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Jack writes...

Hi Greg. Just curious as to Goblins intentions in Spec Spidey, season 1 ep 8. Why exactly did Goblin sabotage Otto? did he want him dead or replaced? Or did he in some twisted way want to make him stronger willed?

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young gal writes...

1) Was making Artemis teach a lecture instead of a seminar a considered decision or just a style choice?
2) Is it just the comic world, but if Artemis is 25ish is she currently a professor or a TA?

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Chip writes...

Asking the question with the obvious answer for wiki editing and clarification purposes: Are Tony and “Toni” twins?

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Anonymous writes...

In season 5 of young justice Did you plan to show who sent Perdita the goggles in season 3 episode nightmare monkeys if a season 5 of young justice is ever made?

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Desperaty writes...

So if I understood correctly you're supporting this kind of people : https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_/status/1615056992049172480 ?
If you're OK with that behavior and eager to encourage it, I guess you're as crazy as these people.
Do you want to be responsible of the mental destruction this generation is already suffering ?
Can't you see the madness in wokeness ?

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Rodrigo writes...

Hello Greg. Big fan of yours
1. If Martian camouflage has nothing to do with light why their shadow vanishes every time they camouflage, shouldn't they still cast a shadow as the light still hits them?
2. With practice could a Martian develop its telekinetic abilities so they could project telekinetic blasts to hit and knock back(or out) and puch away their enemies, as well as telekinetic shields/barriers in order to deflect and protect themselves and other from attacks such as bullets,lasers, etc kinda like the force style
3. I've always thought that Martians camouflage works on the same basis as the comics with a few changes you know "by using their shapshifting abilities to change their biopolymers to reduce their capacity to reflect light they become NEARLY invisible "
Thanks for your time.

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Anonymous writes...

Do the scenes in Young Justice Season 4 that involve Ma'alefa'ak/M'comm M'orzz teaches a Moral/Hard Truth Aesop which is the fact that some people/beings won't change no matter how much you try, and sometimes you only see good in people (or non-human beings) because that's what you want to see. Fortunately, Arsenal/Roy Harper was never truly one of the people who are beyond redemption and still had some good in him, unlike M'comm.

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Anonymous writes...

I've been rewatching season 3 of Young Justice and had some questions about the meta-gene.
1. Do you have any idea how much of the powers the meta-gene gives are determined by genetics? When Vandal's story is told, many of his children have different powers, so it doesn't appear very genetic. However, everyone with the meta-gene in Brion Markov's family has similar powers from the meta-gene.
2. If the powers from the meta-gene are largely genetic, does that mean that there are different mutated versions of it?

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Desperaty writes...

Hello Greg !
Coming here to talk about some subject. I just came back from twitter where you said :''Woke isn't a dirty word to me. I WANT to be more woke. What's the alternative - being asleep? Not seeing people for who they are, but deciding for them instead?''.
I thought maybe I could bring my vision (my YJ fan vision) to your thinking.
I don't even know where to start...First of all, how can you not see the orwellian language behind the word WOKE ? I mean, if a politician calls a repressive law "the liberty law" it doesn't mean that by fighting it you're against liberty, right ? It's-just-a-name ! Who's calling that like that ? Who's saying that this represents tolerance and progress ? I mean, seriously : who is ? The words tolerance and progress were existing already, so why using a new name ? Huh ? It's like creating two political parties, calling them left and right, and saying those two are the only alternatives. Because except left and right there is nothing else, right ? Well, maybe center. But you can see the trick here, don't you ? I'm sad you're falling into this.
Now, when you say elsewhere there are more than 2 genders... Scientifically, there are 2 sexes: male and female. Those are ruled by the sex chromosomes, which are XX in females and XY in males. There can be some special cases that we call "intersex" due to sex chromosomes malfunction. But this represents like 0,1% of the cases. Now what the woke people tell us, is that a man who thinks he's a woman IS actually a woman. This is crazy. They're thinking the psychological factor takes over the genetic factor. This is crazy, wrong and dangerous. A man thinking is a woman is still a man... thinking he's a woman. A man thinking is a dolphin must be considered as a dolphin ? Come on ! This is a psychological issue, who must be dealt with psychiatry and not surgery.
Btw, are you in favor of surgery ? Of mutilating children at a vulnerable age ? Taking advantage of a temporary psychological weakness to do irreversible damage to a child ?
You should read Abigail Shrier's Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. She tells the story of teenage girls taking hormone replacement therapy and sex reassignment surgery because they "feel" like men. The parents can't do anything under the threat of being called trans-phobic or fascist. Most psychologists are supporting this. How can somebody even tolerate that we use irreversible drugs and medicines on teenagers ?
THIS IDEOLOGY IS ACTUALLY DESTROYING LIVES !!! We stopped counting the number of witnesses saying "they encouraged me to destroy my body, cut off my breast (for instance) and now, I realize I was sick and I don't want to change sex anymore but it's too late, my life is ruined and the woke community (of course) rejected me now, calling me a trans-phobic".
Because this is only a temporary state. The few parents who saved their children from this atrocity did it by cutting all contact with people, social media and so on. After a few months, the child isn't talking even about changing sex anymore.
Please, realize the danger of this. If you wanna be tolerant, great. But woke is something else. Something dangerous. It's important to see it.
I'm not seeking to make you think like me, but only to consider it. I think you're doing something very wrong with YJ, especially when addressing to a young audience.
Have a good day still !

