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Anonymous writes...

Did the prison matron Mgann try to save in Terrors for which Mgann blew her cover and was frozen by Killer Frost, the guards name was Hart which you revealed earlier, did Hart survive or did she die at the hands of Killer Frost.

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Anonymous writes...

1) Are the people frozen by the Ice Villains like Mr Freeze and Icicle Sr, do they all survive or do some die. For example like the family frozen by Mr Freeze in the first episode do they survive. I ask because the comment that Icicle Jr makes about "Tuppence" to "Tommy" in terror where he says "don't you will shatter her assuming since she is still alive" was difficult(will someone die immediately after being frozen) to understand so can you explain like what internal logic should we use everytime someone is frozen like do the different Ice Villains have different sort of freezing powers, if so can you elaborate on that.
2) Is there a reason for why characters like Icicle Sr, Ice of the justice league don't have pale/bluish grey skin but Icicle Jr, Killer Frost and Mr Freeze do.
3) Are of all the ice powered individuals meta humans, what confuses me is particularly Captain Cold and Mr Freeze using cryokinesis without a gun simply with their hands and they were both also wearing a meta human inhibitor collar yet still both use guns in Independence Day.
4) Is being frozen by any of the Ice villains power the same as being in the cryogenic pods that had once frozen and kept Roy Harper, because in the archives you have mentioned that Icicle Sr looks young for someone having fought Alan Scott because of being on ice, or is it specific to some ice villains like only the metahuman ones can do it or can Captain Cold cryogenically freeze someone.
5) Were any of the Ice Villains like Mr Freeze, Icicle Sr, Captain Cold or Killer Frost consulted to make the cryogenic containment pod or was it a purely Cadmus endeavour.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Ed previously wasn’t interested in the “hero life” before he joined the outsiders, but became a hero to inspire other meta-teens. Does he enjoy the life now the same way other characters like Cassie or Bart do, or is it still more of a duty/job to him?
2. Why wasn’t he interested in the hero life (unlike Virgil)?
3. Was the choice to make Ed gay made so he could serve as a love interest for someone else, or was it something that felt like it fit his character? Or a little bit of both?
4. Unrelated question, but if you’re allowed to talk about it, what are some of the pros and cons of developing a show based on an original IP vs developing one based on source material owned by someone else/ a company? Which one do you prefer?


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Lea writes...

Can you please go a little further into detail about how Orphan/Cassandra Wu-San became part of the Bat-Family and her relationships with the other members? Is Bruce her legal guardian? Has she learned to read yet? Does she attend a school or is she homeschooled?

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Suzie writes...

Who caught M'gann's bridal garter at the wedding?

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Suzie writes...

1. How did Superman and Martian Manhunter react to finding out Conner and M'gann were a couple in the beginning?
2. How do they feel about the fact they are now family since Conner and M'gann are married?
3. Did they ever discuss the couple's break up in season 2 while they were away on Rimbor and if so how did they feel?

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Suzie writes...

How did Wendy Harris find out the truth about her friends being superheroes?
1. Did she already know by the time of Phantoms?
2. Did she ever confront her friends?
3. How did she find out about Superboy?
4. How did she find out about Miss Martian?

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Suzie writes...

1. What was G Gordon Godfrey up to in season 4? We didn't see him at all in Phantoms so I'm curious? Was he continuing to try and make things hard for the Justice League and Outsiders? Did he have any comments about Superboy's "death"?
2. Why didn't we see Cat Grant or Godfrey in Phantoms?

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Suzie writes...

1. What are the names of Mary Bromfield's adoptive parents?
2. To confirm did Garth leave the Team because of Tula's death? It was too much for him after he lost the woman he loved?
3. When Wally and Artemis left the Team before season 2 was the reason behind it also tied to Tula's death? Were they afraid of losing each other or was there more to it?
4. What are the names of Billy Batson and Mary Bromfield's biological parents?
5. How did Billy and Mary's parents die?

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Jordan writes...

So does Vandal have a metahuman superority beliefs like Magneto does?

Why are Vandal and Lex friends I figured Vandal would see Lex beneath him

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Anonymous writes...

1) Did you know that Judy Garland is the inspiration for Mary Marvel.
2) Now Mary is dealing with what is essentially a drug addiction, now is it a complete coincidence that you have her an addiction considering her inspiration Judy Garland's relationship with Drugs.
3) Is Freddie Freeman an Elvis Presley fan.
4) Is Mary Bromfield a fan of Judy Garland.

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Marvelman writes...

I was troubled by one of your responses.

In a recent response, you said regarding Mary Bromfield: "And even as an eleven year old, she was starting to do things more appropriate to Sergeant's 18-year-old body."

