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Comments for the week ending September 8, 2008

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Found this on eBay. Looks pretty cool. Thinking of bidding on it.

The Gargoyles Pulse
~ Tony Tini

As someone who works retail, it's really true that when you have something a store plans to discontinue, the best way to keep the product from disappearing forever off the shelf is to buy buy buy. Disney and any company is really not usually interested in making us happy. They are interested in making money, because if they didn't make money they would go out of business.

I agree the best thing to do is spread the word about the comics, the show. Get people who used to be involved, involved again and get a new audience involved as well. The fact that Gargoyles keeps coming back in different forms, must mean something.

Cormak - [cormak3032 at aol dot com]
"Things happen for a reason."

And I certainly wouldn't recommend delivering anybody at Disney banana cream pies - at least,not the way that Vinnie would deliver one. That would probably backfire.
Todd Jensen

El Mono Loco> We've talked over ways to get Disney to pay more attention to "Gargoyles" and what it always comes down to is that the best way to support "Gargoyles" is to purchase the existing product and try to get other people interested so that they'll purchase the existing product. I know that mailing of specific object campaigns can work, but I think they tend to do best when you have a show that's currently on the air. Since fans don't directly pay to watch the show, sending stuff to the network can be a good way to say "We're here, we're watching, and we're really into this show." But with something like "Gargoyles," where pretty much everything that's come out recently is something you buy, Disney can just look at the sales numbers to determine whether the product is succeeding or not. Plus, as you noted, campaigns like this take a lot of organization to work and if they aren't planned well, they can backfire. If Disney gets hundreds or thousand of cans of jalapenos within a month, that could make them take notice. But if they get three one week, five the next, and two a month later, all it accomplishes is making it seem like there are very few "Gargoyles" fans out there. As you also note, the recent food borne illness issues could mean that cans of jalapenos would get tossed before they ever reached the people they were intended for. On top of all that, it's one of those "jokes you need to explain". If King Features Syndicate suddenly receives numerous cans of spinach in the mail, the staff will probably know that the fans of Popeye want something. But with every can of jalapenos, there would have to be a note explaining that characters on the TV show used to say "Jalapena!" instead of cursing. The effect just isn't as immediate.

If anyone wants to send e-mails to Disney about "Gargoyles", go right ahead. But again, there are drawbacks. Aside from the ones that this plan shares with the jalapeno campaign (such as the potential to hurt the franchise's image if only a few people send e-mails), there's the fact that e-mail campaigns and online petitions are generally viewed as ineffective. It's not very hard to get people to send and e-mail, as it costs nothing and takes very little effort, even if those people don't really care that much about the cause in question and don't really intend to buy any future product. It's also not hard for more unscrupulous people to use a lot of fake e-mail addresses to make the support for the cause seem bigger than it really is. And again, Disney already feels like they have a good estimate of how many people are interested in "Gargoyles": the sales numbers from the products they have put out. Nearly every fan campaign I've seen says that real snail-mail letters are more effective than e-mails since sending an actual letter requires a little more effort and even a small amount of money, indicating that the person who sent it really does care about the cause they're advocating.

Currently, we have the DVDs of Season One and Season Two Part One, the single issue comics, the trade of the first six issues of the main comic, and the Hot Topic T-shirt. Trades of the remaining twelve issues of the main book and the six issues of "Bad Guys" are coming. Electric Tiki has indicated that they're looking to do at least one "Gargoyles" statue. There is product to buy, product to promote, and upcoming product to look forward to. Get what you want and can afford. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your co-workers, tell anyone you think would enjoy anything related to "Gargoyles".

Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

NAETHAN> Unless anyone here worked on the show, no one can answer your questions. Season two airs in March.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The Twelfth Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
"Oh Lord, please help our athletes bring home the gold. Enough gold so we can melt it down and buy back our economy from the Chinese."

What about a Jalapeno campaign. We find the BUSINESS address to the execs at disney (or the appropriate division, maybe Greg can provide some guidance here) and mail them cans of Jalapenos as a form of protest to try to get something Gargoyles related to happen. The second volume of season two, a movie, books, more comics because a cheaper license again, SOMETHING!

