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Weird Sisters, The

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Vashkoda writes...

Puck said that he couldn't take the Phoenix Gate from Goliath--Goliath had to "fork it over". Is the same true for other Avalonian magical objects? I may be remembering this incorrectly, but didn't Odin physically attack Goliath and try to take back the Eye? And does this rule only apply to Children of Avalon? If so, it would explain why the Weird Sisters had to use Demona and MacBeth to steal the talismans for them (were you consciously doing this so as not to break the rule you would establish later about the Gate in "Future Tense"?)

Greg responds...

Odin may have been an exception, as the EYE could arguably belong to him.

But the general rule of non-interference prevented Puck or the Sisters from just magically or otherwise stealing anything themselves.

Response recorded on August 07, 2001

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Phillip G. Nunley writes...

What are the names of the Weird Sisters?

Greg responds...

Phoebe, Seline and Luna.

Response recorded on August 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

I gathered from the wierd sister's solilique (they can almost be counted as one entity) at the end of High Noon, that they were hoping to recrute coldstone as one of their soldiers as well, but things didn't turn out their way. If this is so, why did they convince Othello to take control of Coldstone's body, when Iago was working with Demona and Macbeth. I don't know how easily they could of gotten Iago under their spell, but he seemed more likley then Othello. Am I way off here?

Greg responds...

They were NOT trying to recruit Coldstone. And I wouldn't call it a soliloquy.

Response recorded on August 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1a.Are there any other parts to the Weird Sister's personality besides their Fate and Fury aspects?
1b.If so care to give a few?
1c.Do these personalities represent the three forces battling within them for control?

Greg responds...

1a. Yes.
b. No.
c. Generally.

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

I already know that this isn't true, but a friend and I have a bet, and I'd like to settle this.

Morgana is not one of the Weird Sisters, is she?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 20, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Would you say the Wierd Sister's Loyalty lies mostly in:
you have 30 seconds(probably more like 2 months) to decide.

Greg responds...

Their tri-part mission.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Demoness writes...


Oh my god, I'm not asking a Oberon and Titania question! Its a miracle! :)

I know this has been answered before and I have read your response to the question, but I am a little bit confused still.

You said that any fatal injury Macbeth & Demona sustain, the magical spell that keeps them alive would immediately heal them, and rapidly depending on how serious the fatal injury is.

So, if either were beheaded, would their head fall off and reattach itself or would the spell immediately begin to heal the severed area before it had a chance to fall off?

The same with a severed limb?

Greg responds...

Look at what you wrote: "...if either were beheaded, would their head fall off and reattach itself or would the spell immediately begin to heal the severed area before it had a chance to fall off?"

It's a hypothetical. What's the point? Neither one has had their head chopped off. Despite nearly 1000 years of adventuring times the two of them, I will personally guarantee that neither has been beheaded. This isn't Highlander. There's no rule about this. What there is is the statement of the Weird Sisters, who said that neither would die until one kills the other -- when both would die. Whether you choose to believe them or not is up to you.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Is Odin in any way related by blood to Oberon? In what way? How about the Weird Sister trio and the trickster quartet are they related to him by blood?

Greg responds...

I'm not getting into this now.

Response recorded on June 30, 2001

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Rob Irwin writes...

Hi again
My next question has to do with the wierd sisters. Is their big subterfudge to get demona and macbeth just come down to an evil wizard who wants world domination? It is an effective way to intoduce avalon and the coming battle, but it seemed during city of stone that their intrest in Demona & Macbeth was someting more. Did they have other plans for them and, if you don't mind reveling your secrets, what were they?

Greg responds...

I do mind. But yes. There are wheels within wheels.

Which doesn't mean that what you saw in Avalon wasn't true.

But all things are true.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Where did you get the idea for a trio of goddesses that have connections to the moon?

Greg responds...

From myth.

Why are you posting anonymously?

At least come up with a consistent nom-de-screen, please.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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