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matt writes...

will Broadway ever meet Gabriel and the rest of Angela's rookery siblings? if so, what will Gabriel think of Broadway?

Greg responds...

At some point, yes.

Broadway's a pretty personable guy, wouldn't you say?

I would think that Gabriel would like him.

Response recorded on February 20, 2003

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gargoyle fan writes...

hey greg i have been wondering about demona lately so here are my questions

1.In the episode city of stone why did't demona stay in wyvern was in it much safer then in a cave or it it would bring to much painful memories

2.I notice that in city of stone in the cave where demona and her clan lived there was a beach behide it so i am wondering since castle wyvern was next to a beach was the cave near wyvern

3.does demona approve of angla's relationship with broadway

4. in vows why did't demona use the phenoix gate to stop
the death of her clan

Greg responds...

1. The phrase "The Horror. The Horror." comes to mind.

2. I don't recall a beach behind that cave, and I always thought of that one being more interior to Scotland. But in any case, no, it wasn't Wyvern.

3. Well, as of when I left the show, Demona didn't know about Angela's relationship with Broadway. Only Angela, Broadway and Brooklyn knew. But assuming she found out, I think she'd have mixed feelings. Broadway is a Goliath loyalist, for starters.

4. A careful viewing would show she couldn't. If you're asking why she didn't try, I think one answer is that she did. Not by going back to the daylight hours of the massacre, when she couldn't have done anything anyway, but by going back to a point when her past self might -- had time travel worked that way -- have been able to change everything from that point forward.

Response recorded on January 29, 2003

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Lord Sloth writes...

In the Gathering, part 1, how did Goliath feel, upon returning, when Elisa called Broodway "Big Guy"? Why did Elisa use Goliath's nick name on Broodway? I'm not to conserned, just curious.

Greg responds...

"Big Guy" is Goliath's nick name?

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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The Souldier writes...

What's Broadway's Favorite food?

Greg responds...

What isn't?

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

1) Will Angela and Broadway raise their kids like humans, by only two parents, or will they be raise like gargoyles, in a collective rookery?
2) If so, will that trend continue into the future?
3) What about Brooklyn and Katana's children will they raise their children collectively or individually?

Greg responds...

1. Like gargs.

2. Generally.

3. Nash will be raised individually, initially, or communally if you consider that his TimeDancing parents represent the complete community of adults. Tachi will also get some individual rearing, because B&K will be the only parents in range. But both kids will get a lot of community parenting from the Manhattan Clan.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Pyro X writes...

I was reading your MEMO about "The Silver Falcon." fro the archives...

I got to thinking... This type of epidode wouldn't have worked with Brooklyn or even Lexington... these type of characters almost need to have other gargoyles around. You couldn't ahve a hole epidose of only Brooklyn or only Lexington. Lexington and brooklyn don't have human connections like Broadway. He shot Elisa. This brought them a bit closer than the others.
Do you agree or dissagree?

Greg responds...

I agree that Broadway shooting Elisa brought the two of them closer together. (Though they were already close.)

But otherwise, I disagree. Either Brooklyn or Lex could carry an episode on their own. I think we more or less proved that with Temptation and Thrill of the Hunt.

I know other characters were involved. But Lex and Brooklyn each carried those shows.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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Corrine Blaquen writes...

Last night I was watching 'Hunter's Moon, Part II' on Toon Disney. Since it's definately one of my favorite episodes, I tried to spot all the stuff I'd missed when on previous viewings. I was delighted by what I found!

It was in the scene right after when Elisa gives Angela CPR. In a short time afterwards dawn comes. What I noticed was that just before they turn to stone, Broadway moves beside where Angela is lying and takes her hand. It was happening in the background and no attention was called to it, but I thought that was incredibly sweet! I really loved it. Was that another hint that Broadway and Angela would end up together? If it was, it was a VERY nice way to do so. :-)

Another question about Hunter's Moon, Part II: When Goliath is just outside Elisa's window, seeing all that happens within (My original reaction to Elisa and Jason was *GASP!* "OHMYGOD, NO, OHMYGOD, NO, OHMYGOD, NO, OHMYGOD, NO, OHMYGOD, NO OHMYGOD, NO!" So on and so forth), could he hear what was being said? I couldn't tell.

And I'd like to take a brief moment to say thanks for creating a show with characters that can endear themselves with little background actions and that make me care SO MUCH that its hero gets the girl!

Greg responds...

1. Yes. As soon as Gary Sperling and I decided (while working on Turf) that Broadway and Angela would wind up together, we tried to show their relationship building -- in subtle ways.

2. Yes, he could hear. But in Soap Opera fashion, he left before he heard it all. To our credit, even the stuff he missed wasn't exactly equivocal.

