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Comment Room Archive

Comments for the week ending December 15, 2008

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Robby: Greg has mentioned on the Season 2: Volume I DVD commentary (as well as on this site, I beleive) that there were times in the City of Stone 4-parter where they accidentally mixed up the Demona character models in some of the scenes.
"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Law : I also use a laptop. I'll grant you that it's easier to hit the wrong key when using a small keyboard. And I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and say that you're probably using an old browser that doesn't come with a spell-check feature. (For example, IE 4.0, which I use myself.)

If that is the case, here's what to do: write down your questions in MS Works. After you finish, press F7. Works' spell-check will tell you what words are misspelled. You might want to have a dictionary on hand. When that's done, copy your questions on the comment page.

"Ad-lib excitement."

Does it seem a little wierd on when Demona scared Gillecomgain? I mean, it looked like a year had passed, making it 995 between the massacre, hence why Demona had a haggard look. It doesn't make sense it being immediately afterwards. But what do you think?
Robby Barrows - [rbgecko at yahoo dot com]

Law> Submitted for your reading pleasure…



And if anyone here happens to be a Transformers fan or an aspiring fanfic writer, then I highly recommend checking out the rest of Nightwind's website.

Remember, Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you're a jerk!

Law> I am unaware of any new feature on laptop computer which makes it difficult or impossible to check your spelling and use correct punctuation. If you're still confused about grammar and punctuation, I'd suggest you search for articles on there concepts online or ask someone to teach you. Just to get you started, your last comment would make more sense written like this:

If Macbeth is immortal, does that mean he wouldn't die if he was shot with a shotgun? Macbeth is so awesome.

Greg W is not mad at anyone so far as I know. He just doesn't comment in here all the time. He'll pop in now and then to say something, but mostly it's just a place for fans to come and chat about "Gargoyles." He answers questions from fans through the "Ask Greg" portion of the site, but it's closed right now. It will most likely reopen when the second "Gargoyles" trade and the "Bad Guys" trade are released, which should hopefully give you some time to refine your writing.

I'm not sure what "everyone" you're referring to when you ask if everyone would come back if there were more episodes of "Gargoyles." If you mean the characters, I expect we would see pretty much everyone return. If you're talking about the cast and crew, that's less likely. A few of the voice actors and possibly some of the crew have sadly passed away since the show went off the air. And some of them may be too busy with other projects to work on "Gargoyles."

So far as we know, the only way that Macbeth can die is if Demona kills him. So if he was shot with any kind of gun and anyone other than Demona has pulled the trigger, he would live. What we don't know is exactly how Macbeth or Demona would survive something that cause massive bodily damage, such as dismemberment. Other than that, they can probably survive just about anything that doesn't involve them attacking each other.

Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

Law = Greg W in disguise, having a good time.

As far as I know every modern browser today offers a spellcheck or a spellcheck add-on/plugin is available. (And, yes, that is true for more than the high and mighty "I need and insane amount of plugins for simple functions" Firefox).

if macbeth is imortal does that mean he cant die if he was shot with a shotgun,macbeth is so awsome
lawand82 - [lawandorder82 at yahoo dot com]

Greg B.: If only we had Spell-Check... It would make life so much easier. Oh well, at least we have the easy button =P
lonerider26 - [lonerider26 at gmail dot com]
"The story is told-though who can say if it be true..."~Shari

Law> Um, I think there is sixty-five episodes of the show, eight issues of Gargoyles and four issues of Bad Guys that show us what's happening since the gargoyles are alive.

In the mean time.

This is a period: .
This is a comma: ,
This is a question mark: ?
This is an exclamation point: !
This is an apostrophe: '
This is a quotation mark: "

They are your friends, please use them.

Greg Bishansky

what would happpen if the gargoyles were alive. if their is a new season would every one come back.
lawand82 - [lawandorder822yahoo dot com]

Law> Just slow down. Look back over the text you've typed, check your spelling, and see where you can insert commas and periods. Then you can post it.

were is the spell check for this and i woner what would happen if they start makeing more seasons would everyone come back
lawand82 - [lawandorder822yahoo dot com]

Greg B.> I guess I read someone's comment wrong. I watched it once, SS, but I didn't get into it. I know Greg's work is quality! I love Gargoyles, after all!

Yes, Hudson is Available.

Battle beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

DEMONSKRYE - I also thought that Goliath's solution was poorly handled by the writers, the moment I saw that episode for the first time. Goliath should have been fortunate that they didn't hear the part of the tape where he was suggesting to the gangster that they team up.

The episode further emphasized how hopelessly anti-gargoyle everyone must be, when someone stated that they couldn't give Goliath a jury trial because they couldn't find twelve people in New York who weren't hopelessly prejudiced against gargoyles.

And I agree about the national significance - if anything, the emergence of the gargoyles should have been a global news story. A group of living gargoyles are discovered in one of the most high-publicity cities in the U.S., let alone the world, under dramatic circumstances; just imagine how much coverage it would get from the news media. Front page headlines. Biologists would want to study this previously unknown life form (especially once they learn about gargoyles turning to stone in the daytime, a quality not found in the rest of the animal kingdom). People would wonder - if gargoyles were able to survive in New York, could they be found in other places in the world? Cryptozoologists would be using the event to argue that maybe some of the other creatures out there, like Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and Chupacabra do exist. (Of course, we know that the Loch Ness Monster's real in the Gargoyles Universe.) And I can just imagine what a lot of the televangelists would make of the event.

Todd Jensen

And...in the show, Law, Macbeth *is* alive. He's immortal, and will be at least until the late 22nd Century. The only way he can die is if Demona kills him.
Robby Barrows - [rbgecko at yahoo dot com]

That's a...little more ledgible than before, Law, but use spell check and grammar check.

He's not angry at anyone, probably Disney though for not repeat airings of Deathly Force.

Robby Barrows - [rbgecko at yahoo dot com]

sorry every one i am on my laptop i asked if greg weisman was mad at us or his fans and i have not heard from him on this site.and i said if macbeth were alive he would kick ass . i dont think he can be killed cause he is imortal.
lawand82 - [lawandorder822yahoo dot com]

It's been mentioned before, but one of the other problems with The Goliath Chronicles was that the feeling of continuity was lost. Yes, they brought back characters from the previous two seasons and picked up on story threads from "The Journey," but there really wasn't much evidence that the events of one episode had any kind of effect that carried over to the next. The biggest casualty of this practice seemed to be the public's attitude towards gargoyles and the Quarrymen. In several episodes, the Quarrymen are shown to be doing something blatantly illegal and endangering the live of innocent citizens while the gargoyles are obviously trying to protect the humans. But next episode, humans still hate gargoyles and the Quarrymen are still allowed free reign to do whatever.

