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1. Are the New Olimpian Gargoyels under the same Government as all of New Olimpis, or do they have an independant system?
2. Did the N.O. Gargoyels come to New Olimpis for the same reasons as the "halflings"? b. Did they come at the same time?
1. They are citizens of New Olympus. But they have a 'local' clan government and largely keep to themselves.
2. Largely, yes.
b. New Olympus wasn't colonized at one specific time in history. Though it was founded at a specific time and closed off at a specific time. But there was a LONG span in between these two events.
ooh wait found another one. (please, if you dislike the fact that im posting dozens of questions, let me know and i will stop at once.)
Anonymous writes...
You said that the New Olympians had something better than nuclear tech could you tell us what it is?
Greg responds...
Zeracoy Enex Power.
(I just made that up.)
recorded on 06-29-01
thats great!
I feel like now, I could come up with something that sounded better but made no more sense.
What exactly is Mount Thanatos? City?
Why did they name it after death incarnate?
It's a mountain. And that's a LONG story.
What is the New olympians role in the liberation of earth against Space Spawn rule?
Eventually, significant.
How genetically compatible are New Olympians with gargoyles and humans? Can the NOs successfully have children with those races?
It is unlikely, but not impossible.
Why do none of the New Olimpians bother to tell Goliath that there are other Gargoyles on New Olimpis? Where do the other gargoyles live on the island? How big is the Island? it looked like it was just one floating city.
It's fairly big. They may have thought Goliath knew. The Gargoyles of New Olympus are isolationists, even from their fellow citizens.
Were you trying to imitate Kirby's Gods among us theme when you were developing New Olympians?
As I've mentioned before, Kirby's Eternals (and to a lesser extent his Inhumans and New Gods) were definite inspirations. We hope what we created was unique and original, but I don't deny the influence. We were going for something Kirbyesque.
What part did Roddy McDowell play in Gargoyles?
You recently (as of June 29) mentioned that New Olympus is a representative democracy. However, in the television episode, the New Olympians (during the scene where Elisa is on trial in the Senate-house; I believe that it's Ekidna who says it) describe their homeland as a kingdom. How do we reconcile these statements? Was there some sort of change in government system since New Olympus was originally founded?
Were you ever influenced by the Inhumans of Marvel comics while you were making New Olympians?
More the Eternals and the New Gods. But I suppose you could throw the Inhumans in there too. It was a very Kirby-inspired concept, and we made no bones about it. Bob Kline, Gargoyles' original Development Art Director and later a Producer/Director on the series' second season, came up with the original idea that developed into New Olympians. This was some time before Gargoyles. We later folded it in.
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