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Comments for the week ending November 20, 2006

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I think, fans, that it's time that we mass email Disney again to get the third set released. I'll find the disney DVD website tomorrow and post the link. It has to be a message like, "Hello. I am a fan of Gargoyles, please release season two vol. 2 on DVD. We are trying to buy as many copies as we can of the other two sets, please please please finnish off the series for us on DVD!!! Yours truly and forever greatfull for the first two DVD sets, John Q. Gargoyles fan."

I think if we got a lot of fans Emailing, we might get some heads poking up. Also, spread the word that we need more sets sold. I can try eMailing Ultimate Disney, maybe they would post up something on their site...

Fans, we gotta try anything!!!

Battle Beast - [Canada]
that is all I will say.

In addition to bartending and occasional freelance work as a cameraman, I got a job a few weeks ago at a Toys R Us (both Playstation 3 and the Nintendo Wii were released this week--live through two system launches in the same weekend and you can live through anything. At least as far as occasionally hellish retail is concerned). I work in the electronics department ("R-Zone") and we just got the Volume 1 DVD set of Gummi Bears in this past week. I know I loved the show as a kid and the fact that it had continuity and great animation & backgrounds makes it all the more appealing, but I wonder if it'll hold up much.

Will buying other Disney TV-on-DVD sets significantly help the chances of Gargoyles Season 2 Part 2 ? (and The Goliath Chronicles, for those like me who'd like to finally see all of it or who're just interested in owning everything TV-related to the show, even if we're gonna follow Greg and most fans' lead on this and not consider it in-continuity).

I bought the first volumes of Duck Tales and Chip 'N Dale's Rescue Rangers a year ago for my 5-year-old cousin. I was eyeing Tale Spin's first volume when it came out in August (Darkwing Duck came out the same time...wasn't so big on that series, but I might pick it up for my sister, who used to be a huge fan).

All these Disney TV shows I know I'll eventually get...I'll buy 'em sooner if someone tells me that they'll for sure help Gargoyles' chances.

Kris - [plekopleko at hotmail dot com]

It's strange that Disney seems unwilling to release the next volume, especially now that we're seeing other Disney Afternoon shows being released on DVD. I just got my younger cousin hooked on the show, so it can't come out soon enough.

As far as the filesharing thing is concerned, I like to limit myself to things I couldn't possibly pay for... For instance, products that do not yet exist, such as the second half of Gargoyles season 2. When it does come out on DVD, I will happily buy it. (DVDs are much easier to lend than files.)

Scott Iskow - [smiskow at lycos dot com]

Only 47 more questions from 2005, not counting Con journals!

That eggs picture is cute, thanks for sharing it Matt.

Vaevictis Asmadi

Phil> I never thought about *struggling* artists... I really didn't... I'll rethingk my postition some.

THE DVD> I know there are a few fans out there that haven't bought the DVD... I know mostly because of money I think, but it has been out for almost a year... tell your friends and family.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
that is all I will say.

Sorry, Bronx was 16 in 994.
Matt - [O'Fallon, Missouri, USA]
"Toilet out of order. Please use floor below." - Sign in public restroom stall.

So, I was thinking; You remember the brief flashback on Avalon showing Angela, Gabriel and Boudicca as children? (see http://gargoyles.dracandros.com/%22Eggs%22 if you want to know what I'm talking about). Well, Greg has never put down a year for that flashback, so we have no idea how young (or old) those hatchlings are. But it occurred to me today that by 994, Bronx was 18 years old (hatched in 978) and was full grown. Greg has said that beasts mature a lot faster than gargoyles. So when we see Boudicca still as a puppy, it occurs to me that they gargoyles were probably less than 10 years old in that flashback (thats the equivalent of human five year olds). From that we can conclude that gargoyles can definitly walk and have the rudiments of gliding by this young age. Just a thought.
Matt - [O'Fallon, Missouri, USA]
"Toilet out of order. Please use floor below." - Sign in public restroom stall.

Matt> You've got an interesting definition of information you're using. Would you mind sharing what your definition is? I've can't think of seeing anyone classify music or video as information before.

Kaylle> Your mention of Limewire didn't start the filesharing talk. It was reaction to Vaevictis' brother's downloading eps that started it.

Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury
Music selection: Galaxy Express 999 Symphonic Suite

Battle Beast> "But even if artists are loosing money from file sharing sites, honestly, I don't see them eating at soup kitches or waiting in line for unemployment. They aren't hurting."
How many artists do you know personally? Sure, the big names that we see on TV all the time are doing fine, but for every successful band there are probably hundreds of struggling musicians who might very well be eating in a soup kitchen. And of course filesharing can't be solely blamed for their lack of success; some of them just suck musically. But the fact remains that if someone creates something (be it a song, a story, or whatever) it belongs to them and they should be able to control its use and make a profit from it if possible.

Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]

Kaylle: i know but i can save my self denying that i´ve ever written the word if someone said i did. So basically you are lieyng!! shame on ya!! I dont need to censor anything!! Its not my fault!! its the humans allways the human...Oh damn i did it againg. Hahaha ;D

Filesharing> I apologize for mentioning Limewire. I brought it up because I thought it was kind of a funny story. I didn't mean to start a debate on the merits of filesharing, and to whatever extent the ensuing conversation is my fault, I apologize. But have we said all we need to say on the subject? Do we have to keep going with this? I don't feel like anyone is going to convince anyone else of anything here, so do we have to keep arguing about it?