If enough people send jalapenos maybe we can show Disney how many fans Gargoyles still has.

We would, of course need to advertise the campaign for a while before actually doing it. Plus canned jalapenos are relatively cheap so people can send a few cans. But I'm in south texas so that may affect their price, Just make sure they dont have salmonella.

A simpler plan may be mass emails.

It has worked before. Roswell got a few more seasons (they sent tobasco), Jericho got another as well (peanuts)

Here is an article of the protest Jericho fans did:


El Mono Loco - [monkeysthrowpooatme at hotmail dot com]

i know you might not able to answer this but will the green goblin be harry or norman?
naethan - [aka_ragingkid at hotmail dot co dot uk]

will peter parker have a relationship with mary jane or gwen stacey.
naethan - [aka_ragingkid at hotmail dot co dot uk]

Naethan -- I second Demonskrye's post . . . and for that reason I can't wait to see the return of the Green Goblin & Doc Ock this coming March (or April, depending on when they return in the season). I totally enjoyed their battles with Spidey in the first season, so how Greg and the other makers plan on topping themselves will definitely be something worth waiting for.

Funnily enough, I've been in a Spectacular Spider-man mood for some time now, watching reruns on the CW4kids as well as watching clips on YouTube . . . maybe it has to do with the DVD coming out?

"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Arlo> You are proof that we are not as talented at scaring off people as you claim we are.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising." -Mark Twain, 'A Connecticult Yankee in King Arthur's Court'

Naethan> Greg doesn't generally answer questions here, but I think I can hazard a guess or two.

1) Almost certainly. I doubt there's much of a friendship left between between the after Season One. Eddie willingly bonded with the symbiote, went after Peter, and could have easily killed Gwen in the process. Peter may realize that he was partly responsible for Eddie becoming Venom and want tot try to make up for it, but i doubt Eddie wants anything to do with him.

2) If they do fight again next season, it seems logical that the fight would be bigger and more dangerous than their previous encounter. It wouldn't be very interesting to watch if Venom didn't seem like any more of a threat and Spidey didn't have to find a new way to beat him.

Anyway, the new season starts March 2009, so we'll get the answers then.

Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

1)in season 2 will eddie and peters relationship be torn part.
2)would venom and spiderman have a big battle in season 2 than the on in season 1.

naethan - [aka_ragingkid at hotmail dot co dot uk]

Need a little help on something.

*********BAD GUYS #4 SPOILERS********

Has anyone got any thoughts on how Tasha actually managed to hang herself? This isn't the sash issue, it's how she got the necessary elevation. I don't see any evidence of a chair or box or anything in her cell that she could have climbed up on. Any ideas? I know this is a morbid subject of discussion, but I could really use some ideas, as I'm trying to write something.

Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

Please do not feed the troll people!

You might not want to call OTHER people sociopathic, Arlo. Especially when you present yourself as the second coming of Christ. It's just a little tiny bit on the hypocritical side.

I agree with D. Taina and Phoenician.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]
Grr. Arg.

I think Phoenician is right. Don't feed the trolls, people!
D. Taina
"The story is told -- though who can say if it be true..." -Shari

Arlo> Seriously, go get a life and leave us alone. You need help...

Arlo: "lunatics... sociopathic... Get help"

I think you might be taking this Internet thing a little too seriously.

Landon Thomas - [lumpmoose at googles dot email dot service]

**Goes into CR Closet and pulls out the "DON'T FEED THE TROLLS" sign**

I'm putting this out before things get out of hand like they've gone in the past . . . .

"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Battle beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Well four years ago, I told you all that Gargoyles would never survive as long as you all continued to act like lunatics. And what do you have to show for yourselves four years later? A total of eight Gargoyles comics published, and four spin-off comics, and you've just gotten the series canceled for what? The second, third, fourth time?

I just have to say, it's really sad how you all have ruined a really great series by scaring off any potential fans with your sociopathic behavior. I hope you all get the help you need, or at least stop posting here so Gargoyles can stand a chance of coming back.

Get help, people. There's a real world out there where real human beings wouldn't tolerate this kind of behavior. I hope you all get to see it someday.


Gargoyles need not apply.