Were you implying that 11 year old Mary was sexually precocious? That spending some of her time as an 18-year-old was causing her to be hyper-sexualized like the girls in that very disturbing Netflix movie, Cuties?

That is very upsetting - if true. Or, am I reading too much into your response?

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Anonymous writes...

Have there been other instances where two light members heavily disagreed with each other. Like with ultra humanite and gretchen goode over halo?

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Anonymous writes...

Did you watch Ms Marvel, Greg? I highly suggest you do and take notes on how to write a Muslim female superhero correctly. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Kamala was created by actual Muslim women and is an actual person…

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Anonymous writes...

people are not accusing you of not liking your own show, we are saying that you do not get what *other* people liked about the show in season one and why it was upsetting when you flipped the script. i cared about the right-knit relationships with the team and mentors set up in season one but they were tossed aside in favor of exploring and expanding earth-16 more. that is the choice you made, that does not mean everyone is obligated to like it.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Reach Apocalypse timeline, is it safe to assume that Dawn Allen likely never met her future husband, Jeven Ognats, and therefore, their daughter (and Bart Allen's cousin), Jenni Ognats (also known as the superhero XS), never existed...?

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Antonella writes...

Hello, my first language is not English, so I apologize for any mistakes. I'm a big fan of YJ since 2011 and as an Argentine, I was very moved the first time I learned that Eduardo was originally from my country more than anything because I love his character in s3. but I always had these doubts about how and why Ed thought it was a good idea to escape from Arg to the other end of the continent. Literally how determined was he to fix his relationship with his father to do that?
Was there a specific event that made him take that decision or was it an accumulation of everything? Was it anger or sadness or something else? Did Ed have an explosive temper before he learned of his father's horrible reaction to his escape?
have you thought about which part of the country he's originally from? 'Cause it would make sense to me if he were from the northern region

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of John Constantine?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In pre-Flashpoint mainstream DC Comics continuity (New Earth), Bette Kane is known as the superhero Flamebird. In post-Flashpoint mainstream DC Comics continuity (Prime Earth), Bette Kane is known as the superhero Hawkfire. As such, if the Earth-16 version of Bette Kane eventually becomes a superhero, would she become the former or the latter?

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Secret writes...

Now just before finding out Conner was alive in episode 24, how would you describe M'gann's current state in September? She seemed at bit better compared to the last time we saw her or was she just trying to appear strong in front of everyone?

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jdixon0151 writes...

This is probably sound silly but I'm going to ask it anyway.
When Goliath is older well he eventually require reading glass?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, it was really cool you introduced new characters and threat in Season 4 in the form of the House of Zod!

I know the characters of Geo-Force, Halo, and Troia for example were always ideas that were considered when the show was created but didn't have a chance to bring in until being able to write Season 3.

1) Was the creative choice of introducing the House of Zod always something you and Brandon wanted to do when you created Young Justice or an idea that developed over time as you created the following seasons?

2) For the secret maxim and the House of Zod chant, would you say the House of Zod created both from their experience in the Phantom Zone or it was always part of their culture as a House?

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Anonymous writes...

Regarding Metron in Season 4:

1) Can Metron see through the timeline and know events as they happen or is it more of his intellectual genius that allows him to anticipate events?

2) Was his actions against Lor Zod a desire to protect the timeline from further interference, stop the conquest of the House of Zod, a small act of revenge against Lor Zod, or a little bit of all three?

3) Would the heroes ever know that his actions ended the threat of Lor Zod?

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Anonymous writes...

I have a few questions regarding the timeline changes in the first arc of Season 4:

1) Was there a timeline that existed in which the gene bomb ever went off? (As in M'comm successfully planted the gene-bomb, Lor Zod never tried to lace it with kryptonite, and the Team never discovered the bomb until it was too late?)

2) Could the bomb explosion have been stopped even without Lor Zod's interference?

3) The Legion interfered with past events to help Beast Boy cope with his trauma and save him and Superboy from the sandstorm. Was there an event in which Gar and Superboy were saved from the sandstorm without their aid?

4) Did the destruction of the zeta-tube and Mars-Earth satellite prove to be a small but non-consequential change in the timeline seeing as Martian Manhunter survived the explosion and Prince J'emm & Phantom Girl later communicated and transported themselves to the Watchtower in a later episode (Zenith and Abyss)?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Wiesman 1.Does Cassandra Savage occasionally wear a baseball cap or a newsgirl cap when taking notes for her father on something or when reading through her father's history book? 2. What was Cassandra's favorite part of her father's history book?

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