I don't mean to stifle conversation if people genuinely want to keep talking about it. But it seems like we've said everything that can be said and we're starting to point fingers and call names (demon@, censoring your language doesn't help if you leave the the curse word and censor the suffix) and nothing constructive can be accomplished that way.

Kaylle - [kaylle at ladyavalon dot com]

In response to Todd's musings on the sales of S2V1, I very nearly did not buy it, thinking I would wait until the full season came out. Fortunately I had just recieved a Wal-Mart gift certificate, and figured since I hate Wal-Mart so much, I might as well make up for it by buying something I really love.
Samuel - [AnglOfHellO at AOL dot com]

God forbid we share information during the Information Age.

God forbid performers making their money through performing.

Matt - [O'Fallon, Missouri, USA]
"Toilet out of order. Please use floor below." - Sign in public restroom stall.

Demonskrye: gee thks for that. I`ve never stoped to think about her feelings towards goliath that way. It makes a lot of sense :)

I've sometimes wondered how much the poor sales of Season Two Volume One were due to people looking at it and saying, "I think I'll wait until Volume Two comes out before I buy this one." (And now we'll probably also have to deal with people saying "Why should I buy Volume One since it doesn't look as if there's going to be a Volume Two coming out any time soon?")
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

Demon@> It does make a lot of sense when you think about it. I do believe that Goliath and Demona did love each other back in the 10th century. But both of them failed to understand crucial things about the other. Goliath did not recognize the depths of Demona's anger towards the human. And if Greg's latest morsel of prosey goodness is any indication, it may be he didn't notice it because it was something that developed inher personality rather than a trait that had always been there. I think Demona actually did a better job of recognizing Goliath's dedication to a peace between humans and gargoyles - if she hadn't, she wouldn't have bothered keeping her plan to betray the humans from him. But again, she probably didn't think his commitment to the ideal ran so deep that he would turn against her or her plan to abandon the people of Castle Wyvern after they were captured. When they met again in the present era, Demona had been changed by her experiences since the fall of Castle Wyvern and Goliath noticed it quickly, though he didn't realize the change came from her experiences of 1000 years while he slept in stone. Goliath, on the other hand, is much the same, even though he has been affected by the events that led to him being frozen in stone for a millenium. But Demona has had all of that time to yearn for Goliath at her side. As we know, she's a pro at self-deception, but anyone's memory would likely become clouded with nostalgia longer before 100 years had passed, let alone 1000. So maybe Demona started to forget the differences, the disagreements, the dishonesty she used with him. In her mind, Goliath became what she wanted him to be. But when she was reuinted with the real thing, the idealized "memory" of him was shattered.

Ask Greg> The thing that struck me in the latest round of responses was the rather grim assessment of the DVD situation. I'm not sure if Greg's assertion that the ad budget for both DVDs we have so far was nada; I do seem to recall ads in comics for at least season one. But either way, it is sobering to know that Disney probably would not have put out any DVDs if they had to include an advertising budget. I wish we'd known a little earlier that this was the deal. Greg certainly hammered it home time and time again that we were going to have to spread the word if we wanted this to work. But as I recall, there were rumors before the season one DVD release about something on Toon Disney, possibly just a voice over mention of the DVD's impending arrival. It's also sad to hear that the sales of Season Two Part One have actually hurt the position of "Gargoyles" with the Disney execs. I have never been one to think that anyone at Disney just hates "Gargoyles" and deliberately tries to make it fail. I still don't believe that. My feeling has generally been that SOME (not all) people at Disney just don't care about it one way or the other. And unfortunately, it sounds like sales of Season Two Part One sort of justified that thinking. We've got it from about as close to the source as we can get: at least as far as the future of the DVDs go, we are now possibly in a worse position than we were before Season One became a possibility. Before, we simply had to prove that there was a market. Now, we've got to work against the perception that there IS no market, a perception backed up by sales figures.

All I can say is spread the word and buy the comic. That's about all you can do.

Back to the drawing board

WOW Have you read on of the newest responese. Someone asked: " Demona still loves goliath?" and Greg said: "She hates Goliath. Deep down, she loves the Goliath of her imagination. But the real thing is a disappointment to her". Damn, that explains so much :D. Greg rocks!!!.

WINGLESS> "One of the problems I still have as a collector of old music is that, I can't go to an official download site like itunes and get the songs I want."

EXACTLY. Now, tell me, how am I to download, say, the theme to "the new adventures of Whinnie the Pooh" on I tunes? It simply isn't there. How am I supposed to get the Dr. Demento basements tapes song "It's Still Billy Joel to me" by Weird Al?

Free downloading softwear also allows you to share rare files and videos like the "star Wars Christmas Special" or the 1997 Academy Awards. Etc.

B&CF> "thinking something is stupid justifies d/l'ing it without paying for it?" NO, not at all. But I'm not made of money. And If I like a song, I'll download more of that artist, (usually), and eventually buy an album of theirs.