Graphic Novel Deal> I'm guessing that part of the idea is that graphic novels wouldn't need to held to regular release dates as much as single issue comics are, removing the problem of massive delays that has plagued the "Gargoyles" comic almost since its inception.
Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

Antiyonder: As I understand it, the license fee will have to be cheaper since SLG can't afford the new, more expensive fee. SLG wants renegotiate a lower fee, presumably on the condition that they'll release less frequently with graphic novels and therefore require less approval costs. I don't know if Disney has licensed graphic novels to a non-Disney publisher before. But this rambled line: "After a year, (Dan Vado) hopes to go back to Disney with a different, perhaps more modest offer to do Gargoyles Graphic Novels. Might work out. Might not. But he's still game and just in case it isn't 100% clear... " gave me the impression that Vado will kind of be shooting in the dark.
Landon Thomas - [lumpmoose at googles dot email dot service]
Quoted ramble: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=787

wow alot of comments this week. i haven't been on here all week been busy with school and stuff. i'm gonna chang my avator. just a change in pace ya kno. who's everyones favorite gargoyles coupls, or wish they could be coupls?
Becky - [beckybug1991 at aol dot com]
Becky :)

Meant to ask sooner, but concerning the idea to continue with new stories (Post Clan Building) in Graphic Novel format. Is the liscensing fees for Graphic Novel cheaper than single issues, since Greg is pretty hopeful for the format? I'm asking since it seems like a better chance for new Gargoyles stories than the individual issues.

Awww. Congrats on your first date anniversary, Greg.hoping you many more!!
Brooklyn and staghart fan - [evil dot tomcat dot greebo dot nelson at gmail dot com]

Phoenician: We didn't make eye contact (I was ringing up other customers) and by the time the line disappeared, so had he.

Statuette: I'm excited to see how that turns out. :)

Samuel - [AnglOfHellO at AOL dot com]
Noodles, anyone?

Algernon I get the concept. It just makes the image overall look kind of odd to me since she's the only character on it twice. Image needs some Demona.
Ozzie Arcane - [ozziearcane at yahoo dot com]
"Hello Booby! This is a trap!" - Eggplant Wizard

Ozzie Arcane> "In regards to the link Siren posted. Am I the only one that thinks it's kind of odd that they put Jessica Rabbit in the image twice?"

Using imagery of attractive women in advertising? What a novel concept.

We are not accorded the luxury of choosing who we fall in love with. Do you think Sirella is anything like the woman I thought I'd marry? She is a mercurial, arrogant, prideful woman who shares my bed far too infrequently for my taste. And yet... I love her deeply. We Klingons often tout our prowess in battle and our desire for honor and glory above all else... but how hollow is the sound of victory without someone to share it with. Honor gives little comfort to a man alone in his home... and in his heart. -General Martok

Happy anniversary, Greg!

(This deserved it's own post!)

Battle beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Battle beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

In regards to the link Siren posted. Am I the only one that thinks it's kind of odd that they put Jessica Rabbit in the image twice?
Ozzie Arcane - [ozziearcane at yahoo dot com]
"Hello Booby! This is a trap!" - Eggplant Wizard

SamFunk> Here ya go...


We are not accorded the luxury of choosing who we fall in love with. Do you think Sirella is anything like the woman I thought I'd marry? She is a mercurial, arrogant, prideful woman who shares my bed far too infrequently for my taste. And yet... I love her deeply. We Klingons often tout our prowess in battle and our desire for honor and glory above all else... but how hollow is the sound of victory without someone to share it with. Honor gives little comfort to a man alone in his home... and in his heart. -General Martok

Greg> Happy anniversary.

Siren> Hmm, sounds better all the time. I hope we get some Gargoyles maquettes. That would be so cool.


Oh man, I would KILL for an Electric Tiki Goliath maquette! It would go perfectly next to the Buffy one I have yet to purchase :D I really hope this doesn't fall through.

