Thanks Todd!
Battle beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.
posted @ Sun, Nov 16, 2008 10:16:30 pm EST from
A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Thanks Todd!
Battle beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.
posted @ Sun, Nov 16, 2008 10:16:30 pm EST from
jonny13> I understand your thinking, but Greg W has already stated that he is not interested in writing "Gargoyles" if he can't get paid for it. He certainly loves "Gargoyles," possibly more than anyone, but not so much that he's willing to use the talents that he pays the bills with for no compensation just to finish it. If he had been prepared to write the SLG comic without getting paid for it, the book might have been profitable enough to keep going (or possibly not, as I don't have the numbers). But Greg outright said he was not going to do that. He does have other priorities, first of which is likely supporting his family. So nice as it would be for the fans, a fanfiction continuation of the series is out.
Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]
posted @ Sun, Nov 16, 2008 8:08:22 am EST from
BATTLE BEAST - The title is simply something like "Classic Comics: Macbeth". It's a tall black book; it'll probably be in the graphic novels section of the bookstore.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Sun, Nov 16, 2008 6:54:55 am EST from
Todd> One other difference: Gillecomgain's brother Malcolm actually became Mormaer of Moray before Gillecomgain did, and actually occupied the role for 9 years compared to Gillecomgain's 3.
posted @ Sun, Nov 16, 2008 5:04:34 am EST from
so do i but if it was the only way to to complet somthing i would do it
posted @ Sun, Nov 16, 2008 2:16:40 am EST from
Jonny13> Um, Greg is a professional. If he's going to write "Gargoyles" he should get a pay check for it. He's a very busy man with a wife and two kids to take care of. That has to come first. Besides, it's his baby, he created it, I think he deserves reward for his hard work on it.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The Thirteenth Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
"A good story should provoke discussion, debate, argument...and the occasional bar fight." ~ J. Michael Straczynski
posted @ Sun, Nov 16, 2008 2:01:10 am EST from
though tecnicly it dosn't belong to him so he could get away with it like any other fan plus he could use a fake name
posted @ Sun, Nov 16, 2008 12:14:29 am EST from
jonny13: It would be a nice suggestion, but, unlike other people, he's, well, Greg Weisman. Not just another fan who can write a fan fiction and just say 'it doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Disney, and there's no copy right intended'.
It's not that simple.
lonerider26 - [<--That's my devArt gallery :)]
"The story is told--though who can say if it be true..." ~Shari
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 11:54:54 pm EST from
i had an interesting idea for Greg Weisman to to continue gargoyles i know he doesn't seem to like fan fiction but what if he writs his own fan fiction to complete the series
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 11:44:44 pm EST from
Todd> I'd like to check that out... What is the full title of the book?
Battle beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 10:50:14 pm EST from
Yama and Sora> I had always kind of figured that Yama was either the odd gargoyle out in a generation with more females than males or simply didn't feel like he way in love with any of his rookery sisters. My reasoning is that Yama and Sora are biologically ten years apart and when Yama's generation would be reaching breeding age for the first time, Sora would be biologically around 15 to Yama's 25, unless my math is wrong. Maybe gargoyles wouldn't consider a pairing at that age strange or kind of creepy, but to me, it makes more sense to think that Yama just didn't take a mate when he was 50 and then fell in love with Sora later on, when she was a little older. Then again, they're currently the equivalent of a 19 and 29 years old human couple, which is still a significant gap from a human perspective, though the age difference matters less and less as couples age.
Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 8:23:41 pm EST from
I discovered a new Classic Comics adaptation of "Macbeth" today at the local bookstore. (It's one of a new series of adaptations of classic fiction in graphic novel format; other works in the series include "Henry V" and "A Christmas Carol".) There was an appendix which discussed the Macbeth of real history and how he differed from the Macbeth of Shakespeare - with a lot of material that would seem familiar to everyone here who's seen "City of Stone". There was even a family tree that showed all the human characters in the "City of Stone" flashbacks (Macbeth, Gruoch, Duncan, Canmore, Findlaech, Gillecomgain, Bodhe, Lulach).
One difference between "City of Stone" and the actual history: the real Gillecomgain was a cousin of Macbeth's (his father and Findlaech were brothers), not a peasant. It also said that he had a brother named Malcolm who helped him slay Findlaech (I can see why Greg left that part out of "City of Stone" - aside from it making a simpler story to have Gillecomgain do the deed on his own, there were already too many Malcolms running about).
Todd Jensen
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 6:48:54 pm EST from
Matt > That is exactly the answer I need. Thank you! Now I can write my fanfiction!
I figured the same thing about a male being able to get a female pregnant; that a male can do so even at a late age. I dont know if Greg W has said for sure but I always guessed that that was so.
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 3:14:36 pm EST from
Well, technically a female is 49.5, 69.5 and 89.5 years old when she concieves her first egg and lays it when she is 50, 70 and 90. Her three eggs hatch when she is 60, 80 and 100.