I'll hear a song on the radio once every so often, or maybe even once in a blue moon, and I'll want to hear it again. So what do I do? Go trudge to several stores looking for that album *when* and *if* I have time and money, or Download it fairly soon after I've heard it?

I know, I know, if I do it, and joe, and suesie and Wingless and 10,000,000 other internet users do it, they loose big bucks.

But even if artists are loosing money from file sharing sites, honestly, I don't see them eating at soup kitches or waiting in line for unemployment. They aren't hurting.

I'm not saying It's right or wrong, it's just that I don't have the money to but *every* CD that has A song I like on it. But when I do buy a CD, and rip it onto my HArd Drive, I *DON'T* share it. I don't allow other onto my comp to take the songs.

Anywho. That my rant. Sorry.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
that is all I will say.

For those interested> Just saw the latest W.I.T.C.H. episode, "V for Victory." I enjoyed it, and saw Bill's guest appearance. He played the Heart of Aridia (I think I spelled that right), and I was disappointed it was so brief. Still, it was rather sweet, and emphasized how much I hate how manipulative Nerissa can be. Oh, and Bill voiced a giant rock creature.

Yeah, one last thing i would like to say about the file/sharing thing, is that some of the things some of you have said are merely excuses.
And you of all people should understand the consecuenses of downolad music/videos etc.
Lets say disney needs for us to buy 300 dvds of gargoyles season 2 to release season 2 volume 2. Lets say 300 people already has that dvd at home, but half of whom downoaded it and its not thinking in purchasing the dvd because hey! if i already have it FOR FREE why shuold i spend 50 dollars getting the dvd? LOL
And we allll stay without the dvd season 2 volume 2 for thous fuk****.
Im in argentina, we DO NOT have any of the dvds in here so i went to Amazon.com amd ordered it through international shipping wich cost me, of course, 3 times more expensive than to any of you. But i purchased it anyway because i have to much respect for the show, all the artist who participated on the project and Greg. If tomorrow, your boss decides that the work you have done yestarday was not worth your salary whats going to happen to all of us eh eh eh?


I don't keep files on my computer. I primarily burn them onto CDs. Of course, I'm having systems issues at the moment, so I'm currently shopping for a new one.

On another note, I perused Greg's latest responses and noticed that Todd didn't filter out all my questions from my n00bier days. Ah, well. C'est la vie.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Stand up and fight, for you know we are right. We must strike at the lies that have spread like disease through our minds."

Sorry if this seems to be an attempt to restart the filesharing talk, but I didn't get a chance to get online yesterday. So I'm going to reply to the excuses posted here that I've seen/heard/read dozens of times elsewhere with regards to downloading music or videos.

Lumpmoose> "Technically it's not stealing, it's copyright infringement."
I believe it's copyright infringement with regards to those who distribute (post) the music, videos, etc., but it most definitely is stealing with regards to those who download the files without paying for them.

Harvestor> "As far as filesharing is concerned, I've had CDs burned for me, primarily as a way to preview them. If I like the album to the point where I feel it is worth spending money on, I go out and buy it. I've done the same for other people."
If you decide it's not worth spending money on, do you remove the files from your computer/cd?

Jurgan> "...those people who download huge amounts of music, if there were no downloading, likely wouldn't buy all those albums either."
So because you wouldn't have bought the albums in the first place, it's okay to d/l the music without paying for it? Hey, I wouldn't have bought that Bugatti in the first place, so there should be no problem with me just driving one off a dealer's lot because either way, Bugatti wouldn't have gotten any money from me.

Battle Beast> "I think it's stupid to purchase an album (for big $$$) for only ONE SONG that I like off it."
*blinks incredulously* So, thinking something is stupid justifies d/l'ing it without paying for it?

Similar to this is Vaevictis' brother's attitude of "Because I hate Disney, I'm not going to buy their stuff, but I'll gladly download it."
You know, I hate that bank's fee structure and their employees' attitudes, so I fully expect the judge to let me off after I rob the bank because I hate the bank.

Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury
Music Selection: The Pagemaster OST

89 questions from 2005 and counting down fast.

SLG released the last new single issue of Gloomcookie in the end of October. Maybe that will speed things up for Gargoyles. I'm hoping by the end of this month, they will announce the release date for Gargoyles issue #2, specifically by US Thanksgiving Day.

Whatever happenned to simplicity?

Issue #2 isn't supposed to come out until December. At least, that's what I last heard.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

*comes out of normal lurker mode*

Hello all...I have a quick question? I picked up the first comic last summer soon after it came out and was eagerly awaiting the second. I looked for the second in September when it was supposed to come out, didn't find it and heard that it was being delayed. Now I've heard about the third comic (there's a short notice for it SLGs website under a calendar that lists what comics are/have being/been released this fall). Um...but what happened to comic #2? Did it come out already and I missed it? Or is it still unreleased?

I'm so confused about the whole thing :(

"Calories shared don´t count" - My former supervisor

Hahahaha yeah, i totally forgot about these show. I loved it, though now it has been years ( yearsss) since it was giving in tv, here were i am. Kind of sad

Electronic Scavenger> Unfortunately, there STILL is no further development of Gargoyles S2V2, but we are all waiting and hoping, I'm sure.

