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Anonymous writes...

1. I just started watching the show and I am enjoying it quite a lot, so I know it's been a long time since you wrote the episode Denial but in this episode there is a line "Oh, no. Not me. I'm just an old coot/coat Fate used to put on." when I watched this on Netflix the subtitles said coat and I really like this line but on IMDb in the quotes section it says coot. I know it seems like a trivial question but if possible do check and let me know if you remember what you wrote granted it was 10 long years.
2. Also my friend who is caught up with the show told me to watch GLTAS since it's a somewhat shared world(not quite sure what he meant by this,said the same thing for Green Arrow Showcase the same shared world thing about that too and to watch it after s1 ep 20. and Catwoman Hunted after season 3) and said I can just watch it along with season 2 of young justice alternating between the two shows Or after season 2 and before season 3. What order would you recommend for watching GLTAS.

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Anonymous writes...

So about the quotation "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." You said "The quotation IS in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, but I didn't realize that it didn't originate there" so what chapter in I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou is this quote on I couldn't find it, do you happen to have a citation for this or the page number cause I can't find it.

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Flay writes...

Why did Garfield not love Perdita no more by the time of episode one of young justice phantoms?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Lor-Zod born?
2. What year did Lor-Zod first travel back in time?
3. What year did Phantom Girl become a member of the Legion of Superheroes?
4. What year did Saturn Girl become a member of the Legion of Superheroes?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Abra Kadabra born?
2. What year did Brainiac 5 join the Legion of Superheroes?
3. What year did Chameleon Boy join the Legion of Superheroes?
4. What year was Lightning Lad born?
5. What year did Lightning Lad join the Legion of Superheroes?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Moonrider born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Orion born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Overlord created?
4. What year was Serifan born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Sphere created?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Kalibak born?
2. What year was Kreetin born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Lashina born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Lightray born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Metron born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Granny Goodness born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Grayven born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Highfather born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Highmother born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
6. What year was Jovita born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Desaad born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Dreamer born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Gilotina born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was G. Gordon Godfrey born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Granny Goodness’s Gretchen Goode doppelganger created? Did she begin operation as the head of Goode World Studios around the same time?

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Anonymous writes...

Have a good day Mr. Weisman.
Firstly I would like to say that I love your work and fingers crossed for continuing with Young Justice, Gargoyles or any project you wish to work on. The second thing is that English is not my native language and I am sorry for mistakes.

I gather so many questions over the years and I hope I am not asking for spoilers because the "No spoilers" was one of many things what sell your shows to me.

1. Are there any male New Genesphers or bioships?

2. In episode "Failsafe" we can see Alfred, Barbara and Betty together. Was it something (teoreticly) Dick ask him to do?
(I overthought this one too many times)

3. What do you think, is Violet trixic, toric or bisexual (umbrela term)?
(Well, I do not think they were thinking about this)

Thank you for your time, representation, amazing shows, my hobby (drawing but that is credit for Phil Bourassa) and my favorite number (16!).
Please, exuse me for mistakes or if any of these questions was asked before, I did not find it.

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Anonymous writes...

1. You have made it clear that your answers on this site are not officially canon and sometimes used the term "canon-in-training" to describe them. You have also recently revealed that some non-YJ projects are "canon-adjacent" to Earth-16. In cases where canon-adjacent lore and canon-in-training lore do not match up, what is the hierarchy here? I understand these situations will likely be decided on a case-by-case basis, but generally which should we defer to?

2. More specifically, some Green Lantern lore from the now canon-adjacent GL:TAS contradicts answers you've given here over the years. For example, you've said that on Earth-16 two GLs are appointed to each Space Sector and you've talked about Guy Gardner being in a coma when John Stewart debuted as a hero. I presume these answers (from 2012 and 2013) were given long before it was decided to import some continuity from GL:TAS. Therefore I would like to ask if these notions (or any others you'd like to share) about Earth-16's Green Lantern history and lore have at all changed, now that you've crossed over with that other series?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Does the Earth-16 universe has its own version of the Antimatter Universe (aka. Sector -1; which is the only known space sector with a negative number designation)? Also, does Qward (the home planet of the Sinestro Corps) exist in the Earth-16 version of Antimatter Universe?

#2. Was Hal Jordan's Green Lantern predecessor Abin Sur; an alien from the planet Ungara (which is located in Sector 2814)? Also, in comparison to the comics, how much of the Earth-16 version of their encounter is the same/different?

#3. Was Hal Jordan's Green Lantern mentor Thaal Sinestro; an alien from the planet Korugar (which is located in Sector 1417)? Also, in comparison to the comics, how much of the Earth-16 version of the history between Hal Jordan and Sinestro is the same/different?

#4. Who was John Stewart's Green Lantern predecessor before he obtained the Green Lantern power ring?