Siren> Oooh, neat! ^..^
Kerry (Kth) Boyd - [Kth-dragon at hotmail dot com]

Happy anniversary, Greg!
Todd Jensen

Phoenician> Electric Tiki specializes in maquettes - small sized statues reminiscent of those used by animators to get a sense of what the characters look like from various angles. Looking at the rest of the site, they seem to be looking at doing them in a bunch of different scales, some in the 5" - 8" rand and some significantly larger. Their sculpts are generally top notch, so if this happens, we could be looking at a very nice looking addition to our "Gargoyles" collections. Be warned though; these are collectible statues and even the smaller ones seem to run around $75, so they're definitely not "little trinkets." Start saving if you're interested.
Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

Does anyone know where I can buy the first issue of Bad Guys?
SamFunk - [samthefunkeeter at yahoo,com]
Don't rub your coconuts unless you have something to clean the milk up.

Congrats Greg & Beth on your 20th -- I wasn't even a year old when each of you first met your futures!

**Raises glass in toast**

Siren -- Good news I'm sure, but I'm not sure what's the merchandise . . . are they little trinkets or what?

"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Congrats on your 20th anniversary, Greg. :)
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra_582 at hotmail dot com]
Grr. Arg.

Hope you're enjoying your anniversary Greg. Here's to the 40th one.
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]

Not sure if this was posted yet, but we may be getting new Gargoyles merchandise....


See the bottom left corner of the second pic :D


Congats on 20 years with Beth, Greg!

Sorry to hear about RED TORNADO. :(

Cormak - [cormak3032 at aol dot com]
"Things happen for a reason."

Aw, congrats on the aniversary. I hope you guys do something special with your night and I wish you twenty more years of happiness.


<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

Awww. Congrats on your first date anniversary, Greg. I just celebrated my second wedding anniversary with my wonderful husband at the end of last month which I think means we'll be on the twelve year anniversary of our first date com January. Best wishes to you and Beth and all the kids and pets who probably owe a lot to the two of you meeting up 20 years ago.
Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

Congrats, Greg, on your 20 year anniversary of your first date. That's awesome that you have your first date on film. Not a lot of people can say that, except for everyone else in Hollywood. :)
The Gargoyles Pulse
~ Tony Tini

It's a shame we won't be getting the rest of "Clan-Building" and "Redemption" for a while but I'm not too bummed. Truth be told, I've always favoured TPBs over the individual issues when it came to comics.

It's also a shame DC pulled the plug on Greg's "Red Tornado" mini, but Greg still has "Spectacular Spider-Man" and original properties like "Prodigy" and "Mecha-Nation" coming from SLG. So in the end, we still have plenty of Weisman goodness to look forward to.

We are not accorded the luxury of choosing who we fall in love with. Do you think Sirella is anything like the woman I thought I'd marry? She is a mercurial, arrogant, prideful woman who shares my bed far too infrequently for my taste. And yet... I love her deeply. We Klingons often tout our prowess in battle and our desire for honor and glory above all else... but how hollow is the sound of victory without someone to share it with. Honor gives little comfort to a man alone in his home... and in his heart. -General Martok

STEPHEN - I'm sorry to hear that. I'd enjoyed those "Peanuts" specials.
Todd Jensen

Crap! I was so looking forward to seeing Greg in mainstream comics again. That's a pretty rotten thing for DiDio to do (who else would have made that decision?) to a former DC writer with years of material. I mean, DC puts out so much stuff every week, I can't understand how they think it's a risk.
Landon Thomas - [lumpmoose at googles dot email dot service]

Samuel -- Did you at least smile and acknowledge the shirt or were you totally mum?
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Clarification: ...Oy. I've been looking forward to issue nine for quite some time. Not to mention how extremely excited I've been about meeting the new gargoyles introduced in the next arc. So... Oy.

At least we get closure.

Hot Topic T-Shirt: The other day... yesterday, actually... at work, I saw someone with the Hot Topic T-Shirt, and I wanted to geek out, and talk about Gargoyles. But I was working, so I couldn't. S'yeah.

Samuel - [AnglOfHellO at AOL dot com]
Noodles, anyone?

Sad bit of news to all in the animation community...

Bill Melendez, the only animator allowed by Charles Schultz to work with his "Peanuts" characters (he even provided the voices for Snoopy and Woodstock) and one of the old-class of animators (he worked for Disney, Warner Bros. and other studios) has passed away last Tuesday. He was 91 years old.