Thanks for the Gummi Bears link. I barely remembered the show until I read the Wiki, then all the childhood memories came rushing back like floodwaters.

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

It's a pretty good Disney show.. It's about bears that bounce.. and yes you heard me right bounce, but it takes place in the Dark Ages, and it does have it's on mythos although it is geared a little younger then Gargoyles, and I don't think the Animation is quite as good, but it's a fun show to watch.

this has a litte more info about the chars and places.

Electronic Scavenger - [e_scavenger at hotmail dot com]

OK, I've heard about Gummi Bears up and down on this site and I have no idea what it is. Can somebody please fill me in? I only know about the candy.
Vaevictis Asmadi

I have noticed they have done season 2 of Ducktales but not Gargoyles, which I am not jumping up and down about yet. While I got Ducktales, and Gummibears, I did notice they haven't put the care in them that they did Gargoyles. Menus, Interviews, and things like that. I hope I am not out of place here but I was wondering if there has been any updates on Gargoyles Season 2 part 2? I have been trying to keep my eye open, but can't check the boards too often.

Electronic Scavenger

Electronic Scavenger - [e_scavenger at hotmail dot com]

Demonskyre> Yay! Unfortunately, they'll have to wait until next month. I've got a budget, and I don't have enough for either right now. But next month, pay check and fresh start!

HARVESTER - He probably was, though I'm a bit nervous about saying that; I don't want somebody else to misremember that and believe that Greg was the one who said that, either.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

Just because no one else has mentioned it yet, the DVDs of "Gummi Bears" and "DuckTales, Volume 2" came out on Tuesday. Both are really terrific and the DuckTales DVD features the five part pilot, since production order apparently put it in season 2. Please note that the number of "episodes" listed on the Gummi Bears DVD is a little misleading, as they count every half show story (as in, when a half hour show featured two shorter stories instead of one full-length one) as one "episode". Still, these are both terrific sets with some of the best television animation of the 80s. And for anyone who didn't know or forgot, Greg has frequently cited "Gummi Bears" as one of his inspirations for "Gargoyles" (and he wasn't talking about the candy). I'm very pleasantly surprised that we got a second "DuckTales" set. Either these are selling better than I thought or they're being held to a different standard than "Gargoyles".
Bouncing here and there and everywhere

Battle Beast: Sometimes one gets lucky. I recently purchased the early Genesis album "Trespass" primarily for the song "The Knife" and got lucky. The rest of the album is pretty rockin', too. But honestly, so much of the music that comes out today is not worth buying. Just my opinion, anyway. I've always found older music to be more creative, and less pre-fabricated.

Todd: I remember asking once if Arthur was aware of the existence of gargoyles, since he seemed to be at home in a room full of them after he was awoken. I take it then that back when he was king, he was at least aware of their noble intentions?

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Stand up and fight, for you know we are right. We must strike at the lies that have spread like disease through our minds."

Yay, back from my long trip. I also bought that Tales From the Darkside movie and watched the whole thing. The gargoyle segment was the best one of course, (kind of sad at the end) but now I have a lot of questions in my mind that I will probably not forget for a while.
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
Humans are such easy prey for a gargoyle!

I'm sorry, but once again, Greg never said anything about gargoyle massacres of any sort during King Arthur's reign. This is my fault, I'm afraid; I'd speculated on just such a thing once, and apparently people mistakenly thought that Greg said it instead.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

Downloading/filesharing: As someone who has worked in music retail in the past and does have involvement in radio as a volunteer, I have a lot to say on the subject. It's safe to say that I don't have much sympathy for the major record companies. the 45 rpm single was king for close to 45 years. People could buy the one hit song they wanted for a reasonable price and everyone was happy. Up until 1990, I was still racking 45s on a wall in the order they appeared on the Canadian top 40. They were easy for people to find that way. Then the record companies started to complain that they were losing money on the 45s, and one by one, the major labels started phasing them out. Thus they had no way to promote their hit artists. For a time they tried to introduce the 3 inch CD single. A great idea-small, collectible, the only trouble was-most of the early CD players weren't designed to play these things. They did have these brittle plastic outer ring adapters you could put on them to make them work, but they'd break easily, so nobody bought them. By the time the CD player manufacturers had players out there that would play the 3 inch Singles, the record companies had given up on them and introduced Cassette singles. Oh, but here's the fun part, they'd only make one mass pressing of these, so the retail stores had to be mind readers to know what songs would be hits and order songs in quantity or be stuck running out of stock on a big selling item like a Madonna or, at the time Vanilla Ice(which was enormous). The major labels never seriously got into 5 inch CD singles, which would have worked well too, if only given the chance - simply release them with 2 songs in a cardboard sleeve for 3 or 4 bucks. They coudldn't do that, they had to put them out in plastic cases, as limited edition titles and at about 10 bucks a crack.
Then the MP3s showed up, and Napster soon followed. and people could finally get the one song they wanted. Admittedly, it wasn't fair to the artists, but the record companies, instead of seeing the potential of setting up their own service for downloading, instead fought for years trying to shut down the free ones.