You're welcome. Thanks for watching.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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matt writes...

1. do either Broadway or Lexington shave their heads? do either have hairy heads if they wanted to let it grow?

2. do some beast have hair in the same way that some gargs have hair and some don't?

Greg responds...

1. I don't think so. But maybe.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on July 01, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, from what you've told us, Angela and Broadway will raise their children in human fashion, being their children's only parents, but you've also said that Lex and other gargs of certain ages will be the parents of their children? how will their children be raised, from a biological standpoint or a rookery standpoint or in a combination of these ways?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Justin writes...

Hey here are some questions
1) Will Broadway and Angela's kids know that those two are there biological parents?

2) Will Broadway be more of a traditionalist in the sense that he would want the clan to raise the children, or will he want to raise his children as his own? I would think Angela want want to do the a latter.

3)Will Broadway and Angela see eye to eye on the parenting proccess?


Greg responds...

1. Not necessarily. Artus is more likely to know than Gwen or Lance. Only because there are fewer garg parents in the castle early on.

2. Both Broadway and Angela will lean toward the Gargoyle Way. I understand why you think Angela would favor the human approach, but I think you're misinterpreting things. Keep in mind how she was raised. Three parents. Many siblings. There's a certain fascination with biology which I think is "human" and natural. But ultimately, I think love for the "eggs" would win out with her. How can she possibly love one "egg" more than another, just because she laid one.

3. On everything? Doubt it. Generally? Yes.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Lexy writes...

Hey Greg!:)

When Savarius caught Angela he noticed, after looking over some DNA samples, that she was related to Goliath. Hudson and Broadway were also cloned later on in the series, but no body seemed to notice a correlation. Why is that?

Greg responds...

No one mentioned it on screen.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Shavri writes...

Between Goliath and Broadway, who would eat more food? I'm guessing Broadway, but I'm sure Goliath would have to eat a lot of food himself.

Greg responds...

I'm not big on quantifying these sorts of things.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, i know you don't ever plan to reveal on-screen the biological relationship between Hudson and Broadway, but i was wondering, does Sevarius know? afterall, he discovered the link between Goliath and Angela looking at their DNA, so when he was creating the clones in "The Reckoning" did he see the father-son relationship between Hudson and Broadway? if he did, did he tell anyone about it? Thailog? Demona? Xanatos?

Greg responds...

I suppose he knows. I'm just not sure to whom that information would be interesting. Still, someday...

Response recorded on June 09, 2001

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Siren writes...

In light of the recent talks about obese gargoyles...male or female, it is good that Broadway is put into such a good light. Sure, Brooklyn and Lexington tease him about his weight, but they are brothers and tease eachother about anything. Broadway has a strong heart and always knows that they never mean any harm about it, cause he always has room to poke fun at them. And most overweight characters are made off to be stupid. Like his brothers...and pretty much the whole Manhattan Clan. They were slightly naive when they first came to New York, but have all grown into better gargoyles. I would never mind seeing an overweight female gargoyle. I think it's about time to start using positive role models that are not stick thin. Look at Camryn Manhiem. She loves her body and never talks about losing weight and trying to look "pretty". To her, in her eyes, she is beautiful and that's all that counts. And that is what should count. So no, I would never mind seeing an overweight female character. I wouldn't balk or gasp. I think it's about time we did have such role models.

Greg responds...

I agree. But that's not the prevailing wisdom in kids TV. If we showed a heavy female gargoyle we would never have been able to do the gentle teasing that Lex did. We'd always ALWAYS have to show the character in a positive light. Role model would not be enough. She'd have to be a saint. (And I'm not too good at writing about saints.)

Still... that's something that at the time, I could have challenged. Maybe not from day one. But certainly in Season Two. At first I was a coward (to the extent I thought about it -- which admittedly, wasn't much). Later, I forgot about it. I don't excuse either sin. But that's what happened.

(And note, I don't think Broadway is even close to obese.)

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

oh, and also in the age of characters list you said that Yama is 29 and Sora is 19. their mates, and i thought there were never mates from different generations, Broadway and Angela being the exception. i figured that gargs mated among their rookery siblings because that way they wouldn't find a mate in a close (i.e. brother and sister) biological relative. so is it common for gargs to mate between generations? or are Broadway/Angela and Yama/Sora very different from the norm?

Greg responds...

Broadway and Angela are a very unusual case for OBVIOUS reasons. (He was asleep for 1000 years. She grew up on Avalon. As a result they are nearly the exact same age biologically.)

Yama and Sora are atypical. But their love is not unheard of.

I don't ever recall saying that gargs from separate generations couldn't or wouldn't mate. It's just not particularly common.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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