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Dear Mr. Weisman,
I just wanted to say that I think you are one of the most amazing writers of any comic-inspired animated show. You have gone into so much depth & I'm loving it. You say it's your job to torture us mercilessly and leave us begging for more, may I request more torture then? because I am so addicted to Young Justice. Especially all the backstories that you have put in with Vandal Savage & Klarion. I could watch this show forever!!! Thank you for everything.
Thanks, John. I hope to continue torturing you ad infinitum.
What is Arsenalâs relationship with Lian like
What month in 2016 was Wally west's funerial happen? What month in 2017 did Garfield's stepdad take Garfield from Miss Martian? How did Queen Perdita find out Wally West was dead?
1. June.
2. It was late 2016, but we haven't nailed down a specific month.
3. No spoilers.
I donât believe this first question constitutes a spoiler, though the second might.
1) Youâve stated that the chairman/chairwoman of the Justice League is elected by a majority of the League. 1a)Does a chairman serve a term? 1b)if so, how long is the term? 1c)Or do they serve until such time as they resign/the League prefers new leadership?
2) Vandal Savageâs view of encouraging the evolution of the human race can be morally ambiguous, with him acting for the betterment of humanity often at the expense of individuals and smaller groups. This seems to have placed him as both a hero and as a villain at various points in history. Do you think his quest to advance the human race would have allied him with the Allies or the Axis powers in WWII?
To clarify, Iâm not stating that Nazi Germanyâs genocides would have improved the human race, however, from where I sit, I can see Savage either ignoring the plight of a minority race to strengthen the rest, or opposing the extermination of a race because of the potential that may be lost among their dead. With these two conflicting potentials in a morally horrible decision, I was hoping you might offer clarity into Savageâs character, but I understand if that clarity would cause a spoiler reveal.
1. They normally serve for a year. Sometimes, as with Jeff this time out, they are reelected to a second term. Most choose not to serve more than one or two years in a row.
2. No spoilers.
3. See my answer to 2.
Hello Greg! How are you doing? I'm Deon from Kenya and a big fan of your show Young Justice. I've been watching it since i was 8 during the Cartoon Network days and 11 years later I'm still watching it (grateful for season 4). During the lockdown last year (2020) I would rewatch the series,read the comics and browse through here and the wiki to a point where i can call myself an expert on this show (that and also the fact that i think that I'm the only African fan of YJ)
So here's my question(s):
1. Could you please share your notes on the Watchtower's layout, the league members who live there and who does the maintenance?
2. As of Phantoms, how hold is Tim, Wondergirl and Beast Boy?
3. What basis did you guys use when designing wondergirl's original suit as well as her new one in sn4?
4. Apart from the renewal of sn5, is there anything the fandom could do to get new companion-comics that fill in the blank spaces here and there?
5. How does the Justice League work as an independent organisation. Like where do they get finances and stuff like that?
6. Lastly, i would like to know why Tim left the Team and joined the Outsiders?
That's it for me. I would like to say thanks to you, Brandon and the rest of the team responsible for this beautiful show. Its been a really big part of this teenager's life, thanks a lot and have a nice day.
Hey Deon! Hope you're not the ONLY African fan, but we're glad to have you. Now, you asked WAY more than 5 questions, which is our maximum per post. I mean, you've numbered six yourself. And frankly, each numbered question is really multiple questions. Normally, if someone takes this much advantage of the system, I reject the entire post. But I'll give you a break. THIS TIME. Fair warning, if you do it again.
1. I don't have any notes on the Watchtower layout.
1a. No one lives there. I'm sure there are a couple of suites that a person can crash in, if necessary. But it has no permanent residents.
1b. Uh...
2. Tim Drake was born in 2001.
2a. Cassie Sandsmark was born in 2001.
2b. Garfield Logan was born in 2002.
3. I'm not sure what you mean by "basis". Phil Bourassa designed her original outfit with input from Brandon Vietti and myself. I seem to recall that Phil wanted to give her a sporty look.
3a. We felt Wonder Girl (two words) was due for a costume update by Season Four, and her new suit was designed by Dou Hong and/or Jerome Moore and/or Austin Reinkens, with input from Brandon and I. This version felt a little more grown-up to us.
4. Our new companion comic book six-issue limited series, Young Justice: Targets, will premiere this summer (2022). If fans buy it, i.e. vote with their wallets, it seems likely that DC might want to make more.
5. They are a chartered United Nations organization. They therefore get some funding from the U.N. and some from private donations. I hear the Wayne Foundation is a major donor.
6. I've answered this before. Robin had been a public hero in Dick's days. Tim felt it was time that Robin be an inspirational public hero again.
Thank you for watching, Deon!
Questions in regards to the Young Justice version of Stargirl:
#1. Is her real name Courtney Whitmore?
#2. Was Stargirl's Cosmic Staff invented by Ted Knight?
#3. When did Stargirl decide to become a superhero?
#4. How old is Stargirl?
#5. Does Stargirl's family currently consists of Pat Dugan (her step-father), Sam Kurtis (her biological father), Barbara Whitmore, (her mother), Mike Dugan (her step-brother), and Patricia Dugan (her half-sister)?
1. She states as much in Season Three, so... yes.
2. No spoilers.
3. No spoilers.
4. Courtney Whitmore was born in 2003.
5. No spoilers.
is supermartian your favorite couple? it feels like they're the mainstream couple and I'm absolutely in love with that
I don't have one favorite. But I'm glad you like them.
Is Henchy an original character, based on someone from the comics, or both?
Have you ever thought of doing a motion comic where the actors read the whole comic?
1. He's more-or-less original. He's based on a model created for the Green Arrow Showcase short and a specific voice that I love, which actor Steve Blum has used for me in multiple series: Raythor (W.I.T.C.H.), Blackie Gaxton (The Spectacular Spider-Man), Zeb (Star Wars Rebels).
2. Yes. I'd love to do that. But there's no budget for it, generally. The YJ Wiki did a few using volunteer labor and volunteer voice actors. Here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42QKFkSy4DU
Oh, and what the heck, here's another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N3Z2b-UlTE
A. Does Will Harper know Moo Gi Gong? What martial arts does he practice?
B. Does Will train regularly with the other Star City vigilantes?
A. I've never done the research into this.
B. Nowadays? When he has time, I suppose. (And by "other Star City vigilantes," I assume you're talking about the Arrow Family.)
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. This quote is not from my I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings but rather from Dust Tracks on a Road
Book by Zora Neale Hurston, so why was this quote used or should I just chalk it down to a goof by Artemis Crock Comparative Literature Teacher.
The error is mine. The quotation IS in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, but I didn't realize that it didn't originate there. Me culpa.
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