Godspeed, Bill... you will be sorely missed by all of us who grew up watching those wonderful "Peanuts" specials, and all of your great body of work.

-- Stephen

Stephen R. Sobotka - [ssobotkajr at gmail dot com]
"You've got to remember that no one is the villain of their life. No one wakes up in the morning and says... "I'm a bad guy." Nobody."

Kerry> No problem! We both posted at the exact same time!

I've always loved GARGOYLES and that will never change so I will fully support anything Greg or anyone else is able to do to keep Gargoyles going.

I've been bringing my trade paper back and issues 7 and 8 to work with me and I've actually gotten a few people who have gone out and gotten them because they liked them so much. They just had not realized new comics were available and written by Greg no less. So I guess it's REALLY important to spread the word.

Cormak - [cormak3032 at aol dot com]
"Things happen for a reason."

Sorry for the double.

Cormak> Your second post didn't show up till I'd written my response to your first. Oops.

Totally glad you're not unduly upset. I (and probably lots of others) will keep telling people about what's out there so that maybe if it can get rolling again, any new Gargoyles stuff will have a larger, more informed fan base.

Kerry (Kth) Boyd - [Kth_dragon at hotmail dot com]

Cormak> Gargoyles: Clan Building and Gargoyles: Bad Guys will both finish. They'll just not have individual issues for all 12 and 6 of them. So we'll at least have good closure at the end, even though there's so much more that could be told. And might if someone can muster the licensing fee.
Kerry (Kth) Boyd - [Kth_dragon at hotmail dot com]

ETA: Just read Greg's "Clarification" I'm bummed about what will probably be a long wait for the Clan Building V 2 trade paperback and the Bad Guys Paperback, but I'm going to suck it up and am just happy that they will be finished.

Thanks to Greg, all the artists working on the comics and SLG for keeping this going despite the plug sort of being pulled.

Cormak - [cormak3032 at aol dot com]
"Things happen for a reason."

I actually had no idea they were still making issues. I've been away from all things Gargoyles due to work and my horses. It was by cheer chance I found out about the trade paperback on Amazon.com and then I purchased the additional issues when I read about them in a review.

I was going through my old issues of the Marvel Gargoyles comic and it saddened me how Gargoyles almost has a curse upon it. The show not being finished (or finished well). The first comic series not being completed and now the possibility of the new series not being finished.

Cormak - [cormak3032 at aol dot com]

"clarification?" first time I heard about it.
Well this bites.


Thanks for the clarification, Greg. I'm glad we're getting the trades, but I would very much like if they were "supersized".
The Gargoyles Pulse
~ Tony Tini

DEMONSKRYE - I suppose that means we'll just have to do a lot of spreading the word to reach the casual readers. But I agree that it's a pity that the license expired before Greg could put any warnings about that in, say, "Bad Guys" #4.
Todd Jensen

Clarification> I'm actually rather bummed about this. I was hoping that we would at least be able to finish out the Stone of Destiny storyline in the single issues (and it wouldn't have hurt for it to have come out this month, in time for my birthday). In addition to rounding out the story arc, a final print issue would have given Greg and SLG the opportunity to let readers know that there will be more story in the trades of both "Gargoyles" and "Bad Guys". As it stands, any remaining casual readers will have no way of knowing that the unpublished four issues of the main comic and two issues of the spinoff will be included as "bonus material" in the trades. Given the comics' history with unreliable release date, casual readers may assume that the single issues are still coming out and continue looking for them before eventually deciding that the comic was just canceled and the stories won't be finished.

If we assume that issue #9 would have been out this month and that both books could be kept to a production schedule of a comic every two months, then we're probably looking at spring 09 before we see any new material.

At least we're still getting the covers.

Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

I hope that the two trade paperbacks can be finished soon. The big pity about it, for me, is that I'd enjoyed going down to University City to pick up the latest issue of "Gargoyles" or "Bad Guys" at Starclipper Comics, stopping by to do some browsing at the Washington University library and the University City Public Library along the way. It looks like I won't be doing much more of that now.
Todd Jensen

Heh, I guess there's no reason to keep checking the Diamond list every week any more. I think the confusion arose because Greg was once optimistic for getting #9 out in early September. But maybe that was more along the lines of "it must get approved in August or it won't be out until the trades". Here's to hoping that one of the books (Bad Guys, by the sound of it) comes out this year.

