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Young Justice: Targets

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Anonymous writes...

It seems like every time the League has a mystic problem, they need to enlist Zatanna because they can't find Doctor Fate. Where does he disappear to for so long that no one can ever find him? Is he truly that busy all the time or are there some people who still have a bitter taste in their mouth about how Nabu acquired a host that they'd prefer to not even see Fate?

Greg responds...

We don't see that many League missions - and fewer still that require a mystic solution, but I guess my answer to (the way you put) your question is ALL OF THE ABOVE.

Doctor Fate is pretty busy, in my mind, handling mystic problems that the general public - and even the League - never learn about. Case in point, our brief glimpse of Fate in Young Justice: Targets.

But I'm sure there are plenty of Leaguers who don't care for Fate or the way he hijacked Zatara. Plus Nabu doesn't exactly go out of his way to be endearing.

Response recorded on August 26, 2022

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Hari writes...

a) When did Arsenal (Roy Harper) know/heard about the Outsiders?

b) How come Arsenal never thought of joining the Outsiders? I bet Static (Virgil Hawkins) and El Dorado (Eduardo Dorado Jr.) would've loved to have him join.

c) Does Arrowette (Cissie King-Jones) dislike Arsenal for any reason?

Greg responds...

a. Shortly after it was announced. It was a pretty splashy announcement. Hard to miss.

b. Roy was kind of doing his own thing until Artemis asked him to rejoin the Team.

c. No. Why?

Response recorded on August 25, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Greg

I know Young Justice Phantoms focuses on the core characters of Season 1, but how come Roy isn't even a main character in Phantoms? He also played a significant role, just like the other characters (except Rocket).

Greg responds...

Ultimately, we only have so much screen time allotted to us. And Will (I assume you were referring to our current Will Harper when you said Roy) isn't really doing the super-hero thing right now. So if we had had, say four more episodes, I suppose we might have done an arc focusing on Bowhunter Security. But we didn't. Still, you got at least a bit of that in the first issue of Young Justice: Targets.

Response recorded on August 25, 2022

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Suzie writes...

1. How long did Superboy and the others continue to live in the Warehouse after the destruction of Mount Justice?
2. How long did Miss Martian live at her uncle's apartment after the destruction of Mount Justice?
3. Did Barbara's father learn her secret identity as Batgirl after she became paralyzed and if not how did she explain her injury to him?
4. When did Conner, M'gann, Karen, Wendy and Marvin graduate from Ivy University and what did they study?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. I don't know.

3. James Gordon learned that his daughter was Batgirl in Team Year Four, i.e. before Season Two.

4. Um... first off, I don't think we ever said in the series that Marvin or Megan went to Ivy. Not saying they didn't, but I'm not saying they did. And we never confirmed that either Wendy or Conner graduated. Again, not saying they didn't, but I'm not gonna confirm that they did. Karen, of course, has gone on there to get her masters and is working on her doctorate. I think she was a high school sophomore when we first met her in Season One, i.e. Team Year Zero. So you can do the math on when she graduated with her undergraduate degree.

Response recorded on August 23, 2022

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Anonymous Idiot writes...

Ay I got a few questions

1. When did Lynn Stewart and Black Lightning get married?
1a. when did they get divorced?
2. When did Hawkman and Hawkwoman get married?
3. Is Black Canary married to Green Arrow?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year Zero.

1a. Team Year Seven.

2. I haven't nailed this down.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 15, 2022

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Troy writes...

What did people of Queen Perdita's country think of Peridia dating a meta human Garfield before the breakup?

Greg responds...

The response was hardly monolithic. Some thought it was cool. Others thought it was an embarrassment to the Crown. And every reaction in between and more.

Response recorded on July 28, 2022

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Karrin Blue writes...

Happy New Year! Some odds and ends I was wondering about:

1) Since Perdita now has a scar that goes up to her collarbone, where she didn't before, does that mean she's had another heart transplant since we last saw her in season 3?
2) Would Terra's earth powers be able to affect the crystal Flaw is made out of, like Khalid's life powers affected Teekl?
3) How much do Terra's powers work on? That is, we know they work on rock and soil, but what about sand, or natural glasses like obsidian, or materials like jet or coal that started as organic matter? Sorry if this is getting too granular, it's just always something I wonder about when a character has 'earth powers,' since the earth is made up of so much different stuff compared to the other classic elements.
4) Given that the Markovs are very definitely saying Mother of Goat and not Mother of God, does that mean that the Markovs aren't Christian? If so, is whatever religion they follow the dominant one in Markovia?
5) Does the Red Hooded Ninja actually wear that mask and goggles all the time on Infinity Island? What about when he sleeps?

Greg responds...

1. No. She stopped using make-up to cover up the already existing scar, which was from her heart surgery back in S1. She decided, in essence, to represent.

2. That's a good question. I haven't considered it. And it's largely moot now. If it wasn't, I guess I'd discuss that with Brandon.

3. Yeah, another good question. And something else that I'd want to discuss with Brandon before answering definitively.

4. They are Christians. I'm not 100% sure of the denomination. But it's Christian. Mother of Goat seems to be a common Markovian expression, so that one doesn't take the name of the Virgin Mother in vain. It's the equivalent of saying "H-E-Double Hockey-Sticks" or "Gosh darn it!"

5. Only when he's suited up. It's a uniform. It's not glued on.

Response recorded on July 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

What's the name and age of Perdita's security guard from "Break my Heart"?

Greg responds...

His name is Denny Nielson, and he was born in 1981.

Response recorded on July 13, 2022

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Bri writes...

1. Can Orphan read and write?
2. Since Orphan can’t physically speak as her vocal cords are damaged, would she be able to “speak” on a psychic link? Or she won’t be able to since she never learned how to speak?

Greg responds...

1. She's learning. So, yes, basically. Playing a bit of catch-up, but yes.

2. She could speak psychically. She's also learning ASL.

Response recorded on July 13, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Is Giovanni Zatara homo magi?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 21, 2022

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