To be fair, I've only seen a handful of episodes of TGC, but what I've seen does not impress me. "And Justice For All" is the one that sticks out to me right now. To go back to my earlier point, the first trial of a gargoyle would certainly draw national, if not international, attention and have an impact that would be felt in later episodes of the show, be it positive or negative. But again, it just feels like an isolated incident. Maybe I've just watched too much "Law and Order," but Goliath's methods for proving his innocence just feel painfully simplistic. His "evidence" could have easily been torn to shreds by a competent district attorney, assuming a competent judge would have even allowed it to be presented. For a follow-up to a show that tended to assume its audience was intelligent and paying attention, TGC just seemed content to believe that viewers would accept fairly flimsy solutions to what had been set up as complex problems. The show is not without its moments of charm, but the drop in quality is noticeable.

Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

The general public don't get off that much better than the Quarrymen in "The Goliath Chronicles", given how easily provoked they are into rioting (check "Ransom", "Broadway Goes to Hollywood" - the scene at the beginning where they're swarming Xanatos and Fox's limo, and "And Justice For All"). Maybe that's why Castaway and the Quarrymen were still out of prison at the start of "Angels in the Night", despite their record - the New Yorkers without hoods realized that they weren't in any position to condemn the firing off heavy artillery in the city streets, in light of their own actions. :)
Todd Jensen

ANTIYONDER> Actually, in Greg's mind, there is no monolithic reaction or opinion on what gargoyles are. Some would think they're dangerous animals. Some might think they're demons. Some might be curious.

TGC seemed to treat them like mutants in the X-Men cartoon. Which was just stupid.

Greg Bishansky

Adding to what Greg B said, TGC made the mistake of the public thinking that Gargoyles are another race when as far as Greg W is concerned, they perceive the Gargoyles to be mindless creatures (basically in the same vein as lions, tigers and bears).
Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]

Brook >> WTF... XD
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>T.T)> Headache...

Law> I really don't mean to be rude here but I have to agree that your posts are rather hard to read and the reason is partly because you write everything as one very long sentence without using any punctuation and just string it all together which usually means that I personally get frustrated and just stop reading rather than trying to figure out what it is that you are asking and I wonder why it is that you write this way because there really is no rush since this isn't a chat room and your question is actually more likely to get answered if you take the time to write it clearly.

I hope you see my point. Maybe you have some other reason for writing the way you do, but a lot of people seem to think that just being on the internet means they can type with poor spelling, grammar, and punctuation and it's OK. In some cases, that's true. If you're in an actual chat room or some other place where the speed with which you respond matters most, then I don't mind a lot of abbreviations or typos or what have you. But just about any other time, it's not really helpful. Writing, wherever you do it, is all about communicating, so you should be doing your best to make sure that what you're trying to say is clear and understandable. If we were talking in person and I asked you a question, but I talked really fast and just kept talking and adding on more and more questions and never stopping to let you get a word in, you probably wouldn't answer me; not because you didn't want to, but because it was just too difficult to sort out what I was asking. You obviously like "Gargoyles" and there are a lot of very nice people here who would be happy to answer your questions, provided you can write them in a clear and easy to read way.

Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

*Photoshopping Gregs image onto Pacinos body in SCARFACE*

Hold it a second...


Hmmm... is Greg Weisman made? Good question. I seriously doubt he has mob connections, otherwise Disney would have given us the rest of the Gargoyles on DVD already.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Do you wanna know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the... little... emotions. In... you see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are. So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did. Would you like to know which of them were cowards?" -The Joker

Law> First off, and I mean know disrespect, but your spelling and grammar are atrocious. Please work on it, your posts make my eyes bleed.

In the mean time, I'll see what I can answer.

<<but what does macbeth think of the weird siters and if macbeth had lived with grouch they could not excute him as a witch becasue he cant die>>

Who said Macbeth can't die? He's never been be-headed, no one knows what would happen. And even if he can't, there's always locking him up in a dungeon somewhere. No, if Macbeth hadn't left, the Scots would have turned on him.

<<also in season 3 i mean that the people were judgeing the gargoyles with extreme bias jsut becasue they look scary even when they helped them if they existed that is how people when be treating them now>>

Yes, we got that BEFORE season three, and are getting it in the comics. But season three handled it badly. Poorly written, poorly thought out. It wasn't well done at all. It was very one dimensional.

<<and also that was alot of symbolism in gargoyles sure macbeth is imortal as is demonra soem maybe thaey fought in world war 2 macbeth was a very good ifghter and he kicks ass but bodane was a spineless dog who was the reason the gargoyles did not protect macbeth and that hunter that was alive thoughout the time if demona had not scared that lil child gulicamigan would have never became the hunter and macbeth father was a bad ass man my two cents lol macbeth live as a side note if macbeth fought xantos macbeth would kick his ass and is greg weisman made have not heard form him is he mad at us ?>>

I have no idea what you are trying to say.

Is English your first language?

Greg Bishansky

Law...could you run what you write through Spell Check? I can't really read what you're putting.
Robby Barrows - [rbgecko at yahoo dot com]

but what does macbeth think of the weird siters and if macbeth had lived with grouch they could not excute him as a witch becasue he cant die also in season 3 i mean that the people were judgeing the gargoyles with extreme bias jsut becasue they look scary even when they helped them if they existed that is how people when be treating them now and also that was alot of symbolism in gargoyles sure macbeth is imortal as is demonra soem maybe thaey fought in world war 2 macbeth was a very good ifghter and he kicks ass but bodane was a spineless dog who was the reason the gargoyles did not protect macbeth and that hunter that was alive thoughout the time if demona had not scared that lil child gulicamigan would have never became the hunter and macbeth father was a bad ass man my two cents lol macbeth live as a side note if macbeth fought xantos macbeth would kick his ass and is greg weisman made have not heard form him is he mad at us ?
lawand892 - [lawand82 at yahoo dot com]

Goliath Chronicles kinda had that X-Men feel to it... without any of the good things.
Ozzie Arcane - [ozziearcane at yahoo dot com]
"Hello Booby! This is a trap!" - Eggplant Wizard

Law: In what way did The Goliath Chronicles show the dark side of humans? It seemed to me like the Quarrymen were reduced to mindless thugs, which is the opposite of what Greg Weisman intended. If you look at "The Journey" (the one episode he wrote), most of the people at that meeting were ordinary citizens, decent people with a fear of the uncertainty.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
I think the question George Michael SHOULD be asking is: does Andrew Ridgely know it's Christmas after all?