Some good news: the first Spectacular Spider-Man DVD comes out Tuesday! Not quite the Blu-ray box set I was hoping for but still something. Based on what Greg said at CONvergence, this DVD determines a lot of future movement on the series, so it needs all the help it can get.

Landon Thomas - [lumpmoose at googles dot email dot service]

Thanks for the clarification, Greg -- I'm definitely looking forward to both TPBs :)
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Actually, with Greg's recent "Clarification" on Ask Greg, it looks like it will be a long time until we get the rest of either comic story.
Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]

Tony -- Eh, with Bad Guys being released between the break of 'Rock & Roll' and 'Rock of Ages,' the wait hasn't been nearly as bad as it was between say, 'Nightwatch' and 'The Journey.'

Sure, I'd love to find out what happens next in London, but hey, at least we've been getting SOME stories in between, right?

**This post posted while trying out the beta of Google's new Chrome web browser XD I'm a dork . . . what can I say?**

"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

If that's the case, I've gotta find me som reeds and see if I can score any spoilers. :)
Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

Not to mention that everybody who was at the Gathering and heard it is probably suffering now from "King Midas's Barber"

Todd Jensen

For the record - no Gargoyles #9 this Wednesday or next. Come on 17th! Come on 24th! If it comes out the 24th, then I/we only had to wait 2 days shy of 6 months for the part 3 of the three part story! Yay!

(Yes, Gathering people got it back in June, but most of them admitted that it wasn't good in chronological order, (which I knew months before anyhow because of the website I have in development where I put 7 & 8 in chronological order), so I bet you're all looking forward to it as much as I.)

The Gargoyles Pulse
~ Tony Tini

Hey, maybe Oberon's training some of the third race in the real world right under our noses! ^_~

On a silly note - I just got our upstairs Refrigerator repaired after 3 1/2 weeks of hassles. On saturday, our 37 year "Old reliable" fridge in the basement decided to give up the ghost. Now, Ontario hydro has this plan where they will come and take away old fridges for free - the idea being that old appliances use too much electricity. Well, the one stipulation is that they have to be in working order! So, anyone want a big hefty metal storage box with doors? All ya gotta do is come get it. Oy


That last one was me...Sorry.
Battle beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Wingless> I can add to that... There is an Avalon Junior High School in Edmonton.

Was listening to the local news this morning - and with school starting up again, there was a spotlight on a new local school opening up for kindergarten through grade 8. The schools name....Avalon! So this gave me the idea of young Alexander attending an Avalon public elementery. Would be quite appropriate

Bluewyvern> If Greg did do a "New Olympians" series I thought he would dump the fea/human hybrid backstory on us right there in the pilot. We would probably just get the same back-story we got in the "New Olympians". Greg probably wouldn't deal with the origins of the New Olympians until the series was well established and he needed it for a story.

Another advantage of the "New Olympians" is that they come complete with their own Rogues Gallery and supporting cast. Contrast this with say "Bad Guys" which stars mostly quasi-reformed B-villains from the main series facing off against an unrepentant B-villain from the main series.

That said I've often wondered if we're over analyzing this sort of thing and not giving new readers enough credit. I remember back when I first watched "Sanctuary", I'd somehow managed to miss "Double Jeopardy" and so had no idea who Thailog was. I was of course rather confused when this new evil gargoyle who looked and sounded just like Goliath showed up. But all my confusion was dismissed the instant the word "clone" touched my ears. It didn't tell me everything about Thailog's backstory but it did tell me enough to follow and enjoy the story presented to me.

We are not accorded the luxury of choosing who we fall in love with. Do you think Sirella is anything like the woman I thought I'd marry? She is a mercurial, arrogant, prideful woman who shares my bed far too infrequently for my taste. And yet... I love her deeply. We Klingons often tout our prowess in battle and our desire for honor and glory above all else... but how hollow is the sound of victory without someone to share it with. Honor gives little comfort to a man alone in his home... and in his heart. -General Martok

BLUEWYVERN - I'll admit that, but since the Arthurian legend's familiar to plenty of people who aren't "Gargoyles" fans, it made sense to me.
Todd Jensen

Oops, didn't change my avatar on my other computer. Doing it now so I don't forget. :)
"Attend the petty jealousies and angers that prey upon your heart."

