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Suzie writes...

1. What year did Conner and M'gann move into the apartment above Lucas Carr's house?
2. What year did M'gann become a student counselor at Happy Harbour High School?

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Suzie writes...

If Season 2 had 26 episodes instead of 20, would one of those 6 additional episodes had feature Miss Martian and Superboy getting back together on the show instead of in the comics? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the comics and again THANK You for reunting Supermartian in them, but sometimes I wonder what would it be like to actually hear the actors voice the lines and to actually hear the song play. Also what is the official name of the song that M'gann sang in the Torch song comic where she expressed her sorrow and regret/her love for Conner.

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Marvelman writes...

Hi, Greg.

There is a part of me that feels badly for levelling any criticism against you or Young Justice because I'm just glad we got a season 3 and a season 4 and, hopefully, a season 5. But, I'm going to do it anyways.

The still-scenes really bug me. It seems to me that there were a lot of them in Phantoms part 1. If they are there to lighten the workload for the beleaguered animators then why not give them a few more months to work on the show? Yes, I would like more Young Justice as soon as possible, but I'm also prepared to be patient and wait for higher quality work. I'm sure there are other fans who feel the same way.

Or, is it not that simple?

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Anonymous writes...

Is ultra humanite still interested in experimenting on halo and cyborg?

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Family writes...

When did Troia become Wonder Woman's sidekick?

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Anonymous writes...

When I was checking out some info about the characters of Young Justice in TV Tropes I found this on La'gaan/Lagoon Boy (Shown Below).

"The Friend Nobody Likes: He’s constantly berated for being whiny, constantly ruining the mission, and he can be found unbearable. Even those who he usually doesn’t interact with have clear implications that they dislike him for some reason (Take Beast Boy who's a Shipper on Deck for M'gann and Superboy). Aqualad is probably the only one who likes him."

I know that La'gaan sort of had a bad attitude and not completely a friendly guy (Nor completely bad either), but did all of members of the Team really hated him completely and that Kaldur might be the only one who likes him? I know that Superboy and Beast Boy didn't really like him, but I did think everyone one else hated him that much.

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Joed writes...

Hello Greig.
Fisrtable i gotta say that you're an amazing cartoon writter, i have enjoyed Young Justice and Spectacular Spiderman in special.
My question is:
I'm so newbie on Animation, how can i approach a work on those incredible series that you worked for, what does it takes?

With no more questions i want to thank you for your time!

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Anonymous writes...

What year and month did Tula and Garth become a couple?
Did Kaldur ever stand a chance at getting together with Tula before she got together with Garth?
Did Tula have any feelings for Kaldur or did she always see him as just a friend?
Did Tula know about Kaldur's feelings for her based on her brief talk with Garth in Downtime?

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Anonymous writes...

Who are your favourite couple on Young Justice and why do you love them?
Who are your least favourite romance and why do you dislike them?
Do you ever regret separating Wally and Artemis at the end of season 2?
Why did you decide to separate Conner and M'gann in season 4? Why make M'gann suffer the same pain and heartache of losing the love of her life as Artemis once did?

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Anonymous writes...

In what year and month did Robin and Wonder Girl break up and to confirm was Wonder Girl the one who ended the relationship?
Does Robin ever regret not telling Wonder Girl the truth about the Anti-Light team and keeping her in the dark?
Prior to their trouble in season 3, what were they like as a couple in general since we know very little about them due to their lack of screentime?
Do you ever wish they had more development in their romance and if you had the chance what would you include to expand on their relationship?

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