As for Sora, in 1996 she is 38 and Yama is 58. Who knows how long they have been a pair, but Sora is too young to have laid an egg yet. Her first chance will be to conceive in fall, 2007 and she lay the following spring of 2008.
One question I have is how long can male gargoyles produce young? Yama is a generation older than Sora, when Sora becomes capable of laying her third egg at age 90, will Yama still be able to parent it at age 110? I'd guess that the male reproductive window is longer in gargoyles (as it is in humans) and that he'd be up to the task, but who knows?
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"There can be no us, Sora, until honor is restored." - Yama, 'The Lost'
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 2:58:10 pm EST from
Well, it's probably not so much as no females in his generation thought Yama was attractive but that he fell in love with Sora. Age doesnt matter in matters of the heart.
So 50, 70, and 90 are the ages for mating in terms of concieving an egg, correct?
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 2:14:19 pm EST from
I wondered that myself, and just found out nobody asked Greg about that before...
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 1:03:28 pm EST from
Sorry for the double. What I think is interesting is why exactly Yama didn't take a mate from his own generation. I mean, sure he really screwed up in "Bushido", but he seems like he'd be quite a catch, you know? If I were a female gargoyle from the Ishimuran clan in Yama's generation, I think I'd have gone after him.
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 12:52:04 pm EST from
I guess Sora would have been sometime between 35 and 50, and Yama would have been exactly 20 years older than however old Sora was. I tend to think that Sora would have been at least 40 before they became mates, but I guess that's just me thinking like a human.
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 12:29:13 pm EST from
Matt > Yeah, I guess I should have clarified that. I guess what I really meant was when the first breeding cycle is. I want to write a one-shot between Yama and Sora so I wanted to know when their breeding cycles would have been, seeing as theyre a generation apart. I know females can produce three eggs but I wasnt sure how old they are when their first egg is laid. So it's ages 50, 70, and 90? That sounds about right to me.
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 12:16:22 pm EST from
Litwolf> That is kind of a confusing question. In what sense do you mean "take mates"? Lets look at Demona and Goliath for example. They both hatched in 938 and were already something of an item in 971 when they were 33. They were 'married' in 975 (at 37 years old). Greg has indicated they might've taken each other as mates a tab younger than usual, but it seems most gargoyles have taken a mate before the first breeding cycle comes along (in the real world anyway). This first breeding cycle for Demona and Goliath occured in 987-988 when they were 49-50 years old. That was when the egg containing Angela was conceived and lain. So, the first time a gargoyle breeds in the real world is when they are about 50 (which is 25 biologically if you choose to convert it like that, which I don't). Their next two cycles occur when they are 70 and 90 (35 and 45 biologically).
On Avalon, of course, things are much more complicated. Gargoyles may be able to produce eggs earlier (and later) than their real-worl counterparts. We don't know yet.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 11:44:04 am EST from
D. Taina > A point for you! ^_^
Can I ask for a clarification for a fanfiction I want to write: at what age (biologically) do gargoyles take their first mates? I want to say its when they are 40 years of age (and therefore 20 years biologically) but I just want to be certain. Anyone know?
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 11:10:50 am EST from
Charisma82: Hi, I'm the owner of the Imagery Resource site. The URL no longer works because AOL shut down AOL Hometown at the end of October. AOL Hometown, in case you didn't know, is where AOL members hosted their websites. It was pretty short notice. You can find the new site here:
Now if only I could get a hold of Gorebash...
Litwolf: Demona, from "Long Way to Morning." :P
D. Taina
The story is told -- though who can say if it be true...
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 4:00:43 am EST from
Okay, here's a real quote for you all to guess. I think its kinda easy but it's my favorite quote in the whole series.
"I don't know who's the bigger fool: him for going, you for following, or me for not leaving you both."
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 1:36:50 am EST from
Charisma > It can now be found here http://dtaina.lurkingfish.com/index.html
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 1:11:38 am EST from
I just clicked over to the Imagery Resource link on this page (to the left, under 'Related Websites') and it no longer exists. I don't know who ran the Imagery Resource, but does anyone know if they were able to move the Gargoyles images to another web address? Sorry if this has already been discussed, and thanks for any info.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
posted @ Sat, Nov 15, 2008 12:39:38 am EST from
Lonerider > I know, Im just so tricky like that ^_^
Landon > In answering that question, you answered mine. Thanks! I hope their Jan goal is achieved; or at least no later than Feb.
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs
posted @ Fri, Nov 14, 2008 10:47:22 pm EST from
Litwolf> Here's a quote that I bet you guys will never get, "The story is told - though who can say if it be true - ..." ;)
Sarcasm aside, I'll take as guess and say Gargoyles (SLG Comic) #7.
posted @ Fri, Nov 14, 2008 9:14:31 pm EST from
minnemoman: The SLG boss has stated he intends to release the trades for both Gargoyles: Clan Building #2 and Bad Guys: Redemption in January. That's merely a goal since neither book is ready yet. Some folks around here will say January is probably optimistic.
