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Greg's Gallifrey One Schedule

Greg's Gallifrey One Schedule

Hey, gang. As some of you know, I'll be at Gallifrey One this Saturday, February 15, 2014.


The convention is located at:

Marriott Los Angeles Airport Hotel
5855 West Century Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045

I'm told convention membership is sold out, but even if you don't have a badge/ticket, we've got an event for you (see below).

Here's my schedule for the day:

2pm - 3pm - I'll be doing a signing at Christopher Jones' table. I'll pretty much sign anything you put in front of me for free. However, I'll also be bringing multiple copies of my new novel RAIN OF THE GHOSTS. For a mere $10 in cash, you get a signed copy of the book and signed copies of the original inspirational character designs (drawn by Kuni Tomita) for the animated series version of Rain that we never made back at DreamWorks in 1997-98. (While supplies last.)

3pm - 4pm - Christopher Jones and I will be doing a KaffeeKlatsche with a small group of fans. You need to sign up for this in advance, I believe, as space is limited.

5pm - 6pm - The big YOUNG JUSTICE event!! I'll be moderating a Q&A panel of THIRTEEN GUESTS who worked on the series in Program Room B. In alphabetical order, the guests are:

1. Cameron Bowen - Voice Actor: Robin/Tim Drake, Toyman
2. Kris Carter - Composer: Dynamic Music Partners
3. Christopher Jones - Comic Book Artist
4. Stephanie Lemelin - Voice Actor: Artemis/Artemis Crock/Tigress, Catherine Cobert/Computer
5. Eric Lopez - Voice Actor: Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes, Scarab
6. Vanessa Marshall - Voice Actor: Black Canary/Dinah Lance, Amanda Spence, Ida Berkowitz, Noor Harjavti, Red Inferno/Firebrand
7. Michael McCuistion - Composer: Dynamic Music Partners
8. Masasa Moyo - Voice Actor: Bumblebee/Karen Beecher, Reach Scientist, Amber Joyce, Cat Grant, Secret/Greta Hayes, Sharon Vance, Wendy Harris
9. Lolita Ritmanis - Composer: Dynamic Music Partners
10. Andrew Robinson - Writer: "Drop-Zone," "Targets," "Disordered"
11. Brent Spiner - Voice Actor: Joker
12. Jason Spisak - Voice Actor: Kid Flash/Wally West
13. Greg Weisman - Producer; Writer: "Independence Day," "Fireworks," "Terror," "Humanity," "Misplaced," "Auld Acquaintance," "Happy New Year," "Salvage," "Satisfaction," "The Fix," "Summit"; Voice Actor: Lucas "Snapper" Carr

6pm - 6:30pm - Immediately following the panel, we'll conduct a signing right there in Program Room B. Not all the guests may be able to stay, but I know, for example, that Kris, Michael & Lolita will be there, signing and selling copies of the Young Justice Soundtrack CD. And once again, I'll be signing and selling RAIN OF THE GHOSTS ($10 in cash, for the signed novel and the signed character designs, while supplies last).

6:30pm (more or less) - ??? - And then right after the signing, we'll move out to the lobby of the Marriott for a Young Justice Fan Meet-Up. This is the part that does NOT require you to have paid for the convention. Just show up and hang out, as we chat with fans, take pictures with Cos-Players, sign and sell stuff (say, for example, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS) in a more informal setting. Chris Jones and I will stay for the duration, frankly until it begins to wane of its own accord. I'm sure some of the other guests will hang out for at least a little while (though that's not guaranteed).

So stop by #gally1 for the big #YoungJustice multi-event!!!!!

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Hello Friends, Fans & Family,

I'm having a reading, discussion and signing of my first novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, at Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena on Tuesday, February 18th, 2014, starting at 7:00pm. More details are below.

I'm terrified I'll be sitting in a room by myself, so whether or not you've already purchased the book - or ever intend to - I'd still appreciate any moral support your attendance might provide. (And it would provide a lot.)

No R.S.V.P. is necessary, but I'm hoping to see at least a few of you there. (And if you wanted to buy a book, I wouldn't complain. No, really. I swear I wouldn't.) Oh, and please feel free to bring along additional victims bodies friends and family to the event - children are especially welcome - and please help spread the word, forwarding this to anyone you think might be (even vaguely) interested.


