Has the clock for this site gone haywire? Brainiac's post is dated "Saturday November 29".
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders
posted @ Sun, Nov 30, 2014 7:44:44 pm EST from
A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Has the clock for this site gone haywire? Brainiac's post is dated "Saturday November 29".
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders
posted @ Sun, Nov 30, 2014 7:44:44 pm EST from
Happy Thanksgiving from Seattle.
I tried to say it during my Denver layover, but apparently bees were attacking the server at the time.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
"It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."
posted @ Sat, Nov 29, 2014 4:17:38 am EST from
Happy Thanksgiving, fellow Americans.
It's been a while since Spirits of Ash and Foam came out, but I just finished it and am looking forward to the next book in the series.
Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Fri, Nov 28, 2014 11:35:27 am EST from
Happy Thanksgiving y'all!
From far, from eve and morning, And yon twelve-winded sky, The stuff of life to knit me, Blew hither: here am I. -A.E. Housman
posted @ Fri, Nov 28, 2014 8:39:23 am EST from
Happy late Thanksgiving, everyone!
Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.
posted @ Fri, Nov 28, 2014 6:47:20 am EST from
Happy Thanksgiving.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders
posted @ Thu, Nov 27, 2014 7:05:51 pm EST from
I DID get him to endorse Fluttershy at WonderCon. Twice.
Not my fault my ex-girlfriend's phone only recorded the first second of the statement! It was still made! Made, I tell you!
Fluttershy is best pony. The Wise Man has made it clear. The great debate of our time, settled. Settled, I say!
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"If someone ever tells me it's a mistake to have hope...well then, I'll just tell them they're wrong. And I'll keep telling them until they believe. No matter how many times it takes." - Madoka Kaname
posted @ Wed, Nov 26, 2014 2:04:40 am EST from
Masterdramon your countdown reminded me of when you tried to get Greg to endorse Fluttershy at WonderCon.
From far, from eve and morning, And yon twelve-winded sky, The stuff of life to knit me, Blew hither: here am I. -A.E. Housman
posted @ Wed, Nov 26, 2014 1:00:29 am EST from
Over in the UK, they're doing a radio adaptation of "The Once and Future King", with David Warner playing Merlin. When I learned of that, it reminded me of an item that I'd seen in one of those Top Ten "Gargoyles" lists when I first discovered "Gargoyles" fandom on the Internet, which listed among various "things that will never happen on 'Gargoyles'" King Arthur discovering that the Archmage was really a crazed Merlin.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are really good finders
posted @ Mon, Nov 24, 2014 6:06:58 pm EST from
The Searcher and the Healer, The Protector, [unknown], [unknown], [unknown], [unknown], [unknown], [unknown], and [unknown]!
posted @ Mon, Nov 24, 2014 12:14:28 pm EST from
In honor of Algernon seeming somewhat different today...
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and octarine!
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
"It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."
posted @ Mon, Nov 24, 2014 9:15:20 am EST from
(7) wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony
Anthony Tini
posted @ Mon, Nov 24, 2014 9:01:29 am EST from
Darkwing Duck, Gizmoduck, Morgana Macawbwr, Neptunia, Stegmutt... And Quiver Quack!
Lets get dangerous.
posted @ Mon, Nov 24, 2014 7:36:02 am EST from
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]
Mark Twain: "Don't argue with stupid people. They'll take you down to their level and beat you with experience."
posted @ Mon, Nov 24, 2014 6:40:34 am EST from
War, Death, Fury, Strife
Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]
watch my Demona AMV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNGrg5Wm12E
posted @ Mon, Nov 24, 2014 1:19:08 am EST from
Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo!
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"If someone ever tells me it's a mistake to have hope...well then, I'll just tell them they're wrong. And I'll keep telling them until they believe. No matter how many times it takes." - Madoka Kaname
posted @ Mon, Nov 24, 2014 1:11:32 am EST from
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka
posted @ Mon, Nov 24, 2014 12:25:56 am EST from
ONE! (I can't think of anything for a theme)
From far, from eve and morning, And yon twelve-winded sky, The stuff of life to knit me, Blew hither: here am I. -A.E. Housman
posted @ Mon, Nov 24, 2014 12:02:12 am EST from