@ Law: Get this comic:


Vol 1. - 6. Really good stuff. My fav is, as mentioned earlier, #5. But #7 and #8 take it to a wholy new level.


I'm a "Diehard" fan, too. One of the best Christmas action movies of all time. Yippee-ki-yay! Look ma, no Hans!

If Macbeth had stayed with Gruoch, he still would have eventually outlived her, as she was not immortal.

The Archmage was still alive due to Time Loops. Time Loops are part of a balanced breakfast and always stay crunchy in milk!

Patrick - [<-- The Gathering 2009]
"Stay crunchy, men. Stay crunchy!" - Homer Simpson

oh ok macbeth kicks ass and why is the archmage still alvie and i was just watching city of stone if bordae had not said what he siad about the gargoyles maybe macbeth would still be with grouach and kicking ass
lawand82 - [lawandorder822yahoo dot com]

Characters> Art and Lois. Actually, to be honest I haven't really thought about it. They're all pretty good.

Macbeth avatar> Well, no Macbeth avatar has been used since the week ending 16 June 2008 (and not then either). But, if you check the archive for the week ending 3 January 2005, Andrew Alvarez used an avatar featuring a tranced Macbeth from "Avalon". (There's probably one more recent, but after getting to June I got bored and started checking archives at random.)


yea i was looking and did not see and who are your fav chacters
lawand82 - [lawandorder822yahoo dot com]

Macbeth avatar> Actually, I'm not sure there is one. I know there has been one, because I've seen it too (the one where he's just been crowned, right?), but I just looked through the list of avatars that I get, and I can't find it. Very odd.

i will look im a die hard gargoyles fan what are your fav chacters and it is almost on at 1:30
lawand82 - [lawandorder822yahoo dot com]

Law: Well, if you have the finances available, try and get as many issues of 'Gargoyles' and 'Gargoyles: Bad Guys' as possible. If you loved the first 65 episodes of seasons one and two, then you'll enjoy Greg's continuation. They simply do not dissapoint. :)

TSS-M: Hmmm, well wherever it airs, I'll try to catch it in some fashion, probably through the DVDs, since my University doesn't air Toon Disney on its cable at the moment. But whatever the channel, I doubt the quality of the show will cease to be, well, "spectacular."

"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

which one do yo suggest buying and i do and i dont see a macbeth one
lawand82 - [lawandorder822yahoo dot com]

which ones do you suggest getting and i do i dont see a macbeth one
lawand82 - [lawandorder822yahoo dot com]

<<how their is not a macbeth avtar also why do some people not like season 3 it showed the dark side of the humans i liked it it showed how we judge what is scary to us cause we jump the gun also yea that was macbeth frist wife will he ever see her or does he have visoins about her

I'm sure there is a Macbeth avatar. There have been posters in the past who have used it.

As for TGC. The scripts were terrible. All sense of continuity was lost. The animation took a down turn. Characters acted out of character. The plots turned from deep, epic and thought provoking to shallow, mundane and idiotic.

Greg Weisman was gone. Most of the writers were gone. Was the dark side of humanity shown? Yes, but very shallowly. It was shown in the first two seasons as well, and is being shown in the comic. The third season reduced it down to 80s cartoon villainy.

Seriously, go get the comics. They're great. The real third season.

Will Macbeth ever see Gruoch again? Only if you believe in an afterlife.

Greg Bishansky

how their is not a macbeth avtar also why do some people not like season 3 it showed the dark side of the humans i liked it it showed how we judge what is scary to us cause we jump the gun also yea that was macbeth frist wife will he ever see her or does he have visoins about her
lawand82 - [lawandorder822yahoo dot com]

Battle Beast> Of course Greg gets paid for Spider-Man. Why wouldn't he? You should give it a shot. Greg does quality work, and it's no different here.

So, is that Hudson still available?

Greg Bishansky

I don't watch the show, so I can't say anything about it... but Greg isn't getting paid for this job???
Battle beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

lawand82> Macbeth HAS found love. Grouch (sorry can't spell today :( ) And, he fell in love with Dominique(Demona) while in Paris, but, unfortunately, it didn't work out as well as he hoped...

Any feelings between Angela and Hudson regarding Macbeth hasn't exactly been explored, but I'm sure they at least think of him as an ally of some sort...

Have you read the comics? The whole 'why doesn't Xanatos trust Macbeth?' is explained (or at least explored, to some extent). And it's not really a 'not trust' issue. It's because they're most likely after the same thing. The Stone of Destiny. So, it's probably more rivalry then anything...

lonerider26 - [lonerider26 at gmail dot com]
"The story is told-though who can say if it be true..."~Shari

does macbeth not trust him what do you mean and is macbeth able to fall in love later and what does angela and hudson think of macbeth
lawand82 - [lawandorder822yahoo dot com]

How unusual that TSS-M ends up on Toon Disney (soon to be named Disney DX). You would think they would stick with their own properties... If it was airing in Jetix I would understand, but Disney DX...not so much... I hope the second season does well regardless.
The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^^)> 3D modeling class tonight... Sweet...

That last post was me.
Greg Bishansky

Macbeth respects Elisa. I doubt he considers her a friend, but I don't think he thinks much about her either way.

As for Xanatos. Read the comic, he obviously doesn't trust him.


so then since he was a king macbeth is pride right also what do you think macbeth thinks of elsia or xantos
lawand82 - [lawandorder822yahoo dot com]

<< also do you think macbeth knows about the ilmunati or that xantos is respoible for make the gargoyles alive . also they said macbeth knew shakespear but shakespar did not know he knew the real macbeth i wonder why . do you think macbeth will ever be at aruther side as knight and it was pride that made him not join huh>>
Macbeth has most likely run across the Illuminati or their agents, and has most likely heard of them. I'm unsure as to the extent of that knowledge; as in has conversed or been approached by an identified Illuminati agent, or if he has made enough connections from observations over the centuries to know with a great deal of certainty that they do exist but can't confirm it. I don't have the recent issues on hand, so I can't draw any evidence either way.

As for Shakespeare> Do you really want anyone to know that you're the real Macbeth at that time? There was a good possibility he'd be executed as a witch if anyone knew. And by that time, I'm sure Macbeth wanted to keep a low profile. Humoring a playwright is not that big a thing, especially at the time.

As for becoming Arthur's knight, Macbeth has already said something along the lines of not bowing to another king when the two first really met. The two are clearly allies, but becoming a knight implies a certain hierarchy that Macbeth is not inclined to submit to.