Greg Weisman

Greg Weisman reads, discusses & signs Rain of the Ghosts at VROMAN'S BOOKSTORE

Start: 02/18/2014 7:00 pm

695 E. Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, California
United States

Growing up in the tropical paradise of the Ghost Keys, a (fictional) chain of islands near the Bermuda Triangle, should be paradise, but for twelve-year-old Rain Cacique, it feels more like a life sentence that dooms her to a future of bending over backwards for ungrateful tourists. Her beloved grandfather, 'Bastian, is the bright spot in her world, so when he passes away, Rain immediately attributes her newfound ability to see dead people to grief. Eventually, however, she discovers a hidden world of mystery and adventure. RAIN OF THE GHOSTS.

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Young Justice at Gallifrey One

Young Justice is coming to Gallifrey One!

Gallifrey One, the Doctor Who convention in Los Angeles, will be hosting a pretty impressive Young Justice panel followed by a casual Young Justice meet-up afterward.

On Saturday, February 15, 2014 at 5pm is the YJ panel, featuring (in alphabetical order) an even dozen members from cast and crew:

1. Cameron Bowen - Voice of Robin (Tim Drake)

2. Kris Carter - Composer

3. Christopher Jones - Comic Book Artist

4. Stephanie Lemelin - Voice of Artemis

5. Eric Lopez - Voice of Blue Beetle

6. Vanessa Marshall - Voice of Black Canary

7. Michael McQuistion - Composer

8. Lolita Ritmanis - Composer

9. Andrew Robinson - Writer

10. Brent Spiner - Voice of the Joker

11. Jason Spisak - Voice of Kid Flash

12. Greg Weisman - Producer

I think we can all agree that's a pretty impressive list.

After the panel, at approximately 6pm, we'll be having a casual YJ meet-up for photos and autographs in the lobby. I'm told that Gallifrey One is already sold out, but you don't need a badge for this informal post-panel get together. Not all the guests will be able to stay for it, but I guarantee a bunch of us will. (Chris Jones and myself, at a minimum.)

For more info on the convention, check out:


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It's been a long time since we had a contest here at ASK GREG, so here we go:

There are two typos in my new novel RAIN OF THE GHOSTS that make me crazy - especially since they were both things I caught, which should have been corrected. (Most mistakes were corrected, but these two were not.)

Since there are two typos, I'm expecting two winners. So the first person to find each of these typos will receive a free signed copy of the book AND copies of the inspirational art drawn by Kuni Tomita, which we used to help sell RAIN OF THE GHOSTS to Nickelodeon back in the late 90s. (The series was indeed sold, but they ended up pulling the plug.)

[A caveat: I'm looking for two specific objective errors, which are the only two I'm aware of in the book. If you find another error that I've missed, I am theoretically willing to issue more than two prizes. But I reserve the right to decide for myself if it is an actual error as opposed to a stylistic choice or something along those lines. My decisions will be final.]

If you are searching a hard copy of the book, please indicate page number and be very specific about the error. I'm aware that some of you may be reading the book on Kindles, iPads and the like, where page numbers aren't clearly identifiable. If that's the case, indicate the chapter number and carefully count the number of paragraphs from the top of the chapter where you believe the error has occurred. If you're looking at a pirated copy of the book, please be aware that those copies contain many errors that were corrected in the final product. Those errors will not be awarded prizes, obviously.

And if you don't know where to find the book to search, try asking for it at your local bookstore. They can always order it for you. Or of course, you can order it online:http://www.amazon.com/Rain-Ghosts-Greg-Weisman/dp/1250029791/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1377806211&sr=8-1&keywords=rain+of+the+ghosts

Good hunting!!

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Demona's "White Flag"

Years ago in a long ramble (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=225), I mentioned that: "I'd like to see a music video featuring Demona to Dido's'White Flag.'"

Well, NeillGargoyle found that obscure request and posted this:


Pretty much exactly what I had in mind!

Thanks, Neill!

Now if someone would just do this one: "I'd like to see a music video from Goliath's POV -- but featuring Elisa -- of "Amazing". (I think that's the title. I'm not sure who the artist or band is.)"

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Nope, this isn't a reference to Young Justice.