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

The whole thing with the "Young Justice Character Countback" that you've been doing in the "Latest Responses" section confuses me. Are all the names that you've been identifying basically confirm that they all exist in the Earth-16 DC Universe?

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Some guy writes...

Which of the MCU Spider-man films are your favorite?

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Anonymous writes...

On Earth-16 of YJ is Orphan’s Legal Guardian Bruce Wayne?

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Suzie writes...

Why didn't Zatanna attend Kent Nelson's funeral since he was a close family friend?

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Anonymous writes...

If "Young Justice" gets a fifth season, will the consequences of Zatanna's actions (especially with Mary having now become a villain without any of the heroes knowing about it) be one of the major plot points of that season's overall storyline?

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Anonymous writes...

If the Earth-16 version of Power Girl (Tanya Spears) ever gets introduced in "Young Justice," would she join the Team or the Outsiders?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the timeline of the Gargoyles universe, did the events of 9/11 happened? If so, how did that tragic event affected both gargoyles and humans in the years that followed?

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Quinn Taxon writes...

Some fanfiction stories talk about PIT or P.I.T.. Apparently, this is an organization that helps Gargoyles or helps Gargoyles and humans to understand each other. It may be that in the German episodes this charity was never introduced. Could someone tell me what P.I.T means - what does this abbreviation stand for? Is there a site where I can read about it? I can't find anything about it in the Gargoyle wiki either. Thank you very much and sorry for the trouble, Quinn Taxon

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Bud writes...

In some kind of parallel universe where you got the chance to work on a massive crossover featuring the characters from a large portion of the shows you've worked on (Gargoyles, W.I.T.C.H and Spectacular Spider-Man in particular because i unfortunatelyhaven'twatched Young Justice and those shows are my hyperfixations, deal with it), how would they all react and interact with one another?

You can just do interactions between main characters, I just want to see how this kind of scenario would play out.

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Ruben writes...

After Garfield Logan started living with Rita Farr in 2011 did Garfield attend a school in 2011 in young justice universe?

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Jack writes...

Why has Garfield Logan no been told that martians age three times slower than humans by the time of young justice season 3 and if Garfield does know that martians age 3 times slower than humans by the time of season 3 why does Garfield still view miss martian as his sister knowing miss martian was born before his mom Marie logan was born?

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Anonymous writes...


#1. Big Barda is just a title; with Barda being her real name.

#2. Mister Miracle (Scott Free) is the biological son of Highfather and Highmother, and the foster son of Darkseid.

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Anonymous writes...

1 did ultra humanite mentor anyone else before/after helga?
2 when ultra humanite was still helga's mentor was this after he transplanted his brain in tolifar's body or was he still using the unknown woman's

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Comer Collier writes...

With all respect to you Mr. Greg why do you Greg think you will get plenty of fans to support for season 5 of young justice to made after you didn't have Garfield and Perdita get back together as a couple at end of young justice comic story targets as many fans wanted to happen because many fans did not believe it was far for Garfield loose Perdita over GARFIED'S depression over Garfield believing he cause Superboy to die on mars to only have Conner and Miss Martian get back together and married at the end of young justice phantoms and not have Garfield and Perdita get back together as a couple at the end of young justice comic story targets?

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Kobe B. writes...

When rewatching Gargoyles I know wonder about Goliath's choice to go into the suspended animation. Why would he go into suspended animation knowing the eggs would hatch soon? Was it did he think that he couldn't protect them or provide them with a suitable home and raise them all by himself?

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Craig writes...

In the audio podcast for “City of Stone Part Four,” you mention that the Dynamite Gargoyles comics are written to a three-act structure, like a traditional network TV episode (or at least, the first three issues are). I recall you saying that you started writing the SLG comics more in a “TV episode” mindset, but the Stone of Destiny storyline helped you break out of this. Although you did still then use a three-“act” structure in both that storyline and the “Timedancer” one, and have apparently adopted that to the Dynamite comics as well. I’m just curious as to your process, as a fellow writer: do you find the three-act structure most conducive to telling stories in the Gargoyles universe, and is that why you continue to use it?

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two