<<oh ok so the mask is passed down so was the man who died in paris the son of gulcomigna or ducan.>>

I think you're off by a few centuries. ;)

Greg Bishansky

oh ok so the mask is passed down so was the man who died in paris the son of gulcomigna or ducan. also i hope they make more seasons of gargoyles i love all the seasons i like season 3 to. also do you think macbeth knows about the ilmunati or that xantos is respoible for make the gargoyles alive . also they said macbeth knew shakespear but shakespar did not know he knew the real macbeth i wonder why . do you think macbeth will ever be at aruther side as knight and it was pride that made him not join huh
lawand82 - [lawandorder822yahoo dot com]

RE: Greg Weisman and The Spectacular Spider-Man

As I've said many times over on Toonzone, we should wait until January at least before we start panicing.

Remember, Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you're a jerk!

Battle beast: Greg has stated that if no one orders season 3 of TSS-M by January, he will be seeking other employment. Basically, season 2 is made and there's no money left to pay Greg so he has to look for another job. Disney has said they won't order more episodes until TSS-M season 2 is a proven success on their channel. That means that if Greg accepts a new full-time job between January and March, Sony will have to hire someone else to take his place for season 3. That's assuming someone else doesn't order the episodes first or Sony doesn't produce the season without a buyer just to keep on Victor and Greg on board.
Landon ThomasG - [lumpmoose at googles dot email dot service]

Andrew> Macbeth wasn't the Hunter for 900 years. He had that mask made only a few weeks before the events of "City of Stone" once he realized Demona was in Manhattan. He only wore the mask for a psychological edge.

Canmore's descendants however, have been hunting Demona (and every other gargoyle) for centuries. Passing the mask on down the line. Although, I somehow doubt that it is literally the same mask Gillecomgain wore back in 11th century Scotland.

As for, whether or not Xanatos is in good faith with the clan. Well... I'm curious to see if there is a little fall out after 7, 8, and 9.

Xanatos, he's changed. A lot. But not as much as you think he has.

Greg Bishansky

So why won't Greg be a part of Season three? that doesn't sound right... I don't understand.
Battle beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Hmm. As a Disney fan, I'm kind of annoyed that Spider-Man is going to be on Disney XD. I'd rather they stick to Disney shows. (Of course I've been annoyed at Toon Disney/Jetix for a while. Why are they airing Jackie Chan instead of DuckTales?)

On the other hand, it's a good opportunity to get Greg back on Disney's radar. Toon Disney has been airing Gargoyles all along, and if Spider-Man does well maybe they'll let Greg do more Gargoyles episodes or another Garg-Universe show. I'd be statisfied if all we got was more comics, but this seems like the best opportunity for the TV show to come back since it was cancelled.

Phil - [p1anderson at go dot com]

I've always thought Macbeth and Goliath were the kind of guys who would have gotten along famously if things hd turned out a little diffirently. As it stands Mac made a really lousy first impression, what with repetedly kidnaping Goliath's clanmates; the big G tends to take stuff like that a little personally.
Remember, Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you're a jerk!

lol i love this show if you cant tell i have lots of favs macbeth is one and how do you think how macbeth if any feels about elisa. and he says how aruther is the one true king why did he not join him was it pride ?
lawand82 - [lawandorder82 at yahoo dot com]

Sure. I think he and Macbeth spend a lot of nights drinking cognac by the fire and discussing the Demona-hating market. ( ;
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Table manners are for people with nothing better to do." -David Byrne

yea i think it was that one but what i did not understand was in the hunters moon who was the man that died in france and is macbeth still capable of love and do you think he kind of respects goliath more as to how he hates demona
andrew - [lawandorder82 at yahoo dot com]

Andrew: If you're referring to Duncan's mask, Macbeth didn't take it. Demona did, and Duncan's son grabbed it off of her before he was exiled.

I imagine they're not that difficult to make.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Table manners are for people with nothing better to do." -David Byrne

hi i been a very big fan of gargoyles for a long time my nice to be here my qurstions are is xantos still in good faith with the gargoyles in the comics. also i know macbeth killed the hunter and got his mask but how did the hunters in the hunters moon get the mask. also more about macbeth will he ever see his love agian or does he have visons or flashbacks of her.
andrew - [lawandorder82 at yahoo dot com]

Todd> Well, that's what DVD releases are for. You'll catch up, I'm sure.
Greg Bishansky

ALGERNON - I wrote a "gargoyles vs. vampires" story for TGS that used that very concept.

Pity that Season Two of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" will be on cable rather than broadcast television, since I'd enjoyed Season One. Oh, well.

Todd Jensen

Hm, URL is screwed up.


Incisivis - [incisivis at hotmail dot com]
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream" -- Shirley Jackson

Heather> Heck yeah, Opheila does. :P

http://lynativerse.artchicks.org/Screenc aps/GargCaps.htm -- scroll down this page to find links to Avalon clan pictures.

Incisivis - [incisivis at hotmail dot com]
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream" -- Shirley Jackson

Hey guys, nice to see that the fandom is still alive and kicking. But in any case, does anyone know of some sites with more extensive pics of the Avalon clan? Ophelia's become a favorite of mine. :)
Heather - [arin_garg1 at yahoo dot com]

SSM> The fact that season 2 is on a brand new channel goes some way (I guess) to explaining why there was a gagging order on revealing which channel it was on. At least we know now.

Algernon> I didn't do much with it in my never-finished fanfic, but it had occurred to me that gargoyles would probably be blamed for vampire attacks/sighting. Castaway wouldn't even need to orchestrate it - any sighting of a bat-winged creature is likely to be attributed to the bat-winged creatures that are now common knowledge, rather than the bat-winged creatures that are still just stories.


It's out that the new channel for Spectacular Spider-Man is Disney XD, which is what Toon Disney will rebrand itself as in February: http://marvel.toonzone.net/news.php?action=fullnews&id=149 It's still set for a March release, although someone claims TSS-M season 2 will first air in Canada on January 11: http://forums.toonzone.net/showpost.php?p=3082372&postcount=260

A Disney director has said that they won't order season 3 until they get ratings in: http://animationguildblog.blogspot.com/2008/12/studio-walkabout.html Since Greg will start looking for work in January, there's a chance he won't be involved with TSS-M after season 2. I hope Teletoon will buy season 3 earlier so we don't have to wait for Disney, but I don't know if the syndicated animation game works that way.

Landon Thomas - [lumpmoose at googles dot email dot service]

Rebel> I'm also expecting great things of Mr. Hutchinson. Judging by what little I've seen on his Deviant Art page he's done a very good job of marrying the design asthethic of the show with a more comicbooky style.