Landon Thomas - [lumpmoose at googles dot email dot service]
posted @ Fri, Nov 14, 2008 4:00:54 pm EST from
does anybody know when the new trade for the commic is slated for relice i can't get an ancer out of SLG eater way.
thank you all for your time :)
minnemoman - [minnemoman at yahoo dot com]
may disney corp. go down in flames for pulling the commic and season two volum two :(
posted @ Fri, Nov 14, 2008 3:11:08 pm EST from
LITWOLF - It's the scene in "Sanctuary" where Elisa's sitting in the sidewalk cafe, figuring out that Demona and Thailog are plotting against Macbeth (who doesn't realize that Ms. Destine is really Demona).
Todd Jensen
posted @ Fri, Nov 14, 2008 7:53:46 am EST from
Litwolf: I don't think anyone could guess that. ;)
lonerider26 - [<--That's my devArt gallery :)]
"The story is told--though who can say if it be true..." ~Shari
posted @ Fri, Nov 14, 2008 6:08:18 am EST from
What was Elisa talking about with the 'this is a job for the Gargoyles' line? I dont remember that bit.
Here's a quote that I bet you guys will never get, "The story is told - though who can say if it be true - ..." ;)
By the way, I was rereading the comics and I wanted to ask, has it been confirmed that the trade paper backs with the never-been-released-comics are going to be released Jan/Feb of 2009?
<Be happy for me and for all who fly free.> - Tobias of Animorphs
posted @ Fri, Nov 14, 2008 12:15:26 am EST from
Starlioness> Good job. You got mine, I'll get yours. Broadway in "Enter Macbeth".
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 11:48:40 pm EST from
I think Elisa was just being sarcastic. It was very tongue in cheek.
Greg Bishansky - [<---- The Thirteenth Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]
"A good story should provoke discussion, debate, argument...and the occasional bar fight." ~ J. Michael Straczynski
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 8:19:19 pm EST from
Matt: heh, maybe Elisa was on a Superman high when she thought of that.. or maybe she saw a french epsiode of Superman or something... :p..
speaking of Elisa..
Elisa to Goliath in Re-awakening..
yup, sure her car's big I'm sure Matt won't notice the lavendar guy with wings lol..
as for another quote here's a quite easy one..
"she's right Goliath it's Suicide to stay there!"..
not often you hear the word suicide in a disney cartoon .. I Love Greg :)..
as for the new Garg shirt.. dang wish I got that one instead of the other one .. oh well..
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 8:12:19 pm EST from
Yeah, count me in as another person who is not a fan of the the "This is a job for the gargoyles." line. And I also agree that any of Culp's lines as Renard are very memorable and thus pretty easy to guess.
How about:
"My car's big."
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 7:47:05 pm EST from
Phoenician: I KNEW that shirt looked familiar, but it only just clicked in my head.
I so need that shirt... But, I wish they had Brooklyn on there instead of Demona. She just doesn't look right next to Goliath...
lonerider26 - [<--That's my devArt gallery :)]
"The story is told--though who can say if it be true..." ~Shari
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 7:41:46 pm EST from
REBEL - That line jarred me as well.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 6:55:46 pm EST from
Purplegoldfish : Halcyon Renard, "Outfoxed". (Any line spoken by Robert Culp is automatically memorable to me.)
"Ad-lib excitement."
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 6:38:43 pm EST from
Lonerider26: Just looked at the Hot Topic site, and it looks like the new shirt is the same one that was seen on that 80's fads site (forgot the name to it) a month or so ago. For those that thought THAT shirt was possibly "not legit" can rest in ease, I guess.
Here's the shirt from HT:
(Just highlight the whole thing cause the hyper-link thing probably won't go all the way :P)
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 5:34:27 pm EST from
Here's an obscure line:
"Heaven help us both."
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 5:07:37 pm EST from
Brook: I wouldn't say hiatus. CB was ending with #12 anyway.
Any one else hear about the new Gargoyles t-shirts at Hot Topic? Thank you whoever you are who posted that on the Gargoylesclub on devArt, otherwise I wouldn't have known either...
lonerider26 - [<--That's my devArt gallery :)]
"The story is told--though who can say if it be true..." ~Shari
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 4:25:32 pm EST from
I feel like saying this once more:
BAD GUYS is one of the best things ever to happen to the Gargoyle universe!!
I just flipped through THE LOST again, and oh boy...
This feels so adult. So thouht out, stylised and great!! Yama and Hunter are two of the most complex characters of the entire universe, and they're handled with so much care and courage... The dialogue and the decisions the characters have to make, the pain these guys had to go through... I am absolutely thrilled by this!! I can't wait for the end of the mini-series, and hope that "Hunter" along with Yama will forgive themselves for what they've done, and that the rest will go on, well... kicking some serious... you get it...
