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How much by 2158 does the human world know about the truth of the New Olympians' origins?
A lot.
I had a question, but I wasn't sure if putting it at the bottom of my last post would violate your 'separate posts' rule or not. Anyway, I recently watched 'New Olympians' and when Taurus tells Proteus( masquerading as Golaith) not to interfere, at the Collonadium(sp?), he wasn't surprised that he hadn't turned to stone. You said once that there were gargoyles on New Olympus. Was Taurus not surprised because some of the gargoyles there don't turn to stone?
If so why don't they turn to stone?
They turn to stone. Taurus was distracted and not thinking.
Hello mr. Weisman
On New Olympus, will the Gargoyle clan be divided in three factions or will they all stay in one faction? If one group, which one?
Haven't thought about that, honestly.
1) If and when you get to do tose Gargoyle Episodes and Spinoffs do you plan to do crossovers like the following:
Gargoyles: 2158/Timedancer
Dark Ages/Timedancer
Pendragon/Bad Guys
2) Would you still include the Previously On Gargoyles segments when necessary?
1. 2158(revised) and TimeDancer, definitely.
Dark Ages and TimeDancer, probably.
Pendragon/Bad Guys. Probably, eventually.
Pendragon/Gargoyles. Definitely.
Bad Guys/Gargoyles. Definitely.
New Olympians/Gargoyles. Definitely.
New Olympians/Pendragon/Bad Guys - Eventually.
2. Probably.
One of my favorite New Olympians was the robot Talos. I was kinda upset when Proteus threw it off that building. Was he destroyed? Did you have further plans for it?
He was badly damaged. But not for the first or last time. He would absolutely be rebuilt and would have been one of the four leads, alongside Taurus, Sphinx and Terry Chung in the NEW OLYMPIANS spin-off that I had planned.
Sorry for the double post Mr. Weisman but #6 on my list was supposed to be Loch Ness, Scotland, not Loch Ness, Spctland. sorry must have slipped by me while proof reading,
Just so this post isn't a total waste of space I have a few Questions about the extent of Proteus' shape shifting ability:
1) Can he morph into any form he can imagine or is he limited to creatures that exist in the real world?
2) In "The New Olympians" Proteus only assumed the forms of living creatures is he limited to only living creatures or can he become inanimate objects?
Thankyou very much.
The typo did not escape my attention. But I covered for you.
1. He's got a lot to choose from already.
2. Sure.
Alright, in Hunters Moon, my personal favorite episode, Demona almost unleashed a magical disease that would have killed all sentience. Gargoyles would be immune to it's effects thanks to the Praying Gargoyle.
Now we all know Goliath smashed the statue and saved the world. But what if this was not the case...
1. All humans would have died. Macbeth is obviously human. Would this not have qualified as death at Demona's hands, thus killing Demona (oops)?
2. If not, would she fall prey to it when she turned into human form? How would this work?
3. Would this spread to Avalon and/or the isle of the New Olympians?
4. How would it affect... Oberon's Children?
5. ...New Olympians?
6. ...Gargoyle clones?
7. Any other effects?
Thanks for your time. Love your rambles, by the way, look forward to next season's rambles.
More hypothetical questions... YAY!
1. I've answered this many times before. Try looking through the Demona or Macbeth archives. Briefly, it would depend on Demona's intent.
2. I'm sure she thought she was safe.
3. No reason why it wouldn't spread to New Olympus. No reason why it would spread to Avalon.
4. Potentially not at all.
5. Kill most of them probably.
6. Not at all.
7. Anyone who asks hypothetical questions based on untread pathes would die. :)
What's the New Olympian's religion like?
There isn't just one.
I wasn't planning to post another question until you had gotten to the last batch I posted. I figure how long it takes you to get to Ask Greg is a pretty good indication of how swamped you are. However, it is easier to figure out where to start looking for questions posted since I have last looked when I have a landmark post to start from. I guess I am a bit egocentrical since the landmark has to be of my own making:]
Here's a strange little question- As a fan I am happy whenever you expand the Gargoyle universe, so the inclusion of the New Olympian spin-off, and how well it would compare and contrast to the Gargoyle one was just a big plus. However, now that you pitched it as a Gargoyle spin-off, and, for now at least, it did not happen, do you regret having pitched it? I don't know if Disney has any claim to it from your pitch- but I bet they would have to all the characters we saw in the World Tour ep. I suppose you could redesign and alter it a lot, but it would not be the same and you couldn't pitch it as you picture it to another network. So do you, in part, wish you hadn't connected it to Gargoyles, or has it become an organic part of the Gargoyle universe and you really couldn't imagine New Olympians separately anyway?
Your question pre-supposes some incorrect assumptions. New Olympians was created before Gargoyles, but like Gargoyles it was developed at Disney by Disney full-time employees, so Disney owned it all, independent of whether or not we chose to connect it up to the Gargoyles Universe. So, since it seemed to fit nicely, and might benefit both Universes, we chose to combine them into one Universe. No regrets there.
And by the way, I didn't come up with the initial idea for the New Olympians. The creator of that show was Bob Kline, who was Development Art Director for both New Olympians and Gargoyles, and was later a Director and Producer on Gargoyles. He directed the episode "The New Olympians".
Bob's idea went through a bit of a metamorphosis under my aegis. And we worked on it closely together. Greg Guler was brought in to help design some of the characters. But Bob should get credit for his contribution.
Do the New Olympian gargoyles protect New Olympus the way other clans protect an area?
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