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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, I was just wondering how old is Kara Zor-El by 2020? why did Conner get a buzz cut, by the end of Season 4? Do the workers of the Erdel Initiative know that Em’ree (now M’ree) is a Martian, or does she shift into a more human form? And do Jim and Mal share the mantle of Guardian? The finale was great, and I hope we get a Season 5

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Thorwyn writes...

just was wondering, what is Dinah's relationship with Ollie after their seeming falling out in season 3. They were eyeing each other in the season 3 finale from what I could see and about the same in season 4 finale, with Ollie seeming more annoyed this time, but that's about it. What about Kaldur who blindsided her even more by pretending to be its victim?

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Anonymous writes...

Is E-16 Guardian II Jim Harper, or Guardian III Mal Duncan?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How old is super girl and do she and Mary get along vary well? 2.How old is Brainiac 13 and how long did it take him to find his misplaced friends ? 3. Is Stargirl's identity public knowledge?

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Hafiz writes...

"So straight up...if I should stop tolerating or showing viewpoints that are not my own (spoken as someone who is absolutely straight), then should I now stop showing religion as well? Because that's what this comes down to. Is that what you want? Because religion is included at my discretion as well as anything else on this show. You want me to be less tolerant? Just say the word." Can't speak for other religions but yes exclude islam. By the way the finale was amazing!

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Hafiz writes...

"So straight up...if I should stop tolerating or showing viewpoints that are not my own (spoken as someone who is absolutely straight), then should I now stop showing religion as well? Because that's what this comes down to. Is that what you want? Because religion is included at my discretion as well as anything else on this show. You want me to be less tolerant? Just say the word." Can't speak for religions but yes exclude islam. By the way the finale was amazing!

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Anonymous writes...

1. As of Season 4 Episode 26 how old biologically is Kara Zor El?

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Yojimbo writes...

1. In "Death and Rebirth," was Karen Beecher one of M'gann's bridesmaids?

2. In "Death and Rebirth," during the lead up to the wedding, the Justice League Computer speaks in the background whenever guests arrived. Are the following correct and spoken by the computer?

A-55 J'ann M'orzz

A-56 M'att M'orzz

E-18 Dubbilex

E-19 Kraig

E-16 Guardian

A-28 Lian Nguyen-Harper

C-03 Brucely

B-25 Arsenal

D-16 Looker

D-14 Livewire

B-37 Mist

B-36 Orphan

B-16 Oracle

B-28 Spoiler

D-12 Robin

E-03 Tempest

E-15 Wyynde

45 Aquaman

3. Are the E-series the Justice League Reserves?

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Nick writes...

Well, of all the exciting things in today's finale, we finally got confirmation that Orphan is B-36 (according to your subtitles), implying that Ed and Vic did indeed get B-designations before the Outsiders switched over to the D-designations in February 2019. Since B-34 and B-35 would presumably be defunct now, I was wondering if you'd be willing to confirm my suspicions, as you've previously been okay with confirming defunct designations.

Regardless, terrific season and I'm hoping for more! You, Brandon, and all the other wonderful people involved really brought your A-game and I can't thank you enough for these twenty-six episodes. I look forward to TARGETS. I hope you have a nice day!

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knight_night writes...

What are your favorite and least favorite episodes of each season of Young Justice, and how would you change the latter?

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