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Clan questions:
1) In the Egyptian episode, "Grief," Angela suggests that the sphinx looks like giant gargoyle. We know from the clans contest that there is not currently a clan in Egypt. Was there at one time an Egyptian clan that died out or was destroyed?
2) On a related note, you said that the New Olympus gargoyles left Greece with the New Olympians. Again from the clan contest we know that there is not currently a Greek clan. Assuming there was once a Greek clan, did they all go to New Olympus, or did some stay behind to die out or be destroyed?
3) I'm not asking you to tell the stories now, but do you have them planned out for use perhaps in Timedancer?
(Note: I'm thinking about gathering a list of "untold stories" you've hinted at. [Greg replies: "I know, but I'm not telling now."] The more unanswered questions I come up with, the more eager and impatient I am for the return of Gargoyles.)
1. Possibly.
2. The latter. Though not all the New Olympian gargs came from Greece. Some came from other mediterranean locations.
3. Which stories?
When the New Olympians arrive in New York in the future would Taurus try to seek out Elisa Maza and her Gargoyles?
You can be sure they'd meet up eventually.
Will any New Olympians in the future ever leave New Olympus to live among the humans?
Would any humans worship the new olympians when they reviel themselves to the world?
Any? Maybe a few.
Have any of the New Olympians seen the movie Aliens? and what do they think about it? I am asking these two questions because the New Olympians have ancestors like Medusa and the Minotaur that were slain by a human hero and the movie Aliens has a human hero called Riply who battles and slays the Alien Queen in a power loader suit.
I doubt they've seen the movie.
Hi Greg, this is regarding the New Olympians.
In "The Mirror", Broadway says there are three races...humans, gargoyles, and Oberon's children. But what about the New Olympians? The New Olympians are secluded from the world for centuries, hiding on an island surrounded by a cloaking field. I don't think they are Oberon's children...otherwise they would have been at the Gathering....so can we say that there is a fourth race indeed called The New Olympians. And if we say that, can we assume that there might be other races as well? Thanks! :-)
Well, you CAN assume that Broadway was only talking from his experience and education, not from any kind of omniscience. Which doesn't mean he was wrong.
Did you look at the New Olympian archive? Cuz, I've answered this many times before.
The New Olympians are hybrids. If you want to think of them as a fourth race, you can. But they are (mostly) mixed blood descendents of members of the three races.
Was the original Minotaur slain by Theseus the only minotaur?
1) Do the New Olympians know about Oberon?
2) Do they know the Greek gods were really fae?
3) Did any fae visit New Olympus after Oberon banished them from Avalon?
1. Maybe.
2. Maybe.
3. Probably.
Did New Olympian scientists ever try to explain the workings of magic scientifically, seeing how it's a tech-driven society but has knowledge of magic?
To some extent.
When you said that the gargoyles on New Olympus were never converted to NO religions and the fact that we never saw any gargoyles (except Goliath, Bronx and Angela) in the episode 'The New Olympians', and that you also said that the gargoyles on New Olympus wouldn't reveal themselves to the world immediately after the New Olympians do, does that mean that the gargoyles on New Olympus live away from the bulk of the New Olympian population?
They are somewhat isolationist, yes. But I hesitate to make generalizations about any group.
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