One of the problems I still have as a collector of old music is that, I can't go to an official download site like itunes and get the songs I want. What really irks me as well is that the US version of Itunes has thousands of songs available that are not available in Canada(hello, what happened to free trade people-music is music, money is money). I admit if napster was still around in it's original form, I would still be using it, NOT because it was free, but because I could share music with people that I simply could not buy and they could get music from me that they coudln't buy - it's music that is out of print and the companies can't be bothered to reissue it. Even when approached by smaller labels that want to license the tapes to reissue some of this music, they make things so expensive and put so many restrictions on the smaller reissue company that they can't afford in most cases to release the material. I know many labels who have run into this problem, and I've just gotten into reissuing CDs myself so I know first hand myself.

A long rant I know. It's sad to say that some of the performers are caught in the middle of all this, but we have the major record labels to thank for where we are today, and it may only get worse with more and more of them merging together.

Sorry, not a garg topic, but when someone mentions music - I just lose my head some times.


Mordred> I've been thinking about it all day, and I'm still convinced Greg said it somewhere, but after spending another hour searching I still can't find it. I thought maybe I was thinking of something Greg said about the Norway Clan and Ragnorok, but I don't think thats it. I'm still pretty sure I read Greg write something about Morded destroying the Camelot Clan before or during the fall of Arthur's reign.
Matt - [O'Fallon, Missouri, USA]
"Toilet out of order. Please use floor below." - Sign in public restroom stall.

I think it's stupid to purchase an album (for big $$$) for only ONE SONG that I like off it. If I really like the artist, like Huey Lewis & the News or Weird Al Yankovic, I'll buy the album to support them.

On the other hand, I realise this is how artists make money, and I also realsie that they may be loosing money this way.

As for TV shows, when the season 2 of the show "Dead Like Me" came out, we couldn't watch it up here. So I down loaded the first two eps (before being emailed and told that I had illegally downloaded the shows and was gonna be sued if I didn't get rid of 'em.)

Well excuse me, how else was I supposed to view the show? Wait 14 months for the DVD to come out?

If I wanna watch Gargoyles, downloading wps is the only way to see them (The eps I don't have on DVD.)

Battle Beast - [Canada]
that is all I will say.

Really? I thought Greg said something about Mordred smashing gargoyles, too.

As for filesharing: You make a good point, B&CF, but those people who download huge amounts of music, if there were no downloading, likely wouldn't buy all those albums either. Now, there are some people who simply never buy albums anymore because it's cheaper, but there are also people who sample music online and buy what they like. I tend to think they balance each other out. What needs to happen, though, is bands need to start marketing direct to consumers online. iTunes is doing that, but so far it hasn't really caught on.

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
"What? I'm saying I'd rather kiss you than die- it's a compliment!" -Aang, from Avatar: The Last Airbender

Are you sure, Todd? I swear I seem to remember. Oh well. Thanks.
Matt - [O'Fallon, Missouri, USA]
"Toilet out of order. Please use floor below." - Sign in public restroom stall.

MATT - Sorry, but Greg never said anything like that. He only said that King Arthur had met gargoyles during his reign, but gave no indication of the circumstances, and never mentioned any clan at the original Camelot. I think that you're dealing with false memories here (I'd speculated about a gargoyle clan here, which might have implanted the "false memory" in your thoughts - if that was what caused it, I'm sorry about that) rather than a real statement.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

Jurgan> I don't believe either argument--filesharing decreases sales due to people downloading and not buying music, or filesharing helps sales by getting people who normally wouldn't have been exposed to an artist to buy (or something similar)--has been proven. From everything I've seen/heard/read, generally people who download music off of places like (the old) Napster DON'T end up buying the albums. When the music files fill up 40+ GB hard drives, that would involve spending thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars to have all the albums.
Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury
Music Selection: Fantasia OST

Okay, now I have a question. I think Todd, more than anyone, can help me with this. I swear that Greg answered a question one time that said there was a Camelot clan of gargoyles in ancient Camelot, but someone (Mordred?) destroyed them or something...? I've gone through the archives like crazy and can't find this question/answer. Can anyone help me? Todd?
Matt - [O'Fallon, Missouri, USA]
"Toilet out of order. Please use floor below." - Sign in public restroom stall.

Vaevictus: That's why God gave us conventional weapons.

As far as filesharing is concerned, I've had CDs burned for me, primarily as a way to preview them. If I like the album to the point where I feel it is worth spending money on, I go out and buy it. I've done the same for other people. I just burned someone a mix of Jethro Tull songs from their 1980s catalog, and hopefully that will pique his interest enough to check some of them out. I look upon it as a good way to spread awareness.

Now, burning DVDs is another story. I'm not opposed to it IF the person plans to buy it in the long run, but DVDs are usually more expensive than CDs.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
A few weeks ago I learned that if you spend your life promoting intolerance and annoying strangers on trains with your Bible, then professional moron and spaghetti-monster worshipper Pat Robertson might appear at YOUR funeral!

Matt> Thanks for the link.

My boyfriend is a fairly active Wiki User. I'm sure he'll find it useful. :)

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

Sorry KIngCobra:


Hopefully, you and others will feel free to contribute to the site. There are still lots of things that need work, additions, edits, pictures and more.