This is another shameless plug for RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, which was released today as a paperback and e-book.

I'm hopeful all of you have or will buy a copy. But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, help me spread the word about the book! I'd hate for it to do badly simply because people hadn't heard about it.

It can be purchased here:


Also, please think about pre-ordering the second book in the RAIN series, SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM:

And finally, check out:



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Everything Geek Podcast INTERVIEW

I was interviewed on the Everything Geek Podcast here:


I discuss my "secret origins", The Spectacular Spider-Man, Gargoyles, Star Wars Rebels, Young Justice and more.

Check it out!

(But of course I totally forgot to mention Rain of the Ghosts at all, darnit!)

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Some of you have already received word that your copy of my first novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, has shipped. I'm even informed that the book is on the shelves of some bookstores (like Barnes and Noble) now.

For those of you who haven't pre-ordered or purchased, this is just a reminder that the book officially becomes available tomorrow, December 3rd, 2013. You can order on sites like Amazon:


Or you can go into any brick and mortar bookstore and either buy it there - or if they don't have a copy - order it from them.

I hope all regular and casual readers of this website will consider purchasing either a hard copy or an e-copy. (Or more than one. They make great stocking stuffers. Plus they're arriving just in time for the end of Chanukah!) If you've liked my work on GARGOYLES, W.I.T.C.H., THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN and/or YOUNG JUSTICE, I truly believe you'll like RAIN, as well. I've done my best to stuff it with world-building, mythology, action, comedy, drama, MYSTERY and just a little bit of horror.

[SPOILER WARNING: Speaking of mystery, I've been privy to a few advanced reviews. Most are positive. Some are more lukewarm. One was scathing. (The phrase "graceless grammar" will stick with me for awhile.) But nearly every single one reveals/spoils some or all of the story's mysteries. (The scathing review seemed to have so much contempt for the book that the reviewer had no compuction about revealing EVERY mystery possible.) This is not to say you shouldn't read reviews, but I thought I should offer fair warning. The tradition of not spoiling in a review seems to have fallen by the wayside.]

In any case, my fervent hope is that you will all help me out by using every means necessary - but particularly social media like Twitter, Facebook, etc. - to SPREAD THE WORD about the book. The second book in the RAIN series, SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM, is written and will come out on May 13th, 2014. But it's a nine book series, and there's currently no commitment to publish the other seven. That will depend on sales. And sales, of course, depends on folks KNOWING ABOUT THE BOOK IN THE FIRST PLACE. So, please, please, please, help me by letting every one you know in on our little secret. Because really, I don't want it to be a secret, but it still feels mostly like it is one.



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Young Justice Legacy

Want more stories set in the EARTH-16 Universe of Young Justice and Young Justice: Invasion?

Then vote with your wallet! Go out and buy a copy or six of YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY!!! This new video game from Little Orbit is canon material set during the five-year gap, between Seasons One and Two.

In addition, if it sells well, Little Orbit is very interested in using their existing license to make a sequel game set during "Season Three".

Here's what Little Orbit's own Matthew Scott had to say in an e-mail to myself and fellow YJ Producer Brandon Vietti:

Hi guys,

I just want to send a big thank you for all your support helping us launch Young Justice: Legacy.

Not sure if you saw the World Finest review:

The review certainly seems to have picked up on the main aspects of the project that we were trying to achieve.

My favorite quote:
"This game is so full of revelations and bombshell moments. Between that and all the new information you're getting, it's like we got an epic mini-series event, and not just a cheap cash grab video game. One nuance that I loved from the show was how actual mythology was incorporated in the ongoing story plots, and that carries over here."

BTW - In your interview on Nerdy Show [ http://nerdyshow.com/2013/11/episode-160-the-legacy-of-young-justice/ ], you mentioned that you couldn't speak for us. But I will go on record saying we would absolutely do a Young Justice: Legacy sequel set in the season 3 period. Just need to see how sales are for this title.

Matthew Scott

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Brandon & Greg talk YJ Legacy on Nerdy Show!

Brandon Vietti & Greg Weisman talk about YJ, YJ Legacy, Rain of the Ghosts, Scooby-Doo, WWE and more on Nerdy Show!

Here's the link: http://nerdyshow.com/2013/11/episode-160-the-legacy-of-young-justice/

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