I find it a shame BG is going on hiatus, along with CB... I wish I would have seen a series of this (ALSO in B/W!!)... I wish this would go on for 200 pages... oh well...
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 2:24:53 pm EST from
I think this line guessing game would be played with more ease in the chat room.
The Gargoyles Pulse
~ Tony Tini
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 2:07:09 pm EST from
mmmm wasnt that on Sanctuary?
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 1:33:07 pm EST from
Rebel> Elisa, and I wanna say 'High Noon'.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]
Grr. Arg.
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 12:51:22 pm EST from
How about this one? It's one of my least favorite lines in Gargoyles.
"This is a job for the Gargoyles."
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 11:32:02 am EST from
Matt> You nailed it. On both counts.
Though I think I picked one that was semi-easy.
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]
Grr. Arg.
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 10:27:53 am EST from
guess who X-D
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 10:19:13 am EST from
Thats a toughie... Is it Brooklyn? "Kingdom", maybe?
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 9:21:18 am EST from
Lines> Guess what this one is from.
"This has nothing to do with what I want."
KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]
Grr. Arg.
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 9:15:27 am EST from
Does anyone know how the search is going for the location and hotel arrangements of the Gathering next year? I mean, I know I keep hearing that when it's confirmed, it'll be announced, but I'm getting a bit nervous and restless here. I like to purchase my plane tickets in advance to save money and I'd like to see a location confirmed on the website before getting the membership package.
VoLpE de FuEgO - [sailorx78 at hotmail dot com]
posted @ Thu, Nov 13, 2008 3:43:15 am EST from
PGFish> It was Xanatos in "Leader of the Pack". Last line of the episode.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 11:45:50 pm EST from
Purplegoldfish> Xanatos, in...Eye of the Beholder?
"Attend the petty jealousies and angers that prey upon your heart."
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 11:29:38 pm EST from
Gah! FORMER, I meant FORMER.
Sorry 'bout the double-post.
Grey Wolf
Fear is the root of all negative emotions. But of all the energies, of all the feelings, love is the only one that truly lasts eternal.
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 9:17:51 pm EST from
There is very rarely a 'good side' and 'bad side'. Most wars are started by conflicts of beliefs. I find religious crusades particularly ironic. If one country tries to break away from another, are they the 'good guys'? The U.S. Civil War, too? If one country invades another, are they the 'bad guys'? That's how America was founded. Whether the method of such was 'right' is quite debatable; but our forefathers were, for the most part, far from evil. There are good and bad people on both sides of every war. And do the good have more of a right to live than the bad? The good have earned the right to peace and happiness, but the bad have never lost their right to learn. That's what each life is- a lesson. (Of course, this is coming from someone who believes in reincarnation, so...)
Basically, I agree with Battle Beast- war sucks. But it will always exist so long as two (or more) different groups of organisms have a source of conflict (food, beliefs, land, etc.).
This really makes you think about Space-Spawn issue, doesn't it? If Earth and its allies defeat them, what will happen next? I would assume they'd be tried for war crimes or something.
Forgive me, philosophy/psychology/ethics is a passion of mine. Blame my mother, she's a formal school counselor.
Grey Wolf
Fear is the root of all negative emotions. But of all the energies, of all the feelings, love is the only one that truly lasts eternal.
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 9:15:33 pm EST from
"Generations" has such a review (assuming that you're talking about the GargWiki) - but you're right that the others don't.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 7:07:58 pm EST from
I think there should be EP-informations on the remaining TGC EPs. I mean, they're not canon, but they're part of "it"... So they should have a lill more information there. Or a review on just WHY they suck. :D
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 6:16:37 pm EST from
Actually, I shouldn't really be answering these, since I've spent WAY too much time jotting quotes down for the gargwiki. But if you don't mind, BB I could provide some.
How about this one..."True love is so much harder to come by."
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 6:10:30 pm EST from
battlebeast: that was the Greg guard in Awakening part 2 hehe
also, one of the kids (I think Susan) in Masque
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 5:54:11 pm EST from
Wingless was right. But I was thinking of original eps... but I do realise about flashbacks.
2) "Nice Mask."
Speakinga bout stupid things, you know hollywood is getting low on movie Ideas when the idiot Micheal Bay is making a movie called, get this, "Ouija Board," and Riddley Scott (a great director) is making one called "Monopoly." *SIGH*
Battle beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 5:31:25 pm EST from
speaking of quotes...what do people think of my quotes section in the episodes on gargwiki? And BTW, if anyone wants to add anything to those, please be my guest.
