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Anonymous writes...

Does Psy-Back stand for Psychic Back-up?

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Secret writes...

1. Are Kaldur and Wyynde living together?
2. What is the name and gender of La'gaan, Coral and Rodunn's newborn baby?
3. Was La'gaan's grudge against Conner over the fact that M'gann and Conner got back together not long after she broke up with La'gaan?
4. What year did La'gaan begin a relationship with Coral and Rodunn and what did they get married?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the Earth-16 version of Black Canary's father, his full name is Lawrence "Larry" Lance, correct?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I'm guessing the Leviathan creature that attack Kaldur'ahm and his group is the Earth-16 equivalent of the real-life prehistoric Livyatan? Also, what is the name of the giant crab-like creature that also attacked them?

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Joseph Dixon writes...

Hi Greg, this is my first time asking a question from you so I'll keep it simple, are Violet and Harper a couple or are they just extremely close?

P.S I'm Loving Phantoms so far!

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Explorer writes...

1) Is Dolphin now dating Kaldur and Wyynde? Or is she just staying with them?

2) Is Kaldur going to keep the beard? Will La'gaan grow one? Can he even grow one? There's just something right with an Aquaman having a beard.

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Matthew writes...

Hello Greg, have to say Kaldur's arc in season 4 is my favorite (thus far). "Downtime" was one of my favorite episodes and it's always such a treat to return to Atlantis.

Anyway, the geopolitics of Atlantis is rather fascinating and the differing problems and the wealth disparity between the kingdoms makes for an intriguing bit of world-building.

It actually reminds me of the conflict between the various city-states of Renaissance-era Italy. So if this doesn't fall under spoilers I have to ask, what were the influences for the geopolitics of Atlantis? Did you try to stay close to the comic's own take of Atlantean politics or did you find inspiration from real world history?

In any case, congrats on Season 4 and here's to four more seasons!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Wiesman,

Just so I can understand what happened to Orm (whose mind was in the body of a cloned Arion), the moment he put on the crown, the Lords of Order sensed that he was an imposter posing as Arion (or maybe they knew all along), and then, through the power of the crown, they proceeded to violently tear Orm apart; destroying the cloned Arion's body and killing Orm, while taking back the power of the crown and Arion's magical essence. Am I correct in this interpretation?

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Jordan writes...

Did Lex Luthor and Vandal Savage knew each before the formation of the Light?

Did Ra's Al Ghul and Lex Luthor knew each other before the formation of the Light?

Did Vandal Savage and Ocean-Master knew each other before the formation of the Light?

How did Vandal Savage knew about Queen Bee was she already activate as a supervillian before the formation of the Light?

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Anonymous writes...

What's the name of Coral's son?
Who is its bio father?

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