A Station Eight Fan Web Site


The Phoenix Gate

Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending May 5, 2003

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Matt - Are you counting the ones that kidnapped Lex? <a really hard question to remember without looking is something like> It all depends on what bit of trivia you have in mind. There's little tadbits that we all remember. Another difficult question would be how many people on screen lost their shoes during The Mirror, but I'm not asking that because I have no idea.
Saturday, May 3, 2003 09:10:28 PM


Saturday, May 3, 2003 02:28:10 PM

Sorry for the double post. I forgot to say that my queston (below) is a 3 point question.

3) Before bonking the viking on the head in "Awakening: Part 1," how many bites of meat did Broadway eat? (3 points)


Battle Beast
CanadaSaturday, May 3, 2003 12:37:34 PM

DPH> Correct. 2 points for you.

And as for your question, thats a good one! I don't honestly know, but I'd say four.

3) Before bonking the Viking on the head in "Awakening: Part 1," how many bites of meat did Broadway eat?


Battle Beast
CanadaSaturday, May 3, 2003 12:34:33 PM

Gargoyle cologne... what does that smell like? Old leather and concrete?

Attention all Gathering attendees: A plan is now in the works now for an after-con trip to the Astroland Amusment Park on Coney Island, to take place Sunday afternoon and evening, after closing ceremonies.


Astroland is the home of the world-famous Coney Island Cyclone, the world's top-ranked wooden roller coaster. "Gargoyles" fans will also recognize it as the site of the end battle in the episode "The Reckoning."

I'm taking a show of hands on who's interested. If we get a group of at least 15 people together and make an advance reservation for our party, we will qualify for a group discount rate of $9 per person for full admission, as compared to the normal $22. So if you're going to the Gathering and you're interested, e-mail me and let me know.

And if you're not signed up for the Gathering yet... well, what are you waiting for? ;)

Patrick Toman - [ptoman@artchicks.org]
Saturday, May 3, 2003 08:55:25 AM

Vash> yeah i saw that shave set on eBay a while back! pretty crazy! what good is a play razor gonna do me? lol i wonder how bad that cologne smells...

DPH> doesn't Xanatos use 4 Steel Clan Robots? i have a feeling that there was 4 robots and himself, making 5 and that the Goliath and Clan were 5. i think there was an equal number, could be wrong.

a really hard question to remember without looking is something like: in Future Tense how many Thailog shocktroops attacked the Clan in Castle Wyvern's courtyard?

Saturday, May 3, 2003 08:34:49 AM

The url is: http://www.toonzone.net - sorry 'bout that, thought I put that in there...my bad!
Saturday, May 3, 2003 02:33:14 AM

Battle Beast - Puck lives for subterfuge. Here's a bit of trivia for you in response: How many robots does Xanatos sacrifice to the save the city during City of Stone?

Saturday, May 3, 2003 02:17:49 AM

Demona Taina> That is the correct answer. You have 2 points.

Enigma> Glad you like the idea.

> I am going to tweak the point system abit. There will be easy, medium, and hard questions ranked 1 point, 2 points, and 3 three points, respectivly. (Although, hard questions might be hard to come by, knowing how Gargoyle-smart all us fans are.) I will tell you the difficulty after each question.

I'll post up another question...

2) In "Possession," what does Puck say that he loves?(Medium)

On another topic, Edmonton's River City Shakespear Festival was kicked off on April 23rd (Guess why?) and they have announced that they will be performing Henry the V and my personal favourite (and pucks too,) A Midsummer Night's Dream! YAY!!!!

The fun starts June 25th, and runs to July 19th, so if your in our neck of the woods, you should come check it out. Tickets are only $18 to see both I belive. (That's what I paid last year to see The Merry Wives of Windsor and The Tempest [My second favourite].)

That's all for now.


Battle Beast
CanadaSaturday, May 3, 2003 12:57:07 AM

Um, how might I get to ToonZone now? I typed in [www.toonzone.com] in my browser and I got redirected to a site that was, decidedly not what I was looking for. I also got some funny looks from my roommate and the other 2 people in my room. Boy do I have some explaining to do.
Saturday, May 3, 2003 12:24:29 AM

Battle Beast>> That's a cool idea:) I like it.

Vash>> Hee hee!! I had no clue that was an actual product. Just goes to show what people will come up with just to make some money.