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 4:28:34 pm EST from
Battle Beast> Yeah, that was Brooklyn to Maggie in Metamorphosis. You could also say it was in The Cage 'cause of Maggie's flashback in that episode. So it was in either of those episodes.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 3:24:35 pm EST from
NOO Its from Hunter`s Moon part 3 =D Angela says that to Robyn
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 3:19:54 pm EST from
it has been comfirmed by ben disken that there will be an proper venom epsiode in season 2. are there chances venom will be much stronger than before.
naethan - [aka_ragingkid at hotmail dot co dot uk]
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 12:35:54 pm EST from
Battle beast: I'd say Brooklyn saying it to Maggie - and from Metamorphosis.
Considering I haven't seen an episode for several years, I'm stretching.
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 11:15:26 am EST from
So we are talking about favorite lines, eh?
Well here is a little guessing game...
guess the episode and character who said the line. First one in wins. At the end, who ever gets the most right, may win a Gargoyles related prize.
one line from each episode.
1) "We're not monsters, either."
Battle beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 11:05:29 am EST from
Lonerider: you didn't do anything. And maybe no one really did. I think I overreacted a bit, I'm sorry, Now I'm a bit more recollected.
What saddens me a lot is that you guys tend to refer only to your own soldiers. It's the good guys and the bad guys when there is more to war than that. Brook has just given out a perfect answer. World War II was lost by the German? Wrong. The world war II was lost by the Nazis that so happened to be in Germany and Italy. (May I refer also to Stalin who always seems to be one of the "good guys" when his alliance with so said group was merely based on tactics). The problem was not the German not the Italians, but the Nazis. So, if they would have won the war (which would have been impossible since Hitler was an absolute idiot where tactics were concerned. He caused his own downfall with many of the decisions he took and Mussolini didn't have enough money to support a war of such momentum) we wouldn't be talking German, because its impossible for any army to rule over the world and I don't think the problem would be all of us, speaking German, but all of us thinking the way Nazis did.
HoE also said something that summarizes it quite well: the soldier who fights the war and the war are different. Nicely spoken.
Second. The soldiers of the fallen Nazi's armies where treated by the Allies the same way the Nazis treated the Jews. So this subconscious difference you seem to put between one part and the other is relatively appropriate. There are many countries on the hands of foreign governments that formed the Alliance that are now speaking English.
If you say politics and remembering soldiers is different... I absolutely agree...but not when every sentence seems to say "them" and "us". Its not "lets hope the brave women and men fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq come home safely" its "lets hope this ends quickly, so many may go back home safely" There is people there that don't even have a home anymore to go back too because "a brave soldier" of yours throw a bomb into their city.
Remembrance Day here (if it can be called that) is spend weeping over the graves of both Argentina and English soldiers on the Islas Malvinas war.
Peace may only be achieved through respect. Once the war is over, lines must be dusted away and fallen soldiers of both sides must be remembered by so said sides with equal respect. Otherwise, the war is still in the hearts of the survivors.
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 8:42:57 am EST from
@ Battle Beast: I am speaking german.
And the Axis troops never could have won the war. WW2 was from beginning to end a farce, only doable through the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of lifes from German men, who were party forced to go, partly following blindly. :(
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 5:45:33 am EST from
Favorite Lines> I have many, but the first one to come to mind: "Attacking a castle full of gargoyles near nightfall. This is crazy and Hakon knows it." "No my friend, that's not crazy. Questioning my sanity when I'm in earshot, that's crazy." -Hakon & Crazy Soldier
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
posted @ Wed, Nov 12, 2008 1:53:31 am EST from
I didn't write this stuff to start a war of words. I wrote it to remember the fallen who, saflessly, want to war to stop the evilness that was spreading across Europe.
I don't know about any of you, but I tend to think that if we had lost the wars, we might be speaking German right now, and there wouldn't be a "Gargoyles" either. Also, if we lost, there wouldn't be a war in Afghanistan or Iraq. At least, things would be a lot different.
DON"T bring politics into this. REMEMBERANCE DAY is a day to remember the fallen who scarificed their lives to save millions across the world so they could live free, happy lives.
ANONYMOUS, this means you, too.
MAny in the US know someone who went to war in the middle east. I don't personally (I live in Canada) but I DO KNOW someone I went to school with who died in Afghanistan.
I think we can all agree that Rememberance Day is a day to remember the fallen and why WAR SUCKS.
So lets not start a war of words. Capice?
Battle beast - [Canada]
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 11:49:21 pm EST from
Thanks for the answer on why Ask Greg is "closed"
The Nothing fights video was awesome and those character sketches were beautiful.
Monkey - [johnr783 at hotmail dot com]
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 10:07:47 pm EST from
Lonerider: I don't think you did anything you need to apologize for. Wars and the people who fight them are two completely different things.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"I never apologize, old man!" -Norman Osborn ("Spectacular Spider-Man")
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 8:28:21 pm EST from
I think Veterans' Day is a safe topic, it's good to remember those who served in the armed forces,and pray for those still serving. We spent history class making thank you cards for vets today.
