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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. In the Earth-16 universe, is the universe divided into 3600 space sectors?

#2. Does the Reach originate from Sector 2?

#3. Is Krolotea (the homeworld of the Kroloteans) located in Sector 2812?

#4. Is Oa located in Sector 0?

#5. Does the Red Lantern Corps live in Ysmault; located in Sector 2814?

#6. Are Xudar (home of Tomar-Re), Zamaron (home of the Star Sapphires), and Krypton located in Sector 2813?

#7. Does the Blue Lantern Corps live in Odym; located in Sector 2628?

#8. Is Daxam located in Sector 1760?

#9. Are Thanagar and Rann located in Sector 2682?

#10. Is Bolovax Vik located in Sector 674?

#11. Which Sector is Rimbor located?

#12. Which Sectors are New Genesis and Apokolips located?

#13. Which Sector does Mongul come from?

#14. Which Sector does Razer come from?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Just so I can understand this correctly, Wyynde's shame stems from the fact that Ocean-Master was revealed to be Prince Orm in 2012. As such, Wyynde had been dealing with the guilt of being fooled/manipulated by Ocean-Master for 8 years. Am I correct in this interpretation? If not, then what was the actual reason why Wyynde felt so ashamed?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Alanna born?
2. Have you pinned down a more exact year for Collector of Worlds' birth than 16,000 BCE? If so, what is it?
3. What year was Despero born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Draaga born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year did Kilowog become a Green Lantern?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Non born?
2. What year was Faora Hu-Ul born?
3. What year was Jax-Ur born?
4. What year was Vor-Kil born?
5. What year was Kru-El born?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Dru-Zod born?
2. What year did Dru-Zod begin his coup on Krypton?
3. When did Jor-El become Chief Scientist?
4. What year was Ursa Zod born?
5. What year did Zor-El become Chief Examiner?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did J'arlia J'axx become queen regent of M'arzz?
2. What year did S'turnn J'axx become king of M'arzz?
3. What year was Ma'arrun born?
4. What year did Ma'arrun become king on Mars?
5. What year did S'yraa S'mitt become a Y'ellonn Martian Priestess?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was the Reach Ambassador born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Black Beetle born?
3. What year was Green Beetle’s Bio-Ship born?
4. What year was Scarab created?
5. What year did Scarab come to Earth?

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Anonymous writes...

1. So now that GLTAS is canon adjacent, did you by any chance before doing the episode with Razer do a re-watch of Green Lantern The Animated Series to see what you would add to your timeline of Earth-16 like what events fit and what you can ignore.
2. Like are you aware of the lore building events referred but not show in GLTAS like Atrocious vs orange lantern corps conflict or are you going with the more let's see what the timeline and story needs and if so I will consult GLTAS lore and story accordingly.
3. I just realised this but Hal Jordan doesn't have a VA (aside from his uncredited one line in Agendas) in young justice so can we expect Josh Keaton to reprise his role.
4. Would it be safe to assume that Razer was a one time thing and won't return or can I be hopeful that one day he will.
5. Any chance of seeing Green Loontern on earth-16 or can you not use Looney Tunes characters.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I am of the honest opinion that if the Earth-16 version of Amanda Waller ever shows up again in a future season of Young Justice, she should aim higher/go bigger and she should create her own version of the Justice League that answers directly to the United States government. In terms of what I personally think the team's name should be, it should be called either the Justice League of America (The New 52) OR the Justice Squad (Future State). I do have some ideas as to who should be the members of this group, and I wish to share them with you below:

"Batman" - The logical choice would have to be Bane; considering he has impersonated Batman in The New 52; specifically, during the "Forever Evil" event. I personally liked his version of the Batman costume that he wore during that event. I had also considered Lincoln March to be a secondary choice, but the problem is that there is no indication that the Batman Family has encountered the Court of Owls in the Earth-16 universe.

"Wonder Woman" - The logical choice would have to be Berchta; a very dangerous Amazon who was introduced in issue #6 of "Wonder Woman: Black and Gold." Granted, she has not made any other appearances outside of this issue, but considering her origin story (part of which involves a very personal vendetta against Wonder Woman's mother, Hippolyta), she would be a mighty force to be reckoned with.

"Superman" - This is a somewhat tricky one, but I think this should be the Earth-16 version of Gotham (Henry Clover, Jr.); a character who was introduced in the Batman comics during the DC Rebirth era. It is never revealed as to how he (and his sister) acquired metahuman powers in the comics, but they appear to be akin to Superman's own powers; even though the weakness is that the use of such powers shaves time off his own lifespan, and elevating the potency of his powers causes him to expend a greater amount of his life; thus hastening his death.

"Aquaman" - The logical choice would have to be the Orm clone; with my personal assumption that he would only become a member if he feels lost and he needs some kind of purpose in his life.

"Green Lantern" - The logical choice would have to be the Earth-16 version of Simon Baz. If his origin story is similar to that in the comics, perhaps Waller would blackmail Simon into joining the team.

"The Flash" - The first logical choice would have to be the Earth-16 version of Godspeed (August Heart). Since the Earth-16 version of Barry Allen apparently has no tragic origin story, and therefore likely has no personal nemesis (Reverse-Flash), the logical thing that should happen is to make the Earth-16 version of August Heart be the antithesis of Earth-16's Barry Allen; using a similar history from the comics, but making Earth-16's August Heart become miserable (which should stem from not being able to get justice for the death of his brother, Jorge Heart); whereas Earth-16's Barry Allen has been shown to be happy. If you are not happy with this choice, then the second logical choice should be Meena Dhawan; who has been both a hero speedster (as Fast Track) and a villain speedster (as Negative Flash) in the comics.

"Martian Manhunter" - This is a very considerably tricky one, but I honestly think that this should be an original Earth-16 character who should be described as a White Martian who should also be a direct descendant of the White Martian named Z'kran Z'rann; a character seen in the "Green Lanterns" comics. I also feel that this character should dress and deal with criminals in a near-similar manner to Z'kran Z'rann (from during the time before acquiring a Green Lantern Power Ring); although the character's own attire should be a more "modernized" appearance in comparison to Z'kran Z'rann's own attire.

I need you to please keep in mind that I put a considerable amount of thought into this, and because I honestly feel that this is something that the Earth-16 version of Amanda Waller would likely be able to try to do in a future season of Young Justice. I would not have dared to present this big suggestion to you otherwise if I didn't think it has great potential (and I REALLY think it COULD if you give it a chance). I hope that you will read this thoroughly and take what I have presented to you into some consideration.

Thank you very much for reading, for your patience, and your understanding.

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Anonymous writes...

I was browsing through the archives and found this interesting question and response from 2014:

I’m A Fan writes…
How is creating Star Wars Rebels' story and characters compared to YJ's and Spectacular's, considering those were in alternate continuities rather than part of official canon?

Greg responds…
It was very different. But it's impossible to discuss without spoiling. Ask again after the first season airs.


As far as I can tell, nobody ever asked again after the season aired, so I might as well. Do you by any chance remember what you wanted to discuss? Not only have you contributed to the Star Wars canon, but you’ve also written stories for the Prime DC Universe and 616 Marvel Universe, even gaming worlds like WoW and MTG. Care to share any particular thoughts, anecdotes, insight, etc, on playing with IP in a large shared universe vs reinventing it for a new continuity?

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