia Renard's maiden name? (Titania obviously didn't use the "Renard" surname when she first assumed her Anastasia identity, given that she only met and married Halcyon Renard after she'd done so).

Greg responds...

I cannot tell you at this time.

Response recorded on April 17, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Since Titania was derived from Queen Mab and eventually replacing her as Queen of the Fairies in the folktales then can we assume that Oberon's father was the figure in folktales that Oberon was derived from ?

Greg responds...

Your premise seems faulty to me.

Response recorded on April 09, 2001

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durax writes...

Who gave Oberon and Titania their twin mirrors? They were a wedding gift correct?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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