#5. Who was Guy Gardner's Green Lantern predecessor before he obtained the Green Lantern power ring?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Antinoõs born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Big Barda born?
3. What year was Bear born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Celestia born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Darkseid born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was All-Widow born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Larva (blue) born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Larva (red) born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Mountain Forager (red) born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Mountain Forager (purple) born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Sardath born?
2. What year was Scientist born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year did K'rii St'ferr become a Y'ellonn Martian Priest?
4. What year was Sykara born?
5. What year did Sykara become Queen of M'arzz?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Mongul take over the Warworld?
2. What year was Orb-One created?
3. What year did Razer become a member of the Red Lantern Corps?
4. What year was the Starro creature Klarion teleported to Babylon born?
5. What year did Tomar-Re become a Green Lantern?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Kylstar born?
2. What year was L-Ron created?
3. What year was Lobo born?
4. What year was Lok-Ron created?
5. What year was Mongul born?

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PhnStr writes...

Hi Greg! How are you doing? I hope you're well.

By the time that you read this, Phantoms will have concluded, and hopefully we (the viewers) will all know what has really happened to Conner (i.e. how precisely he got into the Phantom Zone), as well as how he will get out (if he gets out... I mean, I imagine that he will, but as his circumstances are still somewhat mysterious, I do not want to assume anything).

At the time of my writing/typing, 420 has been released, so there are six episodes left. People are assuming that Phantom Girl managed to transport herself and Conner into the Phantom Zone, which certainly SEEMS like a safe assumption.

However, there remains the matter of the ash in the shape of Conner's body on the cave wall. I have brought this up online and have observed that the ash being in that shape would seem to suggest that Conner's BODY was indeed destroyed in the explosion. However, I have faced ridicule from some corners of the fanbase (only a handful of people, it seems, at least) who have insisted that the ash proves that Conner's body was NOT destroyed. I am not sure how they reached that conclusion. (I am also not sure why they insulted me when they typed this -- it is a sad sign of the toxicity of some fans they they feel the need to sprinkle their retort with rudeness and insults.)

This leads to wonder if you could clarify, please, whether the ash in the shape of Conner's body was intended to suggest that he was dead. This is certainly what I took from how M'gann and Garfield reacted at the end of "Involuntary" (M'gann facial expression and Gar's words), so I would like to think that the YJ crew did indeed want the viewers to see the ash as an indicator of Conner's likely demise. Could you clarify, please? I have a feeling that you will confirm that the ash was meant to suggest this (whether or not it was a red herring at the time) and so I look forward to your answer.

It really feels like my understanding of what happened with the ash on the cave wall is SO different to what others have perceived, so by asking you, I hope to bridge the gap in my understanding if possible... or at least highlighted what was intended to be conveyed in this scene.

Many thanks!

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Anonymous writes...

In episode 4x12 Zatara flashes back to the day Superman defeated Mechanical Monsters, a clear reference to the Fleischer Superman films. Is that series, or at least The Mechanical Monsters instalment, canon-adjacent to Earth-16?

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Family writes...

Do Karen and Mal live in Happy Harbor or Ivy Town?
Did they tell their friends about their daughter?

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

If Joker's bomb threat on the UN took place in 2018, which was when Spoiler joined the Team, does that mean she joined in January? And was she new as Spoiler during that mission?

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Sam writes...

Hey Greg!

My question is about M'gann's eye color. The whites of M'gann's eyes turned black when she went to M'arzz, though there are some scenes on M'arzz where the whites of her eyes are, well, white. It initially seemed like her eyes turned white whenever she casted a mental projection or was aboard Bio-ship / Baby, but there are some scenes that do not align with this pattern. Young Justice has always dealt with themes of identity and perception (especially with M'gann), and her eyes are always white when she is on Earth, so I was curious if her decision to switch between her eye colors was motivated by her desire to appear "more human" or "more Martian" based on who she is around? Or am I trying to find a pattern where there isn't one?

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Anonymous writes...

It is very rare for vandal savage to be angry, but as shown with kaldur after he ruined the reach summit and after the lords of order killed orm it is possible to piss him off. So what I want to ask is vandal savage capable of holding a grudge?

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Anonymous writes...

Did anyone in Atlantis try to contact Dr. Fate to have Nabu verify the identity of Arion? I had originally believed that Savage would have taken specific steps to counter that exact scenario, but seeing that with the Crown of Arion it seems the Lords of Order could instantly tell he was a fraud, and Nabu would know better than anyone that that wasn't his Nephew.

Even if they didn't know about his specific familial relation to Nabu, he could identify the golden magics that are even more ancient than those Atlantis knows of.

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Anonymous writes...

1 Is darkseid’s view of grayven better or worse than his view of kalibak?
2 is grayven younger or older than kalibak and orion
3 does grayven view his brother kalibak as a rival?
4 what was grayven’s opinion on when his father formed an Alliance with genghis Kahn(vandal savage)?
5 Considering grayven is one of darkseid’s lesser known Sons what made you decide to use him in your show?

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