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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever wished that Young Justice could do a crossover with another DC cartoon? Example: do a crossover with Justice League Unlimited from the DCAU? I know the series has long since ended, but if you had the chance what would you do for a crossover? What characters would you include and what would the plot be about?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg
miss m is seen holding people in mid air but is her Telekinesis strong enough to grab and hold superboy in mid air? If yes how long she could keep it before superboy realase himself? A few seconds? minutes?
And could she do some real damage to superboy like breaking his bones or tearing apart his limbs with Telekinesis?
Great show by the way
Thank you all

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Mohammad Rezay writes...

Hello Mr.Weisman
I have a question about miss martian Telepathy
,ms.martian can easily brain Blast people that will cause great pain and may leave them Unconscious (as seen in Se1 Ep21 when Megan brain Blast conner,dick and wally so they can't find out her true form) so why doesn't Ms. Martian use this more? She could have ended lots of fights in the first place with this ability and I think her reluctance to use this ability has nothing to do with her fear of hurting people because conner,dick and wally woke up unharmed and only with a headache.
I know you are very busy but I hope you can answer my question
Thank you

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Fantomask writes...

Hi Greg ! Hope you're fine !
1)What use is Belle Reve prison if anybody can enter and escape by boom-tubing in and out, like Vertigo at the end of season 3 ?
2) Don't you think it's a little too simple to suppress anybody's powers with a simple collar ?
3) Megan in season 2 didn't have any powers except telepathy in the submarine, so how come she hadn't been forced to take her true martian form ? 'cause the collar should have suppressed her transforming power too at that point.
4)Could there be a collar for Darkseid ? If they work on martians and kryptonians and so on, why not on him ? :)
5)Don't you find it a little nonsensical that Vandal (a human being) had to remind to the lords of chaos and order (immortal beings that are essential to the universe) their ONLY JOB (keeping the balance in the universe), which btw they do since 16 billions years ? I mean, what else are they supposed to do then !? I gotta admit I thought they were dummies at this moment ^^
But, to your credit, that gives a nice feeling of mythological poetry (full of nonsense but great to tell).
Vandal is probably the most interesting character on the show, that's impressive how you guys managed to make him so well !!! So clever, so mysterious, so powerful... And he's neither all bad or all good, he represents the human race, like a dark guardian angel taking care of the Earth !
Thanks for this show, that's a real gem I could watch a hundred times !

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Anonymous writes...

Does Earth-16 Doctor Fate keep the souls of previous wearers of the Helmet of Fate in the Amulet of Anubis like Earth-1? I remember that Kent's soul 'stuck around' with Nabu for a while until Nabu released him in "Misplaced" for speaking out against keeping Zatanna, but in "Teg Ydaer!" during Zatara's plea to Nabu all of the previous (on screen) wearers appear in the dimension with them in a ghostly form. Or am I just reading too much into it?

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Velo writes...

Hey Greg! This definitely isn’t meant to be hostile and I hope it doesn’t come across that way, but I’m curious why you don’t answer questions about character’s sexuality on the basis of no spoilers, but you will answer questions about, say, Bruce or Artemis’ eye colors, or Traci’s ethnicity. Why is a character’s sexuality a bigger spoiler to reveal than any other surface level descriptor of them? Obviously asking something like “is Tim going to end up dating Bernard” is a spoiler request, but asking “is Tim Drake bisexual” doesn’t feel like one, at least to me. Generally the rule for spoilers on here is that you don’t want to tell a story here, but why is clarifying someone’s sexuality a story whereas clarifying other surface details not?

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Anonymous writes...

We never got the chance to see, but what colours did Superboy's eyes turn with the spy/dark tech lenses?

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Anonymous writes...

Are the rest of the light aware of how and when klarion and savage met?

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Family writes...

Was there a reason Red Torpedo didn't speak in Humanity? You had Jeff Bennet in the cast, after all.

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Chazz writes...

1. Do you know about that popular fast food restaurant chain in the DC Universe called Big Belly Burger?

2. If so is there any Big Belly Burger restaurants in Young Justice (TV Series)?

3. Would any of the young heroes be interested in eating at Big Belly Burger?

4. Is there any family entertainment center and restaurant pizza chain in USA of Young Justice (TV Series) that's a parody of Chuck E. Cheese's?

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