Todd> You'd answer "Pendragon" to anything. ;)

I second Dark Ages, and after that New Olympians, as the most accessible spin-offs. I think "medieval Scotland" is a more familiar setting with fewer elements and easier to assimilate than "modern descendants of fairy folk/human hybrids resembling mythological creatures on a technologically advanced hidden island revealing themselves to the modern world -- oh, and there's gargoyles and Illuminati and aliens and wizards and dragons etc. etc. out there too" -- yeah, most of it is new and would be introduced, but it's a lot to take in and would attract a more rarified type of sci-fi/fantasy/superhero fan than a straight medieval setting would require. Similarly, Pendragon, although loosely based on familiar sources, has a lot of history and throws in a lot of original elements that might be off-putting to someone just looking for a swords-in-stone-and-sorcery tale of chivalry.

Least accessible spin-off? Bad Guys. Oh, well...

"Attend the petty jealousies and angers that prey upon your heart."

"Pendragon" might also be good for people new to "Gargoyles" because King Arthur's a well-known legendary figure, and his return from Avalon is part of the familiar story. The main thing you'd need to introduce would be Griff, and perhaps the London clan at Knight's Spur (and I don't know how large a role the other members would play - would Constance and Staghart, for example, be semi-regular allies, or would they be more likely to be part of the Manhattan clan's story?). (The Illuminati would need little introduction either, since they're common in conspiracy theories - and Duval, who'd be a major figure here, only got mentioned a couple of times in the canon so far, such as the off-stage phone call to Xanatos in "The Journey", so he could be introduced from scratch.)
Todd Jensen

> But as we've discussed, some spinoffs can work as their own show in the event that newcomers are well acquainted with the original.

Meant to say aren't

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]

Algernon> I always thought "The New Olympians" would be a good spin-off to bring in new readers. Unlike other Spin-offs like "Bad Guys" or "Timedancer" the "The New Olympians" don't have any long back-story to bring new readers up to speed with.

Which would be the same with Dark Ages. It would more or less start out at the beginning, taking place before the some of the backstory occured.

Tony Tini> I know that I want complex story lines and wouldn't want to be bored as the newcomers become familiar with the "origins" story arc. Dark Ages would be more of a gift to us fans and it wouldn't really be appreciated by those not familiar with the series in the first place.

It could work as a double entree then. For the immediate fanbase it is an origins story, for newcomers it would be an action/adventures story in medievel Scotland featuring gargoyles. Heck, the newcomers wouldn't be privy to the fate that befall some of the characters (The Archmage, Demona and The Captain's betrayal, the outcome of Othello's rivalry with Iago and relationship with Desdemona), thus even giving them a bit of unpredictability.

Tony Tini> I think any newcomer should start with Awakening 1 -5. If that doesn't grab them, then they shouldn't waste their time with spin offs.

But as we've discussed, some spinoffs can work as their own show in the event that newcomers are well acquainted with the original.

Justice League and Justice League Unlimited (Except for perhaps the episode Epilogue) are set in the same animated universe as Batman The Animated Series, Superman, Batman Beyond, Static Shock and The Zeta Project. And while references to those shows are made, they are done in a way that's self explanitory.

In Secret Origins for example, you have General Wells stating his reasons for not entrusting the planet to Superman. His wording "We can't entrust the world's security to one man". It was intend as a reference to the Superman finale Legacy (where Supes tried conquering the planet for Darkseid), but can work for newcomers in that it establishes General Wells as a practical military tactician.

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]

Antiyonder> It's a hard question to answer since most of us aren't newcomers, and I can't put myself inside the head of a newcomer. I know that I want complex story lines and wouldn't want to be bored as the newcomers become familiar with the "origins" story arc. Dark Ages would be more of a gift to us fans and it wouldn't really be appreciated by those not familiar with the series in the first place.

I think any newcomer should start with Awakening 1 -5. If that doesn't grab them, then they shouldn't waste their time with spin offs.