But maybe talking about individual wars is a bad idea?
I identify with a lot of characters; I'm pretty empathetic. I'm a bit like Desdemona/Coldfire in the since that I'm told I very forgiving. I almost always identify with the underdog and/or outcast. I've been one my whole life, which is partially why a was so drawn to Gargoyles, I guess. Chances are, you could probably get me to sympathize with just about any character.
I love Puck (doesn't everyone?) which is why his banishment, more so than the limitation of his powers, was heartbreaking. If you've read a Midsummer Night's Dream, there's a definite bond between him and Oberon. Heh, more than anything else, I didn't want their friendship to be destroyed. (Though Titania forgave him after 1000 years of exile and their divorce, so maybe there's hope Puck could forgive him?)
I like ALL of the Manhattan Clan, and the Labyrinth, too (yes, even wayward Brentwood).
Maggie is kind of a "shadow self". In her, I recognize some of my weakness. I've always been physically strong, the guardian archetype, but not so much internally. I have Aspergers, severe anxiety, and mild social phobia- so when I'm forced to mix, I either end up feeling stupid, terrified, or both. Maggie forces me to confront that, in a way.
I maybe envy Oberon's self confidence. I'd trade a little bit of my humility for some of his self assurance.
Aaaaand I'm gonna be quiet now :P
Grey Wolf
Fear is the root of all negative emotions. But of all the energies, of all the feelings, love is the only one that truly lasts eternal.
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 7:52:29 pm EST from
Hmm, I think one of my Grandpa's served in World War ll. I can't remember which one though...
Anonymous: You don't have to leave, and I certainly didn't mean to drive you away. It's just, in the U.S., those two things (politics and remembering and honoring those who served) are completely different, as they might be in your country (where ever you live). So, I'm sorry if I drove you away. Didn't mean to :)
lonerider26 - [<--That's my devArt gallery :)]
"The story is told--though who can say if it be true..." ~Shari
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 5:42:48 pm EST from
Anonymous -- Politics, yes, but Veterans Day (The US counterpart to Canada's Rememberance Day, I guess) is - I at least beleive - is out of that spectrum. Soldiers and Veterans aren't polticians, and while politicians typically are in where soldiers ultimately serve, there is a difference.
I'd also like to mention my grandfather, a Navy Veteran from the Korean War. He was the first Hispanic to be Sergeant at Arms on his carrier, and his favorite story that he still tells me was the day he got the wire that his wife just gave birth to his first daughter (my eventual aunt). All the fighting and comradery he had on that carrier could never match the pride and love he had for his fledgling family.
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 5:10:08 pm EST from
Oh dear...we decide to fight for ourselves. Stronger countries dont go and make war to waker contries to free their people. There are fights that must be fought and others than now. We can offer support, but not trasspass and bring war to people who maybe wasnt ready for it.
Its very painful to read those sort of things. In my country we lived lives of opression for several years. There are hundred of people that are still missing, kidnapped years back for militars and goverment people and who were never saw again. And the same countries that are now making war in the far east are the same that gave money to ilegal goverements here years back there.
Its sad to see that there is still people who believe this war is to bring freedom to Afganistan and Irak people. Very sad.
I wont come here again, just wanted to put my point across. But you seem to be good people. I would inform about whats happening in the Middle East a bit more.
Kisses to all
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 5:03:53 pm EST from
I don't know about the US, but in Canada it's Rememberence Day today - where we pay tribute to our soldiers - both past and present. Those who have given their lives so that we can be free. There's a whole lot of people who forget that when they spout off their anti war drivel. Everyone hates war - but I really hate to tell you there ARE things worth fighting for. Freedom is one of them...and you snould be thankful to those who died so that you have it.
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 4:36:24 pm EST from
Brook: I dunno, maybe Taina did it...
Anonymous: Talking about the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan isn't about politics. It's just about hoping that they help as many people as they can and that they come home safely. That's what's important :)
lonerider26 - [<--That's my devArt gallery :)]
"The story is told--though who can say if it be true..." ~Shari
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 4:13:13 pm EST from
I identified myself with Demona. I have been in jail for angry issues...so yeah, I really do...and Im not even joking
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 3:53:47 pm EST from
I kinda figured that it is inavoidable to sooner or later talk about these things... :(
We should do a proper GARGOYLES message board with an off-topic place where politics, religion and all the other raunchy things can be discussed. ;)
ON A DIFFERENT NOTE: was the pic of Lex below updated?? Looks pretty Hi-res to me, in contrast to some of the Lo-Res pics (see Brook to the left).
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 3:29:05 pm EST from
Yeah, and let the people who their are shooting at stay home alive...havent we agreed not to talk about politics?