Saturday, May 3, 2003 12:04:42 AM

Heh, Todd beat me to it about the marathon...been in a funk with the 'net lately...trying to get my site alive and all. Anyhoo, dunno how many of you know this, speaking of Toon Zone, but John Delaney's doing a "sketch" (his definition of sketch is more like a full blown inking) of Elisa. Dunno when it'll be up, as that week's poll was two full weeks ago, but if you've never been to TZ I'd recommend a browse or so - there's a nice piccy of Goliath that John did last year in the very early pages of the sketch archive, if you haven't seen.

Anyhoo, just thought I'd mention that. Have a nice weekend all.


Friday, May 2, 2003 11:13:35 PM

Vash: [clicks link] [looks at picture] [snort] [giggle giggle] "Gargoyles Cologne"! Oh that is SO HILARIOUS! [rolls on the floor laughing] I guess that's not as bad as underwear with Goliath on it. Oh, I just loved the picture on them! It was of Goliath folding his arms, glaring into space, with the words (approximate quote): "Gargoyles Underwear: Stopping Evil, Stone Cold." Okay, that's STILL not as bad as Goliath's Halloween Costume... [SLAMS on the floor laughing] WITH REMOVABLE LOINCLOTH! [LMAO] Okay, I just made up the loincloth part... [giggle] Okay, I'm calm now.

Battle Beast: October 31st! FYI, Greg has said time after time that the date on Xanatos' calendar is wrong because it doesn't fit with the events of Eye of the Beholder...

Todd Jensen: Another Gargoyles marathon? Huh, Toon Disney must love doing Gargoyles marathons. First the Halloween marathon, then one on Independence Day, then the Power Pack, and now another? Oh, how I hope that they're finally realizing that Gargoyles does have fans...

Demona Taina - [demona3@hotmail.com]
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Friday, May 2, 2003 08:58:58 PM

Here's one piece of Gargoyles news. Toon Disney is doing a Gargoyles marathon on June 13, featuring episodes from the early portion of the Avalon World Tour. (I found it out in a visit to Toon Zone).
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Friday, May 2, 2003 07:13:25 PM

Well if ya gotta be clean, why not be gargoyle clean :).

I had a Jurassic park bath set, all I remember was having some soap foam in a can that the top was the head of the Dilophosaurus (the spitting one),. I used it once :) and then and there I had the smell of all grandmoms around the world.

Philly, Pa
Friday, May 2, 2003 06:36:50 PM

I've finally completed a new fanfic. "The Guardians: Shadow Path" is now posted. Mature eyes only, though, it's kinda violent and has some sex bits.

Also: updates on my medical mess and other writing projects, as well as the first peek at the print version cover of Black Roses!

Click or go to http://www.eskimo.com/~vecna/new_stuff.html

Christine - [<--- site update!]
Friday, May 2, 2003 03:57:22 PM

*lol* click the link to see an amusing piece of Gargoyles merchandise being sold on eBay.
Friday, May 2, 2003 03:31:41 PM

Hey gang!

MGC (Monthly gargoyles art contest) has been updated once again!! :D Voting is now up (and working, thankyou Guan!) for Gargoyles in NYC. Our new topic for May is TV Parodies. Draw any gargoyle canon character, or gargoyle fan character in a parody of a tv show (either old or new) (game shows and reality shows are acceptable) (cartoon shoes are not allowed)

FOr more information check out the website! :D

Siryn - [<--MGC]
Friday, May 2, 2003 01:16:42 PM


I see that it is quiet in here again...

I had an idea to get some life in here...

I was going to start a "trivia" game, just for fun, whereby I would ask a question (easy and hard answers) and someone would answer. The first correct answer would get 1 point. (I would keep a running tab of all points.) Any one interested in playing?

Well, I will post the first question...

1) What date is circle on Xanatos' jail calender?

I'll try to post the answer asa someone get's it right.