On a unrelated topic; if and when vampires do make there way into the series, has anyone ever toyed with the idea of the Clan being blamed for vampire attacks. I could well imagine someone like Castaway capitalising on reports of a bat-winged monster leaving a trail of bloodless corpse scattered across Manhattan.

Remember, Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you're a jerk!

Todd> Yes, Keith Szarabajka played Holtz on 'Angel'. More recently he was in 'The Dark Knight' as a detective serving under Gordon. He's generally pretty awesome.

By the way, has anyone else found that the search function on Ask Greg isn't working at the moment. For the last couple of days it's returned an error message whenever I've tried to use it.


Regarding Art >

I didn't get to post in last week's discussion about the art. I just wanted to say that I think Karinne's art is far and away the best so far, with Chris Jones being a close second. I honestly never liked David Hedgecock's art. I have said before that I liked it, but having read back through the comics, it's just really not that good. His art is off-model and inconsistent. In and of itself, being off-model is not such a big deal...but if you're going to be off-model, the art needs to be awesome in another way to make up for it or compensate. And, for me, Hedgecock's art isn't. He doesn't really bring anything extra to the table. For everything he brings to the table, I feel that some of the other artists have done it just as well or better than he does, and plus many of them can still remain on-model.

I feel really bad saying that. I know he tried and that he cares about the series, but I am just not really happy with his work. I wish that Karine or Chris Jones had done more of the art in Gargoyles. Or maybe even David Hutchinson...if the art in the issues looks as good as what we've seen so far, he may be the best yet.


Volpe> As you said, they all hatched on or near the Spring Equinox of 958. The exact hatching order is unknown, they may have all hatched at the same time or any one of them could be slightly older or younger. Frankly, it is somewhat unimportant, as at most there was only relatively brief periods of time between each egg hatching. They are rookery brothers and all part of the 958 Wyvern generation. Enough said.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

He may be the youngest by seconds, minutes, or hours. Yes they were layed at the same time but I doubt they all hatched at the exact same second.
Monkey - [johnr783 at hotmail dot com]

Hey gang, this is on a different subject, but is it true that Brooklyn is the youngest of the trio? I've read mixed bits of info here in the Comment Room between Lex + Brooklyn on which one is the youngest so I'm not so sure on which is true. I know that all 3 members of the Trio were hatched in 958 but is it possible that each was hatched at different times of that year? I thought female Gargoyles only mate 3 times in her life and they all lay their eggs at the same time during the Spring Equinox. So if Lex and Brooklyn were both born in the same year during the same Equinox, then wouldn't they be the same age?
VoLpE de FuEgO - [sailorx78 at hotmail dot com]

Robby: Count me in as someone else who thinks that, realistically, Demona's redemption can really only happen long after Angela is dead. A thousand years is a long time, as mortals reckon it. And Demona has had nothing in that span except for her hatred and her desire for revenge. Those types of things won't dry up overnight. It's going to take a few centuries.

In fact, it's been said in here before by others, but what's more likely to happen is that Angela may become Demona's latest excuse. She needs to protect her daughter from humanity.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Table manners are for people with nothing better to do." -David Byrne

SUPERMORFF - Was the vampire hunter you were talking about Holst? (If I got the name right - I mean, the one from 18th century England who travelled forward in time to hunt down Angel.)

Dracula vs. Arthur might be interesting - "Dracula" is derived from an Eastern European word for "dragon" that would tie in with Arthur's own "Pendragon" surname.

Demona's not thinking through her plans carefully goes back a long way - all the way back to 994, where she failed to fully realize just how dangerous it is to call in an outside enemy to handle an internal dispute. (And didn't take into consideration, either, that Goliath might consider it too foolhardy to take every single gargoyle in the clan to scare the Vikings away, without leaving any as reserves at the castle.)

Todd Jensen

Demonskrye> Well, if you believe Greg, it was definitely both.


On another note, the Ask Greg search feature isn't working.

Greg Bishansky

Greg B> I'm not entirely sure Demona was really considering that when she threw the vial. For someone who is now immortal and has the foresight to hold on to various magical artifacts that might be useful several hundred years down the line, she doesn't have a particularly good track record when it comes to thinking through the potential consequences of her actions or considering what might happen if things don't go as she's planned. I don't think it every really occurred to her that Goliath might not catch the vial, just that catching it would keep him busy enough for her to get away.
Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

Remember, Demona did toss the vial anyway, was she confident Goliath would catch it? Probably. But, I am sure she was nihilistic also. If the vial broke, so be it.
Greg Bishansky

Greg B has a point of Angela and Demona.. rememberin Temptation when Demona tried to have a talk with Brooklyn.. and he said the last time he saw her , Demona tried to blow him a away with a bazooka,even preparing to glide away after that before Demona did a self-pity story on him. not sure if Angela would be as hateful towards as Brook is now.. but she definitley wouldn't trust her.. since she knows Demona's hate for humanity outweighs the love for her daughter..even if she had to sacrifice Angela and herself to destroy the human race..

Algernon> Have you ever read the webcomic 'Arthur, King of Time and Space'? They've referenced the connection between Arthur and Dracula a couple of times: http://www.arthurkingoftimeandspace.com/1556.htm and http://www.arthurkingoftimeandspace.com/1657.htm

I agree there's definitely room for Dracula as one of Arthur's antagonists, but vampires are also good analogues for gargoyles as well, as Todd said. I plotted out a fanfic featuring Dracula once, but never finished it. It did include the line (by Dracula) "Listen to them, defenders of the night. Such music they make!" I remember thinking how perfect it would be if Keith Szarabajka provided Dracula's voice, for several reasons: first and foremost, his voice is great; Greg W has worked with him before and likes him; and he played a vampire HUNTER in 'Angel', and I couldn't resist the irony.

There's a bit towards the end where Goliath calls Dracula a monster, and Dracula says he is as prejudiced about vampires as the Quarrymen are about gargoyles (although I'm not sure he was right about that).

So I like Dracula as a Gargoyles antagonist as well. And there's no reason he couldn't appear in both Gargoyles and Pendragon (or TimeDancer, come to that, or possibly several other series).

Todd> I had not considered a story involving both Holmes and Dracula in the Gargoyles universe until Greg added links to both of those pages in a short space of time. Maybe it's just coincidence.


I have an extremely strange-ish question, but here it goes...
Is Tasha African-American or Hispanic? She looks African-American, but I know (and have seen) some Hispanics that look similar (course hair)...

