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Comments for the week ending July 6, 2014

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That would be lovely.
Harlan of the Ghosts

Man, I do hope someone recorded those Convergence panels, and upload them to YT to boot!

Sorry for the double-post, but I found myself remembering that creativity demon about the "Weird Macbeth", where Macbeth and Demona would have played the Macbeth and Lady Macbeth of Shakespeare - and I've read that in a lot of productions, the Macbeths' relationship on stage carries a lot of sexual energy....
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

Maybe, though I'm not sure how much the survival of the gargoyle race is at the root of Demona's schemes, and how much of it is revenge and power. (Though I've long suspected that if Demona was confronted with the fact that the extinction of humanity might not be enough to protect the gargoyles' future, she'd reply that at least the humans wouldn't enjoy the fruits of their genocide.)
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

TODD> No sacrifice is too great for the survival of the Gargoyle Race. :P
"This world isn't worth saving, tragedies and sadness will never truly disappear. But even so, it's the place she once tried to protect. I remember that. And I will never ever forget it. That's why... I keep fighting." ~Homura Akemi

Demona doing that with a human? I've got to admit I never expected to hear about that - even if it was all part of the "seduce Macbeth as part of her big scheme with Thailog" plan. (I really shouldn't be saying that, but I wonder what the act must have been like in light of that magical bond the Weird Sisters put on those two.)
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

Dude, even so. Any Owen tidbits?

No, Jackal and Hyena aren't doing it between themselves. As Greg said, Jackal is not strange enough for Hyena... and he's not into her in that way. But, yeah.
Greg Bishansky
Here's the problem with most fanfic writers: they seem to think Dominique is a second life. It isn't. Demona spelled it plainly in "High Noon." She's a gargoyle. Dominique is just a tool to help her in her goals. She'll use the form because she changes into a human, whether she likes it or not, but Dominique is not another life for her.

Interesting stuff. Makes me wonder what else was revealed at Blue Mug.
KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

The David and Fox thing I completely believe, although if anything it sounds like they are more conservative in their marriage than the swingers that I know, at least. The Jackel and Hyena thing too, comes as no surprise. Gargoyles own twisted Lannisters.

Yeah, a lot was revealed at the Blue Mug.

Fox is bisexual, and she and David have a semi-open marriage... of course their agreement is both have to be there with any sexual encounter with another woman or another man.

Fox also, back in the days before the Pack were arrested, whole she was into David even though they weren't yet "exclusive", she did have sex with Dingo, and had a threesome with Jackal and Hyena at least once. No, she never touched Wolf, he's too dumb for her.

Greg Bishansky
Here's the problem with most fanfic writers: they seem to think Dominique is a second life. It isn't. Demona spelled it plainly in "High Noon." She's a gargoyle. Dominique is just a tool to help her in her goals. She'll use the form because she changes into a human, whether she likes it or not, but Dominique is not another life for her.

Did he really? That's kind of disappointing actually. He had previously also stated that Demona "does not give of herself lightly". I had thought he was trying not to cast her as the gendered stereo"tropial" vamp villianess. Did he give any further explanation or has he just been rewriting her character in his head?

A perfect example of why Greg invented the term "Canon-in-Training". For years, he said that as Dominique, Demona never had sex with Macbeth during her seduction of him in "Sanctuary".

Well, at last night's Blue Mug-a-Guest, guess what he said when asked about that? Yup.

Greg Bishansky
Here's the problem with most fanfic writers: they seem to think Dominique is a second life. It isn't. Demona spelled it plainly in "High Noon." She's a gargoyle. Dominique is just a tool to help her in her goals. She'll use the form because she changes into a human, whether she likes it or not, but Dominique is not another life for her.

Did they mention the Gargoyles DVD's and comics at Convergence 2014 for Gargoyles 20th anniversary? did they mention about the complete series set for Gargoyles on DVD and Blu Ray at Convergence 2014? Did they mention about Gargoyles DVD's of Season 1 and 2 about being remastered and also about future Gargoyles comics?
JONNY MODLIN - [jmodlin210 at gmail dot com]
Jonny Modlin

While I can't be at the con, it's really very (!) exciting to know that it's going on right now...:-D

has many tidbits from CONVergence panels.


Happy National Horsefly Day, everyone!

Gosh, I wish I could have gone to CONvergence. But ah well.


Happy Fourth of July, everyone!
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

Vaevictis: CONvergence has a big party element. All the cabanas around the pool are run by fans and organizations separate from the convention staff. The posters usually advertise various events at their parties but anyone can put something up as long as they do it at the right place with low-adhesive painter's tape.

GPS ran Greg's pie contest and they're hosting the Gargoyles-themed room party but they're an independent organization (but closely aligned with CONvergence): http://geekpartnership.org/ They're running the Gargoyles party on their own and they put up the Gargoyles posters around the con to advertise their party.

Landon - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

VAEVICTUS: I'm assuming that at least some of the old "Gathering staples" (and hoping, since I've never had a chance to see any of them myself) will be part of this event:

3:30pm - 4:30pm CREATING GARGOYLES
This is what we used to call (at the Gathering) the Rocky Horror Gargoyles Show. The creators of Gargoyles show clips and tell stories of how the show came to be. Lots of visual aids. Panelists: Myself (Creator, Supervising Producer/Story Editor, Writer), Frank Paur (Supervising Producer/Director), Greg Guler (Lead Character Designer). ATRIUM 6.

As for Cabana 110, that's where the Fancy Bastard pie contest was held last night. Hung there myself with Greg and various Gathering alums (plus Frank Paur for a few hours) until past midnight myself...

