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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. How many years has Dru-Zod held the rank of General prior to being sent to the Phantom Zone?

#2. What is the name of the capital city of Krypton?

#3. Which Kryptonian criminals from the Phantom Zone were originally from the city of Kandor?

#4. Which Kryptonian criminals from the Phantom Zone were originally from the city of Argo?

#5. How long were Dru-Zod and Ursa-Zod life-mates prior to being sent into the Phantom Zone?

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Sam writes...

1) How old were Orin and Orm when they first met?

2) Was their mother Queen Atlanna

3) Watching Downtime he seems to have been a respected person in Atlantian society why didn't he push for his claim to the throne instead of becoming Ocean Master

4) Is Queen Atlanna alive or dead

5) What were her intentions when she brought Orin to Atlantis

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Exactly what year was Krypton destroyed in the Earth-16 universe? In "Over and Out," Lor-Zod claimed to his parents that Krypton was destroyed EXACTLY 40 years ago; thus placing this event in the year 1980. However, Superboy and Aqualad previously confirmed to General Zod that Krypton's destruction happened OVER 40 years ago; meaning this event happened PRIOR to 1980. If Lor-Zod's statement was true, this creates contradictions to Superman's origin story in Earth-16; since he was born in 1977 and arrived on Earth in 1978. Please clarify on these conflicting facts regarding Krypton's destruction.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the secret maxim of the House of Zod is "From the will, comes strength. From strength, comes the will," then what is the secret maxim of the House of El?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the Earth-16 version of Jason Todd eventually becomes the Red Hood, will his costume be like the first or second one provided in the links below, or perhaps an amalgamation of both?



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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What are the ages of each prisoner in the Phantom Zone who have been identified by name in Season 4 of Young Justice?

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Justice for the West writes...

1. Are Mary and Rudy West ever showing up on the show again?
2. Does Artemis have any relationship with Wally's parents? Are they close?
3. Is there communication between Artemis and Wally's parents?
4. I'm guessing no. But does Jason Bard know Artemis is a vigilante? He isn't present at the Supermartian wedding so I'm guessing he doesn't know.
5. Was Rita Farr LGBTQ?

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Mala writes...

Hello Greg.
I'm reading what you've been answering and when you say the majority of the fans are happy with how you've been handling the show (Young Justice) for the past two seasons (and that's why you're not making any major changes in writing) I find it quite hard to believe, being honest. Not because I believe you do not get praise for the show, but because when I look for people's opinion on the last two seasons and if they want the show to be renewed for a fifth I mostly find fans complaining, disheartened and disappointed. Just now I read someone on tumblr saying that after 2 seasons they've come to terms with the thought that it would have been better if the show didn't come back.
And I don't want to agree with that statement but right now I can't not agree completely either...
The pandemic must have made things difficult for all of you, but I think the time it took the show to come back from Invasion to Outsiders was a problem. The writing and storytelling hasn't been as great. Seasons 1 and 2 are excellent, Outsiders imo was bad for the most part. You keep incorporating new characters when there's still plenty between the original and season 2 characters. The storyline/plot of season 3 was all over the place according to most people I've encountered and I can't say it was too compelling. And I know my vague comments might mean nothing to you, I just feel bad for all the pessimism I see. Which is getting to me.
Season 1 was excellent in terms of character arcs, plot in general, twists and turns, surprises, revelations, climax, cliffhanger, everything. Season 2 was different but it was still really good. Seasons 3 in comparison was disappointing. And while season 4 is slightly better than 3, I might see why people are not happy with how the show is going on.
I know this is a silly question to ask, but why hasn't the writing been as good as season 1 lately?
My impression is that if people want more episodes, it isn't because they want more of what you're doing now. If people want more episodes and still hope there's a season 5, they want the show to go back to it's glory days when the plot was focused and the characters (the OG Team, mainly Dick, Kaldur, Artemis, M'gaan and Conner) were united. Fans keep giving you opportunity and chances but from what I see they are disappointed because what you are doing isn't enough.
Some might be fully content, that's why you keep going like you do. But the others (fans who have been with the show since season 1) are left hoping and waiting.
I don't know what I'm doing writing this.... I guess I'm just sad and I feel you should hear not just the good but the bad as well.
I guess it's all useless since you are happy with what you're doing. And that's what matters ultimately.
The show has become frustrating I guess.

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Anonymous writes...

What’s the real name of the Emerald Empress from the 31st century that Lor knows? Did they meet?

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Jessy writes...

Does Puck like puns? ^_^

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