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Why did you make the decision that Garfield and Queen Perdita breakup despite most young justice fans like Garfield and Perdita as a couple together?
We follow where the characters lead us.
I have a question. Do gargoyles have their own concept of beauty among them? I mean, even Goliath unintentionally told Elisa he thought humans are ugly, which was very fun to watch.
But we have seen among people we are attracted to our own perspective of what's beautiful. So I was wondering if gargoyles are the same, or they have a concept that all among their kind are beautiful in their unique way?
I'm sure they have a conception of beauty, but as with most things, the evaluation of beauty is hardly monolithic among the Gargoyles' species.
What did people of Queen Perdita's country think of Peridia dating a meta human Garfield before the breakup?
The response was hardly monolithic. Some thought it was cool. Others thought it was an embarrassment to the Crown. And every reaction in between and more.
Dear Greg, my friend seems to think Vandal is "white" while I'm under the impression that his race is ambiguous or the application of race is beyond such a primordial being. What are your thoughts on the matter?
He's not white. Not in the sense we understand it today. He was born in the region we currently call Mongolia.
Were Ishtar and Nabu meta-human?
What year did the Starro invasion take place in Babylon?
1. Yep.
2. @1,800 B.C.E.
Why was Beast Boy drastically redesigned in season 3?
He was drastically older, i.e. he had undergone puberty, and he no longer felt the need to stay in his monkey-boy form.
Mr. Weisman,
How exactly does the chain of command works for the Outsiders? For example, if and when Beast Boy is unable to lead the Outsiders, who is usually the one to step up as the leader of the Outsiders during that time until Beast Boy resumes his leadership duties?
Wonder Girl. But I'm pretty sure that was made clear in episode 401.
Why did Queen Bee want Robin alive?
Sorry, what's the context here? Nothing is jumping to mind.
Can anyone practice magic or they have to be a Homo Magi?
I don't know that you have to be, but it certainly helps, especially if you want to get VERY good at it.
Is Atlantis the largest nation on the planet?
It depends on what you mean. If you go by claimed territory, then yes. If you go by the acreage of the eight city-states themselves, then no.
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