Matt - [O'Fallon, Missouri, USA]
"Toilet out of order. Please use floor below." - Sign in public restroom stall.

So, does anyone have that Gargs Wiki link?
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

Hey i`ve downoaled things myself, gargoyles episodes as well, but as i downoloaded them i`ve also purchased the dvds, see?. You downloaded music and then you went to purchased the cds. You are paying the artists for their work. Í`ve no problem with that. But if one day we all decide that is better to download the music of that band and dont purchase any cd at all, then they wont earn money, yes?. If they dont earn money they cant purchased food. If with their music they cant purchased food, then they will search another way of living. What does that mean? No more music or new cds of that music that you like so much ;)
Anyway there is a good episode of south park about these matter, saying that becuase of people you download music and do not purchased the cd Brittney Spears (is that written correctly? :P)wont be able to buy a new airoplane.


If all you ever do is copy music, then I have a problem with it. However, I'm annoyed by the idea that all filesharing is automatically bad for production. Show me proof that sales declined as a result of filesharing- I'll bet you can't. I know when Marvel started putting comics online, those particular comics outsold most of their others. As for myself, I know there are at least three CD's I've bought by bands to whom I was introduced by filesharing.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

We know sweety is not against you. My brother just does the same. He downloaded all the cds of Stratovarious - i think it is- and then he was wondering when the next cd would come up. Well, if insead of purchasing the cds, that is the reason of why the made them in the first place, there wont be a new cds, ya dolt.
"Copyright infringement" is just aother way of stealing by the way. Killig a neighbor and killing your father is not called the same way though is murder anyway.


Guys, just so you know, I have no control whatsoever over my brother's actions.
Vaevictis Asmadi

Technically it's not stealing, it's copyright infringement. But that's a can of worms probably best kept sealed in a Gargoyles forum. ;)
Lumpmoose - [lumpmoose at karpacrossamerica dot com]

Matt: is by that you are trying to be ironic, let me tell you that is not just shring information, is stealing the work of someone else.
Share your own information, your own work if you want to.


God forbid someone share information during the Information Age.
Matt - [St dot Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Is that why you are so depressed?" -My boyfriend, Jason when I told him it was our anniversary.

Coldstone Creamery> They're overpriced. And no better than any other ice cream. For their prices, I'll get frozen custard.

Thank you, demon@.
Along those lines, something that really pissed me off at this year's Gathering was someone who said that the reason he brought his laptop was simply to find people who had brought music he liked so he could burn them. Disgusting. If I had any respect for him (never met him before), it would have disappeared.

Vaevictis> Just curious. I'm assuming your brother has some sort of income since he does buy Christmas and birthday presents. It's not like the DVD's are over $100. There's over a month until Christmas. I don't think it's that difficult to save up $20-$35 depending on whether it's S1 or S2V1 in that time period. Putting aside just $5-$8 per week will get you either of these for Christmas.

Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury
Music Selection: E.T. OST

Vaevictis Asmadi: yeah, tell your brother that we all love things better when we dont have to paid for them. Though were im come from that is call stealing...

Coldstone creamery>They are popping up like mushrooms all over new york city. I've seen two in mahanhattan w42st and downtown on E8 st and broadway, and there is one in downtown brooklyn at the alantic ave mall.
W.I.T.C.H>I think I saw it once on channel 7 on a saturday but I mostly work on saturdays so I'm way behind on the current saturday morning cartoons.

kjay - [tigonesskay at yahoo dot com]
Patiently waiting....

WITCH is a show that I never really got into. I liked the girls day to day live problems etc that went on in the show , relationship problems teen drama stuff... rather then the actual plotline of them being gardians and all that fantasy stuff.

Sorry for the double post, but I meant (and forgot) to ask if anyone has the URL to the 'new' Gargs Wiki page. There was a link here a couple weeks ago, but I can't seem to find it, and doing a google on it doesn't help.

*vows to bookmark once he finds it*


KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

Comic> There are several things I'm looking forward to seeing.

Brooklyn's Timedancing Journey.

Who Lex's mate is.

Thailog stepping up as the 'Big bad'.

Xanatos' further 'developments'.

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

Vaevictus: He might have just added an amendment. I myself refuse to watch any movie that Tom Cruise puts out on the grounds that he's an asshole, but there are still two movies he's in that I can allow myself to watch. There's exceptions to everything.

Hmmmm, well as far as the comic is concerned, obviously I'm dying to see what Greg does with the Demona/Angela dynamic (after reading so much bad fanfic). Also, it'll be curious to see what happens when Jason and Jon meet again, especially Jon's reaction to his brother not hating the monster that Jon believes responsible for putting him in a wheelchair.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"It was a new day yesterday, but it's an old day now." -Ian Anderson.

As my activity on GargWiki suggests, I love dealing with info on all the different Clans past, present, and future.

I'm also very interested in gargoyle heredity. So seeing Brook and his mate and kid will be fun, esspecially because Nashville will be the first gargoyle with parents from different clans.

So, yeah, I'm eagerly awaiting Brook's departure and hasty return.

Matt - [St dot Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Is that why you are so depressed?" -My boyfriend, Jason when I told him it was our anniversary.

Hey room,
Not to change the subject but, I was wondering everyone else's thoughts on this...

