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New Olympians, The

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Sixshot writes...

How does Hydras, Dragons, Harpies, Cerberus and all other mythological animals/creatures fit in the three races?

Greg responds...

Some may have been Children of Oberon (or Mab). Others may have been New Olympians or the like. That is half-breeds. Some may have been exagerations of something else all together.

Response recorded on September 06, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) In response to the 'which Coyote' thing in being compared to intelligence with Talos, I mean Coyote 6.0 and 7.0
2) What is it that makes Talos so smart? Extremely advanced AI? Remaining sorcery from Daidolos/a Cyclops' manufacture? All or none of the above?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. I think probably Talos. The Coyote Robot, no matter how smart it gets, will always have a bit of Wile E. Coyote in its make-up.

2. Advanced A.I. mostly. (Keep in mind he's been rebuilt and upgraded many times. Both in hardware and software. Only his basic design style and memory files have remained consistent.)

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) How do the NO gargs look like, considering how vastly different each Gargoyle clan looks from one another..compare the Mayan to the London to the Ishimuran..
2) Since the NOs in NEW OLYMPIANS seem to be divided into these main factions, the peace-with-humanity, the worship-us-you-lousy-humans and the isolationist policy..which side would the majority of the NO gargoyles side with?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not gonna commit til I've worked it out with Guler or someone.
2. All three. Sometimes all at once. Hey, it's an election year!

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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LSZ writes...

More NO questions, specifically on the characters we saw
1) Is Proteus related to the mythological Proteus?
2) Was that Proteus fae?
3) Would there have been any main NO Gargoyle character in NEW OLYMPIANS?
4) Is Boreas' cool lightning-burst-from-staff thingy a special fae-descended power of his or is that just part of the staff's technological gadgetry?

Greg responds...

1. Probably a descendent.
2. Maybe.
3. Main? No. Recurring, eventually.
4. That's his.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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LSZ writes...

New Olympus questions:

1) In which ocean is New Olympus in?
2) How large is it, roughly? The size of Madagascar?
3) How long has its cloaking shield been in use?
4) What prevented humans from finding it in the times before the shield was in use?
5) Talos spoke of the increasing level of human tech; thisi mplies the NO's have been monitoring humanity. For how long have they done so?
5a) And how do they do it?
5b) And what do they specifically look for to monitor?
6) Do the NO's have nuclear tech?
7) What is the population of New Olympus?
8) How many of that population are gargoyles?

Greg responds...

1. It's a secret.
2. Big enough for now.
3. Years and years.
4. Currents.
5. Years and years.
5a. Carefully.
5b. Reruns.
6. Better.
7. An exact number? Come on LSZ don't you know me better by now?
8. A percentage.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Which is more intelligent, roughly: Talos, Coyote or the Golem?

Greg responds...


Wait, which Coyote?

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Is Proteus the only shapeshifter on New Olympus?

Greg responds...

Probably not.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Jeff N. writes...

Hey there Mr. Weisman,

In an answer to an earlier question about the origins of the New Olympians, you said that the first New Olympians were the result of various fae-mortal unions, and I was just wondering if, in the Gargoyles Universe, all of the original 12 Olympians from Greek mythology would be classified as full-fledged members of the Third Race (i.e. Oberon's Children)?

Thank you and good luck on resurrecting Gargoyles.

Greg responds...

Not necessarily.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Would any of the major characters in NEW OLYMPIANS be one of the NO Gargoyles?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) Do fae grow weaker magically as they grow older?
2) Is there any limit to how powerful a fae can grow unaided by any magical artefacts?
3) How seriously can fae be hurt by human magic?
4) If gargoyles could develop their own sorcery, would the magic they utilise be identical to human magic?
5) Did the Zeroth/Lost Race use magic?
6) Do the New Olympians use magic these days?

Greg responds...

1. Generally, no.

2. Probably.

3. Seriously.

4. Identical? Garg sorcery + human sorcery = mortal sorcery.

5. Zeroth? Who's that?

6. Rarely.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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