As for Demona, she's not going to redeem herself anytime soon. And unfortunately, Angela probably won't be there to see it. She may be part of her so called 'redemption' though. Love can do amazing things, especially when between parent and child, and Demona's no exception.

lonerider26 - [lonerider26 at gmail dot com]
"The story is told-though who can say if it be true..."~Shari

RE: Dracula

I think Dracula might actually make a better antagonist for Pendragon rather then the main series. The dynamic between Arthur and Vlad would tie in well with Greg's theory of villians acting as a twisted reflection of the hero, both are legendary medievel rulers, both have been granted immortality of a sort and both have been co-opted by pop culture; the main diffrence being that one is the epitome of chivilry and honour while the other is basicly evil incarnate.

Remember Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you're a jerk.

Angela/Demona: We know by now that Angela and Broadway will have 3 children... sadly we know that, it would have been my bet that one of the two i going to die in the not-too-distant-but-not-too-near-future. I dunno why, but when the show was running, and I did not know of Gregs plans, I had the feeling of striking drama sooner or later there...

(BTW, still laughing at Gregs remark during in his podcast in the comic store about "the fat guy getting the girl" XD "But you realise that she did not just choose him because he is fat... but because it adds to his other qualities!!" Brilliant!! XD Whoever has not seen the podcast yet - I strongly advise you to do so NOW!!!)

DESDEMONA: Ever thought about Xanatos retrieving some Stone parts of her and integrating them into Coldfire, this we get a slowly resurfacing Desdemona? Kinda Hellraier, but I liked the idea.


Greg B> I agree that it's important to avoid casting Angela as just eternally loving towards Demona no matter what she does. But at the same time, I think it's equally dangerous to assume that she's now on the exact same page as Brooklyn or even Goliath when it comes to her biological mother. I mean it took Goliath over a year from the time he learned that Demona had betrayed their clan for him to finally accept that they would never be together again and even that only came after he traveled through time and made an attempt to influence her behavior (albeit a subtle one) that he hoped would prevent her from taking the course of action that would lead to them becoming enemies. Like a lot of things in the Gargoyles universe, I imagine that Angela's current feelings about her mother are complicated. The events of "The Reckoning" and "Hunter's Moon" have certainly given her a more realistic picture of just how deep Demona's hatred for humanity runs and how difficult it would be to get her to change her long held beliefs. But at the same time, I don't think she's entirely ready to write Demona off. I kind of doubt that she's now totally OK with the fact that she told her mother that she hates her, horrified as she may have been by Demona's plan to wipe out humanity. Because Angela still believes - and not without reason - that Demona does love her. Demona isn't a one-dimensional character and so it stands to reason that Angela's feelings towards her would be multidimensional as well. There's little tragedy in the fact that Demona's reform doesn't happen in time for her to have a relationship with her daughter if Angela gives up on her mere months after their first meeting. But if Angela is the one gargoyle who really holds on to the belief that Demona can turn back to the side of the angels for as long as she possibly can and only gives up when there's just no denying that Demona is only going to disappoint her again and again, then the fact that Demona's reform foesn't come until after her daughter's death becomes truly tragic.

I am very interested to see what will happen when Coldfire joins the clan permanently. She and Angela may have some degree of a bond already from Coldfire's spirit temporarily taking up residence in Angela's body. And Coldfire would naturally regard Angela as her daughter. But Angela has no direct experience with communal parenting. (I don't count the fact that the Magus may have been involved with raising her and the rest of her siblings on Avalon, as it's pretty clear to me that none of the three human knew enough about gargoyle culture to be able to really raise the eggs according to the gargoyle way.) So it will be quite interesting to see how their relationship develops.

Demonskrye - [demonskrye(at)gmail(dot)com]

In Aaron Ziegler's "I'm Sorry" (though it's fanfic, of course), Titania went to Manhattan after she learned that Fox and Alex were dying from Demona's plague, and brought it back with her to Avalon. Whether that would have happened in the Gargoyles Universe if Demona *had* unleashed her plague is another question entirely, though.

I'd still like to see Demona railing at Goliath about "If you hadn't stopped me from releasing my plague, we wouldn't have all these humans trying to slaughter us! But you had to protect them once again, you soft-hearted fool! Your naivete doomed us all, just as it did a thousand years ago!" (Though I don't think that the situation will be as dire for the gargoyles in Greg Weisman's vision as it was in the Goliath Chronicles - as in constant riots in the streets. Indeed, in the comic book, the gargoyles even gained a fresh human friend. We know as well that the canon version of Castaway, while just as determined to wipe out the gargoyles as his Goliath Chronicles counterpart, is far less of a lunatic.)

Todd Jensen

Anybody heard anything new about the Bad Guys paper trade back or Clan Buidling Volume 2?
Whatever happened to simplicity?

Minor correction> I'm pretty sure Greg W has said that Demona's Operation Clean Slate plague would not automatically spread to Avalon, unless of course someone carrying the virus traveled there. So assuming the island remained nicely quarantined, Tom and Katharine would be safe.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'

Ozzie> I hear Paris wants to spread pixie dust along with a very nasty rash to young children.
Greg Bishansky

Not Gargoyles related, but Disney related. Apparently Paris HIlton wants to play the role of a live action tinkerbell.


I have to say, the idea makes me feel like vomiting. That's about the nicest way I can put it.

Ozzie Arcane - [ozziearcane at yahoo dot com]
"Hello Booby! This is a trap!" - Eggplant Wizard

Asatira> I said that Coldfire didn't lay Angela's egg, but she's still just as much a mother as Demona or Princess Katharine.
Greg Bishansky

Asatira - I think Greg meant that Desdemona/Coldfire didn't lay Angela specifically.

Sherlock Holmes & Dracula - Not sure how they'll be in the Gargoyles Universe, but I'm totally remembering the King Arthur's line (which could easily be the series' main maxim): "All things are true; few things are accurate."

Redeemed Demona - I don't think Angela will play a role in Demona's redemption, but perhaps Angela's death (whether it be old age, in the heat of battle, or something else all together) MAY play a role in Demona's future turning around.

Angela's death may bring her to a rare point in her lifetime where she may realize that for the first time in a LONG WHILE she could have had something positive to live for and she - as always - let it slip away. She could choose to blame anyone other than herself as she did after she betrayed Macbeth, or she could begin to foster something that could begin her path to redemption.

By 1996, she's lived over a thousand years blaming everyone around her except herself. It'll take more than a year to make-up for her actions and heal that soul of hers. Sheesh, it'll probably be some time before she'll willingly stop seeking out retribution.

