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When did the New Olympians flee to New Olympus?
Sometime ago.
G'day Greg
Would any of the spinoffs featured the Pack (or at least members of the Pack) as villains?
Thank you for your time.
Sure. Most. Let's see...
Bad Guys
Gargoyles 2158 (revised)
for sure...
And I wouldn't be surprised if we also saw them in
New Olympians
But I would be surprised if they showed up in
Dark Ages
How did the new Olympians get so advanced in their technology? I mean they were completely Isolated from the rest of the world. Where did they get the reasorces? did they get any ouside help? the fae maybe?
Why would they need outside help or resources? They were already VERY advanced by human standards when they first went into hiding.
In your plans for the Gargoyles Universe, the New Olympians were a hybrid race descended from the offspring of human/fay matings back in the period of Greek mythology. However, you mentioned that the notion of the New Olympians pre-dated the making of "Gargoyles", as a separate series originally developed by Bob Kline.
Obviously, in the original notion of "New Olympians" that Kline developed, Oberon's Children wouldn't have been in it. So what was the origin for the New Olympians in the pre-Gargoyles version?
It was even simpler. There were a variety of MORTAL creatures that existed back then. They were worshipped, hunted, etc., etc., etc. Eventually, they joined up and fled to New Olympus. Hid there for centuries.
They no more had an "origin" than the Gargoyles themselves do, as a species.
There was, at one point, a very complex notion that involved them time traveling back at some point and being their own originators, but we dropped it.
I'm doing a report in class and I'm having a hard time I'm compering your cartoon "Gargoyles" to Edith Hamilton"s book Mythology could you tell me how you originated the characters in comparison to characters in Mythology, and why you changed the way Gargoyles live compared to Gorgons you know blah blah blah. It's a comparison and contrast report and i'm having a very hard time with it I know I'm on to something please help! Compare and contrast how you used stuff from "mythology" I have to have a source from you and this is all i found please help!! Plus I'm a girl so I have to do well on this because everyone says I don't know what I'm talking about and this is a "boy's" cartoon. Thankyou sooo much
There was never any particular connection in my mind between Gargoyles and Gorgons. Sorry. I did have a Medusa character in mind for New Olympians. She was largely supplanted by Sphinx. But I was going to use Medusa in a different way if we had done that spin-off.
Gargoyles isn't a boy's cartoon. It's for anyone who likes it, obviously. Don't let anyone tell you different.
But I'm not sure how I can help you. I'm not going to sit here and either (a) write your paper for you or (b) write a paper of my own for you to cite.
In a nutshell, we looked for ways we could adapt mythology that intrigued us into the universe that we had created. We looked for ways to unify and simplify a diverse global mythology, without over-simplifying the characters of that mythology itself. We tried to be respectful and faithful to the ideas the characters and stories suggested to us. But we also tried to make it fit into a dramatic episodic context.
Does that help? It's quotable, I think.
Let me know how it turned out. Post it here when you're done.
How does Hydras, Dragons, Harpies, Cerberus and all other mythological animals/creatures fit in the three races?
Some may have been Children of Oberon (or Mab). Others may have been New Olympians or the like. That is half-breeds. Some may have been exagerations of something else all together.
1) In response to the 'which Coyote' thing in being compared to intelligence with Talos, I mean Coyote 6.0 and 7.0
2) What is it that makes Talos so smart? Extremely advanced AI? Remaining sorcery from Daidolos/a Cyclops' manufacture? All or none of the above?
1. I don't know. I think probably Talos. The Coyote Robot, no matter how smart it gets, will always have a bit of Wile E. Coyote in its make-up.
2. Advanced A.I. mostly. (Keep in mind he's been rebuilt and upgraded many times. Both in hardware and software. Only his basic design style and memory files have remained consistent.)
1) How do the NO gargs look like, considering how vastly different each Gargoyle clan looks from one another..compare the Mayan to the London to the Ishimuran..
2) Since the NOs in NEW OLYMPIANS seem to be divided into these main factions, the peace-with-humanity, the worship-us-you-lousy-humans and the isolationist policy..which side would the majority of the NO gargoyles side with?
1. I'm not gonna commit til I've worked it out with Guler or someone.
2. All three. Sometimes all at once. Hey, it's an election year!
More NO questions, specifically on the characters we saw
1) Is Proteus related to the mythological Proteus?
2) Was that Proteus fae?
3) Would there have been any main NO Gargoyle character in NEW OLYMPIANS?
4) Is Boreas' cool lightning-burst-from-staff thingy a special fae-descended power of his or is that just part of the staff's technological gadgetry?
1. Probably a descendent.
2. Maybe.
3. Main? No. Recurring, eventually.
4. That's his.
New Olympus questions:
1) In which ocean is New Olympus in?
2) How large is it, roughly? The size of Madagascar?
3) How long has its cloaking shield been in use?
4) What prevented humans from finding it in the times before the shield was in use?
5) Talos spoke of the increasing level of human tech; thisi mplies the NO's have been monitoring humanity. For how long have they done so?
5a) And how do they do it?
5b) And what do they specifically look for to monitor?
6) Do the NO's have nuclear tech?
7) What is the population of New Olympus?
8) How many of that population are gargoyles?
1. It's a secret.
2. Big enough for now.
3. Years and years.
4. Currents.
5. Years and years.
5a. Carefully.
5b. Reruns.
6. Better.
7. An exact number? Come on LSZ don't you know me better by now?
8. A percentage.
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