With the 3rd issue of the comic starting all new canon stories, has anyone gotten excited to see some new things pop up like Brooklyn's Timedancer family? Or new clans? etc.

I am just curious as to how everyone is jazzing themselves up after 10 years of zilch?

Justin - [justin dot lindley at gmail dot com]

Well, my brother has been watching the Gargoyles episodes (that he downloaded) and he likes them (though he says, not enough that he would buy the DVDs). But he did take back his assertion that he refuses to ever buy anything from Disney, or else he didn't really mean it in the first place, I don't know. He said he'd think about the DVDs as possible Christmas/Birthday presents. Although I don't think he can afford them.
Vaevictis Asmadi

We've got a few in Montgomery and Auburn areas, as well as a couple similar style ice cream places. Never made a Coldstone-gargoyle connection before.

Coldstone has begun popping up in the St. Louis area in the last few years. I've never been though. I wonder if the people who work there are aware of the connection. I may just ask.
Matt - [O'Fallon, Missouri, USA]
"Toilet out of order. Please use floor below." - Sign in public restroom stall.

We have Coldstone Creamery in South Carolina, too, though it's so rich that I only allow myself to eat it on vacation.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
"What? I'm saying I'd rather kiss you than die- it's a compliment!" -Aang, from Avatar: The Last Airbender

KingCobra-- Yup. There are tons of them in Arizona, and there's one next door to my favorite movie theater in Culver City.
Kythera of Anevern - [kythera (at) gmail dot com]
I do not suffer fools, gladly or otherwise.

Off-tpic> Has anyone heard of Coldstone Creamery? It's this Ice Cream place that's (apparently) in the Columbus area.

I watched a commercial of it this morning, and then I turned to David and commented, in my best Michael Dorn voice, "Come buy some ice cream, we promise you'll deal with the right personality."

Just sharing cause it cracked David up, and I'm looking to bring a little extra humor here.

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

Thanks for the info, Greg. (Not having cable myself, I haven't been able to watch "W.I.T.C.H." except for when it briefly aired on ABC last year. Pity, since I rather liked it.)
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

Todd: And here it is: http://newgrounds.com/portal/view/33440

Click the tab that says Watch This Movie.

And now I have a general question: has Greg ever said if the Fulfillment Spell could only be cast once? Because the Praying Gargoyle can regenerate, unless Goliath crushed the crystal in it as well.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"It was a new day yesterday, but it's an old day now." -Ian Anderson.

Siren> I can't remember there ever NOT being a top ten to start the week. Or maybe it just evolved from someone say something like "Woohoo! First!" into the top 10. It's been a loooong time.

Just looked at the earliest archived CR and Roy Sato & Kiva were 4th. Do either of them ever post anymore?

I thought someone was archiving the room well before mid-2002.

Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury
Music selection: Porco Rosso OST

Greg W.> Wee! I was mostly right! I had a feeling you were involved with the casting in respect to Ed. And it is funny. It's funny to hear Napoleon fake cat noises with that gruff voice! (currently thinking of the purr at the end of the ep).

Trust me, Brenda and Marko are VERY much like their counterparts, with Marco being a little more... whipped I guess. Ah, you need to see it. The whole episode if fun! Castles, fairies, glamour, dragons. Storytelling 101.

Can you tell I like this season?


Hm, new episodes of WITCH have Gargoyles reference. It's almost like subliminal messages, telling the viewer to buy the Gargoyles DVDs, then again that's just me :)
Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
Humans are such easy prey for a gargoyle!

Jurgan> "W.I.T.C.H. is on Toon Disney and it USED to be on ABC Family." "...for some reason ABC Family stopped airing it halfway through the season. I'm rather annoyed by that..."

I am seriously annoyed by that as well. Toon Disney is a premium channel in my neighborhood, and I won't pay extra just for that. We watched it every week on ABC Family; now they're showing reruns of Boy Meets World and Full House. (I really shouldn't be wasting my money on basic cable, either. There's never anything on that's worthwhile.)

And since I didn't have time to comment last week: Gems like "Hyppolyta" are why I keep coming back to Ask Greg. The con journals don't really interest me; good questions are few and far between and these days are most likely to get the "I'm not going to give that away now that I'm writing the comic" answer. But it's because of revelations like "Three Brothers" and "Gargoyles 2198" that I was able to maintain interest all these years. And now "Hyppolyta" has me drooling all over again for the long-awaited new comic material in issue #3.

Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]

Matt> I thought Greg's statement was funny, but I kep screwing up my personal stats.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
that is all I will say.

W.I.T.C.H. is on Toon Disney and it USED to be on ABC Family. I was going to have my parents' TiVo catch it and record the whole season on DVD, but they don't get Toon Disney, and for some reason ABC Family stopped airing it halfway through the season. I'm rather annoyed by that...
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
"What? I'm saying I'd rather kiss you than die- it's a compliment!" -Aang, from Avatar: The Last Airbender

*sheepish grin*
Uhh, what channel is WITCH on, anyway?

JJ Gregrius

Yes, in fact a slightly younger version of Brendan & Margot - renamed Brenda and Marco appeared in "U is for Undivided" this past week on WITCH. We even got Pat Fraley -- the original voice of Brendan -- to play Marco. Tried to get Marina to play Brenda, but she was unavailable.