"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Greg B> A redeemed Demona eating Christmas dinner with the gargoyles, no longer jealous of Elisa and having a stable relationship with Angela is, frankly, boring.

If you play it as a straight canon story, sure. As a parody story it would be comedy gold.

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]

A redemptive Demona will make a great story. But it will have to wait until 2198.

I don't think Angela's going to be a part of that process, but Brooklyn will see it.

"Attend the petty jealousies and angers that prey upon your heart."

Actually, a redeemed Demona would be pretty interesting. Constantly search for redemption, regaining the trust and friendship of her fellow clan mates, making peace with Elisa and Goliath...if well written, it end up as a VERY good story. An extremely good one. Lets look at other stories of people searching for redemption:

Rurouni Kenshin: the story of a former Hitokiri trying to redeem himself for accidentally killing his wife and purposely killing her fiancee during the 'cold war' time between the Bakamatsu and the Shogunate. Taking a vow of not killing, and having been tempted to do so and having another personality that he has to conquer and has to make peace with the people he killed...

Perfect example of how a redemption story, where the character doesn't have to die to make it work.

Robby Barrows - [rbgecko at yahoo dot com]

Greg B> I think Angela would be distrustful of Demona but may have some hope for her. Angela may not be the most worldly person in the world, but I believe that even she would not let that slide. Also, I think she is pragmatic enough to know that Demona poses a danger to the clan as well as humanity, and will do her best to prevent Demona from doing whatever task she has. Angela is not going to be drawn in easily by any smooth talking or rationalizing Demona would try to pull in the future.

Also, Coldfire did lay an egg as Desdemona. Remember Gabriel?


SUPERMORFF - Holmes and Dracula appearing in the same story seems a bit much (though I've seen a couple of works of fiction which did just that, such as Loren D. Estleman's "The Adventure of the Sanguinary Count"), but I can easily imagine Dracula - or vampires in general - showing up in the Gargoyles Universe. Indeed, vampires could make an appropriate adversary for the clan, since they're also nocturnal mythical beings (and while their turning into bats is a recent addition to the mythology, it would tie in well with the gargoyles' batlike wings). I think that they could function as a contrast to the gargoyles: say, have the vampires appear to be elegant and popular society people, with the same New Yorkers (such as Margot) who believe the gargoyles to be evil monsters believing the vampires (these same Manhattanites wouldn't know that they're really vampires, of course) to be upstanding citizens. It would fit the series' "Don't judge a book by its cover" tone.

Thanks for writing that Dracula article for the GargWiki, Bishansky. (Maybe I should follow your example and write one for Sherlock Holmes.)

Todd Jensen

Something I have pondered, and this is something I have pondered a lot over the years. With the license ending, and the fate of sequel graphic novels still up in the air (keep your fingers crossed, people), I think one of the great tragedies is that we're not likely to see Demona and Angela re-encounter one another. Which is a shame.

Which makes me think? What do you suspect Angela's thoughts and feelings towards her biological mother are? The last thing she said to her was "I hate you" and she later felt very guilty about those words. However, the next time she saw her, Demona was prepared to commit mass genocide on the human race. Elisa would have died. Even her clan parents, Katharine and Tom would have died. Angela has to realize this. I tend to think any guilt over those three words is long since gone.

I used to read a lot of fanfic, and found that in almost every piece of Angela/Demona fanfiction, authors with a set agenda to have the two develop a relationship tend to ignore the events of "Hunter's Moon." I guess because it complicates things a little too much, so Angela developing amnesia towards the event makes things easier. The Goliath Chronicles episode, "Generations" ignored it as well.

Now, obviously Demona's relationship with Angela is going to differ from her relationship with anyone else. So, but as much as some people might think so, I doubt Angela is going to change Demona all that much. Nor should she. A redeemed Demona eating Christmas dinner with the gargoyles, no longer jealous of Elisa and having a stable relationship with Angela is, frankly, boring.

Another new element in all this may come. What if Coldstone and Coldfire rejoin the clan (which I think is eventually supposed to happen). I have no doubt in my mind that Coldfire will be a mother to Angela, because, well, she is. She may have not laid the egg, but in gargoyle society that doesn't matter one iota. And since we know Angela will adopt the gargoyle way when Artus, Gwenyvere and Lancelot are hatched, she probably had influence there anyway. Not to mention that she already has three major father figures. Goliath, Tom and the late Magus.

So, what do you think Angela and Demona's relationship is going to be?

Greg Bishansky - [<----- Thirteenth Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles]

Sorry for double post but something just occurred to me: A foetus inside an egg cannot produce more waste than it has sustenance (i.e. yolk) inside the egg when it is laid. So over time this food would be converted (by the foetus) into an ever thicker shell casing. Presumably it takes ten years for all of this food to be processed.

Eggs> As far as I understand, the process of shedding stone skin is primarily to remove waste and toxins from the body, right? There's no reason that a gargoyle foetus couldn't store its waste in the shell of the egg itself - that is, the stone skin doesn't shatter, but becomes absorbed by the eggshell itself (this also might explain why the shell is soft until it has absorbed a night's worth of the gargoyle's stone skin).

I don't know how much waste a gargoyle foetus produces, but over ten years it has to add up to a lot.


Matt: I like that last idea.

Last week it was Sherlock Holmes, now Greg W has added a (dead-end) link to Dracula on GargWiki. We already know that Greg intends to include Dracula in the Gargoyles universe, but do people think this indicates he now has some specific plans? Perhaps a story that involves both Dracula and Holmes?

The dust is going to be absorbed in the liquid inside of the egg.

Monkey is probably right about the egg shells themselves, but PGFish is talking about the fetuses inside the eggs. This is something I've given some thought to in the past. I don't know if a good solution exists or not and sometimes I disagree with Greg W that this should happen. But it's his universe, so it is up to us to explain it. My best guess would be that the embryos revert back and forth from stone to flesh without bursting out of their stone shells, they simply turn back to flesh. Or perhaps the small, organic stone bits are reabsorbed by the egg to nourish the embryo in some sort of cycle.
Matt - [St Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" -Sevarius, 'Louse'


They only turn to stone on the first day. After that, they stay hard even at night. They do need to be turned every now and then in order to keep the eggs from breaking.

Monkey - [johnr783 at hotmail dot com]

random thing I've been wondering about...Greg W. has said that gargoyle fetuses in the egg turn to stone every day. But what happens when they "awaken" each night? Where are the stone shards going? Even if they disintegrated into powder, it would still add up after 10 years and suffocate the hatchling.