Which was pretty daggum awesome, I gotta say. :D

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"If someone ever tells me it's a mistake to have hope...well then, I'll just tell them they're wrong. And I'll keep telling them until they believe. No matter how many times it takes." - Madoka Kaname

I also kinda want to know what all the posters are about. The only Gargoyles thing I found in Cabana 110 (so far) is that model castle.

Adam: Go ahead, bring a backpack. Weapons & animals have restrictive policies; bags, food, & costumes don't. Try not to take up tons of space, though. Con is crowded, & elevators are finite.

Does anyone know if/when/where The Last is showing? Vashkoda emailed me saying it would be, but it isn't on any schedule...


Had a great 1st day at CONvergence. Can't wait for the Gargoyle's panels over the next couple of days.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Ditto! And provide updates!
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

Have a good time everyone at Convergence! Wish I could be there!
From far, from eve and morning, And yon twelve-winded sky, The stuff of life to knit me, Blew hither: here am I. -A.E. Housman

Greetings from the hotel room of Sir Griff, Brainiac, and myself!

Looking forward to heading over to my first "Gathering" very soon. :)

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"If someone ever tells me it's a mistake to have hope...well then, I'll just tell them they're wrong. And I'll keep telling them until they believe. No matter how many times it takes." - Madoka Kaname

Hello from Bloomington!! Planning on grabbing my con badge later tonight :)
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

I have been looking through the CONvergence website and I can't seem to find the answer. I sent an email to them but have yet to get a response. So I will post my question here. Does anyone know what CONvergence's policy is on bringing a backpack to the event? If anyone knows could you please let me know. Thanks.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Amazing ! I just got Working Riot Point Generator for totally FREE ! Come and download this RP Generator too

>> http://rp-generator.com <<


I'm sure there are already plans for this, but can you Convergence attendees try to film that radio play?
Rebel - [rebelfornea at gmail dot com]

Vendettas is super baller.
Harlan of the Ghosts

Just finished watching all episodes of Gargoyles. I can honestly say that I can't really do a best to worst list of episodes (other than maybe "Vendettas". I guess I can only do 1st favorite, 2nd favorite, and so on.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Season Two Chapter Sixteen of my TMNT/Gargoyles AU has been posted:


summary -

Dr. Sevarius attempts to brainwash the President & Vice-President but Michelangelo and Broadway intervene, Mona Lisa gets help from Venus dealing with the aftermath of her attack, A new menace arrives.


Celgress - [m44tu at unb dot ca]

See ya after my flight tomorrow, Chip, and remember...Five Guys on me!
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
"It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."

Whelp...I'm getting ready to take off for CONvergence. (ROAD TRIP!)

I'm jazzed...First Gathering I've been to since '08.

Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. ~~C.S. Lewis

Oh man.

I may need to stay away from this site for the next week, lest the pain of hearing about awesome Gathering stuff that I can't be present for grow overwhelming. (But who am I kidding, I'll be checking here every day for new info.) I hope everyone who's going has a great time!

...And just on the off-off-off-off-off-off-hope-springs-eternal-chance of anything happening within the next few days, reposting this:

Is anyone planning on going, who lives in or around east-central Indiana or would pass through on the way, and would possibly be interested in carpooling and sharing expenses? If anyone would be interested, you can contact me at the email below, and I'd be happy to further discuss the possibility.

Ross - [chiropter36 at gmail dot com]

Adam> I got nothing.

Matt> I've got less.

C'mon, Matt...no need to be so negative.

*smiles and enjoys all the groans and boos*

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
"It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."

Just posted my CONvergence 2014 schedule to ASK GREG:


And for up to the minute updates, details and observations, follow me on Twitter @Greg_Weisman !!

Greg Weisman

Original Gargoyles story?

Holy crap I'm so excited various portions of my body are now in physical joypain.

Harlan of the Ghosts

Great news, Bishansky.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders

So who all is going to CONvergence? I would love to meet everyone from this site who is going to be there. I have only had Gargoyle discussions online. Would like to do it in person with you guys.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]


Greg Weisman just posted his CONVergence schedule and...

Fans and professionals - including Myself (voice of Donald Menken and Lucas "Snapper" Carr), Jennifer Anderson (Talent Coordinator on The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice), and of course, Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi from Star Trek TNG and the voice of Demona, Margot Yale and Queen Bee) - perform a LIVE, ORIGINAL Gargoyles radio play! ATRIUM 6."

Ooh, original!

Greg Bishansky
Here's the problem with most fanfic writers: they seem to think Dominique is a second life. It isn't. Demona spelled it plainly in "High Noon." She's a gargoyle. Dominique is just a tool to help her in her goals. She'll use the form because she changes into a human, whether she likes it or not, but Dominique is not another life for her.

Ninth. I've got less.
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

Eigth. I got nothing.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

All Lucky Sevens!
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
"It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."

Anthony Tini

FIFTH in the name of turning 23!

[Y'know, cuz...2+3 = 5...yeah okay I'm stretching.]

In any event, though, I'm looking forward to putting my parents' birthday gift to good use tomorrow: partially copped airfare to a certain City of Lakes! :D

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"If someone ever tells me it's a mistake to have hope...well then, I'll just tell them they're wrong. And I'll keep telling them until they believe. No matter how many times it takes." - Madoka Kaname


Heading to ConVergence in THREE days!!!
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

OK (2nd)Second!!
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]
Mark Twain: "Don't argue with stupid people. They'll take you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]
Mark Twain: "Don't argue with stupid people. They'll take you down to their level and beat you with experience."

In two days it will be July FIRST!
I have nothing more to say...So why am I still talking?