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 3:19:01 pm EST from
In Flanders Fields
by John McCrae, May 1915
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep,
though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Dedicated to my great grandfather, JAN ILNICKI, (?-1914) died in Poland in WW1
and to my grandfather, THOMAS A. LUKINUK, (1921-1979) who won the Distinguished Flying Cross and several other medals in 39 bombing runs over nazi Germany in WWII.
And to all the brave men and woman fighting today in Afghanistan and Iraq... let them come home safely...
Battle beast - [Canada]
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 11:14:35 am EST from
Wow! Those character sheets are awesome! Thanks for sharing ^_^
I think the character I mostly identify myself with is Lexington. Not just cause I consider myself a total geek, but I've also been a bit of a techie since I was small. I remember learning how to hook up electronics and to fix small mechanical problems around the house when my father wasn't around to do it anymore. Today, I worked the late afternoon shift so I asked my older sister if she could hook up the VCR so she could tape WWE for me tonight since I was going to miss it. I tried talking her through which cables to plug in and the setup process over the phone, but she just got frustrated and didn't want to do it. So I went home on my break and did it myself in like 5 minutes, to which my sisters just looked at me and called me, "Lexington." LoL I could only smile. What can I say? I love the little guy :D
As for quotes, hmm I gotta think about the ones I love and pick out a few that stand out!
VoLpE de FuEgO - [sailorx78 at hotmail dot com]
posted @ Tue, Nov 11, 2008 3:38:06 am EST from
Well, there are lines I quote all the time like:
"Wouldn't you like to know..." -Puck in Coldstone's body, 'Possession"
I say that with Michael Dorn's inflections and tone. I don't know why I do that.
But as for favorite quotes, I suppose there are a great many of them, starting with:
"Afraid? Me? Why, all of nature trembles at my passing!"
"I can see why." -Broadway and Lexington
"Stone streets, finer than those the Romans built. Towers of glass and iron." - Goliath
All the way down to some of the great quotes in the comics that some of you have mentioned. I'd have a really hard time narrowing it down to one or two quotes in the entire series. Ever episode I can think of has some good ones.
As for those poignant moments, well, I still get that warm, fuzzy feeling everytime I watch "Reawakening", particularly the last couple minutes of it. Thats the reason it is my favorite episode.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 11:40:48 pm EST from
Darn -_- ... That favorite line thing is hard. I can't decide...
lonerider26 - [<--That's my devArt gallery :)]
"The story is told--though who can say if it be true..." ~Shari
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 9:42:49 pm EST from
Aside from some of my favorite lines have been mentioned:
Raven: Totem beasts entrapped in wood, the time has come to do some good.
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 9:36:51 pm EST from
Hmmm, favorite lines.
"Teamwork is so overrated." -Thailog ("Sanctuary")
"Must you humans name everything? Nothing is real to you until you've named it, given it limits." -Hudson ("Awakening, Part Three")
"You chicks are better than soaps." -Fang ("The Reckoning"). Of course, I love everything Fang says. I've always said it was one of Jim Belushi's best roles.
I also enjoy Demona's words to her younger self in "Vows," primarily because of the line, "Do not share it with... do not share it!" I always wondered what made her change her words. My own opinion on that is that it's her overactive denial mojo. She told Goliath earlier that she wasn't interested in reminiscing. Probably because if she did, she might be in danger of feeling regret. And she can't have that. We've seen what happens when anyone tries to hit her with the truth.
Grey Wolf: "When I find myself crying when I read 'Little Patch' (which isn't Gargoyles related) or watching 'The Gathering Part II' (among other stories), I feel kinda stupid. But I'm told that isn't entirely rare? What do you think?"
No need to feel stupid. Every time I watch the third act in "City of Stone, Part Four," I get a little misty-eyed during the scene between Demona and Weird Sisters. Of course, the ventilation in my house is terrible. I've been meaning to change the dust filters in the fan system for a while now. And it's funny. Every time I watch it at someone else's house, their dust filters seem to be as shitty as mine. ( ;
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"The Squonk is of a very retiring disposition, and due to its ugliness weeps constantly. It is easy prey for hunters, who simply follow a tear-stained trail. When cornered, it will dissolve itself into tears. True or false?"
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 8:51:21 pm EST from
"He's not worth it!"
"I'm not! I'm really not!"- Bad Guys #4
Does anyone here have a character that they really identify with? When I find myself crying when I read 'Little Patch' (which isn't Gargoyles related) or watching 'The Gathering Part II' (among other stories), I feel kinda stupid. But I'm told that isn't entirely rare? What do you think?
Grey Wolf
Fear is the root of all negative emotions. But of all the energies, of all the feelings, love is the only one that truly lasts eternal.
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 8:07:09 pm EST from
Mochi -- I beleive Gorebash mentioned awhile ago that for some reason the hyperlink just doesn't extend that long for some reason that's escaped my mind at the moment. Should I get bored I may take a dive in the CR Archives . . . .