Lol, try pondering that for a while and see if you think about it all hours of the night ;)


Robby: Don't you mean 'evening'? :P

And yeah . . . no idea.

"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Hm...do female Gargoyles get morning sickness when they get pregnant?
Robby Barrows - [rbgecko at yahoo dot com]

HoE> Funny you should mention that.


Greg Bishansky

I just got an image in my head of a meeting between Demona and Bender from the Futurama series. Such a meeting probably wouldn't last long, since the first thing Bender says would probably be, "Hey, sexy mama. Wanna kill all humans?" And that's an actual quote from one of the episodes.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Table manners are for people with nothing better to do." -David Byrne

Todd> I typoed, it was seventeen years, not seven. When I posted it in my LiveJournal, I caught it and was able to fix the error.
Greg Bishansky

I've had alot of weird dreams lately myself although they weren't Gargoyles related. One involved the city being attacked by half man half bat monsters and another I was competing with Lex Luthor for the girl I love.
Ozzie Arcane - [ozziearcane at yahoo dot com]
"Hello Booby! This is a trap!" - Eggplant Wizard

I had a strange dream last night. I was at work (Mcdonalds) I was on the open (4:30am) and just started and I looked on the floor plan and both Angela and Demona were on it Demona in drive thru window 1 and Angela in Drive thru window 3 but I got angry because Demona was late for work. Then I woke up.

I didn't eat or drink anything strange last night.

VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

Greg B.> Nice little ficbit. Was amusing.

I'd like to see how and why Brendan and Margot hooked up myself. Can't really see her being nice to him AT ALL over the years, not even once.

*smells a drunken night in Vegas there*

KingCobra_582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]
Grr. Arg.

BISHANSKY - Thanks for the ficbit (were the "Star Trek" references intended as in-jokes about Marina Sirtis's other role?). Though, shouldn't it be "In seventeen years, the world is going to end", if this is set in 1995? Or does Kramer just have bad math skills (which does seem possible)?

Here are a couple of crazy creativity demons of my own:

1. Demona is working on her latest genocide scheme when she glances out the window and sees somebody carrying an "The End is Near" sign. She immediately swoops down on him and rips him to shreds, destroying his sign afterwards, crying as she does so, "That's supposed to be a secret, you fool!"

2. Bronx and Boudicca (on a visit from Avalon) are eating spaghetti together, a la "Lady and the Tramp". The camera then pulls back, showing Brendan and Margot watching them. Margot is screaming "Those creatures are eating our spaghetti, Brendan! Stop them!" (Brendan, needless to say, being less than enthusiastic at having to do that - unless it involves just phoning up Animal Control rather than confronting the gargoyle beasts himself.)

Todd Jensen


Guess that means humanity gets a two-year reprieve.

Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75 at gmail dot com]
"Table manners are for people with nothing better to do." -David Byrne

"Ad-lib excitement."

Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail]

Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"You cannot make a cup of tea large enough, or a book long enough to suit me."--C.S. Lewis


lonerider26 - [lonerider26 at gmail dot com]
"The story is told-though who can say if it be true..."~Shari



Greg X: Hilarious combination of two shows based in New York City.

Margot & Brendan -- How these two met would be a very interesting moment in an episode indeed. I'm curious if we'll spot our favorite yuppie couple meeting each other in the background while Brooklyn TimeDances to New York in the 1970s. Not sure how old they'd be, but it would be funny nonetheless.

"The Suspense is Terrible . . . I Hope it Lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Harvester> Since it's 1996, I believe she is watching Seinfeld. Of course, come the terrible cop out of a final episode, she'll be pursuing genocide again, more passionately than before.

Demona: Clip show, my ass.

Actually, that reminds me of a little bit I wrote several years ago.


November 10th, 1995.
42nd Street, Manhattan.

The streets of Manhattan roared with the sound of car horns as cars stood still waiting for a chance to move. Traffic was at a full stop, but the sidewalks were packed as people left work for home or other commitments. It was in front of one electronics store that four annoying New Yorkers whose only company could stand them was each other stood.

"Can you believe this? Jerry Seinfeld whined as he noticed the televisions in the window. "This crap has been playing all day today, non-stop on every channel."

Jerry motioned towards the TVs, where the visage of a blue skinned, red-headed woman, with pointed hears and a gold tiara was chanting in Latin. "Omnes conspecti, omnes auditi In nocte usque ad saxum commutate Dum caelum ardeat!"

"I know," his childhood friend, George Costanza snorted. "I woke up today to my mother screaming because she couldn't watch 'Maury.' I spent most of the day watching this."

Elaine Benes rolled her eyes, "most of the day?"

"What do you expect me to do? I'm unemployed."

"Oh, I don't know," the woman mocked. "Look for a job. I'm sure there are plenty of temp agencies open." She paused, changing the subject. "This is actually my first time seeing this. Some of us actually work for a living."

"Hey," Jerry snapped. "I'm a comedian, I work."

"Writing jokes between stand-up gigs is not work," Elaine shot back.

"I tell you, Jerry, something weird is going on." Kramer said, taking his attention off the woman on the television for the first time. "My friend, Bob Sackamento told me he's seen gargoyles, and now this witch thing is on the TV. I suspect a connection."

"Oh, Kramer, don't tell me you believe that crap about real life gargoyles in New York. Look at her," Jerry yelled. "That make up is so fake, she looks like she stepped off the set of 'Star Trek'."

"It's the end of days, Jerry." Kramer said. "The Mayans predicted all this. In seven years, the world is going to end."

"Look at her," George said. "I can see it in her eyes. This woman hates me. I find her irresistible."

"Omnes conspecti, omnes auditi In nocte usque ad saxum commutate Dum caelum ardeat!"

Jerry looked at his watch, "well, if we hurry, we can make it to the next showing of that new Jim Carrey movie."

"You're going to see the "Ace Ventura" sequel?" Elaine said, feigning shock.

"Well, better than spending the rest of the evening watching the blue vulcan here." Jerry replied. "You coming?"

"No, thanks," Elaine replied. "I've got a date with Puddy." She looked at her watch. "Which I am going to be late for if I don't...."

The sun set, and the four strangers, along with everyone else on the street petrified, transforming from flesh and blood to stone statues.

Moments later, a winged figured landed on the street. She took in the statues, and smirked, admiring her work. She unhooked her mace from her belt, approached the four statues standing in front of the TVs, and raised the weapon above her head before bringing it down fast.

The End.


I wrote that up long ago, can't believe I still had it.

Greg Bishansky

1st ^_^
VoLpE de FuEgO - [sailorx78 at hotmail dot com]