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Jonny Modlin writes...

Will Gargoyles SLG Comics be reprinted in Trade Paperback Collection by Dynamite Comics? Will Gargoyles dynamite comics be released in Trade Paperback COllection?

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Grinnell writes...

Why did no outsider team member not ask Garfield why he was not going missions with them and not ask Garfield what was wrong with him after Garfield return to earth from mars before Perdita came to the Hub?

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Wuzunyou writes...

Why did you have young justice comic targets made if you had not intended for garfield and perdita become a couple again after you have them breakup in young justice phanothoms?

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Young Justice fan writes...

Hello Greg!

I love your show, but I felt a bit betrayed when all the other canon romances got to be a major thing except Chalant. Chalant was the most popular relationship on the show and season 4 gave us exactly what we wanted. Dick and Zatanna flirting and being together again. I hope if you get more content, that you circle back to Chalant! You had a great thing with her being a magic performer and Dick being an acrobatic performer. Please don’t get rid of it!

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Jesse writes...

What happened to the metorite that made vandal savage a metahuman? Did any other human encounter it?

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CircusOf5 writes...

No question - just props! i just finished viewing Young Justice: Phantoms, and it was so good I binge watched the entire run, and then rewatched a second time. I'm in my mid 50's here (so have seen and experienced quite a lot in my life to date) and have to say that the depth of each storyline, the character work, action and execution were pitch perfect.
keep doing what you're doing sir!! I look forward to the next run (and hope for a quick release on this seasons blu ray)

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Gargoyfan writes...

Any chance the 2006 run will be on Kindle? I had to hunt mine down on ebay. Definitely a cult classic, the series is marvelous. Show, loved it. Comic, I don't like it ...I love it. Good to see them "live again!"

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If "Young Justice" gets a season 5, I suspect that we might not be able see the Earth-16 version of Jonah Hex. However, do you think that his descendants Stella Hex (great-granddaughter), Virginia "Jinny" Hex (great-great-granddaughter), and Chastity Hex (even though her exact relations to Stella and Jinny is currently unknown in the comics) could somehow make possible appearances in a future season?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Why does the Earth-16 version of Mercy Graves never say a word on the show? I mean, the only sounds she's ever made thus far is whenever she gets hurt/injured in some way...

#2. When exactly did Mercy Graves receive her cybernetic enhancement for her right arm? Also, was this cybernetic enhancement something that she went through willingly (which I assume is her own way of showing how deep her loyalty is to Lex Luthor) or not?

#3. What is the last name of the Earth-16 version of Otis?

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Jay writes...

1. Just wanted to start off by saying Young Justice's worldbuilding is just amazing, and it's one of my favorite versions of the DC Universe. Was there ever any talk of making some kind of Earth-16 guide or encyclopedia to include info about the world that the show itself couldn't cover?

2. Young Justice has this really cool balance between realism and comic booky stuff. How did you and the rest of the staff decide what aspects would be more grounded and what aspects wouldn't? Like, who wears tights and who wears armor, what technology gets explained etc.

3. Love your work and thanks for everything :)

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two