****Blaise enters the Room through the door...wearing what appears to be a good deal of frosting and cake.**** I tried to get here in time for Todd's birthday, but I had a bit of trouble....
At any rate (before the Room clears):
TODD> A Happy (belated) Birthday to you!
I've had many a "Whatever happened to <insert name here>?" moment over the years, so it's nice to finally have an answer for one of the "old guard." Thanks for filling us in on what happened to you!
Oh, and welcome back!
All around, I'd say this has been a pretty nice week here in the Comment Room. Here's hoping next week is full of good things, too! Until then, farewell. ****Blaise snaps his fingers in an attempt to make the cake and icing disappear from his person. Instead, his person disappears and the pieces of cake fall to the floor.****
posted @ Sun, Aug 21, 2005 10:12:37 pm EDT from