Battle Beast
CanadaFriday, May 2, 2003 10:10:44 AM

thank you, btw i think the fanart idea for the page is awesome
Gencidal Smasher
Thursday, May 1, 2003 02:18:33 AM

SETI@HOME> thanks, but my brother and his brother-in-law and me are a team! but its great to know that others are working for the cause!!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2003 06:28:50 PM

Genocidal> Ups... sorry 'bout that. As you can imagine, with the trouble we had with all the Garg websites, I got quite a lot of emails. And even though I thought I answered all of them, I obviously didn't. Sorry. You should have that answer by now.
Guandalug la'Fay - [guandalug@gargoyles-fans.org]
Wednesday, April 30, 2003 03:31:42 PM

I feel unloved, everytime i email Guandalug about my problems signing in and posting my fics on the gargs fan site, i never get a response... :(
Genocidal Smasher - [genocidal_smasher@hotmail.com]
Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:40:55 AM

Gargoyles fans who are part of SETI@home, please come join the Gargoyles group!


James Anatidae - [parshall@citcom.net]
Brevard, NC, USA
Tuesday, April 29, 2003 05:19:35 PM

Guandalug la'Fay: That's a great idea! I'm sure that most authors will love to be able to post stories and artwork! I know I would... Oh yeah, please go ahead with this idea... It's great! :D
Demona Taina - [demona3@hotmail.com]
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Tuesday, April 29, 2003 03:04:02 PM

Calling all authors! Calling all authors!

I plan to add a new feature to the gargoyles website collection: the gargoyles fanart archive. This has been announced at last year's gathering, and while I didn't finish this new page by now, the idea is not forgotten.

Now it would be nice to be able to create ONE account as an author or artist and post both stories or pictures with the same account or have crosslinks between an author's/artist's story page and his pictures. Additionally I'd like to link in the adult section, so all three sections (and every future enhancement that might be created) share the same user data.

For this I'd need to change the way of authentification. Unfortunately that'd mean new passwords for all current authors, cause I cannot decode the current password file and set it in the database. On the other hand we would get a way of re-setting one's password automatically (especially because it's all inside the database, not split into the user data in the database and the password in a separate file).

Now my question is: Would the authors be okay with this change? Those having set their email will get the new password sent to them after I changed the system, those without a valid email would have to contact me, of course.

You might send me an email (using the address linked in below) or answer here - I'm open for discussions.

Guandalug la'Fay - [guandalug@gargoyles-fans.org]
Tuesday, April 29, 2003 12:08:38 PM

I don't consider Romeo or Juliet to be heros. In fact, earlier today, I was trying to justify to myself why Othello would be considered a hero...and I couldn't. I couldn't think of a single defense other than that he was the protagonist of the play. I don't think being the protagonist grants automatically the title of hero.

On a side note, I got an "A" on my Shakespeare paper on "King Lear." :D:D:D:D:D I have another one due Friday on "The Winters Tale." >:/ I'm not very fond of this play.
Monday, April 28, 2003 11:29:12 PM

Here's my new crazy creativity demon for the week.

Castaway goes on a big anti-gargoyle rampage in New York, not only smashing a lot of statuary but also endangering a lot of innocent bystanders. The police arrest him for creating a big disturbance and risking people's lives, and a trial is prepared for him.

Castaway warns Elisa from his cell, "If the courts find me guilty, the Quarrymen are going to riot. They'll storm out into the streets, go on the rampage throughout the city, and slaughter every gargoyle that they can find."

Elisa asks him, "So what happens if you get acquitted."

Castaway replies, "Then the Quarrymen will celebrate. They'll have a big party, and complete it by heading out into the streets, going on the rampage throughout the city, and slaughtering every gargoyle that they can find."

Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Monday, April 28, 2003 09:14:12 PM

Gabe: how do Romeo and Juliet fit into all of that? Both accepted death without hesitation.

Goliath, when he 'commits suicide', has just been betrayed by his dearest love and has lost _ALL_ of his friends and family. I think the type of decision he makes is quite similar to what Romeo and Juliet make. That is, everything dearest to them is gone, so there is no point to living.

By the end of Future Tense Goliath still has something to live for, namely Elisa. Were Elisa gone, I think things may have gone much differently. I say "may have" because perhaps his betrayal and loss at Wyvern has hardened him somewhat. But I don't see any hint of that in any episode in the series. His relationship with Elisa seems to disprove that idea completely. But who knows. Can't really say for sure until you cross that bridge.

