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Dawson writes...

I'm going to ask 3 questions and the latter two have nothing to do with but I just want your opinion:
1. When are Starfire and Raven gonna show up?
2. What do you think of "The Boys"?
3. what do you think of "Invincible?"

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Are the following relationships listed below correct in the Earth-16 universe?

Yuga Khan (real name Zonuz) (Darkseid's father)
Heggra (Darkseid's mother)
Darkseid (real name Uxas)
Suli (Darkseid's 1st wife, Kalibak's mother)
Kalibak (Darkseid's 1st son)
Tigra (Darkseid's 2nd wife, Orion's mother)
Orion (Darkseid's 2nd son)
Unnamed woman (Darkseid's 3rd wife, Grayven's mother)
Grayven (Darskeid's 3rd son)

Please note that I did NOT include Darkseid's possible relationships with the Earth-16 versions of Highfather and Highmother because there have been multiple continuity changes in the mainstream DC Comics universe since the beginning of the New 52 up to the present.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, Kalibak, Grayven, and Orion are paternal half-brothers due to them having the same father (Darkseid), correct?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I made a mistake in a previous posting in regards to one of my questions; here is the correct version of that question:

Is the full name of Dick Grayson's father John Frederick Grayson?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In the comics, there two different versions for the full name of Dick Grayson's mother prior to her being married to Dick Grayson's father (John Grayson):

A. In pre-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity (New Earth), her full name is Mary Elizabeth Loyd.

B. In post-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity, her full name is Marie Lloyd.

Which full name is the correct version in the Earth-16 universe?

2. Is the full name of Dick Grayson's father John Fredrick Grayson?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I may be out of line by making this suggestion to you, but whatever Season 5 storyline you have planned for Mary Bromfield, I honestly don't think that she should be redeemed so easily by the end of that season, and that she should be shown refusing to take responsibility for whatever wrongs she commits as Black Mary and should instead continue to blame those whom she feels have "wronged/betrayed" her even after she is stopped/defeated. If you do it this way, it would make her situation similar/parallel to that of the Gargoyles characters Demona and Jon Canmore/John Castaway.

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Suzie writes...

How has it been for Conner since he was finally freed from the Phantom Zone and returned home. Obviously it might not be so easy. Yes he is back with his friends and family and more importantly M'gann and they are finally married, but he has got to be struggling. How has it been for him to be reajusting being back home, back with the Outsiders and all the changes that have occurred during the 6 months he was trapped? Is he getting therapy from Black Canary? Is he talking to M'gann about what he went through? Plus his job and just everything. It's a big adjustment I can't even imagine what he's going through.

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Marvelman writes...

I'm glad Icicle Jr. was at the wedding. It wouldn't have been the same without him, but it does raise some questions. Clark Kent was Connor's best man. Anybody with a half a brain is going to figure out that Clark Kent is Superman. Is that what the Connor was counting on? That Cameron is just too dumb to make the connection? Or, did he just not care? Or, is it for some other reason?

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Anonymous writes...

When Green Arrow "blindsided" Kaldur and resigned from the Justice League, Black Canary was upset by his decision of leaving her in the dark. Did both heroes ever make up after he and Batman Inc. rejoined the League?

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Hmm writes...

Blake you know you'll have your answer in a year right ?

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