The Gargoyles Pulse
~ Tony Tini

Antiyonder> I always thought "The New Olympians" would be a good spin-off to bring in new readers. Unlike other Spin-offs like "Bad Guys" or "Timedancer" the "The New Olympians" don't have any long back-story to bring new readers up to speed with. You wouldn't even have to mention their appearance in the show until you did the eventual guest star role by Goliath and co.

You could launch it as a self contained property at first, Terry Chung and co. battling Jove, Ekidna and Proteus. Then as the series progresses you can start slowly working in Gargoyle elements like say Xanatos manipulating the New Olympians.

We are not accorded the luxury of choosing the women we fall in love with. Do you think Sirella is anything like the woman I thought I'd marry? She is a mercurial, arrogant, prideful woman who shares my bed far too infrequently for my taste. And yet... I love her deeply. We Klingons often tout our prowess in battle and our desire for honor and glory above all else... but how hollow is the sound of victory without someone to share it with. And Honor gives little comfort to a man alone in his home... and in his heart. -General Martok

Going back to a discussion we had a couple of weeks ago concerning which Gargoyles Spin Off would be easy to get into for newcomers, wouldn't Gargoyles Dark Ages fit that requirement?

I mean, it would be set before the more complex storylines that the original series contained. It would to my knowledge be a second introduction for Goliath (or in this case Mentor) and his clan. It would be set shortly after Mentor (Hudson) and Prince Malcom started their alliance.

It would even have a set up that's pretty self explanitory (Gargoyles who protect a castle in Ancient Scotland).

The only that would require knowledge from Gargoyles would be the story revisiting Vows.

Or are their factors I'm not considering?

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]

*waves* Just me! MGC has updated for the month, new topic is Video Game Gargoyles! Also don't forget to go vote for the Chinese Gargoyles topic. :)
kess - [< Updated for September]

Returned from Dragoncon. I still couldn't find #2 (guess I'll just have to order that one online), but I now have 1, 3-7, and BG 1&2. ^..^ Also promoted the Gathering at the Monster in an Hour panel and to one of the guys working security, who's an acquaintance of mine.
Kerry (Kth) Boyd - [Kth_dragon at hotmail dot com]

Hmm...well, with that list, it just seems like a perfect time to switch. Staying with the theme of blue female gargoyles in Guatemala, how about Turquesa?
"Attend the petty jealousies and angers that prey upon your heart."

Landon Thomas > Thanks for the link. I just went through them all. There are so really good ones in there. The Malibu avatar makes me sad because he looks so sad ^_^ I think Ill stick with doggie Bronx... for now, at least.
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

This link has all the avatars: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/images/gargs/
Landon Thomas - [lumpmoose at googles dot email dot service]

And away we go, on with the show! Rather quick tonight.
"Come along. You belong. Feel the fizz."

Top Ten!!!
Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.


and I'm so sorry about your dog, Matt


"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Whatever happened to simplicity?


Forgot it was Sunday...

Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising." -Mark Twain, 'A Connecticult Yankee in King Arthur's Court'

Maybe if you ask Gorebash nicely, he'll post the file names of each avatar and the name associated with each. Then you could just go to your web browser and type http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/images/gargs/avatar_file_name.jpg.

Litwolf> Yeah, me too. I switched to the London clan (Leo, Una, Griff) avatar after I decided to change my Leo avatar to Griff. Unfortunately, I realized after the post that it was one of my least favorite screenshots of Griff. So I went with the London Trio post, but found it...kinda unsatisfying. So, I'm back to Leo.
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"A great many of those who 'debunk' traditional...values have in the background values of their own which they believe to be immune from the debunking process."--C.S. Lewis

Five - I wish we could have previews of all the avatars. I want to see what they all look like without trying each one out of a seperate post ^_^
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"DO NOT INTERRUPT! There! Happy now? Look what you did. Now you don't get to take part in the murder crusade!" -The Monarch

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]
Grr. Arg.

Second--Iand I'm switching back to my old Leo avatar.
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"A great many of those who 'debunk' traditional...values have in the background values of their own which they believe to be immune from the debunking process."--C.S. Lewis
