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Anonymous writes...

whAt other animated superhero shows are you comparing the young justice viewing numbers against? the only other animated dc show in progress is harley quinn and on other platforms the only ones I can think of are invincible and marvel's what if...and were you looking at overall views or by week?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

By the time Beast Boy becomes an adult, do you think he'll rename himself as Animal Man; much like his "Titans Tomorrow" counterpart?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Why does Chameleon Boy's Ma'alefa'ak design looks different in both the first Season 4 story arc (specifically, the third episode, when the Legion saved Superboy and Beast Boy) and the Season 4 finale (when he fought Miss Martian's brother); especially since the transformation during the latter looks more like Beast Boy's version?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When was the Earth-16 version of Two-Face born?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Two-Face:

#1. Is his real name Harvey Dent?

#2. Did he used to be the District Attorney of Gotham City, and a close, personal ally of Batman? Also, how many years did he maintain the position of District Attorney prior to becoming Two-Face?

#3. What year did Harvey Dent become Two-Face?

#4. In regards to the person who threw acid and severely disfigured the left side of Harvey's face, was it Salvatore "Sal" Maroni (the second most powerful mobster in Gotham City after Carmine Falcone), or was it Erin McKillen (the head of the McKillen Crime Family, who represent the Irish Mob in Gotham City)?

#5. Is his wife's name Gilda Dent (formerly Gold)?

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Suzie writes...

How much does Conner know about M'gann's other siblings beside M'ree and M'comm?
When did Conner meet M'gann's parents?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What is the name of the Old Promethean God who nearly reawakened due to Lor-Zod's actions on New Genesis?

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Suzie writes...

1. Is Conner getting therapy from Black Canary after his time trapped in the Phantom Zone?
2. Has Conner told M'gann about his experience trapped in the Phantom Zone or did she see everything after she restored his memories in the season 4 finale?
3. Are the martians planning to celebrate Conner's survival and truly honor him for saving their race?

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Jason writes...

Hi Greg. Just wanted to ask, although you have probably heard this a lot, are there any updates of YJ season 4 streaming stats? I know that it was widely publicized that the decision to be renewed was contingent on these stats so I just wanted to hear your personal opinion following the season's end. Also, thanks so much for creating this awesome show and for all you effort!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Did Wally West truly died in the Season 2 finale, or is only his physical body destroyed and he has turned into some form of multiple displaced energy particles (due to being struck multiple times by the chrysalis' energy) and his scattered particles needs to be gathered in order to restore his physical form?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Does the entire world know that Beast Boy broke up with Queen Perdita? Did anyone sent or tweeted "hate messages" to Beast Boy in response to the break-up; presumably off-screen?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

After the events of Zatanna's Season 4 story arc, was Billy ever informed about what Mary did, and did he ever attempted to contact her to try to talk to her about what happened...?

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Blake writes...

Hi Greg I'm currently working on a new and upcoming animated series project about a vigilante/anti-hero but I have a bit of a problem which is how can I write an original origin story that hasn't been done before?

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Hafiz writes...

What are the E-series for?

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Suzie writes...

How was Lor-Zod originally planning to kill Superboy outside the United Nations?

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Jordan Briskin writes...

Shalom, Reb Weisman.

I was first introduced to GARGOYLES through the condensed VHS release of "Awakening" about 20 years ago, and I finished watching the entire canonical series (as well as reading the sequel graphic novels) online shortly after the pandemic started. After delving into the lore behind the series (and falling in love with it), there are several things I'd like to ask and put forth observations about.

My first question: The episode "Grief" is puzzling to me as an amateur Egyptologist, as it portrays only Anubis as one of the Third Race. What does this mean that his fellow gods -- both his immediate kin (Ra, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Isis, Nephthys, Set, Osiris, and Horus) and all the rest (Bastet, Sobek, Hathor/Sekhmet, Thoth, Taweret, Ptah, et al)? Are they part of a separate magical race, or is there some other reason?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Is anyone on the League suffering from diabeetus?
2. Is Superboy a toilet?
3. Which STD does Superboy have?
4. Since Superboy is suffering from IBS, has his rectum torn in half yet?
5. Do ya like jazz?]

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Anonymous writes...

1. Who has the worst diarrhea on the Team?
2. Does Superboy suffer from IBS?
3. Does Jay Garrick have Hemorrhoids?
4. Which leaguer has a known STD?
5. Does anyone on the League, Team, and Outsiders have Gonnorhea?

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Anonymous writes...

Why does M'gann not have freckles at her and Conner's wedding?

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Secret writes...

Why did Conner arrive in Bio-Ship at the wedding and why did M'gann arrive in Baby? I would have figured it would have been the other way around?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Conner go back to the Phantom Zone to release the kryptanian prisoners with the rest of the heroes or he did refuse to go with them?
2. Does everyone feel bad for not uncovering the truth sooner into Conner's disappearance since he suffered so much whilst trapped in the Zone?
3. How did the rest of the Outsiders find out Superboy is alive?
4. How did the rest of the Justice League find out Superboy is alive?

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Yair writes...

Why did Garfield still see the other outsiders as his friends after they did not get Garfield help from black canary before queen Perdida visit Garfield at the hub? If they did Garfield and Perdita would still be together.

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Miss Martian in human years? She is chronically 16 in season 1, but how old would you say she is in season 4?
2. What year did Superboy start wearing gloves and a long sleeved shirt as his primary mission outfit?
3. Do the original team know Conner was not at fault for his actions while under Zod’s control and do they learn about Zone-Sickness?

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Suzie writes...

How old is Mary Bromfield by 2020?
How old is Billy Baston by 2020?

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Suzie writes...

How would you describe M'gann's current state in July to September 2020. She was still obviously mourning Conner, but how would describe it? Had she improved over the last 3 months until she found out Conner was still alive or was she just putting up a front and tried to look strong in front of others?

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

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