Favorite Lines (more-likely-than-not-paraphrased):
I've always loved the Archmage's quip to his future self, "We've gone through all this trouble to get the book and now I can't take it?! What am I supposed to do eat it?! / You ARE learning . . ."
And Owen's response to Thailog from "Masque" has also become a recent favorite of mine too. "Mr. Xanatos would not appreciate any interuptions to his fete, and I have transcended any pleasure received from supervising the endless reconstruction of this castle . . ."
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 8:03:18 pm EST from
"Alex, can you say harrasment?"
"I knew you could."
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 7:37:46 pm EST from
Sorry about the hyperlink... I have a hunch that the @ symbol might be causing the problem. Just copy and paste the entire line as Rebel already stated.
bluewyvern >> Yes, it was great find! I still can't believe I had these for about a year and not realized it until last week... XD
Macbeth must really like that jelly... I've watched that video 3 times so far... LOL (>^0^)>
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: Tired... (>-.-)> Zzz...
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 7:31:25 pm EST from
Favorite line: "My strength has never depended on brute force, but on true friends."
The Gargoyles Pulse
~ Tony Tini
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 7:17:12 pm EST from
OH MY GAWD, I WANT MORE OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 5:37:24 pm EST from
The "@N07/?saved=1" part needs to be included in the link too, however for some reason that particular part wasn't hyperlinked. Just copy the whole line (including "@N07/?saved=1") and paste it into the URL bar.
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 5:30:19 pm EST from
Mochi: Huh. That link won't work, and I really wanted to see it...
lonerider26 - [<--That's my devArt gallery :)]
"The story is told--though who can say if it be true..." ~Shari
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 5:24:37 pm EST from
I think the line that showed me that Gargoyles was not just your average Disney cartoon was Xanatos's
"Pay a man enough and he'll walk barefoot into hell" Still blows me away.
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 4:18:28 pm EST from
Mochi> Great find! Wow, lots of nice things to look at today. :)
"Attend the petty jealousies and angers that prey upon your heart."
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 4:15:46 pm EST from
Demona: "It will take up to two or more years of abuse before I can leave...with my cds" XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 4:09:47 pm EST from
Anonymous >> That was funny... XD
Last week I mentioned that I had what looked like character sheets for Gargoyles... Got them uploaded...and here they are!
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: Tired... (>-.-)> Zzz...
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 3:49:43 pm EST from
So what's everyone's favorite line/lines from Gargoyles?
Two of my favorites are (not necessarily verbatim):
The Archmage (from Avalon, part 2): After all, what have you accomplished? You beat up a beach!
Goliath (Vendettas): What would a mutate werewolf know about being a man? (The line itself is not what gets me, it's Keith David's extraordinary delivery of it).
Generally I'm not the kind of person who goes for witty one-liners or comebacks, but I really love these two lines.
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 3:42:13 pm EST from
Tears, literal tears. And I'm not very easily moved.
"Attend the petty jealousies and angers that prey upon your heart."
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 1:28:20 pm EST from
This video is greatª Check it out! http://www.livevideo.com/video/6E8BA78DAF454E6E94ED3C51251FAA6E/gargoyles-nothing-fights-puc.aspx
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 1:12:29 pm EST from
That's good news. Enough time to save up and find a way to import the thing ... if it looks good.
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 10:27:16 am EST from
In legitimate Disney merchandise news, the Electric Tiki Rocketeer statue looks to be in the finished sculpt stage. He's not due out until the third quarter of 2009, so I wouldn't count on seeing the proposed Goliath statue before late '09, more likely 2010.
Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 8:20:31 am EST from
9th! Getting my 46" Samsung LN46A550 shipped to me this Wednesday! Let's hope it survives the trip!
The Gargoyles Pulse
~ Tony Tini
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 7:39:32 am EST from
Eight is great... so I've heard...
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 7:21:11 am EST from
Fine. But you know I've never trusted seven.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"I could bore you with a philosophical tirade about freedom and tyranny, or try and explain to you what new horizons are suddenly open to me, but I doubt you would understand and if you did it might frighten you. That amuses me." -Durandal
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 6:22:23 am EST from
(6)Sixth! Slow countdown this week. Come on let's get the molasses out. ;)
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail]
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 5:26:33 am EST from
VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 4:59:49 am EST from
"Attend the petty jealousies and angers that prey upon your heart."
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 4:35:44 am EST from
Volpe where ya been?
Justin - [jlindley07 at gmail dot com]
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 4:08:36 am EST from
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 12:20:48 am EST from
First ;)
VoLpE de FuEgO - [sailorx78 at hotmail dot com]
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 12:20:24 am EST from
First ;)
VoLpE de FuEgO - [sailorx78 at hotmail dot com]
posted @ Mon, Nov 10, 2008 12:19:57 am EST from