Monday, April 28, 2003 02:23:42 PM

I was reading "Time and the Other" by Levinas this morning and reading the section of Death. He starts talking about the archetypal heroe's refusal to accept death as a possibility (more specifically, "self-annihalation"); he even goes so far as to say that the tragic hero (he uses MacBeth and Hamlet) refuse death as an option and always looks for the second possiblity. I understand why he brings in Hamlet since Hamlet considers and refuses suicide, not too sure about MacBeth (since I haven't read it).

Othello seems to be the roadblock to this theory since he kills himself in the end. Death IS a possibility to him. I agree with Levinas in that the archetypal hero cannot and does not accept death as a possibility, not even a tragic hero.

Why does Othello accept suicide as a possiblity, but not Hamlet or MacBeth? Within a larger framework, do you think that one could argue that Othello is sort of an an-archetypal hero (as in unseating the "arche", or foundation, of the hero never accepting death).

Moreover, I tried to think this through with Gargoyles. I'm being biased in saying that Goliath is the hero of the show (excluding the rest of the clan), but I think some interesting things were done with him in the archetype framework.

In "Awakenings" we see Goliath accept suicide (of sorts) as a possiblity to escape. The hero is not traditionally supposed to accept this (yes, I'm being gender niased too :P); he is supposed to move through the dilemma. Goliath did have hope through the eggs, yet he rejected that possibility of triumphing by raising a new clan.

His suicide does not allow him to escape his dilemmas, seeing as how he is awakened in a completely alien world with his past never becoming the past at all. Moreover, I cannot see him as I do Othello (unseating the arche of the hero never accepting death as a possibility fpr himself).

I don't think we can fit Goliath in the archetype, yet he doesn't do enough to completely be alienated from it either, seeing as how he doesn't consider death as a possiblity anymore (think of "Future Tense") and he continiues to persevere even when facing the impossible.

What do you think?

Monday, April 28, 2003 11:43:45 AM

Randy L
Austin, Tx
Monday, April 28, 2003 10:07:21 AM


:::Back to working on her site:::

Spacebabie - [LadyAndromeda@smstars.zzn.com]
Monday, April 28, 2003 09:45:20 AM

Monday, April 28, 2003 07:34:06 AM

seven in the name of cute fluffy werewolf pups everywhere!
Monday, April 28, 2003 07:31:13 AM

Monday, April 28, 2003 01:34:39 AM


nothing like a fresh wipe to jump start the room

Monday, April 28, 2003 12:45:40 AM

er. fourth. U get the idea.
BTW, I'm Bored tonight, can u tell? ^_~

Monday, April 28, 2003 12:16:37 AM

ok, Anonymous didnt claim forth, or even use a name, so i still count for third :oP~~
Monday, April 28, 2003 12:15:48 AM

Forth (For Canada too)
AFter all, you guys own tim hortons, it's only fair we Canadians get something ^_^

Monday, April 28, 2003 12:11:05 AM

A brief howto on search Ask Greg archives using the Google search engine.

Google allows searches to be limited to a single domain name. In this case we need to limit searches to s8.org. So add to any search through Google the following:


Next we need to limit this to Ask Greg only material. Not as easy to do, so we just add the phrase "Ask Greg" into the search. Thus we have for our Google search:

site:s8.org "ask greg"

From there you can add your own bits of what you want to search for. For example, I want to find out the name of Brooklyn's mate. Well, add the words to the search and we get:

site:s8.org "ask greg" brooklyn mate

This generates 4 pages of links, but that's not a problem. The answer is given in the first page returned in the search.

You could have refined the search further by search for a phrase instead of single words. Such as:

site:s8.org "ask greg" "brooklyn's mate"

Gives 5 links. Much more refined and again the first returned link has our answer on it.

Searching for phrases can really help searching the archives. For example, try adding into our search query the phrase "Questions Being Submitted". This will (usually) return the questions submitted page as the first link. But what a chore to sift through it! Not at all, using the "cached" link located below the brief web page excerpt on the right-hand side. This will display the page stored in Google's cache and also highlight the terms you searched for.

This is just a quick fix for now. A real search engine for AG will exist... someday.

Monday, April 28, 2003 12:10:10 AM

Monday, April 28, 2003 12:01:52 AM




Battle Beast
CanadaMonday, April 28, 2003 12:01:02 AM

Knoxville - [knox@ketnar.org]
Monday, April 28, 2003 12:00:14 AM