And it was my idea to have Ed Asner do the voice of the little black kitty Napoleon. Just struck me as funny.

Next week Bill Faggerbakke plays two roles, one a garg ref, one a COACH ref. (I really amuse myself at least.)

Greg Weisman
Attending NINE conventions a year annually since 2006...

Asatira> Ah, thanks.

I'm wishing I'd watched more of the show. Just cause it sounds cool, but my busy schedule won't let me, and we may be switching to cable soon. Argh.

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

Sorry for the double post, just saw this KingCobra's post. The most recent episode that aired was "U for Undivided." Aired Saturday and Sunday morning.

Todd> If they did, I missed them. But there was a couple in the last episode who were very Brandon-Margo-ish. But I think their names were Brenda and Mark (or something). If Brandon and Margo showed up elsewhere, I missed them. I wish I'd recorded this season, but Disney I haven't been able to. Suckage.

Asatira> Which episode was that?
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
"Ignore me!" - Venture Bros.

ASATIRA - Is it true that Brendan and Margot made a cameo appearance in "W.I.T.C.H."? I came across a rumor about that but want to have it confirmed.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

Todd: The space robots are someone else's baby. I'm afraid I'm a little medicated due to a virus at the moment, so I can't search for the link just now. I'll do it tomorrow.

Mmmmm... Nyquil. Proud maker of the green death flavor for over forty years.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
The nice thing about Gumby is you can use him as window caulk.

I'm posting this on the random chance that Greg will see it this week. (Or until Ask Greg is open again)

I just want to say I've been thoroughly enjoying this season of W.I.T.C.H. It's just been so much fun. Especially this week's episode. Namely finally seeing Ed's character in the show. Really, who came up with the idea of putting Ed's voice in a cute little black kitty? I'm still grinning about it.


HARVESTER - Are you certain that you didn't mean to write "creativity demon" when you wrote "crossover"? Unless the Pusher and the Shover Robots weren't your own idea but came from an actual sci-fi series or movie or something like that, that is.
Todd Jensen
Gargoyles - did for monstrous-looking statues what "Watership Down" did for rabbits!

Hmmm... "Dear gods." Nice to see people practicing polytheism. Why limit yourself to just one? ( ;

I think Greg was actually first once. I just don't remember when it was. Oh, Speeeeen!

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
The nice thing about Gumby is you can use him as window caulk.

What's up, Battle Beast?
Matt - [St dot Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Is that why you are so depressed?" -My boyfriend, Jason when I told him it was our anniversary.

Argh. This just isn't working.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
that is all I will say.

"Attending NINE conventions a year annually since 2006..."


Battle Beast - [Canada]
that is all I will say.

"Attending NINE conventions a year annually since 2006..."


that is all I will say.

"Dear gods... now you've all got GREG doing it. O.o"

My sentiments exactly...LMAO! We have fully corrupted Greg...or maybe...he corrtupted US!

Anyone know when the first top 10 ever happened? Just curious who's wacky idea that was. They deserve a parade ;)

Siren - [Click my name for Hunter's Moon Trailer!]

How's this for a crossover idea? One of Demona's attempts to wipe out humanity involves building two robots: the pusher robot and shover robot. The robots are programmed to think that they come from outer space, and that they're on a mission to protect all humans from space's terrible secret by pushing and shoving all humans down the staircases in their homes. Demona hopes to use them to rid the world of all humans by pushing all humans down the stairs, and the robots, thinking their mission is good, will be unaware that they're breaking lots of necks. The only problem is the robots were built too well. Each takes so much pride in their work that the Pusher Robot thinks shoving is superior to pushing, and the Shover Robot thinks the opposite. This leads to bitter confrontation between the two robots that ends with them destroying each other (leaving Demona to seethe, drink lots of scotch, and ultimately start plotting again).
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
The nice thing about Gumby is you can use him as window caulk.

It is always strange to stumble in here to look at new posts and see a blank room. I forgot the Room was to reset, so I got lucky this week.
Matt - [O'Fallon, Missouri, USA]
"Toilet out of order. Please use floor below." - Sign in public restroom stall.

I'm gonna have to get up early to make these things again, or late at night. Just missed the top 10 again.

Hi guys!

Purplegoldfish - [skydragonn at aol dot com]
<------ my garg art and other stuff

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"The nice thing about Gumby is you can use him as window caulk."


*Hugs everyone!*

Chameleon may changer her spots, but she refuses to do plaid.

Dear gods... now you've all got GREG doing it. O.o
Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson

SIXTH! in the name of me and Chameleongirl! ^_^
Kythera of Anevern - [kythera (at) gmail dot com]
I do not suffer fools, gladly or otherwise.

"Those aren't tumors, you moron, that's your finger on the lens!"

Warcrafter - [grafixfangamer1 at sbcglobal dot net]
Humans are such easy prey for a gargoyle!

Greg Weisman
Attending NINE conventions a year annually since 2006...

Kaylle - [kaylle at ladyavalon dot com]

Matt - [O'Fallon, Missouri, USA]
"Toilet out of order. Please use floor below." - Sign in public restroom stall.