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ShySky writes...

Hello! Would you do a video interview for my Youtube channel Digital Bloodlines regarding season 2 of W.I.T.C.H? We already did an interview with Andrew Nichols from season 1. We have contact information on both Facebook and Youtube at Digital Bloodlines.

Greg responds...

I don't even know how to look this up. I'm not on Facebook. I know I have two Facebook pages, but I lost access to them years ago, and I never really grokked that service, so I just let it go.

I do visit YouTube on occasion, to watch a video. But I don't know how to contact anyone there.

Response recorded on June 16, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

So, if I understand this correctly, Kalrion went back in time to 2010, and then he took control of the school bus and put the bus and the kids through all kinds of hell since then. Also, were any missing reports put in on those people? Surely, someone must have seen the bus and its occupants disappear on that day and missing reports must have been filed to the police, right?

Greg responds...

There was hardly time to file any missing persons reports. They disappeared and then reappeared seconds later.

Response recorded on June 16, 2022

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Aprotny writes...

Hi Greg! I wanted to start by saying how much I’m loving the season so far. I liked Seasons 2 and 3 less than Season 1 and have said multiple times since the season aired that season 4 is on par with Season 1 quality! So thank you.
Here are my questions:
1a&b) When did the idea of the bus first come up and who came up with it?
1c) Was the bus planned as a plot point since it’s first appearances in Season 1, or did that thought come up later?
2) When will you have a release date for Part 2 of Season 4?
3) I don’t have a three because any other questions I can think of will be answered with “no spoilers”
Warm Regards and Eagerly Awaiting Next Week’s Mid-Season Finale

Greg responds...

1a. Back in Season One.

1b. I don't remember. Me or Brandon Vietti or Kevin Hopps or Nicole Dubuc, most likely.

2. Months ago, now.

3. Appreciate the restraint.

Response recorded on June 16, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Charlie Dagget?
2. When was Sindella born?
3. How old is Johnny Drew?
4. How old is Penny Randall?

Greg responds...

1. Charlie Daggett was born in 1984.

2. Sindella was born in 1975.

3. Johnny Drew was born in 1997.

4. Penny Randall was born in 1998.

Response recorded on June 16, 2022

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Ben writes...

Hi there Greg
I kind of feel like in this current arc the focus isn't that much on Zatanna herself compared to how in the Artemis arc we got to really understand her emotions and mindset, so I just wanted to ask what was the reason for that? I could be wrong but this is just my point of view

Thank you for reading.

Greg responds...

This arc was set up as more of a mystery. But I think by the time you finish the final episode of the arc - which by now I assume you have - it should all be pretty clear, and Zatanna's mindset and emotions should, in essence, get as much of a reveal as Tigress' did, in the previous arc.

Response recorded on June 15, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg :)

I really loved episode 12 of YJP! It`s my favourite episode thus far :D

I have a few questions regarding this episode.

1. What type of cancer did Sindella have?
2. In which year did Sindella die?
3. In which year did Giovanni marry Sindella?

Thank you for taking your time :)

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. (I realize I should know this. But I don't.)

2. 2008.

3. 1995.

Response recorded on June 15, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

If Dan Garrett died in 2005, and Ted Kord became the new Blue Beetle around November 2011, why did it take so long for him to do so?

Greg responds...

Discovering that he wasn't just going to get magic powers from the scarab to make him an instant super-hero, meant that Ted had to spend years training and developing the equipment he would use as the second Blue Beetle.

Response recorded on June 15, 2022

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Matt Itelson writes...

How old was Roy (Arsenal) when his parents died?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on June 15, 2022

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Verdragon writes...

Since you've written for the character before, what are your thoughts on the MCU version of Spiderman, and what do you think makes a good Spiderman adaptation as a whole?

Greg responds...

Generally speaking, I like the MCU Spider-Man. There's a lot to like. I like his youth and inexperience. I like his good intentions, not always backed up by his relatively inexperienced actions. I may have quibbles here and there, but they're relatively minor.

What "makes a good Spiderman adaptation as a whole?" Well, for starters, you definitely need a hyphen. It's Spider-Man, not Spiderman.

Beyond that, I think I've answered this question in great detail - over two seasons and twenty-six episodes: it's called THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN. That's my version of the best way to adapt the character. I'll let it speak for itself.

Response recorded on June 15, 2022

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Verdragon writes...

So since Zatara seems to be a practicing Catholic (or as much of a practicing Catholic he can be considering his body's being possessed by an ancient Sumerian dude unlikely to be interested in going to Mass) would you have tried to sprinkle in more indications of his faith in earlier seasons were you not constrained by Cartoon Network censors? Also, as a side note, I don't mind the references to religion in "Teg Ydaer!", and I found both the scene of Khalid confronting the illusions of his parents and especially Zatara reciting the Lord's Prayer incredibly good.

Greg responds...


As for your question, I know we knew he was Catholic back then - and he sent Zatanna to a Catholic school - but I don't think it even occurred to us to go into much detail about it. I mean, it's hard to give much thought to something you absolutely know won't fly. So it's hard to say, hypothetically, what we would or would not have done. But I'm happy with how it all played out across the seasons.

Response recorded on June 15, 2022

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